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T M * NEW EKTERTIIKlNo Frifkv Sono-fter; j O J \ * » \ j MUSES HOLIDAY. BEING A COLLECTION OF FAVOURITE Englifh, Scots, and Irifh jSongs, Catches, &c. C O N T A I N r N G The beft of thofe which have been furag at the public Places of Amufcment from the Year 1700 down to the prefent Time, and inter- ♦ fperfW with fevcraJ Originals. L. 0 ,V D 0 N-: Printed for R. B a l w j n , J. Haw s, T.TA m o n, and J.^avik-
THE NEWENTERTAIN1NG FRISKY SONGSTER; O Rt MUSES H 9 L I D A Y. A Favourite Somg. Written by Dr. Pircy. Naacy, wilt thou go with me, Nor figh to leave the flaunting town ? Can file at glens have charms for thcet The lowly cot and rutfet gown ? No longer dreft in filken fheen. No Ion get1 deck'd with jewels rare, Say* can ft thou quit each courtly fcene, Where thou wert faireft of the fair * O Nancy ! when ihouVt far away, Wilt thoa not caft a with behind ? Say, canft thou face the parching ray, Nor fhrink before the wintry wind ? © can that foft and gentle mien Extremes of hjardlhip learn to bear, Kor, fad, regret each courtly fcene, Where thou wert faired of the f^ir ? A 2
4 * SONGSTER.- O Nancy ! canfl thou love fo true, Thro' perils keen with me to jto ; Or when thy Twain mifhap fhaJl rue^* To fhare with him the pang of woe ? Say, Ihouid difeafe or pain befal, "' Wilt thou afTume the nurfe's care; Nor, wififul, thofe gay fcenes recal Where thou vrert fa ire ft of the fair ? And v. hen at laft thy fove ftiall die, Wilt thou receive his parting- breath- ? V/iJt thou reprefs each iiruggling figh, And chear with frailes the bed of death ? And wilt thou o'er his breathicfc clay Strew flowers, and drop the tender tear £ Nor then regret thofe fcenes fo gay* Where thoa were faiFeft of chafair ? i V. A R r E T V IS CBARMIKG* J. 'M in love with twenty I'm in love with twenty,. And could adore As many more, * * ____ For nothing's like a plenty. Variety is charming, Variety is. charming, And conftancy . Is not for me, So ladies you have warning*. 4 j
s He chat has but one love, 'Looks as poor As any boor, Or like a man with one glove. Variety > &c. Not the fine regalia Of eaftern ki-ngs, The poet rings, But oh! the.fine feraglio.. Variety, &c. Girls grow old and ugly. And can't infpire The fame defire, As when they're young and fmugly*- Variety, &c# Why has Cupid pinions ; If not to fly Through all the fky, And fee his favourite minions. • Variety, &c. r Love was born of beauty, And when, fhe goes, The urchin knows, To follow is his duty; Variety; Sec. A3 .
SONGSTER. A Hustinc Song* Sung by Mr. "Barnshaw at the Grotto GaudiWv The words by* Mr. Bovce. Set- by Mr-.Brewster, JL HEfprigluly hornawa'kes the morn. Arid bids the hunter rife ; The opening houndj returns the found, And eccho fills the ikies ; And eccho fills the ikies* See ruddy health, more dear than wealth?. On yond* blue mountain's brow % The neighing ileed, invokes our fpeed, And reynard trembles now ; The neighing Heed, invokes-our fpeed, And reynard trembles now. In ancient days, as (lory fays, jFn~e wrrotrs- our -fathers fought;. The ruftic race ador'd the chace, And hunted as they fought. Come let's away, make no delay, Enjoy the foreft's charms ; The a o'er the bowl, erpand the fbu2». And reft in Cloe's arras*. h m
S O N G S T E &'..
T Sung by Mr. Su-ett at the Grotto Garden. Mufic by Mr. Brewster. X~3lS to'thsr day young Daaaoa came^ " Where Cloe- fat demure, He fi<*h'd and c'az'd to own his flame,. For love had itruck him fare. His aukward inein. axxiaz'd the fair,. Which he, no doubt, ieem'd ihy at, And when he prais'd her ihape and air,. She anfwer'd, fwain, be quiet, be quiet;,, She anfwer'dj Twain, be quiet. My dear, he cry'd, O be not coy,:. Nor deem my meaning rude, • L*et love like mine thy miud employ*. True love can ne'er intrude. Her hand he then afTay'd to kifs, Which, fi owning, fhe cry'd, fie at,. And when he ftruggled for the bliis, 'Twas be a little quiet- The fwain perceiv'd her altcr'd tone., And boldly grnfp'd her hand, The nymph was fore'd to own tliQ flame,.. And join'd in flymen's band, Alas ! how changed each wedded pair I. The power of words they try at, Now Damon has not one to fp ar e,. But pray, dear wife, be quiet-.
S ■' SONGSTER. F I S.ung by Mr Dunstall, in Love in a Village.- _/~$i Plague of thofe wenches 1 they make fuch a; pother, When once they have let a man have his will ; They're always a whining for fomething or other^. And cry, he's unkind in his carriage. What tho'f he fpeak 'em ne'er fo fairly, Still they keep teazing, teazing on, You cannot perfuade 'em, 'Till promife you've made'em ; And. after the've got it. They'll tell you------ad rot 1% ! Their character's blafted, they're ruin'd, undone 5. And then, to be fure, fir, There is but one cure, fir, And all their difcourfe rs of marriage* A TAV OURITE SONG. i\_£ Y~Nancy quits the rural plain,. And kindly i'eeks her faithful fwain, Who, 'midft.the din of war's alarms, His much-lov'd country calls to arms.- Of old, when heroes fally'd forth, To refcue innocence and worth, The fair one's image in thelieart, Could vigour to- their nerves impart; -
SONGSTER.' <? Then what fuperior laurels, now, Muft grace the happy foldier's brow j Bleii with her prefence in the field, To whom alone his heart can yield ! THE C A M r-M E J> L 8 *• T H E lark-was up, the grey> The drum had beat a revcUy, And jolly foldiers on th.s ground, In peaceful camp flept faie and founds. OnJy one poor foidier, who, Nought but love could e'er fuhdue* Wander'd to. a neighboring grove, There to vent his plaints of lave. For women are whimfical, changeable things, Their fweets, like the bee's, axe mingled with ftingsj: They're not to be got without toiIr care and colt* They're hard to be won and are eafily loft., In feeking a fair-one, I found, to nay fmart,. I know not the way, but I loft my own heart- Ah ! haplefs, haplefs day, That e'er I faw fair Biddy ; My heart fhe dole away, My head fiie turn'd quite giddy,. The world may laugh and flare* 'Tis truly ftrange to fee, A lover fo fincere, A fwain admir'd like me*. ■ /
ia SONGSTER. She's graceful, tall and /lender, She's brighter than the fun; Her looks are foft and tender, But oh I Iier heart's of (lone : Nor tears, nor fighs can move her ; My bleeding heart ihe fees, She knows too well I love her, In vain I ftrive to pleafe. Too vainly once I thought To gain the lovely charmer, And every method fought, In hopes to win and warm her >. But all my hopes are over I What charms then can I try ?. But, like a haplcfs lover, ' I'll fet me down and die. As on the ground he lay, Minerva came that way, In armour bright and gay, And thus to him did fay : ■. m Rife, foldier, rife, ____
1 The drum has beat to arms,, Hark to her loud alarms ! * - .-• Hang her beauty, Mind your duty, Think not of her charms. Rife, foldier, rife, VII take you hy the hanxK,, *
s o n'g s t e r. n J And I'll lead you thro' the land ; I'll give you the command Of a well chofen band. Don't be flupid, Drive away Cupid, Foliow Minerva's wife advice- Soldier, go home, go home, Nor mind your miftrefs's fcorn ; Slight, flight her again ; For flighted vows fhould flight return." The foldier thus rouz'd from his amorous floth, Hailed away to his duty ; Swore to Minerva a terrible oath, HeM never more' think of her beauty. Batchelor bluff, batchelor bluff; Heigh for a heart that is rugged and tough- He that is fingle can never wear horns ; He that is fingle is happy ; He that is married lies upon thorns, And always is ragged and fhabby* Batchelor bluff, See. * He-that is fingle, he fears not the rout, Nothing can to him be fweeter ; He has no wife that can wimper and pout, Or cry, Can you leave me, dear creature. Batchelor bluff, &c. . Ye belles and flirts, fo fmart and fair,- Say, are not fdldiers formed for love ?
12 SONGSTER.. For you fhall find them all fincere, Would you but kind and conftant prove : But if you flight their paffian ftill, And tyrranifc o'er hearts fo true, Depend upon't they'll all rebel, And will not care one fig for you. Ah ! hold your foolifii tongue A little laughing Cupid laid, Have you not heard it fung, That confiancy will win .a maid ? And what on earth would ever prove Superior to the joys of love! Let wifdon* preach in fchools, For what has fhe with love to do j We go not by fuch rules : Unbounded pleafur^ .e purfue ; On rofy wine our fancies fly ; We ev'ry worldly care defy. Let Mars in council boaft, Of refolution, ftrength, and art ; Love comes without a hoftj And Heals away the foldier's heart : Love breaks the bow, the fword and fpear, And turns the angry face of war. E'en mighty Jove above Hath been by Cupid's pow'r o'ercome ; There's none can conquer love, Tho' arm'd with fword and fpear, or gun. Then ground your arms, ye fons of war 5 None can refill the Britifh fair.
SONGSTER. 13 A TOUCH OH THE TIMES. Written by James Wordale, E^l* V^'OME liften,. and laugh at the times, Since folly was never fo'ripe ; For ev'ry man laughs at thofe rhimes That give his own follies a wipe : We lire in a kind of difguife ; We flatter, we lye^ and protefl, While each of us artfully tries On others to fallen the jeft. The virgin, when firft fhe is woo'd, Returns ev'ry figh with difdain ; And while by her Jover pvxrfu'd, Can laugh at his folly and pain : But when from her innocence won, And doom'd for her virtue to mourn, When, (he finds herfelf loft, and undone, He laughs (tho' unjuft) ia his turn. F The fools, who at law do contend, Can laugh at each other's' diftrefs, And while the dire fuit does depend, Ne'er think how their fubftance grows lc£s; 4
_ i4 SONGSTER. Till hamper'd by tedious expence, Altho7 to compound they are loth, They'll find, when reftoe'dto their fenfe, *- The lawyers fit laughing at both. But while we perceive it the fafhion For each fool to laugh at the other, Let us drive, with a geh'rous companion, To correct, not contemn, one another. We all have fome follies to hide, I Which, known, would di(hohour the bed ; And life, when 'tis thoroughly try'd, Like friendfhip, will feem but a jeft« m Written by Mr. Shenstohk.
| VV HEN forcM from dear Hebe to go, \ What anguifh I felt at my heart! j And I thought—but it might not be fo ■ j She was forry to fee me depart.
j She cad fuch a languishing view,
8 My path I could fcarcely difcern ;
j And fo fweetiy {he bade me adieu, j I thought the had bade me return. \ | Methinks fhe might like to retire .
j To the grove I had labour'd to rear;
I For whatever'I heard her admire, i I I haded, and planted it there.
SO N G S TER, 15 Her voice fuch a pleafure conveys, So much I her~accents adore, Let her fpeak, and whatever' flie fays, I'm fure Hill to love her the more* w And now, ere I hafte to the plain, Come, ihepherds, and tell of her ways ; i I could lay' down my life for the fwain Who would fing me a fong in her praife. While he tings, may the maids of the town Come flocking, and liften the while ; Nor on him let Hebe once frown, Tho' I cannot allow her to fraile. To fee when my charmer goes bjf Some, hermit peeps out of his cell ; How he thinks of his youth with a figb. J How fondly he wiflies her well ! On him fhe may fmile, if ihe pleafe, - It will .warm- the cool bofom of age Yet ceafe, gentle Hebe, O ceafe, Such foftnefs will ruin the fage. ■ I've dole from no flow'rets that grow, To deck the dear charms I approve ; For what can a bloflbm beftow, So fweet, fo delightful as love J ■ j . *
^ 1 -
F 16 S d N G S TER; r I fing in a radical wajr^ A ttzepherd, and bhc of the throng ; Yet Hebe approves bf tirjr lay: Go, poets, aild envy hiy forig; .^^^■^h. _^^^^^h_ -^a^^^h. _^^^^^^. j^^^^k. ^"•^^^^^k?' ^^^^^K_ .^^^P^K_
^^^^^^^» ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^. ^^^^^^-^ ^^tfHP^^L ^^BA^L _^^BflflE
*^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^k.^^^^H^^^k THX KrrOlTS OF LOVE AND MUSIC. rp X H E morning op'd fmihng, all nature was gay, , ., . And Flora had chequer'd the grove ; The thrufh and the linnet were heard on the {pray, Attuning their voices to love. Young Damon, well pleased, in a woodbine retreat. To Phillis unbofoin'd his mind ; But his pa {Hon in vain did the fhejpherd repeat* With coolnefs his fuit me declin'd. ■ In murmurs foft mufic now glides thro' the air, To harmony wakens the vale $ —
w The nymph caught the found, when her raptures declare Full hopes of fuccefs to his tale. i Exulting^ thus Damon his wiihes exprefs'd— Thofe notes breathing love's gentle ffre. Speaking joy to Alexis, with Sylvia blefs'd. And lose, ail their virtues infpire ;
SO NG'STE K. 17 O ceafe, then, my dear eft, to treat with difdain An heart fway'd by virtue and lore, But hafte to yon fane at the top of the plain* And Hymen's mild influence prove- m Thus mufic and love were too much for the fair 5 In vain fhe l>er willies would hide ; Her blufbes the ilate of her bofom declare, And Damon could not be deny*d. THE CROSS-TURPOSES. Sung, at Ranblagh. JL O M loves Mary palling well, And Mary fhe loves Harry ; But Harry figLs for bonny Bell, And finds his love mifcarry ; For bonny Bell for Thomas burns, Whilft Mary flights hispaffion: So ftrangely freakifh are the turns Of human inclination; Moll gave Hal a wreath of flbw'rs, Which he, in am'rous folly, ConfignM to Bell* and in few hours It came again to Molly : \ . B 3 1 \ \ ¥ I I. 4 V
i g songster: Thus all by turns are woo'd and wocv. 3 No turtles can be truer ; Each loves the object they purfue^ But hates the kind purfuer. As->much as Mary Thomas grieves* Proud Hal defpifes Mary ;. And all the flouts which Bell receives: From Tom, fhe vents on Harry. If one of all the four has frown'd, You ne'er faw people grummer ; If one has fmil'd, it catches round, "J And all are in gdoH-hum'bur* Then, lovers, hence this le/Ton learn,. Throughout the Britifh nation; How much 'tis e'v'ry one's concern To fmile at reformation. And ftill, thro' life, this rule purfuev 4 i Whatever objedls ftfike you, Be kind to them'that'fancy you, That thofe you love, may like you.. Suasrat Frxe-Masons H'all* A S S I S T me, ye fair tuneful hihe> Euphrofyne grant me thy aid ; Whilft the honours I fing of the trine, Prefide o'er my numbers, blythc maid. *
SONGSTER* i9. Ccafe clamorous faction, oh ceafe I Fly hence all ye cynical train; X>ifturb not,, difiurb not the Lodge's fweet peace,. Where fllence and fecrefy reign. Religion untainted here dwells, Here the morals of Athens are taught ; Great Hiram's-tradition here tells How the world out of chaos was brought. With fervency, freedom, aud zeal, Our matter's commands we obey ; No cowan, no cowan our fccrets can (leal, No babler our myft'ries betray. Here wifdom her ftahdard di'fplays ; Here nobly the fcicnces fhine; Here the temple's vaft column we raife. And finifh a work that's divine. Ulum'd from the eaft with pure light, Here the arts do their bleffings beftow, And all perfect, all perfect unfold to the fight,- What none but a mafon can know. If on earth any p'raife can be found, Any virtue unnam'd in my fong,
• Any grace in the nniverfe round, May- tfaefc to a mafon belong ;
to SONGSTER- May each brother his paffions fabdue, Prac?ife chanty, concord, and love, And be hail'd, and be hail'd by the thrice happy few Who prefide in the grand Lodge above. Sung in the Jubileb* B EHOLD this fair goblet, 'twas earv'd from the tree % Which, oh I my fweet Shakelpeare, was planted by thee ; As a relic I kifs it, and bow at thy fhrine ; What comes from thy hand mull be ever divine. AH ihail yield to the mulberry-tree; Bend to thee, Blefs'd mulberry ;, Matchlefs was he, . That planted thee, And thou, like him, immortal Ihalt be." Ye trees of the foreft, fo rampant and high, Who fpread round your branches, whofe heads fweep the fky; Ye curious exotics whom tafte has brought here, To root out the natives at prices fo dear : All fhall yield/&c.
