Gynecocracy, a narrative of the adventures and psychological
experiences of Julian Robinson (afterwards Viscount Ladywood). Under
petticoat rule, written by himself
Liverpool, Paris, Rotterdam
Wholesome meats to a vitiated stomach differ little or nothing from
unwholesome; and best books to a naughty mind are not inapplicable
to occasions of evil. Bad meats will scarce breed good nourishment
in the healthiest concoction; but herein the difference is of bad
books, that they, to a discreet and judicious reader, serve in many
respects to discover, to confute, to forewarn, and to illustrate....
Good and Evil, we know in the field of this world, grow up together
almost inseparably; and the knowledge of good is so involved and
interwoven with the knowledge of evil, and in so many cunning
resemblances hardly to be discerned, that those confused seeds which
were imposed upon Psyche as an incessant labour to cull out and sort
asunder, were not more intermixed. It was from out the rind of one
apple tasted, that the knowledge of good and evil, as two twins
cleaving together, leaped forth into the world. And perhaps this is
the doom which Adam fell into of knowing good and evil— that is to
say, of knowing Good by Evil. As, therefore, the state of man now
is, what wisdom can there be to choose —what continence to forbear
without the knowledge of evil? He that can apprehend and consider
Vice, with all her baits and seeming pleasures, and yet abstain, and
yet distinguish, and yet prefer that which is truly better, he is
the true war-faring Christian. I cannot praise a fugitive and
cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies
out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race when that
immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat.
Assuredly we bring not innocence into the world, we bring impurity
much rather; that which purifies us is trial, and trial is by what
is contrary. That virtue therefore which is but a youngling in the
contemplation of evil and knows not the utmost that vice promises to
her followers, and rejects it, is but a blank virtue, not a pure;
her whiteness is but an excremental whiteness: which was the reason
why our sage and serious poet Spenser (whom I dare to be known to
think a better teacher than Scotus or Aquinas) describing true
temperance under the person of Guion, brings him in with his Palmer
through the Cave of Mammon and the bower of earthly bliss, that he
might see and know, and yet abstain. Since, therefore, the knowledge
and survey of vice is in this world so necessary to the constituting
of human truth, how can we more safely and with less danger scout
into the regions of sin and falsity, than by reading all manner of
tractates and hearing all manner of reason?
Liberty of the Press
By this time I am thirty years of age, and well aware of it.
Home-staying youths, some poet or wiseacre has said, have ever
homely wit. Whether I have a homely wit or indeed any wit, I do not
know. I have never endeavoured to form an opinion, deeming the
question not to be one into which I could hope to enquire
impartially; in fact, not one for my personal judgment. But though I
have been a home-staying youth, I have had experiences; experiences
of the world, that is to say, of woman, whom I regard as a complete
epitome of the world—and if anyone, home-stayer or otherwise, has
had experience of her in all her moods and whims, and has passed
through all the psychological and physical gymnastics by which her
varying caprices and lusts can conduct his soul, his passions, and
his senses, and still preserves a homely wit, he must be an arrant
For Woman is a complete education.
By my own experience, I have reason to respect the petticoat and
chemise, the drawers and long stockings, the high-heeled boots and
tight corsets—and what they contain —and to believe that good may
accrue to a young man by being disciplined by a smart girl. This may
be thought a very peculiar view.
To give one instance, a young man of my acquaintance was sent at
nine years of age to a fashionable preparatory school for Eton, and
was expelled eighteen months afterwards. It was considered futile to
send him to another school. Three tutors successively resigned on
the ground that he was altogether incorrigible. At a loss what to
do, his guardians enquired in all directions, and answered
innumerable advertisements of persons professing to devote
themselves to the reformation of backward and refractory boys,
until, at last, it was suggested by a friend of the family, who had
had some German anthropological
experiences, that the lad should be taken in hand by a lady. The
idea was astounding! A great, rough, strong boy of fifteen who had
defied the discipline of private schools and tutors, and of
specialists who devoted themselves to such characters, would never
yield to a lady. The friend, a person of position and reputation,
pledged herself that he would be completely broken in; she had known
similar cases in which the plan she advocated had proved successful
beyond all possible expectations. After protracted discussion, her
suggestions were adopted. A pension was quickly found, The Grafin
von— stipulated that the lad should be left absolutely under her
control for two years, and at the end of that period he turned out a
model of docility and obedience, courtesy, and chivalry, and with
remarkable intellectual development and self-possession. His friends
acknowledged with wonder and gratitude the marvellous transformation
which the pretty demure German Countess had wrought. Naturally, they
were curious to ascertain by what magic she had worked this miracle.
I do not know whether they succeeded in learning; probably not, as
they were English; but having been through the same kind of
discipline myself, I possessed the key. When we met, we accordingly
compared notes, and he confessed that the magic was wholly feminine.