SbNGSf ER. *t TfiebakisKfeidroyilsisBritai^sgredtboaft; . Prefcrv*d once our kihgi and wilt always dur coafif: Of the fir we make fhips ; that thoufands that fight» But one, only one, like our Shakefpeare can write. All fhall yield, &c. Let Venus delight in her gay myrtle bowers, . Pomona in fruit-trees, and Flora in flowers ; ____ j
_ The garden of Shakefpeare all fancies will fuit, With the fweeteft of fiow'rs, and the faireft o£ fruit. All fhall yield, &c» With learning and knowledge t,ne well-letter'ct birch Supplies law and phyfic, and grace for the church. But law and the gofpel in Shakefpeare we find, He gives the beft phyfic for body and mind. All fhall yield, &c. The fame of the patron gives fame to the tree ;. From him and his merits this takes its degree ; Give Phcebus and Bacchus their laurel and vine,, • The tree of our Shakefpeare is ftill more divine. All fhall yield, &c. F As the genius of Shakefpeare butfturies the bright day, More rapture than wine to the heart can comYey;. * ■ ■ F S
22 SONGSTER. So the tree which he planted, by making his own, Has the laurel and bays, and the vine, all in one, Ail fa all yield, Sec. Then each take a relic of this hollow tree, From folly and fafhron a charm let it be ; Let's fill to the planter the cup to the brim, To honour your country, do honour to him. All fball yield, &c. THE BROOM OF CO W DENKNOW S. " H O W blithe was I each morn to fee- My Twain come o'er the hill ! He leap'd the brook, and Sew to me : I met him with good will. I neither wanted ewe, nor lamb, While his flocks near me lay : He gather'd in my fheep at night, And chear'd me all the day. Oh I the broom, the bonny bonny broom, Where loft was my repofe ; J wifh I was with my dear fwain, With his pipe and my ewes- \ \ 4
SONGSTER. 23 He tun'd his pipe and reed €o fweet, The birds flood litt'ning by : The fleecy flock ftood ftill and gaz'd, Charm'd with his melody : While thus we fpent cur time, by turns, Betwixt our flocks and play, I envy'd not the faireft dame, Tho* e'er fo rich and gay. O the broom, &c- He did oblige me ev'ry hour, Could I but faithful be ? He ftole my heart ; cou'd I refufe, Whate'er he ask'd of me ? Hard fate ! that I muft banifh'd be, Gang heaTiJy and mourn, Becaufe I lov'd the kindeft fwaia That ever yet was born. O the broom, &c. HLIT H~E COLIN. Written by Mr. Hawkihs. Sung at Ranblagh. iJY the fide of the fweet river Tay, Or elfe on the banks of the Tweed, m Young Colin he whittles all day, Or merrily pipes on his reed. ±
*_4 SPKPSTER. His mind is a ftranger to cafe, For he is blithe, bonny, and frw ; At harveft, at wake, .and at fair. No {Wain is To chearful as he. At eve, when we dance on £he green. How fprightly he joins in jtjbe throng; So pleafirig his air and his mien, So gaily he trips it along! The iaiTes his manners adore, And ftrive his affections to gain; When abfent, for him they deplore, All Ugh for the imiles of the fwain» But I am the girl to his mind* He chofe mc above alJ the reft, And vows that to me he'll be kind, With me he will ever be bleft. The maidens all envy my blifs, And tell me. I'm funple and vain ; Yet I'm not dtfpleafecf at this, Nor heed their contempt and difdain* i
SONGSTER. 25 Cupid's Recrviting Sergeant. A Cantata. Sung by Mr. Verxon, atVAuxHALt. Mufic by Mr, Potter. Recitative. JC R O M Paphos ifle, fo fam'd of old, T come, To raife recruits with merry fife and drum ; The queen of beauty here by me invites, Each nymph and fwain to tafte of fweet delights • Obey the call, and feek the happy land, Where captain Cupid bears the fole command. 1 * w Air. Ye nymphs and ye fwains who are youthful and gay, Attend to the call and be bleft while you may ; Lads and lafTes hither come, To the found of the drum, ■ I have treafure in ftore which you never have feen ; Then hafte, let us rove, * m To the ifland of love, Where Cupid is captain, and Venus is queen. Each nymph of fixteen who would fain be a wife, Shall foon have a partner to blefs her for life ; Then laffes hither come, To the found of the drum, I have fvveethearts in (lore fuch as never were feen ■* C * ■ w % .■
26 SONGSTER. Halle, hafte let us rove, Ta the ifland of Jove, Where Cupid is captain, and Venus is queen. + Would a Twain but be bleft with a nymph to his mind, Let him enter ray lifl, and his wifti he fliall fin-d ; • I can blefs him for life, With a kind loving wife. More beamiful far, than was nymph ever feen : Then hafte let us rove To the ifland of love, Where Cupid is captain, and Venus is queen. In Paphos, we know of no.difcord nor ftrife, Each nymph and each fwain may be happy for life; In tranfport and joy, We each moment employ, And tafte fuch delights as were never yet feen ; Then halte, let us rove To the ifland of love, Where Cupid is captain, and Venus is queen- T m_m I P
^J - - - S O N G S T' E R. 27 L A FAVOURITE SONG, Sung by Mrs. Smith, in the D-efertcr. OOM£ how my Spindle I miflaid, And loft it underneath the grafs ; Damon advancing, bow'd his head, Andfaid, what feck you pretty lafs ? A little love when urg'd with care, Oft leads a heart, and leads it far, Oft leads a hearr, Sec. 'Twas pafllng by yon fpreadlng oak, That I my fpindle loft juft now ; His knife then kindly Damon took, And from the tree he cut a bough ; A little love when ursr'd with care, Will lead a heart, and lead-it far, A little love, &c. Thus did the youth his time employ, While me he tenderly beheld ; He talk'd of love, I leapt for joy, For ah, my heart did fondly yield : A little love when ur'g'd with carej Will lead a heart, and lead it far,. A little love, &c. C 2. \ I. F
23 SONGSTER. 1'. .■ SWEET ROBIN. O A Y, little foolifh flutt'ring thing, Whither, ah ! whither would you wing Your airy flight j Stay here, and fing, Your miftrefs to delight.. No, no, no, Sweet Robin, you fhall not go : Where, you wanton, could you be, Half fo happy as with me. rl - A FAVOURITE SONG. O H ! how fhall I, in language weak, My ardent paflion tell, Or from my fault'ring tongue to fpeak, That cruel word, farewell; Farewell—but know, though thus we partx My thoughts can never ftray : Go where I will my conftant heart " Muft with my charmer (lay. h. h W h-
SONGSTER. 29 D E I L, TAK'thE WARS. D EI L tak' the wars that hurried Billy frorii me*
^ Who to love me jufl: had fworn ; They made him captain fure to undo me ; Woe's me he'll ne'er return. A thoufand loons abroad will Hghc him. He from thoufands ne'er will run, Day and night I did invite him, To flay at home from fword and gun. I us?d alluring graces, h h With muckle kind embraces, "Now fighing, then crying, tears dropping fill ; And had he my foft arms Preferred to wars alarms, My love growing mad, all for my bonny lad, I. fear in my fit I had granted all. I'wafh'd and I patch'd, to mak' me look provok- ing. Snares that they told me would catch the men,. And oa my head a huge commode fat poking, Which made me fhew as tall aojain ; For a new gown too I paid muckle money, Which with golden flow'rs did fhine ; My love weil might think me gay and bonny^. No Scots lafs was e'er fo fine, C 3
3o S O N G S T E R, My petticoat I fpotted, Fringe too with thread I knotted, L.ace (hoes, and filk hofe, garter full over knee ;. But oh ! the fatal thought, To Billy thefe are nought ; Who rode to towns, and rifled with dragoons, When he, filly loon, might have plundered me* BONNY LASS LYE IN A BARRACK. O Bonny lafs will you lye in a Barrack,: And marry a foger, and carry his wallet ? Y^s, I will go and think no more on it, I'll marry my Harry and carry his wallet: . I'll neither afk leave of my minnie or daddie? But off and away with my fogcr laddie- O. bonny lafs will you go a campaigning, Will you fufFer the hardfhips of battle and famine, When fainting and bleeding, O cou'd you draw near me, And kindly fupport me, and tenderly chear me ? O yes I will go, though thefe evils you mention, And twenty times more if you had the invention; Keither hunger, nor cold, nor danger alarms me, While I have my foger, my deareftj to charm me. F
S ON G S T E R. 3X SWEET WILLY, O JL H E pride of all nature was fweet Willy O^, The pride of all nature was fweet Willy O ; Thefirft of all fwains, He gladden'd the plains, None ever, was like to the fweet Willy O- He fung it fo rarely did fweet Willy O, He fung it, &c. He melted each maid, Sofkilful he play'd, No ihepherd e'er pip'd like the fweet Willy O-: All nature obeyed him the fweet Willy O, All nature, &c. Where ever he came, Whate'er had a name, Whenever he fung follow'd fweet Willy OU* He would be a foldier the fwaet Willy O,. Hs would, &,c» When arm'd in the field . With fword and with fhield, The laurel was won by the fweet Willy O. He charm'd them while living the fweet Willy O,. He charm'd, &c.
m 33 " ' ' SO NTG"S T E R.. And when Willy dy'd, 'Twas nature that figh'd, To part with her all in the fweet Willy O. \ A FAVOURITE SONG. T H E lark's flirill notes awake the morn, The breezes wave the ripen'd corn ; The yellow karveft, free from fpoil, Rewards the happy farmer's toil ; The Mowing bowl fucceeds the flail, O'er, which.he tells the jocund tale. A FAVOURITE SONG, By Df. Arne. JL lU-SH, ye birds, your am'rous tales ! Purling rills, in filence move ! Softly breathe, ye gentle gales ! Left ye wake my flumb'ring love. O, the joy beyond expreffion, That inchanting form to own ! - Then, to hear the foft confeffion, That her heart is mine alone I*
F SONGSTER. * ■ 3j, i v iULD ROBIN GKEY, W HEN the fteep are in the fauld, and tho- ky at harxie, And a' the warld to -fleep are gane ; The waes of my heart fa's in fhow'rs frae my ee,. When my gudeman lyes found-by me, Young Jemmy Ioo'd me well, and he fought me for his bride, But faying a crown he had nathing befide ; To mak' that crown a pund, my Jemmy gade to. Tea, ■And the crown and the pund were baith for me- He had nae been awa* a week but only twa, When my micher fhe fell fick, and the- cow was floun awa* ; My father brak* his arm, and my Jemmy at the fea, And auld Robin Grey came a courting me. My father coudna* work, and my tnither coudna* fpin, 1 toll'd day and night, but their bread I coudna win ; Auld Rob maintain* d them baith, and wi* tears isti his ee, Said, Jenny for their fakes, O marry, rae. ■m. h 4
34 'SONGSTER. My heart it faid nay, I look'd for Jemmy back;. £. But the wind it blew high, and the ihip it was a wreck, The fhip it was a wreck, why didna Jemmy die ? And why do I live to fay waes me ? Auld Robin*argued fair, tfio' my roither didna fpeak, She Iook'd in my face till my heart was like to break, ' So they gt'ed him my hand, tho' my heart was in the fea, And auld Robin Grey is gudeman to me. .■ h I hadna1 been a wife a week but only four, When fitting fae mournfully at the door, I faw nay Jemmy's wreath, for I coudna think it he*. 3TilI he faid, I'm come back for to marry thee. 0 fair did we greet, and nauckle did we fay ; We took but ae kifs, and we tore ourfels away :. I Willi I were dead ! but I'm no like to die, And why do I live to fay waes me ? 1 gang like a ghaift, and carena to fpin ; I darena think on Jemmy, for that'wou'd be a fin j; But I'll do my beft a gude wife to be, Jor avild Robin Grey is kind, unto me*. P ^ > F i—^ ■■ ■" \ \ * *
SONGSTER. 35 Theresolve-
^ * Sung b); Mifs Dowson, at the Grotto Gardens. Set to Mafic by Mr. Bates. M Y father and mother far ever they chide, Becaufe I young Colin approve : Tho' witty and manly, they him can't abide, But I'm alone guided by love. My father, I warrant, when at Colin's age, No doubt but purfu'd the fame plan ; My mother, 'tis certain, took care to engage At once to make fure of her man. And why fhorild not I the fame maxim purfue ; I wonder lbe angry can be, When I in my turnvthe fame thing but do, As fhe has long done before me, But flrft when the fhepherd my favour addrefs'd, Liike others I threw o'er a veil, He'd figh, and he'd kifs, when fo clofely he prefs'd, I cou'd not but hear his fond tale, I candidly own, whene'er the youth's by, I've all 1 can with in my view ; Nor will I, like other coy maids, pifii and fie, The deuce fliall take me if I do- Cool ftr£ams to the heart, nor flow'rs to the bee, v Such pleafure they each cannot gain, As Cplin's lov'd prefence is always to1 me, For fure he's the pride of the plain. H L
3S SONGSTER. And tho' he fhould (hpw all the arcs of his fex, Or faithlefs as others might prove, It wou'd not my mind by half fo perplex, But knowing none elfe worth my love- That thought I wili banifii, lay fifty to tea The licence he- foon will procure ; Perhaps you will fay, well and prithee, what then, I'll wed him, my dear,, to be fure. * A N E V S O N G : Addrefs'd to Mifs S. P— tt--n> ■ By a Y O U T H. JC AI R's my Sally as the day, Brighter than the blooming May ; Cupid revels in her eyes ; On her lips rich nectar lies. When £he moves, 'tis Juno walks ; When fhe fpeaks, Minerva talks ; When (he fmgs, th' angelic Itrain Might aiTwage the fierceft pain. ____ \ OafpM within her fnowy arms, Blefs'd with all her world of charms; Let me, thus enthron'd, expire* Gods f cis all that I defire. I r
f SONGSTER, 37 Sang at V a u x. h a l l. Ii)Y the fide of a flreamr-at the foot of a hill, I met with, young Phebe who lives at the mill, My heart leapt at io .pleafmg.a fight, For Phebe, I vo\v9 is my only delight. I told her ray love, and fat down by her fide, And /"wore the next morning I'd make her my bride, In. anger fhe faid, Get you out of my fight, And go to your Phrllis ; you met her Iaft night. Surpriz'd, I reply'd^Pray, explain what you mean, I never, I vow, with young Phillis was feen, Nor can I conceive what my Phebe is at, Oh ! can't you, fhe cry'd, well I love you for that. * Say, did you not meet her Iaft night on this fpot ? 0 Colin, O Colin, you can't have forgot; 1 heard the whole ftory this morning from Mat, You Hill may deny it, I love you for that- _____
b Tis falfe, I reply'd, deareft Phebe believe, For Mat is a rover, and means to deceive; You very well know he has ruin'd young Pat, And furely my. charmer mull hate him for that. D ■ 1 *+ i 1
33 SONGSTER Come, come then, fhe cry'd, if you mean to be kind, I'll own 'twas to know $e true flats of your mind; Tranfported I khVd her, fhe gave me a pat, I made her my wife, and fhe loves me for that. + ■Hi THE CHARMS OF THE XOTTLE. V ' I E mortals whom trouble and forrow attend, Whofe life is a feries of pain without end, For ever deprived of hope's all-chearing ray, Ne'er know .what it is to be happy a day. . Obey the glad fummons, the bell-bar invites, I>rink deep, and I warrant it fets you to rights. When poverty enters, an unwelcome gueft, By hard-hearted duns too continually preft, When brats begin crying and fqualling for bread, * And wife's never iilent till faft in her bed, Obey the glad fummons, &c. Did Neptune's fait element run with frefh wine, .-Tiio' all Europe's powers together combine, - Our brave Sritifh failors need ne'er care a jot, . * Surrounded by plenty of fuch rare grape Ihot. Obey ihe glad fumn)ons,~ficc. ■. \
SONGSTER. 3i) Was each dull, pedantical, tezt-fpinning vicar To leave oIF dry preaching, and (lick to his liquor, O how would he wifh for that power divine, To change, when he would, fimple water to wind Obey the glad fummons, &c. If wine, then, can miracles work, fach as thefe, And give to the troubled mind comfort and ear°, Dcfpair not that bleffing in Bacchus you'll find, Who (howers his gifts for the pood of mankind. Obey the glad fummons, the bar-bell invites ; Drink deep, and I warrant it fets you to rights. ■. -i. achilles and patp.cclus. a cantata* Recitative. VV HEN ft em Achilles left the Grecian band, And orders gave to feek his native land ; Juft as the naval fleet prepar'd to go, Patroclus ftrove Achilles's grief to-know. Whence comes that figh-------why heaves thy manly breaft, What fiend invidious'robs my friend of reft ?: D z. 4
4o SONGSTER. Divine Achilles, let Patroclus know,. For friends fhould always fbare in private woe ? Enough, Achilles faid—raoft noble youth, From thee, alas 1 who can conceal the truth? A i p.. Know then, my friend, ungrateful Greece This day demands my Brifeis fair; And I, alas I no more ihall ceafe To be immers'd in endlefs care- But mark, ye gods, ihould Keclor carnage fpread> Unmov'd Achilles will fmile o'er the dead.
^ Recitative.. Patroclus Iieard; while tears half drown'd his eyes; A>nd could you fee your country bleed r he cries ; Could you, relentlefs to the prayers of all, See Hector triumph in the Grecian's fall 1 Behold ! they fly — to parly is difgrace ; ' Lend me your armour^ I'll the danger face t, Hector himfelf will be alarm'd with fears, When in the front thy blazing creft appears,. Achilles like, I'll fee my country freed, Or bravely in the glorious combat bleed.. A i r. Omnipotent Jove, And ye pow'rs a^oYe?
S O N & STE R~ 4? From dangers great Achilles fliield* While I undifmay'd, In his armour array'd, Seek peril and death in the field. . Adieu then, my friend, Til lirtve to defend Thofe princes Achilles did fhield : Oh ! may £, like you, Great-Hector fubdue, Or breathlefs be Itrecch'd en the field. Recitative.
^ Alternate griefs Achilles* bofom rend, He fcarce can fay, Farewell, adieu, ray friend. Patroclus clad in godlike armour bright, Each Trojan trembles at the boding fight. The fight began ; but oh! the fates decreed Patroclus for ungrateful Greece fhould bleed ; He herald could difclofe What caufe Achilles had for inward woes, The godlike warrior the fad tidings guefs'd, And thus thcanguifh of his foul e'xprefs'd; A I R. My friend, I conceive by the afpeft you wear, Your mefFage my peace may deftroy ; But Achilles is proof againft forrow and care, And never again will know joy. D.3 1
42 S..O N G S T E R. If Patroclus is dead, oh ! ye powers divine* - The hand that depriv'd him of breath, .Let h feel, in return, the vengeance of mine, And death be aton'd for in death. Once more in the Held, cruel Hector fhall find Achilles his valour will try ; Achilles will prove him, no fkulking-behind Shall enable the traitor to fly. Then grant, potent Jove, fince Patroclus is flain^. This arm may the wretch's blood fpill ; When revenge is corapleat, on yon hoftile plain5, Do with'me, great Jove, what you will. THE BUSH A B O O N T R A QJU AIR. H EAR me, ye nymphs, and ev'ry Twain.*, I'll teJl how Peggy grieves me, Tho' thus I languilh, thus complain,. Alas 1 fhe ne'er believes me. My vows and fighs, like filent air, Unheeded, never move her; At the bonny bufli.aboon Traquuir, 'Twas there I firft did love her, That day fhe' fmil'd, and gladj, No maid feem'd ever kinder ; 4
^ 4
SONG ST. El. 4?. # I: thought myfelf the. luckieft lad, So fweetly there to find her. I. try'd to footh my am'rous flame,
* In words that I thoug-ht tender ; If more there pafs'd, I'm. not to blame? ■ I meant not to offend her- Yet now {he fcornful flees the plain,. The fields we then frequented ; . If e'er we meetfhe fhews difdain. She looks as ne'er acauainted. The bonny bum bloom'd.fair in May,. It's fweets I'll ay remember ; But now her frowns make it decay, It fades as in December. Ye rural powers, who hear my (trains?. Why thus fhould Feggy grieve me ?. Oh! make her partner in my pains, Then let her fmiles relieve me. If not, my love will turn defpair, . My pafiion no more tender, I'll leave the bufh aboon.Traquair*. To lonely wilds I'll wander* F 4 4 F k. \ ■Hi K
* h
44: SONGSTE R. B' O N N Y C »' R. I 5 T V. H O W 'fweetiy fraeljs the firaraer green ! Sweet tafte the peach an'd cherry ; Painting and order pleafe our een, And claret makes us merry : But fineft colours, fruits and flowers, And,wine, tho' I be thirfty, Lofs a' their charihs and weaiker powers, Compar'd with thofe of Chrifty. When wand'riug o'er the flow'ry park* . No nat'ral beauty wanting, How Iightfome is't to hear the lark. And birds in concert chanting ; But if my Chrifty tunes her voice, I'm rapt in admiration : My thoughts with extafies rejoice,
^ And drap the hale creation. h Whene'er fhe fmiies a kindly glance^ I take the happy omen, And aften mint to make advance, Hoping fhe'Jl prove a woman ; Bat dubious of my ain defert, My fentiments I fmother ; m With fecret fighs I vex my heart,. For fear fhe love another- w p
I . SONG S-T-E R. 45 Thus fang blate Edie by a burn, His* Ghrifty did o'er-hear him ; She doughtna let her lover mourn, But e'er he v/ift drew near him. She fpake her favour with a look Which left nae room to doubt her 5 He wifely this white minute took, And flang His arms about her. My Chrifly I—witnefs, bonny ftrcam, Sic joys frae tears arifing, I wifli this may na be a dreara ; O love the maifl furprifing ! Time was too precious now for tauk j This point of a' his withes He, wadna with fet fpeeches bauk, But ward it a' on kiflcs. THE MAN TO HER MIKE. L E AVE party difputcs, your attention,.! prajr, All you who to mirth, are inclined, And of thofe I diflike when you hear what I fay>. You may guefs at the man to my mind. * Ye felf-loving coxcombs, whofe fondnefs is feea. From the form your falfe mirrors difplay, I 1 * ■
ft 46 S O N aS TE R. _ When you talk of a paffions as nothing you mean, So alJ goes for nothing you fay. No pretenfion I boaft to the aukward young heir> Thp' born to a wealthy ellate, Who paying no court to the charms of the fair, Buys a wife, like a calf, by her weight. 'The old battered rake fure no woman can love, Who has long reckon'd marriage a cuzfe ; Tho* his greac coudefcenfion he's ready to prove, By taking his wife for a nurfe. A fool for a iiu&and feme females have chofc, And repentance oft rues what is pall, Tho' he turns for a feafon which way the wind blows, The weathercock's ru#y at IaQ* " But the man that has fenfe, with a heart tl; fincere, Where pafHon and reafon agree, Whofe fortune's fufficient to combat with care -r-Caa't you guefs at the lover for roe .; h k M T
SONGSTER. 47 A DRINKING SONG. %^/ 0 ME, my never-frowning glafs, Always welcome to my lip ; Here's to Delia, lovely lafs, Oh, how grateful is the fip. This is pleafure to the foul, This will banifh care away ; He who hates the fmiling bowl, What's he fit for, topers fay ? Sung in the Wedding Ring: JL H E travelers, that through defarts ride By conduit of fome friendly liar; When clouds obfcure their trufty guide, Out of their courfe muft wander far ; So I with penfire care and pain, In abfence lull muft ftray ; Till you, my liar, fhine out again, . And light me on my way. + i. f
4§ SONGSTER. i Sung in the Qj; a x e r. VV HILEthe lads of the village fhall merrl- rily, ah ! Sound the tabors, I'll hand thee along ; And I fay unto thee, that verily, ah ! Thou and I will be fir ft in the throng, While the-lads, &c. Juft then, when the fwain who laft year won the dow'ry With his mates fhall the fports have begun, When the gay voice of gladnefs refounds from each bov/*r, And thou long'ft in thy heart to make one» While the lads, <3cc. .■ Thefe joys which are harmlefs, what mortal can blame ? '•Tis a maxim, that youth fhould be free ; And to prove that my words and my deeds arc ths fame, Believe me', thou'It prefently fee, While the lads, Sec. k. F h T p
* * ■ I 1 - 4 v w ._. M
SONGSTER.. 49 THE BAN K S 0*F THE DEE. I WAS Summer, and foftly the breezes were blowing, And fweetly the nightingale fung from the tree, At the foot of a rock, where the river was flowing, I fat myfeif down on the banks of the Dee, Flow on, lovely Dee, flow on, thou fweet river ; Thy banks' pureft dreams fhall be dear to me ever ; For there 1 firft gain'd the affection and favour Of Jamie, the glory and pride of the Dee. But now he's gone from me and left me thus mourning, To quell the proud rebels, for valiant is he : And, ah 1 there's no hope of his fpeedy returning, To wander again on the banks of the Dee. He's gone, haplefs youth! o'er the rude roaring billows ; The kindeft and fweeteft of all the gay fellows ; And left me to (Iray *mong the once loved willows, + The lonelieft maid on the banks of the Dee. But time and my pray'rs may perhaps yet reflore him ; Bleft peace may reftore my dear fhepherd to me ; And when he returns with fuch care I'll watch o'er him He never fhall leave the fweet banks of the Dee. E
■ So SONGSTER. The Dee then (hall flow, all its beauties difplaying . The lambs ouits bant^s (hall again be feen playing; While I with my Jamie am carelefly (Iraying, And tailing again all the fvreets of the Dec. S*-» **-&* -^sS Vffi ^Sf -* & t^SSi ■*-«• *-S5 SJ^ ?> VS; ^* Rural contentment. > Being the Sequel to the Banks of the D e e. Tuae, O bonny lafs will you lie in a Barrack. X S A T on a bank by the fide of a river, I thought my dear Jamie had left me.for ever, -But while I fat penfively fighing arid mourning, Ah! who {hould I fee, but ruy Jamie returning. I ftraight ran to meet him, I threw my arms round him, Still charming, ftill kind, (till conftant I found him, With ardor he prefs'd me, ah ! who could oppofe him, While thus I reveal'd the warm wifh of my bofom. " O ftay my dear Jamie, thy follies give over, No more leave thefe plains, be no longer a rover, No more fe'ek for glory, where cannons loud rattle, Nor leave my fond arms for the found of a battle. L + I r * * v _^ f
SONGSTER. 5* For peace in a cottage and pa floral pleafure, Where love trips with joy, in fome frolicfome mea- fure, Believe me, my Jamie, are far* more enticing, Than war's empty pomp> which, you've always- been prizing." My Jamie fmil'd fweetly, the linnets and thrufhes, Who chanted their fongs from the jeflamine bullies, The groves and the plains were fo gay, fo inviting, They made him forget his ambition for fighting. ■i He faid, he would love me, and never would leave me, He gave me his hand, that he ne'er would deceive me, He fwore he'd no more fhow his foes his refent- ment, But live with his Annie in Rural Contentment. THE GREY COCK. O Saw ye my father, or faw ye my mother, Or faw ye my true-love John ? I faw not your father, I faw nor your mother, But. I faw your true love John, __ ^ - Its now ten at night, and the .ftars gi'e nae light, And the bells they ring ding dong ; E 2 . f
5* S O N G-S T E R. He's met wi' fome delay, that caufeth him to ftay5 Buc he will be here ere long, The furly au!d carl did naething but fnarl, * And Johny*s face it grew red ; Yet tho' he often iigh'd, he ne*er a word reply'd, Till alt were afleep in bed. Up Johny rofe, and to the door he goes, And gently tirled the pin ; The lalTie taking tent, unto the door (he went, And ihe open'd and let him in. And are ye come at laft, and do I hold ye fad ? And is ray Johny true 1 I have nae time to tell, but fae lang's I like myfell3 Sue lang ihall I love you. Flee up, flee up, tny bonny grey cock, And craw when it is day ; , Your neck fhall be like the bonny beaten gold, And your wings of the filver grey. + r' i The codk provM falfe, and untrue he was, For he crew an hour o'er foon ; The laule thought it day, when ihe fent her love away, And it was but a blrnk of the raopvn. t
SONGST E R. £$ UOWN THE BURN DAVIE, LOVE, V V HEN traes did bud, and fields were green, And broom bloom'd fair to fee ; When Mary was complete fifteen, And love laugh'd in her ee' ; Blyth Davy's blinks her heart did move To fpeak her mind thus free : 41 Gang down the burn Davie, love, " Down the burn Davie, love, " Down the burr. Davie> love, ** And foon I'll follow thee ; " Gang down the burn Davie, love, *e Down the burn Davie, love, «* Down the burn Davie, love, ** Gang down the burn Davie, love,, " And Fll foon follow thee. Now Davie did each lad furpafs That dwelt on this burn-fide ; And Mary was the bonnieft lafs,- Jufl meet to be a bride. Blyth Davie's blinks, Sec;- - Her cheeks were rofy red and white, Her een were bonny blue, Her looks were like Aurora bright:, Her lips like dropping dew. Blyth Davie's blinks, Itc s m
54 SONGSTER. As Fate had dealt to him a routh, Straight, to the kirk he Jed her, There plighted her his faith and troth,. And a bonny bride he made her : No more afham'd to own her love, Or fpeak her mind thus free ; u Gang down the burn Davie, iove, *' Down the burn Davie, love, ** Down the burn Davie, love, " And I'll foon follow thee ; i( Gang down the burn Davie, love, " Down the burn Davie, love, €C JPmvn the burn Davie, love, <e Gang down the burn Davie, love, " And 1*11 foon follow thee- r h social pow'as. \_/ OME now all ye focial pow'rs, Shed your influence o'er us ; Crown with joy the prefeut hours, Enliven thofe before us : Bring the fia/k, the muflc bring, Joy ihall quickly find us ; . Drink and dance, and faugh and Hngj And call dull care behind us. F J F
S O -N G*S T E R. S3 C H O R. U S. Bring the flafk, the mufic bring, Joy fliall quickly find us ; Drink and dance, and laugh and fing, And caft dull care behind us. Friendfhip with thy pow'r divine, Brighten all our features ; What but friendfhip, love and wine, Can make us happy creatures. Bring the flafk, Sec. Love, thy godhead I adorej Source of gen'rous pallions ; But will ne'er bow down before Thofe idols wealth and fafhions. ' Bring the flafk, 3cc. - Why the plague fhould we be fad, Whilft on earth we moulder ; Whether we're merry, grave or mad, We ev'ry day grow older. Bring the flafk, 5cc. Then fince time will Ileal away, Spite of all our forrow ;. Heighten ev'ry joy to day, And never iisind to-morrow. i
55 S O N G S T E Ei Bring the flaflt the mafic bring, Joy fhali quickly find us ; - Drink and dance, and laugh and ftngf. And leave dull care behind us* e h ok vs. Bring the flaik, the mufic brings Joy fhall quickly find us: Drink and dance, and laugh and fing, And leave dull care behind us. WILLIE OF THE DALE* ji\.S through the fields I chanc'd ftray,. To hear the linnet's fong, I men a fhepherd in my way, The blitheft of the throng. He ftopt and gave my cheek a pat, And told a tender tale ;. ' Then ftole a kifs,—but what of that, 'Twas Willie ofthcdale. " He prefs'd my hand, and talk'd of love With euctacy divine ; Nay> fwore he'd ever faithful prove,. And, if I pleas'd, be mine.. ■ *
— m *
V I h
L SONGSTER. 57 + 1 To meet him thus, {no creature near,) Soon made my cheeks look pale \ But he declared I need not fear Young Willy of the dale. None fure poffsfs fuch charms as he, To win a maiden's mind ; He's youthful, witty, gay and free, And what's ftili roore he's kind ; For now he meets me ev'ry night, At which the Iaffes rail, And vows I am the fole delight Of Willy of the dale. THE CHESHIRE-CHEESE. Tune, Ye gods, you gave to me a wife. A Cheflnre-man fet fail for Spain", To deal in merchandize ; No fooner he arriv'd there, than A Spaniard he efpies, Who faid, u You EngliCh dog, look here, What fruits and fpices fine Qur land produces twice a-year, You've no Rich fruit in thine."
^ ^
: 5* ' S O N G .S T E R. ■-i
* The Cheflrire*man ran to his hold, x And brought a Chefliire-cheefe, Then faid, » You Spanifh dog behold 1 You've no fuch fruits as thefe. . -*' Ypur land produces twice a year Rich fruit and fpice you f:iy ; But fuch as now mv hands do bear- Our Jand gives twice a-day. 4 # Jockey. XxS Jockey was trudging the meadows fo gay,. So blithe and fo bonny his air ;:
, He met a young Iafs who was going, his way, Her face, all ib clouded with care ; He ask d her what,made her fo moping and fad ? 'T\yas pity if .{he were in pain : ghe figh'd, *« I have loft the very beft lad, .And I. never fiiall fee him again V Is he gone to the warsfor full many-a year,. Quoth Jockey, who troubles you fo ? " Or elfSi where on earth he can never appear, . Where you and I furely muft go ? ** No, he's fled ((he reply'd) with another fond fhe». Tho* to me he was plighted for aye, O'er the mountains he's gone with another from me*- And therefore I cannot be gay." j w
S O N G'S T E R. 59 If that's all, quoth Jockey, your wailing give o'er, He's a loon, who is rot worth your pain ; Let him go fmcc he's chang'd, be you wretched no more, Nor think of a falfe-hearted fwain : But take, if you will, for the hid of your heart, Whom fortune has thrown in your way, I'll foothe all your grief, and I'll banifh your fmart, Here I'm ready to do as I fay, Then he wip'd her bright eyes, and he fung her a fong, Her face look'd no longer defpair; He whtfper*d of love as they faunter'd along, And fhe thought him a lad worth her care : She fmil'd and grew pleas'd, late a ftranger to joy, And Jockey perceiving her kindj More preffing was grown, and the lafs was lefs coy, So he drove the falfe loon from her mind. VAUXHALL BALLAD. JlN a fycamore lhade, as I fat t'other day, As blithe as the birds in the grove ; It happen7 d young Damon was walking that way, Who often had hinted his love. I ran to be gone, as I faw him appear, , When, kneeling, he beg'd I'd not fiy ;' So foft were his accents, they bariifh'd my fear, I could not the fhepherd deny.
<So SON G S:T E R. : He beg'd me to flay, whilft his wifh he exprefs'd, And fwore that he meant me no harm ; My hand to his bofom he eagerly prefs'd, Which, throbbing:, confefs'd the alarm. My cheek he declared wore the blufh of the rofe, My hand with the lily might vie ; *That my breath was much iVeeter then either of thofe ; All this I was forc'd to deny. He ft" J he fhould languifh, and die with defpair, Unlefs I requited his love ; And pray'd me to end all his for row and care, For truer no fwain e'er could prove ; He begg'd that a day I would fpeedily name, And watted to hear my reply ; My blufhes confefs'd that I felt all-his flame, Nor could I the fhepherd deny. Next morn to the church with my Damon I went, And gave him my hand and my heart ; E'er fince have my days been in happtnefs fpent, Which Hymen alone can impart. Then hear me, ye nymphs, who are youthful and gay. From the (hepherd you love never fly ; The fpring of your lives will too foon glide away ; Beware, left too oft you deny. 4
SO N G S T E 11. 6i r SOMETHING NEW- Sung at Vauxhall. jLN all mankinds promlfcuous race, The fons of error urge their chace, 'the wondrous to purfue ; ' And, both in country and in town, The curious courtier, cit and clown, Solicit fomething new. .■ The poets ftill from, nature take, And what is ready made they make? Hiflorians rauft be true : How therefore lhall we find a road, Thro? differtatiion, fong, or ode, To give you fomething hew ? They fay virginity is fcarce As anything in profe or verfe, And fo is honour too ; The papers of the day imply, No more than that we live and die, And. pay for fomething new- We fee alike tlie woeful dearth In melancholy, or in mirth ; What, then, (hall ladies do ? F
62 SON -G.--S TE R. Seek virtue as the immortal prize.;' In fine, be h on eft, and be wife, For that is fomething new. THE LAD y's CHOICE OF A HUSBiND. Written by Mr. T. Adney. JL'D have a maivof fenfe and air, . The pride of ev'ry witty fair ; Genteel in make, in ftature tall, Polite to me, and good to all* No powder'd, filly, flatt'ring bean, Who of good fenfe doth nothing know ; A man of fcience, fond of books, Whofe ternper's equal to his look?. 1 ■ ■ No jealous fears I'd have annoy The pleafing profpe& of oar joy ; That life a fcene of love may be To the dear youth-, the world and me. m I'd have this mild and gentle youth * -
^. Infpir'd with wifdom, grace, and truth; And as for wealth, I'll not repine, If he has none,-I'll give him" mine* : + * > I
SON G S T-E R. £3 * Ye gen'rous gods! I aflc no more ;* If fuch a man youVe got in (tore, And I'm deferring, fpeak your mind, ' : ' I'll be to faim for ever joined. - # ■ m A MAN TO MY MIND. + * Written, by Mr. Guhhingham. . . v S" INCE wedlock's In vogue, and ftalc virions defpis'd, ■ ' To all batchelors greying, thefe lines are prrxr.isV. 5, l*m a maid that would marry—ah,! could i.-'bst find . {I care not for fortune) a man to my mind I . . : * Not the fair weather fop, fond of faQiion and drifs; Not the 'fquire* who can relifh no joys but the ch-ace ; Nor the free-thinking rake* whom no' morals' can bind : *v ,. _ Neither this—that—nor toother's the man to my mind* Not the ruby-fae'd fot, who topes world without end ; Stor the drone, who can't relifir hts:boitts and friend ; 57 „ / \ ■.
64 SONGSTER. Nor the fool, that's too fond 5 nor the churl that's Unkind : - Neither this—»that—nor t'otheF's the man to my mind. m Nor the wretch with full bags, without breeding or merit; Nor the flafh, that's al] fury-without any fpirit ; Nor the fine matter fribble, the {corn. of mankind ; Neither thLs-i—that—nor toother's the man to my mind- But the youth whom good-fenfe and good-nature infpire j Whom the brave muft efteem, and the fair fhould r admire ; + In whofc heart love and truth are with honour con- joined : This4 this, and no other's the man to my mind* Sung in the Wedding Ring, V-^F woman to tell you my mind, And I fpeafc from th' experience I've had, Not two out of fifty you'll find, Bq they daughters or wives, ? "But are plagues of their lives, And enough to make any man mad*. , * *- m 4 m \ 4 h I 4*
SON G S T E R. S£: The wrong and the right Being fet in their fight, They're fure to take hold of the wrong 5 They'll cajole and they'll whimper, They'll whine and they'll fnivel, They'll coax, and they'll fimper— In fhort they're the devil ; - * m And fo there's an end to' my fong. • Sung in the Golden Pipptn. ET heroes delight in the toils of the war,- In maims3 blood, and brnifes and blows ; Not a fvtford, but afword-knot rejoices the fair ; And what are rough foldiers to beaux ? Away then^ with laurels ! come beauty and .love,, And filence the trumpet and drum ; Let me with foft myrtle my brows bear inwovej And tenderly combat at home. + W + I k. s
66 - songster:. + kitty; or, the fe.malb phaeton. Written by Mr. Prior,. .Sung at Vauxhall, F AIR Kitty, beautiful and young, And wild as colt untara'd, Befpoke the fair from whence (he fprung,. With little rage inflam'd ; Inflam'd with rage at fad reftraint, Which wife mamma, ordain'd, And forely vex'd to play the faint,. While wit and beauty reign'd.. Muft £.ady Jenny friflc about, And vifit with her coufins ? At balls muft il*e make all the rout,.. And bring home hearts by dozens; What has {he better, pray, than I, What hidden, charms to boaft ; That all mankind,for her ihould die*. While I am fcarce a toaft ? p Bear, dear mamma, for once let me,. Unchain/d, my fortune try ; Ell have my earl as well as fhe, Or know the reafon why.!;- L +
SON G.S.TE*. &fi 5ond love prevailed, mamma gave way; Kitty, at heart's defire, Obtain'd the chariot for a day,, And fet the world on fire. Written by Ambrose Phillips, Efq. JjLEST as the immortal gods is he, The youth who fondly fits by thee, And hears and fees thee, all the while*. Softy fpeak, and fweetly fmile. 'Twas this bereav'd my foul of reft, And rais'd fuch tumults in my breaft $ Eor while I gaz'd, in tranfport toft, My breath was gone, my voice was loft! My bofom glow'd; the fubtle flame _ * * * Ran quick thro* all my vital frame j. O'er my dim eyes a darknefs hung,. My ears with hollow, murmurs rung. In dewy damps my limbs were chill'd> My blood with gentle horrors thrill'd, My feeble pulfe forgot to play, L fainted, funk,. and dy'd away« *
4S> SONGS TIL w m A CANTATA* Sung at Ranelagh- Recitativjs. J\S Delia, bleft with ev'ry grace,- Invok'd foft mufic's needlefs aid ; ■ Compleatly conquer'd by her face, Thus gentle iStrephon fmiling faid. Air. '. Where partial nature may deny The pow'r of beauty's melting glance,. JLet tedious labour toil and try • To fwell the fong, or form the dance s i But let your charms alone fuffi.ce, And trull the mufic of your eyes. Recitative. Damon, who chanc'd to overhear, Thus fpoke, as he approachM more near ; He flatters, do not truft the fwain, But Jiften to my honeft ftrain.. Air. Wonders are told of beauty's pqw'r, Nor faintly warms the tuneful lay ; Your voice and perfon ev'ry hour r w ■
1 SaNGSTER. <>£ By dozens ftcal our hearts away : Then how trifling is the prize, Since fops haye ears, and fools have eyes I Ah ! lovely nymph, indeed to blefs, Select the worthieft fwain you woa;. Who, prizing found -and colour lefs, Admires you for your fenfe alone ; Then leave all Iktie arts behind, And ftudy to improve the mtna* Sung in Buxomi Joah.» t HE thundVmg drums did beat to battle, And murm'ring cannons, too, did rattle : The enemy fiercely afTail'd, And death with its horrors prevailed. Heavy moans, Dying groans, Cou'd be heard 'midft th^ loudeft alarms! I fought for your fake, Made the enemy quake, And with conqueft return, to your arms* 4 * i t h P k * m
~jo SONGSTER. Written by'Mr- Lemoike* j_ J.OW fair is my lovej As kind as the dove ; Her temper both lively and gay : The lily, and rofe, Upon her cheeks blows, To give her the fplendour of May, Her fhape, and her mien, Proclaim her the c]«;een Of beauty, of virtue, and truth ; Her eyes are like jec, Her teeth neatly fet : Ye gods ! in the prime of her youth. Ker voice, like the thrufii, That fines onthe bufli, / When meadows look blooming and gay :t Each nymph and each fwain> That dance on the plain, Are charm'd with my Phyllis:s lay. She cries, don't repine, ■ I foon (hall be thine5 And eafe thy fond bofom of ft.'ife ; In pleafure's fweec bow'r We'll pafs ey'ry hour, While nature fupplies us with, life*
S G£N G S T E R. 71 f Written by Mr. W—ll—s- H OW happy was I, When Delia was by ; • Her prefence rejoiced my heart; No troubles I knew, My cares were but few, Till the time I from Delia did part- Then how fad the reverfe I With, pain I rehearfe The difquiets my mind undergoes ; Time moves flowly on, Content I have none ; Oh ! feel for, and pity my woes. My fair will be juft, I can't her miftruft, Her promife is binding I'm furs ; ,Then why Co lament ? For fliame, be content For the prefent, her abfence endure- m m The time fhcrtly, When I Delia fhail fee, And with her in wedlock be join?d ; Then how happy my ftate, I'll not envy the pjreat, But enjoy, with my fair, peace cf mind.