She had impressed him with the subtle and subduing influence of sex,
under which he was perpetually kept. She, as I guessed, employed not
tutors but maids, who, notwithstanding his age, treated him in all
respects as a child. She used female clothing-first a girl's, then a
young lady's—and made the use of masculine habiliments, or even the
desire for them, an offence of the deepest dye. She subjugated his
rude male propensities to her softening womanly influence, to which
he was compelled to do perpetual homage. She punished rebellion in
the most ignominious manner, with the birch; and the same sharp
instructor was used to brighten his wits, teach him his lessons, and
enforce her precepts. I remember he made a particular complaint of
the fact that, to his shame and disgrace, he was usually punished
before girls. This he felt acutely. He described his feelings to me
upon the first occasion of his shocking exposure to a bevy of
laughing girls. He was held down across an ottoman by a couple of
buxom country lasses. The mere narrative made my blood boil and
electrified me. He detailed his efforts to repress all
expression of his sufferings, in which they revelled and gloried;
how he writhed; how, by degrees, his fortitude vanished through
stress of pain, whilst consciousness of the youth and sex of his
beholders maddened him; how, ultimately, as the cutting strokes
administered by the white round arm of a woman continued to fall
with cruel regularity, he was obliged to abandon himself absolutely
and helplessly. He could no longer withstand the sense of abject
humiliation, the necessity for yielding unreservedly to his fair
mistress. He spoke of the subjugation and the galling nature of the
conviction that they had, despite himself, thoroughly mastered him.
But, he added, he could have held out against a man; what sapped his
strength was not so much the torture of the punishment as the
sorcery of gender. It was the triumph of the petticoat. He could at
last have grovelled on the ground before these fair but relentless
conquerors, and have begged their permission to breathe.
Enough, however, of his experiences. In the following chapters I
purpose narrating my own adventures of like kind.
I was what women are fond of describing as a "nice youth": ruddy
complexioned, fair, tall, well-made, and rather over fourteen years
of age, when it was decided to send me to school.
This resolution was come to, because one fine afternoon, being on
the stairs behind our pretty nursery maid, a lively and brisk piece
of feminine flesh, as she was carrying the tea tray up to the
nursery, in the exuberance and precocity of my animal spirits, I
seized the advantage of her hands being engaged in holding the tray,
and lifting her petticoats behind up to her waist, I indulged in a
long look at her stalwart legs, thighs, and plump bottom. Then, my
eager hands slipped through and touched something hairy between her
warm legs. Whether she would have objected to this part of the
performance, I do not feel sure. I believe she would have reserved
the matter for private scolding and settlement at a convenient
moment, but, as soon as she felt my hand, it had an altogether
unexpected effect, for, blushing crimson, she incontinently dropped
the tea tray, and, as the milk ran one way and the scalding tea and
boiling water went drip, drip another, and the cups and saucers
rolled down the flight and broke themselves quite leisurely, she
exclaimed, looking a picture of loveliness in her confusion: "Oh!
Master Julian! Oh, you wicked, wicked boy!"
In the midst of the clatter and exclamation, out came the head
nurse. She found the girl as red as a peony, and myself looking
utterly foolish. She took in the situation at a glance. No supper,
but bed, and a severe application of an old slipper were my portion
that night. A report was made to headquarters, and to school I was
sent, and remained there for nearly two years.
I left school, because it did not agree with my health. Delicately
brought up, and accustomed to luxuries at variance with the rigour
of scholastic discipline, school was found unsuitable for me. So I
came home again.
My parents were a great deal too much occupied with fashionable
society and parliamentary affairs to look after me. My father
expected to become before long a member of the government, under
which he then held a subordinate office. His expectations were
fulfilled, and he was subsequently rewarded with a seat in the Upper
House and an Earl's coronet. I was delighted to become a Lord; but,
in the meantime, a large old house which had belonged to my father's
brother, who had died leaving three daughters, was my destination.
It was a fine old place near Stowmarket in Suffolk, with a thousand
acres of woodland and pasturage. My cousins Maud, Beatrice, and
Agnes, charming girls, were being educated there by a sweet young
French governess, to whose care, in consideration of an extra fifty
pounds a year salary, I was also consigned.
Mademoiselle de Chambonnard was tall, svelte, possessed a beautiful
little figure, with masses of black hair, large black eyes, and
pallid complexion; and dressed and comported herself like a young
Queen. Her air of espieglerie and mischief, and her womanliness
bewitched me. But there was about her a resolution and
determination, indicated by her firmly compressed mouth and
beautifully shaped lips, which rather terrified me, and with reason.
Her eyes laughed; her mouth never relaxed.