^ 4
7* SONGSTER. I covet not wealth, But a good mare of health, For myfelf and the girl I adore: We'll live at our eafe, And do as we pleafe ; Ye gods I what can mortals wifh more, Sung at Vauxhall. JX-OUSE Britain's warlike throng, Sound the trumpet, ftrike the lyre, Let martial note and fong Martial order re-infpire. Peace, to Britain ever dear, All her charms a while foregoes ; Britons will no longer bear Infults from difdainful foes. * Sound the trumpets ! found again! Britain claims the martial drain. See bright honour rear its hedd, And, while glory leads the band, Awful war, with folemn tread, Stalks majeftic thro' the land. ■. V !*■ ■.
SO N G S T E R. 73 NUMBERLESS KISSES. X Sung at Vauihal'l. EAR Chloe, come give me fweet kiiTes, -For fweeter no girl ever gave ; But why, in the tnidft of my bli/Tes, Do you afk me how many I'd have ? I'm not to be Hinted in pleafure, Then, pr'ythee, dear Chloe, be kind ; Tor fince I love thee beyond meafure, To numbers I'll ne'er be confined. , Count the bees that on Hybla are playing, Count the flowVs that enamel the fields, ' Count the flocks that on Tempe are ftrayingj Or the grain that rich Sicily yields ; Count how many ftars are in heav'n, Go number the fands on the fhore, ■ And when fa many kiffes you've given, I ftill fliall be alking for more. To a heart full of love let me hold thee, A heart which, dear Chloe, is thine; In my arms I'd for ever enfold thee, And twift round thy neek like a vine. G i J h
74' S<) N G STIR, can be greater than this is ! My life on thy lips ihall be fpent j But the wretch who can number his ki/Tes, WiJl always with few be content. T H E C ON TEN T £ n MI L X. E &• JLbT a plain, pleafant cottage, conveniently neat, With a mill and fome meadows, a freehold eft ate ; A well-meaning miller by labour fupplies Thofe bl effing s that grandeur to great ones denies; No pafilons to plague him, no cares to torment, His conftant companions are health and content ; Their lordfliips in lace.may take note if they will, He's honeftj-tho' daub'd with the dufi: of his mill. Ere the lark's early carols falute the new day, He fprings from his cottage as jocund as May, He-chearfully whittles, regardlefs of care, Or fings the laft ballad'he bought at the fair. While courtiers are toil'd in the cobwebs of ftate* * Or bribing elections in hopes to be great, No fraud of ambition his bofom does fill, •Contented he works, if there's grift for his mill. . On Sunday, bedeckM in his homefpun array, At church ht9s ths loudeft to chaunt or to pray ; Then fits to a dinner of plain Englifh food, Tho'.fimple his pudding, his appetite's good; t h " ■■ m
S; O 1ST G S T E R. 75.; At night tvlien the pried arid ^xcifemanare gone*- He quaffs at the alehoufe with Roger and John, - Tu-'n reels to his pillow, and dreams of"no ill \ What monarch fo blefs'd as the man of the mill.. THE HONEST FELLOW. JJ HO ! pox o' this nonfenfe-, I pr'ythee, give o'er, And talk of your Phillis and Chloe no more ; Their face, and their air, and their mien ; what a rout I Here's tochee, my lad, pufh the bottle about- Let finical fops play the fool and the ape, They dare not confide in the juice of the grape ;.- But we honed fellows------'fdeath ! who'd ever think Of puling for love, while he's able to drink ? 5Tis wine, only wine, that true pleafure beftows ; Our joys it increafes, and lightens our woes ; Remember what topers of old us'd to ling, The man that is drunk, is as great as a king. t i If Cupid afTaults you, there's law for his tricks ; Anacreon's cafes fee, page twenty, fix ; The precedent's glorious, and juft, by my fbui, [Lay hold on and drown the young do^ in a bowl- er 2
a ■■ 7$ SONGSTER. What's life but a frolic, a fbng, and a laugh ? My toaft fhall be this, whilft I've liquor fee quaff; *' May mirth and good fellowfhip always abound J** Boys, fill up a bumper, and let it go round.. * THE CHEARFUL SPRING. O HARP winter melts, and fpreads'her wing ; A pleafing change, a fmiling fpring ; The trees their vary'd bloflbms wear, And op'ningflow'rs perfume the air ; -Sweet Philomela tunes her drain, And warbling charms the luVning plain. r" The fun encreafes ev'ry round, The fnow is vanifh'd from the ground, "With fongs the vocal forefts ring, All to adorn the chearful fpring ; The meadows all around are fsen Cover'd o'er with lovely green. The dufky clouds .fo fwiftly fly, And leave behind the azure ,(ky, The mountains fmile, the hills are gay, And vallies boaft the pride of May; The dreams that overflow'd the mounds, Now gently glide within their bounds.
SO N G S T ER. 7T- 9 § Sung at Vauxhali** W HEN Hobbiaol entreated Doll, Within the grove to enter, She hung her head, and blufhing fa id, She was afraid to venture. Fjor there poor Nan put faith in man, And forely does repent her, Which makes me fear no good is near* And therefore -will not venture. His fond requefthe eager preft, And fwore no harm he meant her ; By honour fway'd, be not difmay'd,. But kindly with me venture. On wedlock bent was all he meant,. Wou'd that, he faid, concent her ; To prove me true yon fteeple view, Say, will my Dolly venture ? Doubt ftill po/Teft $he damfel's breaft, Till virtue counfel lent her. Halle, Iiaite, he cry'd, be made a bride, And after you may Venture. , Doll gave confent, to church they went«> . A .wife back Hymen fent her,
i 76 SONGS T E B. No more a maid, (he's not afraid With him alorie to venture. A. PRISON SONG. VV ELCOME, welcome, brother-debtor-,- To this poor* but merry place ; Where no bailiff, dun, nor letter, Dares to {hew his frightful face : But, kiad Sir, as you're a ftrangcr, Down your garnifti you'muft lay, Or your coat will be in danger ; You muft either ftrip or pay. Ne*er repine at your confinement, From your children or your wife ; . Wifdom lives in true refignment, Thro' the various.fcenes of life. Scorn to fhew the-leaftrefentment, Tho* beneath phe frowns of fate ; . Knaves and beggars- find contentment*. Fears and cares; attend the great. Tho* our creditors are fpitefu), And reftrain our bodies here, . XJfe will make a goal delightful, Since there's nothing q\Cq to fear* * F m W
SONGSTER. 73, -Ev'ry iQand's but a prifon, Strongly guarded by the fea ; Kings and princes, .for that reafon,. Pris'ners are, as-well: as we* What made the great Alexander Weep at his unfriendly fate ? Twas becaufe he could not wander t Beyond this world's ftrong prifon-gate z For the world is alfo bounded By the heavens and ftars above ; Why fliou'd we, then, be confounded, Since there's nothing free but Jove ? * THE STRAWBERRY-TALE. Written by Mr, Nic molls, j V JL 'OTHER day, in the ftrawberry-vale* . When only my Phillis was there, I begg'd flie'd attend to my tale, I loug'd to unbofom my care. With fmiles, fweet as Flora's in May, She bid me my pleafure impart. I-faid, (in a faultering way) Your eyes have ta'ea captive my heart.- ■. I
^ So - S ON G£ T E R; The dance and the tabor I (hun, No reft <on my pillow I -find ; Believe me, wherever I run, Your.image ftiU dwells in my mind. O ! footh the keen anguiih I bear* Soft pity I read in thine eye ; Ah! quickly, dear charmer, declare, If the fhepherd who loves you mull die ?: O ! this was a moment of blifs ; • I vow'd to be ever fincere : Her hand fhe prefented to kifs, And brighten* d her blufli. with a tear, . And now, if my fheep are fecure, I meet her at eve in the dale, Where fhe wtfhes that flame may endure, She approved in the Ilrawberry-vale. Written by Sir Walter. Raleigh, J^HALL I, like an hermit, dwell On a rock, or in a cell, GaUiug home the fmdleft part Th;u is.miffing of my heart, To bellow it where I may Meet a rival every day ?.
S ON G8TE R. 8, If fhe undervalues me, What care I how fair fhe be I Were her trefles angel gold ; If a ftranger may be bold,. Unrebukedj unafraid, To convert them ro a braid,. And, with a little more ado, Work them into bracelets too; If the mine be grown lb free, What care I how rich it be ? 4 Were her hands as rich a prize As her hairs, or precious eyes ; If fhe lay them out to take KifTes for good-manners fake ; And let every lover (kip From her hand unto her lip ; If (he feem not chafte to- me, What care I how chafte fhe be ? No ; fhe muft be perfect fnow, In effect, as well as fliow, Warming but as fnow-balls do, . Not like fire, by burning too : But when fhe by change hath got To her heart a fecond lot ; Then, if other? fhare with me, . Faxcwel her, whate'er Q;e be. r t t / L
8* ' S O N G S TE R. \ A F R E E MAS 0 X*S SONG. S W HEN" quite a young fpark,-. I was in the dark, And wanted to alter my ftation ;. I went to a friend, Who prov'd, in the end* A free and an accepted mafon. At a door he then knock'd, Which quickly unlock'd, When he bid me to put a good face on?, „ And not be afraid, For I fliould be made A free and an accepted mafon.. F My wifhss were crown'd, And a.matter I found, Who made a mpft folemn oration;. 4 "Then ihew'd me the light, And gave me the right Sign, token, and word, of a mafpn«.. How great my amaze, When I firttfaw. the blaze 5
S ONGSTll. '.*$ w .And ftruck with the myftic eccafion! Aftonifh'd ! I found, Tho' free, I was bound To a free add an accepted mafon. When clothed in white, I took great delight In the work of this noble vocation: * And knowledge I gain'd, When the lodge he explained Of a free and an accepted mafon. I was bound, it appears, For feven long years, Which to me is of trifling duration: With freedom I ferve, And llrain ev'ry nerve To acquit myfelf like a good mafon* A bumper then fill With an hearty good will,
^ To our matter .pay due veneration; Who taught us the art We ne'er will impart, Unlefs to an accepted mafon. + i F
&4 S O N G ST E Ro A BUCK'S SON -G* w OULD you tafle the perfume of the morn, While the dew-drops befpangle the thorn ; Hark, away, when the founds Of the merry-mouth'd hounds •Keep time with -the mellow-ton'd horn ; Ere Phoebus with round ruddy face The tops of the mountains fhall grace, To the fports of the day .Brother Bucks hafte av/ay, Purfue with new vigour the chace. It was Nimrod, thejovial and gay, Who firft taught us to hunt for the prey 5 And with full-flowing bowls - To enliven our fouls, . And joyoufly finifh the day ; Due homage theii pay at his fhrine, Pour mighty libations of wine ; Fill up to the brink, To his rnem'ry let's drink, Proclaim our great founder, divine. *
^ + " ■ 4 *■ ■.
SO N G S T E R. S$ TH2 MARRIED MAN. Jt_ AM. raarry'd, and happy ; with wonder hear this, Ye rovers, and rakes of the age, Who laugh at the mention of conjugal blifs, And who only loofc pleafures engage : You may laugh, but believe mc you're all in the wrong Wl*en you merrily marriage deride ; For to marriage the permanent pleafures belong, And in them we can only confide. ¥he joys which from lawlefs connections arife, Are fugitive, never flncere ; Oft ftolen with hafte, or fnatch'd by furprize* Interrupted by doubts and by fear; But thofe which in legal attachment we fincf,' When the heart is with innocence pure, Arfi from ev'ry imbitt'ring reflection refin'rf, '• And to life's latefl hour will endure. ' ' The love which ye boaft of, deferves not that nam;, - True love is with femiraent join'd ; But yours is a pafliori, a fevcrifh flame, Rais'd without the ponfent of the mind. w When, dreading confinement, ye raiftrefles hire, With this and with that ye are cloy'd ; H F F
Sfi S p N G &T E R. l Ye are led, and milled, by a flatt'ring falfe lire, -And are oft,by that fire deftroy'd. If you afk me from whence my felicity Sows;' "., My anfwer is fliort—from a ttife ; Who for chearfulnefs, fenfe, and goodrnature I chofe, Which are beauties that-charm us for life. To make home tlie feat of perpetual delight, Ev'ry hoUf each (ludiesto feize; And we find ourfelves happy from morning to* night, By our mutual endeavours to pleafe. . . Sung in tlie Royal Shepherd. * V O.W-S of love fhould ever bind Men who are to-honour true ; They muft have a favage mind# Who refufe the fair (their .due* * -
+ F SgornM and hated may they be, Who. from conftancy do fwerve i So may ev'ry nymph agree All fuch faithlefs fwains to fcrvc-
^ ■ i. *
S^ON G S T'E R. S/: % .' ' ' * 1 SAUOi's SONG. C^N Oia England^" blett ihore We are landed once more, Secure from the florins of. the mam y 'For great George, and his eaufe, For our country and.laws, We have conquer'd, andwill do agaio. \ F .Where.the fun's orientfray Firfl opens the day, . . On India's extended.domain,., The fwarthy- fac'd foes. Who dar'd to.oppofe,. Welxaye conquer'd, and will do again*. Gome, my brave hearts of oak, Let us drink',-iing, afcd joke, While here on the ihore we remain ;. When our country .demands, With hearts and with hands, We are. ready to conquer again- i H 3
SS SONGSTER. A PASTORAL, Sung at Vauihali,. ye green fields and fweetgrove^ Where Fhillis engag'd my fond heart ; ^ "Where nightingales warble their loves, And nature is drefs'd without art": No pleafure ye now can afford, Nor mufic can lull rae to reft ; For PhilHs proves falfe to her word, And Strephon can never be bleft. Oft-times, by the fide of a fpring,. Where rofes andlillies appear, Gay Fhillis of Strephon would &iigf For Strephon was all fhe held dear: ' But as foon as fhe found, by my eyes, The paffion that glow'd in my breaftj. She then, to my grief and furprize, Prov'd all fhe had faid was a jeft. Too late, to my forrow, I find, The beauties alone that will laft, Are thofe that are fix'd in the mind, 4 Which envy cr time cannot blaft : Beware, then, beware how ye truft Coquettes, who to love make pretence ; I" i
\ S O N G S T E R. $<j i r*or Phiilis to me had been ;ufl, 3 If nature had blefs'd-her with feafs. * !* A FRSE-UASOtf's 3 O N G» : ■ ■ . « 11 AIL) mafonry, thou craft divine I Glory of earth from heav'n reveal'd ; Which doft with jewels precious fhine, • ■< !From all but mafons* eyea concealed ; The praifes due who can rehcarfe, In nervous profe, or flowing verf^ I ■ As men from brutes diilinguinVd are* • • A maTon other men-excels; For what's in knowledge choice and rare, • But in his breaft fecurely dwells I His filent breaft,- and faithful heart, Preferve the fecrets of the art. From fcorching heat and piercing cold, From beafts whofe roar the forefl rends, From the aiTaults of warriors fcold, The mafon's art mankind defends ;. [Be to this art due honour paid, From which mankind receives fuch aid. ! " . Ha i 1 i
S6 SONGSTER. Ye are led, and mtiled, by a flatt'rrng falfe fire, And are oft by that fire dcftroy'd. F If you afk me from whence my felicity flows; . My anfwer is fhort—from a xvife ; Who for chearfulnefs, fenfe, and good-nature I chofe, Which are beauties that-charm us for life. To make home the feat of perpetual delight, Ev'ry hour each iludies to feize; And we find ourfelves happy from morning to night, By our mutual endeavours to pleafe. . Sung in the Royal Shepherd. v O WSof love mould ever bind Men who are to-honour true ; They muft have a favage mind* Who refufe the fair.their due. Scorn'd and hated may they be, Who from conftancy do fwerve^ So may ev'ry nymph agree AH fuch faithlefs fwains to ferve. M ■. _ *
S--0 N G 3 T E R. 87 a. sailor's somc. C_|n Old England's bled (tore We are landed once more, Secure, from th&ftorms of. the main y For great George, and his caufe, For our country and.laws, We have conquered, and will do agaiiL. Where the fun's orient'ray Firft opens the day, . On India's extended domain,, The fwarthy- fac'd foes. Who dar'd tooppofe, . We have conqu^r'd, and will do again-. p Come, my brave hearcs of o«ik, Let us drink,-Ting, ar-d joke, While here on the Uiore we remain ;. When our country .demands, With hearts and with hands, We are, ready to conquer again. H 3 *■. h +
t* SONGSTER. % W A PAS TO RALi Sung at Vauhaui .. .. ;., JF AREWELL, ye green fields afi'd: fweet gnvftf* Where Fhillis engaged my fond heart ; -J! "Where nightingales warble their loves, And nature is drefs'd without art"; No pleafure ye now can affordv Nor roufic can lull me to reft ; For Phillis proves falfe to her word, And Strephon can never be bleft. Oft-times, by the fide of a fpring,. Where rofes andlillies appear, Gay Fhillis of Strephon would ling, For Srrephon was all (he Held dear: But as foon as {he found, by my eyes, The paffion that glow'd in my breaft, She thenj to my grief and furprize, Prov'd all (he hadfaid was a jeft. Too late, to my forrow, I find, The beauties alone that will laft, Are thofe that are fix'd in the mind, Which envy or time cannot blaft : Beware, then, beware how ye truft Coquettes, who to love make pretence ; i
SONGS TER, % For Phillis to me had been juft, If nature had blefs'd her with feofe* k. * A FR.SE-UASON's SONG, ' ■ ' . • i H ATI^, mafonry, thou craft divine I Glory of earth from heav'n reveaPd ; Which doft with jewels precious (hine, ■ < ' From all but mafons* eyes concealed ; The praifes due who can rehearfe, In nervous profe, or flowing verfe ! As men from brutes •diflinguuVd are, A maTon other men*excels; For what's in knowledge choice and rare, But in his breaft fecurely dwells ! His filenc breaft,- and faithful heart, Preferve the fecrets of the art. From fcorching heat and piercing cold, From beads whofe roar the forcil rends, From the aiTaults of warriors bold, The mafon's art mankind defends ;. Be to this art due honour paid, From which mankind receives fuch aid* " \ . H3 j
9o SONGSTEB. Enffgns of ftate that feed our pride-, Diftinctions troublefonie and vain ! By mafons true are laid aftde; Arts free-bora fans fuch toys dlfdaia*. Ennobled by the name they bear* Diftinguifh'd by the badge they wear.. Sweet fellow (hi p9 from envy free, Friendly converfe of brotherhood^ The lodge's lading cement be 1 Which has for ages.firmly flood*. A lodge thus built, for ages pad Has lafted, and wilL ever laft. Then in our fengs be juftice done* To thofe who. have enrich'dthe arfi4_ From Adam to great Lcven down, And let each brother bear a.part; Let our grand-mafter's health go rounds,., His praife in ev'ry lodge refound. THE FRIAR AHO.NUSJ-A.CAHT AT A. . RECirATirt; AN Paris city, they report For truth, There dwelt an active prieftin prime of youth?; ■.
SONG S T E R. 5^ And in the convent, as fome others fay* There hVd a nun a* blooming as the May: The rev'rend father figh'd for her in vain, He dar'd.not openly his lave explain ;. Her beauty fann'd the embers.of,defire, But looks auftere quite daro'p'd the riling fire*. At length kind fortune did his withes blefs,. For the fair nun came to him to confefs ;, With great.devotion.(he her-forehead fign'd,, And thus reveal'd the troubles of her.mind;.. w A.l.R. Holy father.* believe, forrows I grieve,. And fincerely repent each trangreffion ? One fault, above all> my mind does enthral, And torments mcrfurpaffing. expreflioh. Tho* to Heaven I'm bound*, yet.Cupid has found The method to lead me aftray ; Alas I I am frail, for love would prevail,: Tho? confeience cryfd, fternly, Stay, Gary.,. i r R:BC I TAT I ▼■E. The jolly prieft, as near the fair he flood, Feels genial warmth fUr up his youthful blood ; Then fmiling on the lovely fuppliant fair, . He chuck'd her chin, and bade her not defjianv I.know no harm there is in love^ he faid, Each fex> my. dear, was for the other made ; i r
3i-2: SONGS T E R-. * The church ordains it, and you do, no fault:, If to the church you yield-up what you ought; But 'tis <i fin4f any one fhould feaft Upon thofe charms ualefs he is a prieft. * + Air-. Confider how happy will be your condition,-., If once you will form a refolution To bed'with a prelate—You need no-contrition,- For prelates can give abfolution : Then yield to my arms thy ravifhing charms, Permit me your beauties to rifle ; . You know I can blefs you, as well" as confefs you 5 Eefides, it is only-a-trifle.. Sang in Thomas and. Sall.v. W ERE: T as poor as wretch can bey. As great as any monarch, he, Ere on fuch terms Pd mount his throne, I'd work my fingers tathc bone. m m ► -+ Grant me, ye powers, (I.aik not wealth,} } Grancme but innocence and health ; , Ah ! what is grandeur linkM to vice ?. V *Tis only virtue gives it price*-. % *
SONGSTER s$ ■Written by' Mr. Chjrchiii, A Jolly brrffc taf j but a little time fince, As bold as a beggar, as drunk as a prince, Fell foal of an ale-houfe, and thinking it fin tT6 pafs without calling, reel'djovially in.' Derry down; &c. « m Scarce feated was he, when the landlord pafsM • by, With pudding and .beef} which attracted Jack's eye ; By the main-mad, a fail, boys ! then he leapt from his place, And grafping his bludgeon, gave orders for + chace. Derry down, &c« Now it happened together fome Frenchmen were met, Refolving foup-meagre and frogs to forget, Convinc'd of their error, commanded this1 feaft To be dreft and ferv'd up in the old EnglxjQa.; tafte. •Derry down, Sec, At the heels of the landlord thefailor appears, And makes the room ring with three BritiflL xhesrs j
^ I
£* SONGSTER. Then he fits himfelf down, without further de- p bate? And claps an old quid ia. his next neighbour's plate. Derry down, &c- Sure nothing could equal the Frenchmen's lux- . prize, When theyfhrugg'd up their fhoulders, and turn'A. up their eyes ; From one dropt a ha, and the other a hem, All gap'd at the landlord,, the landlord at them*. Derry down, &c.' One, more bold than the reft,'by his brethren'sad* ▼ice, Made a freaking attempt to come in for a flice ^ Jack, cutting bis hand, quickly gave him a check*. Cry'd, Down with your arms', or I'll loon fweep. the deck* 1 Derry down, &c.
^ The landlord enrag'd, now approach'd from afar, And freaking behindj feiz'd the arms of-the tar 5. I have him, fays he; blithe couM fay no more, ;gre he found his 'dull pate where his heels ftoodbe-- fore- Derrjr dQvrcij.&c.
^ h
SONGS T E R., 95 The landlord thus fprawling, the Frenchmen u- nite, Each takes-up his knife and prepares for die fight; Of quarters, cries Jack, I would not have you think ; Strike, ftrike, you frag-eaters, urike, ftrikc, or you link. , Derry down, &c. So faying, he handled his trufty oak ftick, And pour'd in his broad-fide fo ftout and /b thick 4. So well play'd his part, in a minute, that four Were decently laid with their hoft on the floor. Derry down, &c». The reft all difma.y*d at their countrymen's fate, ~ For fear that Jack's (lick fhould alight on their pate, AcknowIedg*d him vi<5tor, and lord of the main, With*I humbly intreating to bury their flain. Derry down, &c. Three cheers then, he gave, but infifted thai they, For the beef, for the pudding and porter ftould pay ; w * w J
Sft SON G ^5 T E R. 4 They agreed; fo the failor* reelM off. with his wench, ' And fung as he reePd, Down, down with the French." Derry down, &c, ■ Written by S h a ic e s f t A r. o RPHEUS, with his lute, made trees, And the mountain tops that freeze, Bow the tnfe Ives, when he did fing ; To his mufic, plants and flowers
» Ever fprung, as fun and lbowers There had made a lading i'pring. Ev^ry thing that heard him play, E'eQ the billows of the Tea, Hung their heads, and then lay by i Iaiweet muGcisfuch art, Killing care, or grief of heart, * Fall afleep, or hearing die. I *
p ^ I . SO N G&TER. 9j I Sang in the Eibctiok. I Wh 11. E happy in 017 native land, I I boaft ray country's charter 5 ■ I'll never bafely lend my hand, I Her liberties to barter. HI I The noble mind is not at all 1 By poverty degraded ; v'Tis guilt alone can make us fall, I And well I am perfuaded, IEach free-born Briton's fong fhould be, I Or give me death or liberty. ITho' fmall the pow'r which fortune grants, I And few the gifts ihe fends us ; JThe lordly hireling often wants 9 That freedom that defends us. fey law fecur'd from lawlefs ftrife, 8 Our houfe is our caftellum. BThus blefs'd with all that's dear in life, I For lucre, fball we' fell 'em ? |jo—ev'ry Briton's fong fhould be, 1 Or give me death or liberty. bfft \_ iff w9 jHfl
<;8 S O N G S T EH. WHAT IS THAT TO YOU ; A SCOTCH SOHC SungatVAUKHALL. JVJLy Jeany and I have toil'd The live-long fummer'.s day, Till we were almoft fpoil'd, At making of the hay. Her kerchy was of holland clear, Ty'd to her bonny brow ; I whlfper'd fomething in her ear ; .
* But what is that to youi Her (lockings were of kerfey green, And tight as ony filk ; O, fie a leg was never feen ! Her fkin was white as milk. Her hair was-black as ane could wifh, And fweet, fweet was her tnou \ Ah! Jeany daintily can kifs; . But what is that to you ? • The rofe and lily baith combine To make my Jeany fair : There is nac benifon like mine, I have amaift nae care. ' But when another fwain, my fair, ■ Shall fay youVc fair to view ; Let Jeany whifper in his ear, Fray what is that to you ? 4
SOITGST'E R. «# t Sung in the Oracle. V V O UL D you with her you love be bleft, Ye lovers, thefe inftructlons mind, " ' Conceal the paffion in your breaft, Be dumb, infenfible, and blind: But when with gentle looks you meet, And fee-the artlefs bluihes rife, Be filent, loving, and difcreet; The oracle no more implies, \ When once you prove the maid uncere, Where virtue is with beauty join'd ; Then boldly like yourfelves appear, .. No more infenfible, or blind : Pour forth the tranfports of your heart, And fpeak your foul without difguife 5 *Tis fondnefs, fondnefs muft impart;. The oracle no more implies. Tho* pleafing, fatal is the fnare, That ftill entraps all womankind"*; Ladies, beware, be wife, take care, Be deaf, infenfible, and blind :
^^ T But fhould fome fond deferving youth. Agree to join in Hymen's ties,, Be tender, conftant, crown his truth ;, The oracle no more implies. r
ioo SO N G S T E R. ft Written by Soa»£ Jennyns, Efq. l A O O plain, dear youth, thefe tell-tale cyw My heart your own declare, But for heav'n's fake let it.fufEce You reign triumphant there. y<J"-EP'^ f Forbear your utmoft pow'r to try*!"1*/ ^Kj^lJ Nor farther urge Jour fway j V^"-S>\>/ Frefs not for-what I mufrdeny,. ^--,■ >^ For fear I fhould obey. Could all your arts fuccefsful prove* Would you a maid undo, Whofe greateft failing is her love, Aqd that her love of you ? Say, would you ufe that very pow'r You from her fondnefs claim, To ruin, in one fatal hour, - A life of.fpotlefs fame ? t Ah I ceafe, my dear, to dp an ill* < Becaufe perhaps you may ; But rather try your utmoff fkill To fave cae,.than betray. Be you yourfelfmy virtue's guard, v - Defend, and not purfue ; * > m J
SONGSTER, 101 Knee 'tis a taflc for me too hard, To fight with love and you, 4- Sung ia the Mafque of A l f r e d. T J|L F thofe who live in fhepherd's bow'r, Prefs not the gay and (lately bed ; The new-mown hay and breathing flow'r Afofter couch benearh them fpread. If thofe who fit at fhepherd's board,' Soothe not their tafte with wanton art;. They take what nature's gifts afford, Ajid take it with a chearful heart. If thofe who drain the fiiepherd's bowl, No high andfparkling wine can boaft ; With wholefome cups they chear the foul* And crown them with the village toaft. If thofe who join in fiiepherd's fport, Dancing on the daify'd ground, Have not the fplendor of a court, Yet love adorns the merry round.
^ i i ■
ic2 songster; ■. h. ■ A H U N T J N G ! O II G* * M H ARKS the huntfraan's began to found the: flirill horn, Come quickly unkennel the hounds : *Tis a beautiful, glittering, golden-ey*d-morn, We'll chace the fox over the grounds. i 4 See ! yonder fits reynard, fo crafty and fly ; Come faddlc your courfers apace : The hounds have a fcent, and are.all' in full cry 5. They long to be giving him chace* The horferaea are mounted, the fteeds feel. the. fpur, And fwifcly they fcour it along ; Rapid after the for runs each muiical cur ; Follow, follows my boys, is the fong. w O'er mountains and vallies they fkim it away, . Now reynard's almofc out of fight; 'Burfooner than lofe him, they'd fpend the whole day In hunting—for that's their delight.
^ 1 I By eager purfuing they'll have him at lad r He's fo tir'd, poor rogue, down he lies ; r L
■ * SON G S T E R: iq3* Now ftarts up afreih—young Snap has him faft ; fee trembles, kicks, ftruggles, and dies. A FAVOURITE S O N «. J3 ELIEVE my figh's, my tears,, my dear, Believe the heart you've won ; Believe my vows to you ffncere, -. Or, Peggy, I'm undone : You fay I'm fickle, apt to change . At every.face that's new ; Of all the girls I ever faw, I ne'er lov'd one like you. . My heart was once a flake of ice, " Till thaw'd by your bright eyes ; Then warm'd and kindled in a trice A flame that never dies : Then take and try. me, and you'll 6nd A heart that's kind and true ; Of all the girls I ever faw, I ne'er lov'd one like you. +
■ mWOQ COOP »»6»q»Qe00000Og0'p00Gp0OC3O0g»»a0OQ»0oflpe BOO SO400 i^OO
ft03P»QC>fto«-JM'1»«—MMfQ Written by - Mr* Cong ute. B I O U S Selinda. goes to pray'rs, If I but alk the favour * +
. to4' S-O N'G-S'T'E:R;, And yet the tender fool's m tears, When the believes I'll leave her. - Wou'd I wete free from this reftraint, . Or elfe had hopes to win her ; Wou'd.ilie could make of me a faint> Or I of her a finner. Vfr ^ **'<& ^S- ^-S ^?£ <•#-& 'tt'SS'tt'Sg ** * Stf«Sg ***^**»-' A BACCHANALIA?* SONG*. YYE'I-L drink, and we'll never have done, bdys#» Put the glafs then around with the fun, boys ;, Let Apollo's example invite us, For he's drunkev'ry night, That makes him fo bright, That he's able next morning to light us. Drinking's a Chriftian diversion, Unknown to the Turk and the Perfian ; . Let Mahometan fools. Live by heathenifli rules, And dream o'er their tea-pots and coffee ; While the brave Britons fing, And drink health to the king, And a fig for their futon-and lopby- ■ F W
SON G S T1.R. io£ Written by. Mr. Budg.uu VV H Y will FJnrella, when I gate,. My raviAVd eyes reprove ? And hide 'em from the only face They can behold with love ? To fhun her fcorn, r.nd eafe ray-care,. I feek .» nymph more kind ; And while I rove from fair to fair, Still gentle ufage find. i But oh ! how faint is ev'ry joy, Where nature has no part ; New beauties may my eyes employ*- But you engage my heart.. + So reftlefs exiles, doom'd to roam, Meet pity ev'ry where ; .
" Yet languifh for their native home,. Tho* death attends them there. \_y UPID, god of pleaficg angBifh* Teach the endmouf'd fwain to languifh, Teach him fierce defires to know. Heroes would be loft in ftory, Did not love infpire their glory, Love does all that's great below*. F 4
1 ictf "SONGSTER. A MARTIAL SONG. Written by Mr. M a.v o r. JL O arms, to arms !' Britannia calls 5 Awake, ye fov'reigr.s of the main. ; Lo • treachery bids the faithlefs Gauls Prefume upon your native reign. Rule, Britannia ; Britannia, rule the waxes 51 . Britons never will be flaves. Gan free-born fpirit fink fo low, To fhudder at a race of flaves ? - Will Britifh prowefs tamely bow, And quit the empire of the wayes ? Rule, Britannia, 5cc; Thb* folly's bafe, inglorious fway>. Thy once unclouded annals (lain ; If wifdom pointed, out the way, Thy fons their fplendor would regain.- Rule, Britannia, Sec A Chatham, fir'd with hoaeft rage, Would roufe the courage of this ifle \ Blot paft difgrace from mem'ry's page, And make expiring commerce faille*. Rule, Britannia, &e. . +
4 M S O N G S T E R. 107 Thrice bled the man, ordain'd to fave Thefe nations, in this dreary hour ; To wake the flame thac Heav'n firft gave, Diipel our fears, and raife our pow'r. Rule, Britannia, &c. Till htaving furges ceafe to roar, His praife fhali grace the roll of fame? When future ages fed no more Ourprefent weaknefs, and our fhame. Rule, Britannia ; Britannia, rule the waves ; Britons never will be Haves. w A WE L C H S O W G. V_y O T'fplutter o'nails, Hur was come from North Wales, To try hur good fortune in .London-; But oh ! hur poor heart, Hur fears, for hur part, Alas ! hur for ever is undone* For as hur was coing, With Shenkin and Owen,
^ To pray to goot Tavit hur faint, Sir ; A young tamfel hur met, Put hur all in a fweat, Goot lack hur was ready to faint, Sir*
xeS S O N G S T E R. So pvlght was hur eyes* As the liars in-the. ikies, " Hur lips were like r'upies fo fine, Sir * Hur cheeks were o'erfpread With a fweet white and ied, She look't like an angel divine, Sir. When fhe fpoke, how hur voice Made hur pofemc rejoice I So charming and prafe were hur words, Sir ; The wood-lark, or thrufh, That ling on a pufli, No accents fo fweet can afford, Sir. t Since that lucklefs hour, So creat is love's power, Hur croans and fays nothing put Heigh day I Put her paffion, hur fear, Hur can never declare* For the lafs was as crand as a lady. Yet true lovers all, When you hear of hur fall,1 O'er her crave fhed a tear out of pity ; For fo earneft her crieves, Hur fhall tie, hur believes, And fo there's an end to hur ditty.
m SONG ST E K. 1C9 SUDg at-R.lNELAGH. T O eafe his heart, and own his flame, .Blithe Jockey to young Jenny came ; I But, tho' flie lik'd him .pacing weel, She carelefs turn'd her fpinning-wheel. Her milk-white hand he did eito'l, And prais'd her fingers long and fmall ; Unufual joy her heart did feel, But Rill fbe turn'd her fpianing-wheel. Then round about her flender waift He clafp'd his arms, and her embrac'd . To kifs her hand he down did kneel; But yet Ihe turn'd her fpinning-wheel. i .With gentle voice fiie bid him rife; He bleft her neck, her lips, and eyes : Her fondnefs flie could fcarce conceal ; Yet ftill flie turn'd her fpinning-wheel. Till, bolder grown, fo cloi'e he* prefs'd, His wanton thought fhc quickly guefs'd; Then pufh'd him from her rock and reel, And angry turnM her fpinning-wheel. Atlafl, when flie began to chide, He fwore he meant her for his bride : K
- 1:0 S 6 N G S t E R. 'Twas then her love fhe did reveal, And flung away her fpinning-wheel. 1 L A BO U R IN VAIN. J.N purfuit of forae Iambs from my flocks that had flray'd, Or . morning I rang'd o*er the plain ; But;, r.las ! after all my refearches were made, I perceiv'd that my labour was vain. ^ At length growing hopelefs my lambs to reftore, I refolv'd to return back again ; It was ufelefs, I thought, to feek after them more, Since I found that my labour was vain. + On this my return, pretty Phebe I faw, And to love her I could not refrain ; To folicit a kifs, I approach'd her with awe, But fhe told me my labour was vain. But, Phebe, (I cry'd,) to my fuit lend an ear, And let me no longer complain. ;She reply'd, with a frown, and an afpcdl fevere, Young Colin, your labour's in vain. \ ■. 1 ■. p
S ON G S ■TTE' R. nt^ Then I eagerly clafp*d her quite clofe to my breaft/ And kifs'd her, and kifs'd her again ; O, Colin (file cry'd,) if you're rude, I proteft That your labour mall (till be in vain. Atlengtjj, by entreaties, by kiffes, and vows, Companion (he took on my pain ; She now has confented to make me her fpoufe, So nojonger I labour in vain. >;><X>,->(;
>!r-*s:>o<>C:'<2'<>'^<>"::3<><>c^=>is>0'-0,<>1'-:"-'<Sfc<'':,<'>«:'■■"' ■- * * _ Written by Mr. Wrighten. Sung at Vauxhall. JjO'UND the fife—beat the drum-------to my ftandard repair, All ye lads who will conquer or die ; At requeft of my fex, as a captain I'm here, The men's courage and valour to try ; 'Tis your king and your country now call for your aid, And the ladies command you to go ; By me they announce it> and you, who're afraid, Or refufe, our vengeance fhail know. Then flrft to the fingle— thefe things I declare* So each maiden moft firmly decrees, Not a kifs will be granted, by black, brown, or fair; Not an ogle, a figh, or a fquceze. K s ■
U2 S ON GSTER. To the married—ifjthey but look glum, or fay, no, Should the monfieur dare blufter or huff, . We've determined, neni. con. that their fore-heads /hall fhew------- A word to the wife is enough. Thefe. punifhments we've in terrorem proclaimed ; But (till, Humid your courage be lacking. As our dernier refbrt, this refolve fhall be nam'd, Which egad ! will foon fend you a packing, We'll the breeches aflume ■ 'pon ray honour 'tis true !------- So determine, maids, widows, and wives ; Firft we'll march------beat the French-------then march back, and beat you Aye, and wear 'era the reft of our lives. A FAVOURITE SONG. X^l O nymph that trips the verdant plains With Sally can compare ; She wins the hearts of all the fwains, And rivals ail the fair ; The beams of Sol delight and chear, While fummer feafons roll ; But Sally's fmiles can all the year Oive pleafure to the foul.