My cousins were equally charming, and seemed to have imbued much of
Mademoiselle's frolicsomeness and playfulness. They were all dressed
in the height of fashion. Maud was just twenty, Beatrice eighteen,
and Agnes sixteen. I fell in love with Beatrice at once. She was the
bete noire, and I suppose we intuitively felt we were kindred
spirits. I at once observed their dainty feet and shoes, their
faultless deportment, their pretty short frocks, and enough of their
underclothing to perceive its exquisite character. Agnes was the
coldest and the favourite; Beatrice, always in scrapes, the warmest
hearted and most beautiful; and Maud the provokingly faultless one.
I cannot describe my sensations, when deposited by my father's man
after a drive of nearly twenty miles, amongst these young ladies,
with the full knowledge that my fate was in their hands.
received me, and observed that she had heard of some of my doings,
adding that they would all find it odd to have "a male thing"
amongst them, but that she hoped I should be a good boy and very
obedient. She then rang for the maid, ordered her to show me my
room, and told me to join her and my cousins at the schoolroom.
Mary conducted me to the bedroom, and looked after me much more than
I liked, and in a peculiar manner which I could not make out, and
felt disposed to resent. She poured out the water, tempered it to
the heat she considered right, helped me off with my jacket,
waistcoat, and collar, asked me for my keys, told me to wash myself,
and, I verily believe, had I not been quite a stranger she would not
have left the room at all, which I should have found decidedly
inconvenient. Then it was her good pleasure to tie my necklace for
me, and when I explained that I was quite capable of doing it
myself, she exclaimed: "Oh, are you, my pretty young gentleman?
Perhaps you will find before long that you are not allowed to do as
many things for yourself here as you like."
On our way to the schoolroom, we met a tall, handsome young woman,
who was evidently standing there purposely to see me. She had lovely
dark eyes and an oval face. She was Miss Elise, Mademoiselle's maid.
I entered the schoolroom a little ruffled and out of temper, which
Mademoiselle was quick to discern. She introduced me to my cousins,
and I greeted them formally with that dignity on which I prided
myself and thought becoming in a young man. But Mademoiselle, at
once, made me supremely ridiculous in my own and everybody else's
eyes by insisting on my asking each of them for a kiss. That put me
to great confusion, for the kisses were not readily given, and I was
compelled to go on begging until, with much reluctance and great
condescension on their part, I got them. Mademoiselle then rated me
for being ill-mannered, and peremptorily ordered me to kiss her own
hand, which she extended for the purpose. I did so with an ill
grace, earnestly wishing myself anywhere but where I was, and sat
down sullenly enough, in a frame of mind which provoked the
immediate remark from Mademoiselle.
"Come, Master Julian, behave yourself, or I shall send for Elise to
put you to bed!"
The suppressed giggle which this provoked increased my ill temper,
but I resolved to pass it over and show self-control and command
over my temper, trusting that my nonchalance and imperturbability
would make her duly sensible of the manly manner in which I treated
her indecorous freedom, and that it would convey a just rebuke of
what she would evidently see I regarded as her bad taste, and I
expected she would then be properly abashed accordingly.
Her maid put me to bed! The idea!
But unfortunately, Mademoiselle was not in the least abashed. On the
contrary, she acted towards me with unseemly levity, and positively
betrayed a disposition to treat the matter with inconsiderable
impatience and anger, and although she then took no further notice
of my demeanour, I felt that she intended to make a note of it, and
an uncomfortable foreboding again stole over me.
The evening passed without further incident. Amidst the warmth and
brightness of the room, and the pleasant chatter of the girls, my
stiffness wore off; but I was destined to make an ass of myself. The
pretty girlish forms, the graceful contours of which were admirably
revealed and suggested by their dresses, gave me a delicious sense
of voluptuous ease. I therefore became graciously condescending,
although a curious twinkle in Mademoiselle's eyes ought to have
awakened me to the ridiculous figure I was cutting. My foolish
serenity was, however, undisturbed until the next day, when I had a
rude awakening. I had no suspicion at the time that she was only
fooling me in the most finished manner.
Her conversation was easy and engaging. She drew me on to talk quite
confidentially, to tell her of my likes and dislikes, and reveal my
real self to her to an extent, which quite startled me when I
reflected upon it afterwards in bed, with the uncomfortable doubt as
to whether she
was really my friend or only trotting me out and secretly quizzing
me the whole time.
She reclined in a low chair with a fan with which she coquettishly
played in her lovely dimpled hand—one foot on the steel bar of the
fender, her seduisante attitude revealing a good deal of her slender
limbs and open-work stockings, and affording occasional glimpses of
exquisite lace and white under-raiment. Of course, it was my role
not to appear to notice anything, and I played it to perfection,
being insouciant to a degree that must have astonished and
discomfited her. However, in my own mind, I thought her extremely
nice, and felt I should become really fond of her.
Alas! Before long I had reason to think of that low chair in quite
another manner.