SONGSTER; •• ny. When from the eaft the morning ray Illumes the world below, Her prefence bids the god of day With emulation glow i Frefh beauties deck the painted ground, Birds fwecter notes prepare ; The playful lambkins fkip around, „ And hail the filler fair. * • The lark but flrains his. livid throat, To bid the maid rejoice, And mimicks* while he fwells his note, The fweetnefsof her voice ; The fanning zephyr's round her play, While Flora fhe/11 perfume, And ev'ry flow'ret feems to fay, I but for Sally bloom. The am'rous youths her charms proclaim, From morn to eve their tale ; Ker beauty and unfpotted fame Make vocal ev'ry vale, The dream meandring thro' the mead;, Her echo'd name conveys; t And ev'ry voice, and ev'ry reed, Is tun'd to Sally's praife. - ■ ■ K 3 h m
ii4 SONGSTE R. * No more fliall bikhibmc iafs orAvara To mirthful wake refort> Nor ev'ry May-morn on the plain Advance in rural fport ; No more fliall gufh'the purling rili, Nor rau/ic wake the grove, Nor flocks look fnow-like on the hill, When I forget to love. BRITANNIA; A CANTATA. i Recitative. w HEN difcord ceas'd, and bloody broils no more In war destructive fhook this happy fhore ; 'When carnage ceal'd, and death refus'd to ftain With Britifii blood the dreadful martial plains Britannia rofe, and with a grateful FmiJe, In gentle accents, thus addrefs'd her ifle. i Air. w Ye Britons, what nation like England can fing,. In freedqm we rife ev'ry day ; • In freedom we fleep, aniare bleft with a king . 'Tis a pleafure in all to obey ; Then, my children, encreafe The fwest blefllngs of peace,
SO:Na5,T.ER. US Let trumpets in melody join ;: While truth fhall proclaim George's virtues and fame, Which on record for ever will flxine.-. Recitative. 4 The found feraphic reach'd tha royal ear, And gazing crowds the heav'nly accents hear ;.- Reviving joy. returns in.evfry breall, War difappear'd, and. peace the kingdom .bleft ; , - The happy ifle no greater bleffing feeks, The monarch rifes, and thus nobly fpeaks : Am.. Britannia, be a/Ttir'd I. pride to fee Myfelf the monarch, of a people free ; Happy tp govern o'er this blifsfuf ifle, Where bleffings on myfubjects ever imile ; As long as I.the royal fcepter bear, My country's good fhall be ray greateft care; May peace continue, nor,my people know The. cafual griefs which from-Bellona flow ; Firm to Britannia's caufe my arms fhall fleep, As long as England's foes their treaties keep ; But if my lion 13 iaduc'd ta-roa-T\ **■ Defiru&ion hovers round the Gallic iliore* "v ■. ■
x.i£ SONGS T\E~R. JESSY; OR, APRIL DAY. Sung at Vauxhall. w HILE the bee flies from bloflbm to bloflbm. ■ and ftps, And my Jeify looks buxom and gay ; Let me hang on her neck, and tafle from her lips All the fweets of an April day. The fhepherd his flock, the ruftic his plough, The farmer with joy views his hay, And Jefly, my charmer, when milking her cow, Sings the fweets of an April'day* Like fnow-drops with innocent ftfeetnefs array'd . As blithfome and chearful as May, My Jeffy, tne pride of.all the gay mead, Sung the fweets of an April day. Remember, dear JeiTy, and ufe well your pow*r3 Your rofe-buds then pluck while you.may :. And guiltlefs enjoy all the fweets of this hour3 For youth's but an April day. *
SONGSTER. 117 A RECRUITING SONG. Sung at Sadler's Wells. V/OME, volunteers, come To the head of the drum,. And all you can mufter along with you bring y Leave matters and mothers, And fathers, and brothers ; Nor think of a duty, but that to your king- Thpu'rt active, young neighbour, Then throw off thy labour, And fwop thy bafe pillow for bed of renown ; Dick, Harry, and Hugh, Won't you do fo too ? A guinea I'll give you, d'y'fee, and a crown* Good linen and cloaths, With hats, lnoes, and hofe, For a gentleman foldier. fit every thing ; I To my quarters then come, Beer, brandy, and rum, Swig your bellies full—.God favc the king*
1- 118. SONGSTER. Sung at Vauxhall. 'HP J. ISa twelvemonth ago, nay perhaps they are- twain,. Since Thyrfis neglected the nymphs of the plain,_ And would tempt me to walk the gay meadows along, To hear a foft tale, or to fiug him a long. "What at flrfl was but fnend[h\p, foon grew to a flame, In ray heart it was love, in the youth*:; 'twas the fame ; From each other we fought not our pafTion to hide, But who fhould love moitnvas our conceit and pride. But prudence foon whifper'd us, Love not too well, For envy has eyes, and a tongue that will tell ; And a flame, without fortune*s rich gifts oji its fide, The grave ones vviJl fcorn, and a mother muft chide. Afraid of rebuke, he his vifits forbore, And we promis'd to think of each other no more, But to tarry with patience a feafon more kind ; (So I put the dear ihepherd quite out of my mind. ■.
SON GS T E R. ••fig- But love breaks the fences I vainly had made, Grows deaf to all cenfure, and will be repaid ; If we -figh for each other, ah ! quit not your care ; Condemn the god Cupid, but blefs the fond pair! A FAVOURITE SONG. A Wit and captain ftrove, Sir, To gain a lady's love, Sir ; And warm in competition, To pleafe his miftrefs snoft. The bravo, like a warrior, Thought he by (lorm fhou'd carry herP And fwore he'd guard her perfon . . From danger and afperfion, And ihe fiiou'd be his toaft. The poet foftly told her, That tho' he was no foldier, He'd make her fame eternal, In Magazine or Journal, And fing away her cares. The lady then reflecting Whofe parts were mod affec*Hng, Thought fpark of tuneful merit GutweighM the bluft'ring fpirit, And thus her roind declares.
120 S O N G S T E R. My honour wants no Hedior To be its Hern ^rotedfcor ; No Myrmidon to frighten, But Phaon to delight in ; So, captain, march along. 'Tis gentle wit and breeding, Is worth a lady's heeding ; No hopes our hearts of gaining, Without firft entertaining ; So let me have a fong. But jufl: then in the nick, Sir, A fquire of filver quick, Sir, With gold-knot on his rapier, Who well could cut a caper, Now> play'd before her eyes* His air and drefs fo taking* Without the pains of fpeaking, 'This moft engaging youngfter, By far outfhone the fongfter, And danc'd off with the prize. •m
SONG'STlR. -V*i- T»E HUMOROUS LASS. Sung at Vaukhacl. OMART Doll of the green, who lov'd mirth as her life, By many a fwaia was requefted to wife ; Her figure was graceful, and cpmely her face, Yet in her affections no man had ta'en place ; The fquire of the vill took it into his head, That he by great proffers could win her to bed -r But all his fine artifice Dolly thro* faw, And baulk'd the poorfquire with a hearty ha ! ha! r Next Hodge of the vale all his flame did impart, Who knew nothing more than a plough or a cart; With aukward addrefs he made a ftrange fufs,, , Turn'd his hat o'er his thumb, and begg'd for a bufs. The lout fetch'd a figh, and cry'd Meed Doll 'tis true, Ife love thee mod woundily, Tfaith, girl I do ; But fhe flapp'd his fool's chaps and bid him with- draw, So fent him away while fhe laugh'd ha ! ha ! F The next was a fellow fo fmart and fo fpruee, Who caper'd and fung, 'aiong the girls play'd the deuce, L .■ 1
jaa SONGSTER. F And poor Doll thought to ferve as the reft, ■ Bur {he was too' fharp, and of him made a jeft. Quoth Doll, I'll ne'er wed till I meet with a man ! Much lefs let a fop my nfF ilions trapan ; And faid, fuch a thing ihe before never faw, 'But hnp'd he'd excufe it, and laugh'd out ha! ha ! Wlrh the ladies, T know, 'tis a primitive rule, Much becter be pi.igird with a knave than a fool ; . ■ An 1' others, again, this opinion impart, Their eyes they will pleafe if they torture their heart. From rhefe I diflent, but approve of the plan That Dolly laid down, till you meet with your man ; Then your hands and your hearts may unite with- out flaw* And your .conjugal ftate be one fcene of ha ! ha! t + .■ h
* v ■'
- *• A GOOD-FELLOWS WILL. HOULD I die by the force of good wine, 'Tis my will, wheal fall, that a tun be my
T fhriue ; And for the age to com«, Engrave this ftory on my tombs Here lies a body once fo brave, Who with drinking made his grave. i
S O NGSTER. I2j Since thus to die will purchafe fame, And raife an everlalling name, Drink, drink away, and dare to be nobly in- terred : Let mifers and flaves Sneak into their graves, And rot in a dirty church-yard. F a w THE MILITIA MAR CM,. Sung at Vauxhall. h ARK I the loud drum ; Hark the flirill trumpet founds to arms ; Come, Britons ! come : Prepared for war's alarms, Whilft in array we ftand, ~~ What Frenchman dares to land ? .■ F" Sure in the attempt to meet his doom : A leaden death, or a wat'ry tomb, The Britons brave, ' -H On land or wave, Will invaders defy ; Will repulfe them, or die, And fcorns to live a flave. L 2 F
4 124 SONGSTER. . Recal the days When bravely your forefathers fought; When, crown'd with praiie, . They martial glory fought. ~ Bid their high deeds infpire I Bid Magna Charta fire I Greatly they Jabour'd for our good ;. AJI forms of tyranny withftood. Thcfe we defy ; . On our own ftrength rely. What Briton fo bafe, r Would his country difgrace9. And from his colours fly ? Nov party fpite No more our meafures will oppofe ;, For all unite -'Gainil our infulting foes. All then in chorus fing,' ' Long live our gracious king J Fill to George the fparkiing bowl f Hand it round, each loyai foul, Ivife patriot fame J Thy glories proclaim: Who his fword boldly draws -^ In his country's caufe, WiJI win a deathlefs name. r ■
SO N'G S T E R. 125 Written by Mr- Dawre. E fongfters from ev'ry tree, And ail that inhabit the grove* Gome, liiiea a moment to me, Whilft I fing in the-praife of my love. Ho'.v bleft and how happy's your Itate ! You can bafk in the beams of her eyes ; " ■ # But, alas ! fad to tell, cruel fate To me the dear bleffing denies, Ye lambkins who play at her feet, And enjoy herfweet fmiles all the day, I.fhould think my blifs more than complete In her prefence one moment to flay ; Thofe beauties are hid from your eyes, As bleating around her you ftaud ; Ye feel no emotions arife While contented ye.feed from her hand. In her all the graces do meetj In her all the virtues combine^ With all that is lovely or fweet, And all that is reckoned divine. . Oh! would lhe but fmile on my lays, 'Twouldmore than compenfate my pain; Ye poets contend for the bays, Such trifles as thefe I difdain. L 3 Hi h
126 SONGSTER. t BLUE-EY*© KANCY,. * * Sung at Vauxhall. f ' 1 HE flow'r of females, beauty's queen! Who Cues thee Aire muft prize thee; Tho' thou art dreft in robes but mean, Yet theJTe cannot difguife ^jee : Thy graceful air, and modeft look, Strike ev'ry fhepherd's fancy O ; Thru'rt match for fquire, for lord, or duke9> My lovely blue-ey'd Nancy O- . 4 Oh ! were I but fome fhepherd fwain,. To feed my flocks befide thee,, To tend my fheep. upon the plain, In milking to abide thee ; I'd think, myfelf a happier man,. Wit-h thee to pleafe my fancy O ; Than he-that hugs his thoufands ten,. Had I my. Hue-ey'd Nancy O. Then I'd defpife th' imperial throne,. And ftatefmen's dang'rous ftations j I'd be no king, Fd wear no crown, And i'mile at conquering nations;.
s SONG ST E Ri! ^27 Might I poflefs, and (till carefs, This Jafs thac ftrikes my fancy O !' ■ For thefe are joys, and ftill look iefs, Coropar'd witfcublne-eyM Nancy O. i THETICAROF £ K. A Y. X'N good King CJ^rles's golden days,, - When loyalty had no harm in't, A zealous highrchurch man I was, w And fo I got preferment :. To teach my Hock I.never mift, Kings are by God appointed ; And thofeare damn'dthat do refiftj. And couch the Lord's anointed.
; And this is law* I will maintain. *, Until my dying d±y9 Sir; That whatfoever kingihall reign,. I will be.vicar o£ 13ray, Sir. When royal James obtain'd the throne, And pop'ry came in faihion, The penal laws I hooted down, And read the declaration ; The church of Rome I found would fit-. -Full well my constitution, And had become a Jefuit, But for the revolution. And this is law, &c. 4
t28 SONGSTER^ When William was our king declar'dp, To tfafe this nation's grievance ; - With this new wind about I fteer'dj.
^ And fwore. to him allegiance * ' Old principles I did revoke, Set conference at adUtance,. Paffive-obedleiice was a joke, And pifhwas non-refiftance.. And this is law, &cv When gracious Anne afcends the throne^-, The church of England's glory, "Another face of things was feen,. And I.became a Tory : GccafionaJ conformitts bafe, I damn'd their meditation, . And thought the church in danger w?s, By fuch prevarication. And this is law, &c.-. When George in puddings time came o'eiy-r And moderate men look'd big, Sir3 I.turnM a -cat in pan once more, And then became a whig, Sir ; And fo-perfermenc I procured By our new faith's defender ; , And always every day abjur'd The pope and the pretender. And this is law, &s.
SON G S T E R. lip The illuftrious houfe Hanover* A.nd proreftant fucceflion,. To thefe I do allegiance fwear, While they, can keep pofTeflion i For by my tVith and loyalty I nev-r more will f,+uker, And George my lawful king (hall be, Until the times fhall alter. And his is law, I will maintain P Until my dying d*y. Sir; That whatfoever king fhall reign, - I will be vicar of Bray, Sir* Sung at Ranelagh. w H'EN flrft my dear laddie gade to the green^ hill, And I at ewe-milking firft-fhow'd my young fkill y To bear the milk bowie nae pain gave to me, So at eve I w;as bled with thy piping and thee;. For aye as L milk'd, and aye as I Tang, My yellow-hair'd laddie (hall be my good man- When corn-riggs wav'd yellow, and blue hether- tells Bloom'd bonny on moreland, or fVeet rlfing fells!; Nae birns, briers, or brakens, gave trouble to me,, So I eat the fweec berries, when gather'd by thee.s; i r + 4
13® SONGSTER. For aye as I walk'd, and aye as I fang, My yeliow-hair'd laddie fhaU be my good man* When you ran, or wreftled, or putted the ftane, And came off the vi&or, mv heart was *ye fain ; ' Give me ftiil all tbefe pleafures, my ftudy fhall be To make myfelf better and fweeter for thee : For aye as I wedded, and aye as I fang, My yellow-hair'd laddie fnaJl be my goocf man. A WELCH X.OV&-SON6. O OME fing Molly Mogg of the Rofe». w
¥ ' And call her the Oakingham Pelle ; ' Whilft others do ferfes compofe On peaiitiful Molly Lepelle. + ■ Put of all the young firgins £o fair, Which Pritaih's crete monarchy owns ; In peauty there's none to compare With-hur charming tear Gwinifrid Shones»- Unenviet the fplentit coritkion Of princes that lit' upon thrones : The higheft of all hur ampition Ifs the lofeof fair Gwinifrid Shones^
SON G ST E R. xjt Pold mortals the clobe will fearcli ofer * For cold and for tiatnond ftones ; Put hur can more treafure tifcofer In peautiful Gwinifrid Shones. . " Not the nightingale's pitiful note Can exprefs how poor Shenkin bemoans His fate, when in places remote Hur is abfent from Gwinifrid Shones. Hur lofe ifs than honey far fweeter, And hur is no Shenkin ap drones ; Put hur would lapour in profe and in metre, To praife hur tear Gwinifrid Shones. As the harp of Saint Tavit furpafTes The pagpipes poor tweetles and crones ; So Lepelle, Molly Mogg, and all IafTes, Are excelled by hur Gwinifrid Shones, Sung in Comus. o M ev'ry hill, in ev*ry grove, Along the margin of each ftreara, Dear conicious fcenes of former frove, I mourn, and Damon is my theme. The hills, the groves, the ftreams remain, But Damoa there I feek in vain.
i.34 _'■ SONGSTER. 1 Now to the mo/Ty cave I fly> Where to my fwain I oft have fung, WelJ pleas'd the browziog goats to £pyf As o'er the airy fteep they hung. The moffy cave, the goats remain, Eat Damon there I feek in vain* m Now thro' the trembling vale I pafs. And figh to fee the welt-known fhadc, 1 weep, and kifs the bended grafs, Where love and Damon fondly play'd. The vale, the fliade, the grafs remain*. But Damon there 1 feck in vain. From hill, from dale, each charm is fled, Groves, flocks, .and fountains pleafe no more, Each flower in pity drops its head, All nature does my lofs deplore. All, all reproach the faithlefs fwain, Yet Damon 1UII I feek in vain. w h % i
i w
SO NGSTERr \ 133-" ■. Sung in the Wives Revenger. JVj. ASTER Jenkins fmok'd his pipe, And fwore he'd ne'er be married, But *gainft each hufband threw feme wipe* Or dry jeft drolly carried. Matter Jenkins thought a wife The greateft mortal evil, And fwore to lead a husbandVIife Muft be the very devil* Matter Jenkins fmok'd his pipe At home, content, and married, Regardlefs of each fne'er or wipe, Or dry jeft drolly carried : Matter Jenkins fwore a wife Was not fo great an evil; And any but a husband's life Was now the very devil* Mailer Jenkins fmok'd his pipe, And had been fome months married; Severely now he felt each wipe, ■For horns the poor man carried; Matter Jenkins -curs'd his wife, . And fwore of fuch an evil j To get well quit he'd part with life, Or fend her to the devil. M i
i"34 SON'GST-ER. ROBIN- HOOD. A S blithe as the linnecTings ia the green wood-, So blithe we'll wake the morn ; Anu} thro' the wide forelt of merry Sherwood, We'll wind the bugle horn. The JherifF attempts to take bold Robin Hood ; Bold Robin difdains to fly ; Let him come when he will, we'll in merry Slier- wood Or vanquithj boys,.or die. Our hearts they are.flout, and our -bows they arc good, As well their matters know ; They're cue in the foreft of merry Sherwood, And ne'er will fpare a foe. Our arrows (hall drink of the fallow-deers blood ; We'll hunt them o'er the plain ; And thro' the wide foreft of merry Sherwood,' No (haft fhall fly in vain- Brave Scarlet and John, who were never fubdu'd, Gave each his hand fo bold ; '■ " We'll reign thro' the fared of merry Sherwood; What fay, my hearts of gold.! 4 \ *
SONGSTER. 135 THE VI R'G I N M'O Nfl'T. OR* Sunc at Vau::hall. JL E virgins of Britain,'who wifely attend The dictates of reafon, who value a friend, Come lift to my counfel, and mark what I fay ; Ye damfels beware of the dangers of May. Tho5 guarded by virtue's all foftermg hand ; Tho' modefly lend you her magical wand ; Tho' innocence deck you with fpotlefs array, Ye damfels beware of the dangers of May. When firft the gTy beauties of nature appear, And Phcebus' bright fmile chears the juvenile year ; When the birds chant their amorous notes fro**1 _ each fpray, Ye damfels beware of the dangers of May. Should Flora propofe you the vernal delight Her delicate paintings exhibit to fight: Ih her meadows and fields (hould you frolic and P play, Beware, O beware of the dangers of May. When the blood brifkly flows, the all-eloquent eyes Reveal evary fecret the heart would difguife ; M a
i3<* SONGSTER. The bofom quick-panting with force feems to fay, 'Tis hard to refill" all the dangers of May. Should this amorous youth, this fofc fcene to im- prove, With ardour implore the reward of his love ; If Hymen attend you, his dictates obey, For wedlock removes all the dangers'of May. »»•>> ♦*> •>> *>» «»*>» »»->•»» *>* «*<4 •>* **> <<* •>* »» •*> THE TEAR. Written by the late Queen of Denmark* JLjLOW prone the bofom is to figh ! How prone to weep, the human eye ! As thro* this painful life we fteer, This valley of the figh and tear. When by the heart with forrow griev'd, A thoufand bleffings are receiv'd, With ev'ry comfort that can chear ; 'TIs then bright virtue's grateful tear. When ev'ry parting pang is o'er, And friends long abfent meet once more, Fraught with delight, and love fincere ; ?Tis then fwect friendflup's joyful tear, 4 m ■
SONGSTER. 137 When two fond lovers doom'd to part, Feel deadly pangs invade their heart, - • Torn from the objecr each holds dear; 'Tis then, O then ! the parting tear. When wretches, on the earth reclln'd, Their doom of condemnation fign'd, (The end of earthly being near ;) *Tis then foft pity's gentle tear. If on fome lovely creature's face, , Rich in proportion, colour, grace, A pearly drop fhould once appear ; 'Tis then the lovely, beauteous tear. When mothers, (O ! the grateful fight); Their children view with fond delight ; Surrounded by a charge fo dear, 'Tis then the fond, maternal tear.
^ Whenlovers fee the beauteous maid, To whom their fond attention's paid, With confeious blufhing fobs draw near ; • 'Tis then the lovely, pleading tear.
^ When two dear friends, of kindred mind, By ev'ry gen'rous tie conjoin'd, Behold their dreaded parting near, 'Tis thens O then ! the bitter tear. M 3
rgS S O N G S. T E RJ' But when tha wretch, with fins opprefs^, Strikes in an-agony his bread ; When torn wkh~guilt, remorfe, and fear j 'Tis then the beft, the faving tear. T A N.N Y OF THE DALE. Written by Mr- Cunningham L jET the declining damafk rofe With envious grief look.pale.; The fummer bloom more freely glows. In Fanny of the dale. Is there a fweet that decks the field,: Or fcents the morning gale, Can fuch.a vernal fragrance yield, As Fanny of the dale ? The painted belles,, at court rever'd, Look lifeiefs, cold, and Hale ; How faint their beauties, when compared. With Fanny^f the dale ! The willow binds Paftora's brows, Her fond advances fail: For .Damon pours his warmeft. vows To Fanny of the dale.!
&ONG.STER; i3& r Might honed truth, at la ft, fucceed,. And artlefs love prevail : Thrice happy conld he tune his reed: With Fanny of the.dale I A FATOURITE.SpNG,. JOLLY mortals, fill your glafTes ; . Noble deeds are done by wine ; Scorn the nymph and all her gracqs : . Who'd fdr love or beauty pine ? . Look upon this bowl that's flowing,;. And a thonfand charms, you'll find,;, Mora than in Chloe when juft going.. In the moment tcvbe kind ! Alexander hated thinking ; Drank about at council board ; Made friends, and pain'd the world by drinkijag^ . More than by his conquering fword. .
i4o SONGSTER. W Sung at Yaitxhall. XjLH.! Ghloris, could I now but fit As unconcerned as when Your infant beauty could beget No hsppinefs nor pain ! *" When I this dawning did admire, And pray'd the coming day, Ijittle thought that rifing fire Would take my reft .away. Your charms in harmlefs childhood la.?, As metals, in a mine ; Age from no face takes more away Than youth conceal'd in thine : . But as your charms infenfibly To their perfections preft, So love, as unperceiv'd, did fly? And center'd in my breaft. My paffion with her beauty grew, . While Cupid, at my heart, Still as his mother favoured,you, Threw a new flaming dart: Each gloried in their wanton, part 5 To make a beauty, fhe Employ'd the utnioft of her art; To make a lover, he» 4
SON G S T E R. T4? Sung at Vauxkalu t ELL me, lafFes, have you feen, Lately wand'ring o'er the green,. Beauty's fon, a little boy, Full of frolic, mirth, and joy ?■ If you know his fhelter, fay ; He's from Venus gone aftray r Tell me, IafTes, have you feen Such a one trip o'er the green ? By thefe marks the god you'll know,. O'er his fhoulder hangs a bow, And a quiver fraught with darts, Poifon fure to human hearts : Tho* he's naked, little, blind, He can triumph o'er the mind* Tell me, laffes, &c. Subtle as the lightning's wound, Is his piercing arrow found ; While the bofom'd heart it pains, No external mark remains ; Reafon's fhield itfelf is broke, . By the unfufpe&ed fixoke* Tell me, laflcs, &c. + h
w 142;' • SONGSTER, 6fr the urchin's feen to He
X JBafking in the funny eye: Or his deftin'd prey he feeks On'the maiden's rofy cheeks : Snowy breads, or curling hair,. Oft conceal his pleafine fnare- Tell rne IaiTes, fee. She that the recefs reveals Where'tHe god hirnfelf conceals, Shall a kifs receive this nicht From him who -is her heart's delight ; To Venus let her brint>- the boy, She ihall tafte love's fweeteft joy. Tell me, Ja/Ies, have you feen Such a one trip o*er the green-? A FATOUK.1TE SONG. N OW hear me, dear Nanny, nor treat with dis- dain The voice of my pafilon, the words of my pain ; Thou dear fource of all, 'tis to you I complain, t Then pr'ythee, now hear me, dearJTanny 1 By all thofe bright charrus that appear in your face, By thofe eyes far outfhining bright Phcebus's.,rays»r * m
SO'NGSTER. - 143 By thy bofom where dwells ev'ry virtue and grace, I befeech thee to hear me, dear Nanny ! Ey thy fweet ruby lips, where true eloquence dwells, Whofefweets all the fweets of fam'd Tiybla excels, "Yvhcfe accents alone all my anguiih expels, I befeech thee to hear me, dear Nanny! By-thy deareft dear felf, fraught with charms fo compleac, Ey all that is lovely, and all that-is fweet, B,y love, that now makes me to figh at your feet, I befeech thee to hear me, dear Nanny ! By Hymen's bright torch, and by Cupid's bright flame, By "all that you love, and by all lean name, By your fpotlefs honour, your virtue and fame, I befeech thee to hear me, dear Nanny ! r , F F P Sung at Vauxhall. G AY Damon long fludy'd my heart to. obtain, The prettielt young fhepherd that pipes on the- plain ; I'd hear his foft tale, then declare 'twas amifs, 'And I'd often fay No, when I Iong'd to fay Yes. + h
144 S^O N G-S T E R. Laft Valentine's day to our cottage he came, And brought me two /lambkins to witnefs bis flame; * -1 Oh! take thefe (he cry'd) thou, more fair than their fleece ! I could hardly fay No, tho* alham'd to fay Yes. . Soon after, one morning, we Fat in the grove, lie prefs'd my hand hard, and in fighs breath'd his love ; "Then tenderly afk'd, if I'd grant him a kifs ? : I defign'd to've faid No, but miftook, and faid Yes. At this, with delight, his heart dane'din his breaft ; Ye gods (he cry'd) Cfaloe will now make me bleft ; Come, lee's to the church, and ihare conjugal blifs; To prevent being teiz'd, I was fore'd to fay Yes. I ne'er was fo pleas'd with a word in my life 5 I ne'er was £0 happy as fince I'm a wife: Then take, ye young damfeis, my counfel in this ; You mutt all die old maids, if you will not fay Yes. r - * I 4 * P I + ■ * I
SONGSTER. i45 SOMETHING NEW. JLjLER.E attend all ye fwains, And ye nymphs of the plains, Quit your flocks and your herds for a while j Hither quickly repair, In our mirth a part fhare, And ^ch lafs her lovs meet with a finite. Hark, the drum Hymen beats 1 Hart, how echo repeats The fweet found, as it flies fwift away I O'er bills, and o'er dales, Ev'ry ear It a flails, And mocks their long, tedious delay. O ! how happy is he, That contented can be, To enjoy the bell treafure of life ; All he'd wifh here to gain, He'll be fure to obtain, In a prudent and fenfible wife. Should the rover pretend That thefe joys will foon end, And that love will expire with the moon j Mark how pain and difeafe • i The lewd libertine feize, Ere he reaches the height of life's noon. N
h 146 SONGSTER. But how wretched indeed, He whom fate has decreed From the arms of his fair-one to part,; All endeavours are vain To affuage the fliarp pain "Which is felt in a love-troubled heart. Though life's bufy fcene May ofr help to ferene And difperfe the dark clouds of defpair; Yet when night's (ilentnoon Helps to add to it's glQom, Who can fay what the mind fufFers there! Hafte this day to employ, Thus devoted to joy, And with innocent mirth let's abound ; Thus in chorus we'll fing, While the foreft fliall ring With the burthen of mufic's foft found. May all prefent attain A life free from pain, Ever ftrangers to difcord and (Irife ; May th"e fingle foon find, • In the maiden -that's kind, . The joys of an amiable wife.! ■ * 1
S O KG S T E R, 147 ' Written by- Dr. B r a o *. „ M Y time, O ye mufes ! was happily fpent, When Phebe went with me where-ever I went \ Ten thoufand foft pleafures I felt in my breaft; Sure never fond fhepherd like Colin was bleft ! But now (he is gone, and has left me behind, What a marvellous change on a fudden I find ! When tfiings were as fine as could poflibly be ; I thought 'twas the fpring, but, alas ! it was fhe. With fuch a companion to tend a few fheep, To rife up and play, or to lie down and fleep ; I was fo good-humour'd, fo chearful and gay, My heart was as light as a feather all day. But now I fo crofs and fo peevifh am gro^rn, So ftrangely uneafy as never was known; My fair-one is gone, and my joys are all drown'd, And my heart, I am fare, weighs more than a pound. m
^ The fountain that wont to run fwee.tly along, And dance to foft murmurs the pebbles among, Thou know'ft, little Cupid, if Phebe was there, F *Twas plcafure to look at, 'twas rauficje. tQ hear ; i F N z > t
J4S SONGS T E R. But now (he is abfent, I walk by it's fide, And ftill as it murmurs, do nothing but chide ; Muft you be fo chearful, while I go in pain !' Peace there with your bubbling, and hear plain! * When my lambkins around me would oftentimes play, And when Phebe and I were as joyful as they, How pleafant their fporting, how happy the time, When fpring, love, and beauty, were all in thefe prime I But now in their frolicks when by me they pafs9 I fling at their fleeces an handful of grafs. Be fi:iJJ5 then, I cry, for ic makes me quite mad3 To fee you fo merry, while I am £o fad. My dog I was ever well'pleafed to fee, Come wagging his tail to my fair-one and me; And Phcbe was pleas'd too, and to rny dog faid^ Come hither, poor fellow ; and patted his head: But now, when he's fawning, I with a four lookp. Cry Sirrah I and give him a blow with my crook ; And I'll give him another; for why lhould not Tray Be as dull as, his matter, when Phebe's away I i
SON G S T E R; 149 When walking with. Phebe, what fights have 1 feen I How fair was the flower, how frefh was the green ! What a lovely appearance the trees and the fhade, The corn-fields ' and hedges, and cv'ry thing made ! But -iince fhe has left me, though all are flill there, They none of them now fo delightful appear ; + *Twas nought but the magick, 1 find, of her eyes, Made fo many beautiful prefpedts arrfe. Sweet mufick went with us both all the wood thro*,
' The lark, linnet, throftle/and nightingale too; Winds over us whifper'd, flocks by us did bleat, And chirp went the grafhopper under our feet ; But now fhe is abfent, tho* itill they ling on, The woods are but lonely, the melody's gone ; Her voice in the concert, as now I have found* Gave ev'ry thing elfc It's agreeable found. h Rofe, what is become of thy delicate hue?" . And where is the violet's beautiful blue ? N 3 1
h ;iSe SONGSTER. Does aught of it's fwcetnefs thy bloflbms be- guile?' ' * *- That meadow, thofe dailies, why do they not fmile?. -rfc Ah! rivals ! I fee what it was that you dreft And made yourfelvcs Sue for; a place in her breaft: You put on your colours to pleafure her eye, To be pluck'd by her hand, on her bofona to die* How flowly time creeps, till my J?hebe return, , While amidft the foft Zephyr's cool breezes I: burn ; Methinks if I knew whereabout be would tread, 11 ■ I could breathe on his wings, and 'twould melt down the lead. Fly fwifter, ye minutes, bring hither my-dear,. And reft fo much longer for't, when fhe is here. Ah 1 Colin ! old time is fo full of delay, Nor will budge one foot faftcr., for all- thou canft fay. - .■ w Will no pitying power, that, hears me complain* Or.cure my difquiet, or foften my pain ? To be cur'd, thou m.ult,. Colia, thy pafilon re* move;.' ___ * But what fwain is fo filly to live without love ? No. deity, bid the dear nymph to return, Tor se'er was-poor fhephcrd fo fadly forlorn* \ F
SO N G S T E K. jsr . AhX what fhall I do i.I fhall die with,defpair.! ' Take freed,, Co fair* m - Siine in the. G;o l p.jj n. Pip.pen, I"1 J F I have fome—Ikttle—beauty- Can I help it ?—no, not I— Some good luck, too—'tis my- duty Gifts fo precious to apply. Nature—fortune—gave 'erh freely,, And I'll ufe-*en\—quite genteelly.. If the fmarts of the fky Cringe,,ogle, and figh,. Whene'er I pafsby ; And cry, Look y' there !. ' What an air! • Gods, how fair ! Pray, why (To feed your ftarch'd pride)', Mull I go and hide, Till you're made a bride ? Who, I ? No, ho—If I "do, may I"die*. i "J
35 z SONGSTER. Sung in the Conscious Lovers. JtF love's a fvvect paffion, how can it torment ! If bitter, O tell me whence comes my content ? Since I- fuffer with pleafure, why lhould 1 com- plain, Or Eneve at mv fate, frnce I know 'tis in Tain ? Yet fo pleafing the pain is, fo fort is the dart, That at once it both wounds me and tickles my heart. I grafp her hand gently, look languifhing down, And by paflionate iilence I make my love known-: - But, oh! how I'm bleft when fo kind lhe does. prove, By fome willing miftake to difcover her love ; When, in driving to hide, ihe reveals all her flame, And our eyes tell each other what neither dare " name!. - , How pleafing is beauty ! how fweet are the charms ! How delightful embraces ? how peaceful her. arms I Sure there's nothing fo eafy as learning-to love ; 3Tis taught us on earth, and by all things, above: t w
SONGSTER. i$j Apd to beauty's bright ftandard all heroes rauft yield3 For 'tis beauty that conquers^ aud keeps the fair, field. ASCOTCH B A X, & A B, y E eales that gently wave the fea, And pleafe the canny boat-man,. Bear me frae hence, or bring to me My brave,* my bonny Scot-man :.- In haly. bands- „ . We join'd our hands, Yet may not this difcover> While parents rate • ~ ■ A large eflate Before a faithfu' lover- But I loor chufe in Highland glens- To herd the kid and goat-man,. Ere I cou'd for fie little ends Refufe nay bonny Scot-man- Wae worth the naaa Wha firft: began The bafe ungenerous fafhien-i '■' Frae greedy vieys. i
i$4 St)NGf SPT E R. Love's art to ufe* While ftranger* to it's paflloiw Frae foreign fields, my Iorely youth, Hafle to thy longing laflie, Who panes to-prefsthy bawoiy mouth,.. And in her bofom haufe thee. Love gie's the word,. Then hafte on board. , •
* * - Fair winds and tenty boat-man, Waft o'er, waft o'eY, Frae yonder fhore, My blyth, my Jbonny Scot-man. A FJLTOUR.ITE SONG*- h X N flory we're told, How our monarchs of old O'er France fpread their royal domain ; But no annals can fhow Their pride laid fo low, As when brave George the Second did reign*. Brave boys.. X m H * F Of Roman and Greek, Let fame no more fpeak, Kow their arms, the old world: did fubdue ;. i
S O N G STEX^ ijhp "Thro' the nations around, » Let our trumpets now found, How Britons have conquer'd the new* Brave boys.'" F Eaft, Weft, North, and South, Our cannon's loud mouth Shall the rights of our monarch maintain ; On America's ftrand .Amherft limits the land, Bofcawen gives law oa the main, Brave boys. v v ".. \ Each port and each town We ftili make our own,
- Cape-Breton, Crown-Point, Niagar ; Guadaloupe, Senegal, Quebec's mighty fall, Shall prove we've no equal in war, + Brav6 boys. i t The* Conflans did boaft v To conquer our coaft, Our thunder foon mademonfieur mute; 4
■ +■ Brave'Hawke wing'd his way, Then boune'd on his prey, And gave him an EaglHh falute, w Brave boys* r
1$6 - SO N G S T E R. At Mraden, you know, Ho.w we conquer'd the foe, While homeward their army now deals; Tho* (they cry'd) Britifli bands Are too hard for our hands, •Begar we can beat them in heels, Morblicu i h S While our lieroes from home For laurels now roam, Shou'd the flat* bottom boats but appear ; Our militia (hall fhow, No ^oden-ftoe foe Can with freemen in battle compare, Brave boys, Our fortunes and lives, ' Our children and wives, To defend is the time now, or never ; Then let each volunteer To the drum-head repair ; Ktng George and Old England for ever, Crave boys. - -r w m m \ fa * t
S 6 NGSTE k. ij'7 m i ■ 4 F A FREE- MASON'S SONG* 4 W E have no idle prating, Of either whig or tory ; But each agrees To live at eafe, And fing or tell a ftory* , Fill to him, To the brim, Let it round the table roll; The divine Tells us wine Chears the body and the foul. * We're always men of pleafure3 Defpifing pride and party ; While knaves "and fools9 Prefcribe us rules, We are fincere and hearty. Fill to him, &c. If an accepted Mafon Should talk of high or low church; We'll fet him down A fhallow crown, And underftand him no church* Fill to him, 5cc O ____ h
158 SON G & T'-E-.'R. rI*he world is all in darknefs ; About us rhey conjecture, But little think A fong and drirrk. Succeed a Mafori's lecture* Fill to hitn, 5cc. Then landlord bring a hogihead, * " ''. - And m the corner place it ; Till it rebound With hollow found, Each Mafoa here will face-it* Fill to him^ To the brim, ' • « Let it round the table roll; The divine Tells us^ wine Chears the body and the foul. * THE MILLER'S WEDDING. JL^EAVE, neighbours, your work, and to fport "and to play, Let the tabor ftrike up and the village be gay* No day thro' the year (hall more chearful be feen, For Ralph of the*nnll marries Sue of the green.
SON G -S T E R.\ 159 I love Sue, and Sue loves me, ____ H And while the windblows*- And while the mill goes, Who'll be fo happy,.fo happy as we ? 1 1 Bet lords and fine folks,, who for wealth take a bride, Be married to-day, and to-morrow be cloy'd ; 'My body is flout, and my heart is as found, And my love, like my courage, will never give ground. I love Sue, Sec. Iiet ladies of fafhton the beft jointers wed, And prudently take the beft bidders to bed; Such figning and feaiing's^no part of our blifs, . We fettle our hearts, and we feal with a kifs- I love Sue, &c. i Tho* Ralph is not courtly, nor none of your. beaus, Nor bounces, nor Hatters, nor wears your fine cloaths ; In nothing he'll borrow from folks of high life, Nor e'er tnrn his back on his friend, or his wife, I love Sue, &c. 1 While thus I am able to work at my mill, -While thou art kind, and thy tongue but lies fiill'; O 3 + T* \ 4
i6o S O N G S T E R. Our joys fhall continue, and ever be new, And none be fo happy as Ralph and his Sue* I lovz Sue, and Sue loves me, And while the wind blows, And while the mill goes, Who'll be fo happy, fo happy as we ? m THE KING'S ANTHEM, G OD fave great George our king 1 Long live pur noble king, God fave the kins: ! Send him viftorio-us, Happy and glorious, r Long to rei-gn over us, God fave the king. O Lord, our God, arife, * Scatter his enemies, And make them fall: Confound their politicks, Frustrate their knavifli tricks j • * — * - On him our hopes we fix ; God fave us ail- Thy choiceft gifts in (lore, - On George be pleas'd to pour?. Long may he reign ; - \'/_ t -■
SON G S T E R. ' 161
^ May he defend our laws, And ever give us caufe, To fing with heart and voice, God fave the king. w A FAVOURITE SONG- Let a fet of foher afles Raii againtl the joys of drinking, " . While water, tea, And milk agree, To fet cold brains a thinking ; „ , Power and wealth, Beauty, health, Wit and mirth in wine are crown'd : : Joys abound, Pleafure's found , Only where the glafs goes round. - The ancient fedts on happinefs All differed in opinion; But wifer rules Of modern fchools, In wine Bx their dominion. Power and wealth, Sec* ■. J Wine gives the lover vigour, Makes glow the cheeks of beauty? O 3
u 162 S O N G S T E R,:. Makes.poets write, * M Andfpldiers fight, And friendship do its duty. Power and wealth, &c. Wine was the only Helicon, Whence poets are long-liv'd fo ; *Twas no other main Than brifk champaign, Whence Venus was derived too*, Power and wealth, &c. When heav'n in Pandora's box AH kinds of ill-had fent us„ In a merry mood, A bottle of good, Was corfcM up, to content us.. All virtues wine is nurfe to, Of ev'ry vice deftoyer, Gives dullards wit, Makes juft the cit, Truth forces from the lawyer- Power and wealth, &c. Wine fets our joys a flowing* Our care and forrow drownrnga. Who rails at the bowl, Is a Turk in's foul,J w
SONGSTER. »63 And a chriftian ne'er fhould own him: w Power and wealth, Beauty, health, Wit and mirth in wine are crown'd ; Joys abound, Pleafure's found Only where the glafs goes round.. F A FAVOURITE SONG. . X^OME, all ye jolly Bacchanals, That love to tope good wine, L,et us offer up a hogfhead Unto- our mailer's ihririe. And a toping we will go, &c. Then let us drink, and never fhrink, For I'll give a reafon why; 3Tis a great fin to leave a houfe, Till we've drank the cellar dry.. And a toping, &c. Ill times of old I was a fool, 1 drank the water clear ; But Bacchus took, me from that rule> He thought 'twas too feyere. And a toping, &c J f
'164. S ON G ST E-R. He filPd a goblet to the brim, Arid, bade me take a Tup ; But Had it been-a gallon pot, By Jove I'd tofs'd it up*. And a toping, Sec. And ever fince that happy time. Good wine has been my chear ; . Now nothing puts me in a f\voon> . But water or fmall beer. And a toping, &c. Then let us tope about, my boys,, And never flinch, nor fly ; But fill our fkins brimful of wine, , And drain the bottles dry. And a. toping we will go, Sec*. Sung in the Mafque of Alfred. V-V HEN Britain firftj at Heaven's command^ Arofe from out the azure main ; This was the charter of the land, And guardian angels fung this (train : Rule, Britannia, Britannia,rule the waves 5 Britons never will befUves.
S O.NG. S T E R. 165 The nations not To bleft as thee, Muft, in their, turns, to tyrants fall: Whilft thou fhalt flour i/h great and free,. The dread and envy of them all. Rule, Britannia, &c. Still more majeftic fhalt thnu rife* More dreadful from each foreign ftroke ? As the loud blaft that tears the fkies, Serves but to root thy native oak* Rule, Britannia. &c. Thee haughty tyrants ne'er fliall tame ; All their attemps to bend thee down, Will but aroufe thy gen'rous flame ; But work their woes, and thy renown. Rule, Britannia, &c. i To thee belongs the rural reign, Thy cities fhall with commerce fliine ; All thine (hall.jbe the fubjecT: main, And ev'ry Oiore its circles thine. Rule, Britannia, Sec. The mufes ftill with freedom found, Shall to thy happy coaft repair: Bleft ifle ! with matchlefs beauty crown'd, And manly hearts to guard the fair. Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the,waves.; Britons never wiH'be.flaves. F
166 SON G ST EX. 1 THE INFALLIBLE DOCT OR. A DVISE your friend, grave man of art,. I.find a ftrange, unufual fmart, 'Tis here^-fierce fymptoms at my- heart. Difcovera aTis pleafure, pain, a rmVd degree, My pulfe examine, here's you fee ; Whan think you can my ficknefs be ? A lover. A lover !—'tis my cafe, too fure ! O eafe my ftraight— I'll not endure; Prefcribe, I'll follow clofe -the cure. Take hope . But if ihe (fpite of fpeech or pen) Prove coy, or falfe with other men, Ah, doctor !—what expedient then-! A rope. m Sung in the Jovial crew- F N O woman her envy can fmother, Though never fo vain of her-charms ; k.
. -" - -I - SONGSTER. 167 If a beanty flie fpies in another, The pride of her heart it alarms. New conquefts flie flill mult be -making* Or fancies her power grows lefs ;. Her poor'little heart is ftill aching, At fight of another's fuccefs. By nature defign'd, in lore to mankind, That different beauties fhould move ; Still pleas'd to ordain, none ever fhould reigti Sole monarch in empire of love. Then learn to be wife, new triumphs defpife3 And leave to your neighbours their due ; If one cannot pleafe, you'll find by degrees* You'll not be contented with two ; No, no, you'llnot be contented with two. A FAVOURITE SONG* Sung at Vaux«all. * VV O U ' D you gain the tender creature ? Softly, gently, kindly treat her : Suffering is the lover's Part: Beauty byconftraint pofleffing, ■.
e5S SONGSTER. ■ You enjoy but half the bleffing ; .Lifelefs charms, without the heart. Sung at Vauxkal'u A RISE, fweet metfenger of morn- With thy mild beam our ikies adorn ; For, long as fhepherds pipe and play5 This, this, ihall be a holy-day, Holy-day, holy-day, holy-day9 This, this, fball be a holy-day. F i See ! morn appears ; a rofy hue Steals fdft o'er yonder orient blue s Soon let us meet in trim aray, And frolick out this holy-day, Holy-day, holy-day, holy-day, And .frolick out this holy-day. m
+ ■ \ 1 -¥* w + t I 4 * i ■r F
1 . CATCHES and GLEES. r*> r!r>*v Kv$S £i^ &*,*, SB^ £*,#• &%*, :-&»% &**/*> S&**® Admiral K e p p e l, Anew Catch by way of Sandwich, or bon Morccau, The principal part not by Sir Hugh. JL WAS you Sir, 'twas you Sir, I tell you nothing new Sir, Twas you that kept from Keppel's wake, 'Twas you Sir Hugh. Who Sir > Sir Hugh Sir, Vice adm'ral of the blue Sir; Bold Windfbr twice aloud did call To deaf Sir Hugh., 'Twas he Sir, 'twas he Sir, 'Twas he that cou'd not-fee Sir. Who thought the day* the day was night, >Twas blind Sir Hugh. . * . * Oh! Sir, Oh!-Oh! Sir, And was it, was it €o Sir, "-;.*;. . Who lagg'd a-ftern to. Etiot and fpiice, Do you know who ? .. . . ' 4
17© S O N G S T E R. 'Twas Pallifer, 'twas Pallifer, . .. With dilly, dally, dally, Sir, What, fpHcing,-knotting all the while, Was it fo Sir Hugh.? Here's a fad dog Sir, To'fplice his very log, Sir, And then accufe brave Keppel, Sir, But that he'll rue. , : And now, Sir, rejoice, Sir, With hand-and heart and voice, Sir, From noble Keppel Frenchmen fly> Without Sir Hugh- •$*»»•» *» •»•#* •»• HH« *fr> ♦» »»» *» •»• •>* <^» *fc> »»*» FOR THREE VOICE S. ; p On Sophocles, by Sit»k>nides. IND, gentle evergreen, To form a (hade, around the tomb • Where Sophocles is laid ;
" Sweet ivy wind thy boughs, And intertwine, with bluftung rofes, "; . . \1m<* ' And the cluft'ring vine ;■ . Thus will thy lafting-leayes, ■ With beauties hung,
_ Prove graceful emblems - Of the lays he fung.
SONGSTER*. 171 FOR THREE VOICES, J ACK, the u'rt a coper, Jack, thou'rt a toper, .Let's have t'other quart, Ring, ring, ring, ring; Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, Ring, we're fo fober, fo fober, So feber, 'twere a fliame to part;. None but a cuckold, a cuckold, A. cuckold, a cuckold, BullyM by his wife, Tor coming, coming, coming, Coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, Coming, coming, coming, coming late, Fears a domeftick ft rife ; I'm free, and 1'rn free, and fo are you, So are you, to call, knock, knock boldly, Knock boldly, knock boldly, boldy knock, Tho' watchmen cry paft two o'clock. ■. FOR FOUR VOICES. OOLDIER, foldier, take off your wine, And fhake your locks, and (hake your locks, P2 t
i7a .SONGSTER. As I fhake mine. How can I my poor lacks fhake, That have but ten ? I have But ten hairs on my pate, and one of theua MuA go for tithe, fo there remains, So there remains but four and five, Four and five, and that makes nine, Then take oiF your drink, Then take oifycur drink, As I take mine. FOR THREE VOICES. |L YE, nay, prithee John, Do not quarrei, man, X,etJs be merry and drink about. You're a rogue, you cheated me, I'll prove before this company, I caren't a farthing, Sir, for all you arc fo flout* Sir) you lie, I fcorn your word, Or any man that wears a fword ; For all your huff, who cares a t—-d 2 Or who cares for you ?
* THE IN D E X. 4. ■■ i- A. " * r jCT^S t'other day young Damon came Page 7 A plague o£ thofe wenches ! chey make iuch a po- ther.
S As through the fields I chane'd to ftxay $6 A Chefhire-man fet fail for Spain 57 As Jockey was trudging the meadows £0 gay 58 Alfift me, ye fair tuneful nine 1$ As Delia, bleft with ev'ry grace , -,;6S A joIJy brifk tar buta little time jfince 93 A wit and captain drove, Sir 119 As blithe as the linnet ilfigs in the green wood 1 24. An! Chloris, cou'd I now but fit ,140 Advife your friend, grave man of art 16$ Arife, fweet mefTenger of morn - -i6j&x Believe my fighs, my tears, my dear joj Bj the fide of a ftre4m, at the foot of a hill 3 7-
S74 INDEX.- Behoid this fair goblet, 'twas carv'd from the tree 20 By the fide of the Fweet river Tay 23. Biefl as the immortal gods is he 67 C Cot fplutter o'nails ioy Come now all ye fecial powers 5^ Come liften and laugh at the times 13 Come, volunteers, come ny Come all ye jolly Bacchanals 163 Come, my never-frowning glafs 47 Cupid, god of pleafing anguilh. 105 De'il ta.k5 the wars that hurried Billy from me 29. Dear Chloe, come give me fweet kiffes 73 F iTrom Paphos iGe, fo famed, of old, I come- 25 Fair's my Saily as the day 36 Farewell ye green fields, and fweet groves 8^ Fair Kitty, beautiful and young 66. Fye, nay, prithee, John. 172 G God fave great George our king 160 Gay Damon long ftudy'd my heart to obtain 143 TT .... I Hufh ye birds your-am'rous tales-- 32
INDEX. - i75- Hark the huntfman's begun to found the fhrill horn, 102- Hear me, ye nymphs, and ev'ry fwain 42. How fweetly fmells the fummer green 44. How blithe was I each morn to fee 22 Hail mafonry, thou craft divine $£. » How happy was I 71 How fair is cay love 70 Here attend all ye fwains, and yc nymphs of the plain 145 Hark the loud drum 123 How prone the bofom is to flgfe ■ 126= I I'm in Iovq with twenty- 4 I fat on a bank by the fide of a river -50 In a fycamore (bade as I fat t'other day 59 In a plain pleafant cottage, conveniently neat 74. In all mankind's promiscuous race 6l I'd have a man of fenfe and air 62 I'm marry'd, and happy, with wonder hear this 8'$. w In Paris city, they report for truth go In purfuit of fome lambs^ from- my flocks that had- ftray'd II© If thofe who live iri fhepherd's bow'r ior If love's a fweet paffion, how Can it torment 152 If I have fome little beauty 151 In good king Charles's golden days *27\y- Jolly mortals, fill your gla/Tes 3 39.1 In (lory we're told 154 r Jack, thou'rt a toper 171
*j.6 I N D E X. L Leave party difputes, your attention I'pray 45 Let heroes delight in the toils of the war 65 Let the declining dama/k rofe 138 Leave, neighbours, your work, andtofport and to play i58 Let a fet of fober alTes 1^ j. M •My Nancy quits the rural plain 8 • My father and mother, for ever they chide. 35 My Jenny and I have toil'd 98 ■ Mailer Jenkins fmok*d his pipe 133 My time, O ye mufes, was happily Ipent 147 N • , ' No nymph" that trips the verdant plains j 12 No woman her envy canfmother 166 Now hear me,.dear-Nanny, nor treat with difdain, 142 O- Q; Nancy, wilt thou go with me
1 Oh ! how fliall I, in language weak • 28 O bonny lafs, will ye.lie in a Barrack 30 O faw ye my father, or faw ye my mother 51 Of woman, to-, tell you my mind 64 On old England's bleft inore 87 Orpheus with his lute, made trees 96 Oa ev'ry hill, on ev'ry grove. 131 ■ • - w F
-1 ^ I N D E X. 177 Pho! pox o' this nonfenfe, I pr'ythee, give o'er 15 Pious Selinda goes to prayers 103 R Roufe Britain's warlike throng 72 S Some how my fpindle I miflald 27 Say, little foolifh flutt'ring thing 28 Sharp winter melts, and fpreads her wing, 76 Shall I like an hermit, dwell 8* Since wedlock's in vogae, and ftale virgins def- pifed 65 Sound the fife—beat the drum—to my ftandard repair ill Smart Doll of the green, who Iov'd mirth as her life 121 Should I die by the force of good wine 122 Some fing Molly Mogg of the rofe 130 Soldier, foldier, take off your wine 171 T The fprightly horn awakes the morn
6 The lark was up, the morning grey 9 The pride of all nature was fweet Willy, O 31 The lark's fhrill notes'awake the morn 3.2 'Twas fummer, and foftly the breezes were blow- ing 49 To arms, to arms ! Britannia calls 106 Too plain, dear youth, thofe tell-tale eyes 100.
4 »78 I N I> E' X. T'other day, In the ftrawherry vale 79 . The morning op'd fmiiing, all nature-was gay 16 Tom loves Mary paffing well *7 The travelers that through defarts ride 47 The thund'ring drums did beat to battle 69 To eafe his heart, and own his flame 109 5Tis a twelvemonth- ago, nay, perhaps they are twain 1*$ The flower of female beauty's queen J26 Tell me, lafles, have you feen 14X w 'Twas you, Sir, 'twas you, Sir 169. V Vows of love mould every bind- W When the fheep were in the fauld, and the ky at home- 33 When trees did bud, and fields were green 55 Wou'd you with her you love be bleft 99 When Hobinol entreated Doll 77 Welcome, welcome, brother debtor *j$ Well drink and we'll never have done, boys 104 Why will Florella, when I gaze 1 05 Wou'd you tafte the perfume of the morn 84 When quite a young fpark 82 When forced from dear Hebe to go 14 4 When ftern Achilles left the Grecian band 39 When difcord ceasM, and bloody broils no more 114
^7hile the. bee, flies from bloffom to blofTonv 11^
INDEX. 179 When firft *.my dear laddie gade to the green hill 1 $9 We have no idle prating 157 ." WouM you gain the tender creature 167 When Britain firft at heav'ri's command 164. While the lads of the village ihall merrily, ah I 4$ Were I as poor as wretch can be 92 While happy in ray native land 97 . Wind, gentle evergreen 170 Ye mortals-whom trouble and fofrew attend 38 ;' Ye fongfters from ev'ry tree 125 Ye virgins of Britain who wifely attend 135 Ye gales that gently wave the fea 153 H E E N Ok . *~ £ a- f / / / / I * \ 4 r w * m