Maud, as the governess and myself chatted, pored over some book,
seemingly resolved not to interest herself in the least in our
conversation. She had, apparently, quickly come to some conclusion.
I felt, though, that her carelessness was strongly tinctured with
contempt for me.
Between Beatrice and myself there had already been established, from
the first, a tacit intelligence and friendliness. The dear girl was
evidently much disconcerted and greatly concerned for me.
About Agnes' mouth there played a cold but amused smile. She said
nothing and gave no sign.
I found they led a delightful life, taking high tea at half-past
five, dinner at half-past eight, bed at half-past eleven, breakfast
between nine and ten, and luncheon at two.
I enjoyed my dinner that evening hugely. The exquisite toilettes and
low dresses surprised and delighted my susceptible nature. Every one
was merry and free, and lessons were not mentioned.
That night I soon fell asleep; and so ended the day of my arrival at
Downlands Hall.
The next morning I woke up miserable. Since my father's servant who
had brought me here had departed, I had not seen a single male about
the place. My sensation of utter loneliness at the full realization
of this fact, which was vividly borne in upon me on awaking, made me
completely wretched. What would become of me amidst a pack of women
and girls, with no companion in an uncongenial feminine atmosphere
against which I instinctively revolted?
I anticipated that I should be shorn of my manhood and made
effeminate and good-for-nothing, that my strength and virility would
be suppressed. I worked myself into a passion of rage and resentment
against my parents for putting me to such a position, and resolved
to write at once and expostulate in strong terms. I did not
understand then that this was the very discipline they considered
desirable. I arose with rebellion surging in my breast, and with a
determination to give battle at the earliest opportunity and to
assert myself.
All my surroundings felt strange and unnatural to the last degree as
I indignantly dressed myself; and when Elise came to show me the way
to the breakfast room, the climax was reached, and I told her
roughly that I could find my way there myself. She looked angry, but
merely said she was to show me the way and she whispered something
to Mademoiselle when we got there.
Mademoiselle and the girls were dressed in charmingly simple
dresses, and looked so fresh and beautiful that, for the time, I
completely forgot my isolation and resolutions. An opportunity for
battle soon arose. There were two letters for me, and Mademoiselle
actually took them and opened and read them before my eyes, and
would not let me look at them, or even tell me from whom they came.
She merely remarked that they did not need any reply, and that I was
neither to write nor receive any letters without her express
permission. I protested, remonstrated, and expostulated; but it was
useless. The girls looked on amused, but never uttered a word. I
could, in my fury, have burst into 12
tears and torn the letters from her. Mademoiselle remained quite
collected and exasperatingly calm, gazing at me with a peculiar
light in her eyes. I think she was revelling in my helpless raving
and storming. She severely observed that I certainly did not know
how to behave, and that she would give me a lesson afterwards in the
schoolroom (at which I noticed the girls looked at each other very
significantly), and bade me sit down, eat my breakfast, and hold my
tongue, or that she would send me out of the room. I saw there was
nothing else for it, so, very crestfallen, I at last sat down.
The hour for assembling in the schoolroom was half-past ten, so
Mademoiselle told me when I had finished and she added I might go.
"Let me have my letters," I cried passionately. "I will have them,"
I added, walking up to the head of the table where she sat with them
open in her right hand.
"No," she answered very calmly, "you shall not have them. Leave the
A little after half-past ten, I sullenly made my way to the
schoolroom. Mademoiselle had not arrived, but the girls were there.
"Oh, Julian!" said Beatrice, looking up from the Dante she was
conning over. "You will catch it! How ever could you be so rude and
"Catch it!" I rejoined. "What do you mean? I have a perfect right to
my own letters; and I call her conduct dishonourable."
"You won't talk like that in an hour or two, my boy," remarked Maud
from her easel in the window.
"A little smart feminine discipline will certainly make a great
change," chimed in Agnes, who was arranging some flowers.
"Nonsense," said I, wildly. "That she can't do!"
"Do!" they ejaculated in chorus. "What can't she do?"
"I suppose," added Maud, "he has never heard of a riding whip.
Mademoiselle has a horridly cruel little whip. Ay! How it bites!"
and she laughed.
"Or of the regime of the stay-lace, or of fifty other ways young
ladies have for breaking in refractory boys," went on Agnes. "Never
mind," in a tone of mock consolation, which maddened me, "he will
soon be initiated."
"She whip me! At my age, and before you, girls! You must be mad to
think she would dare to do such a thing. You are only laughing at
me. I should fight. I am much stronger than she is."
"You will like petticoats, however," said Maud. "You will find you
have to submit to them. And she is sure to punish you in front of
us. You will not have many clothes left to conceal your hidden
charms: and if you turn out to have as nice a figure in reality as
you seem to have now, I shall get Mademoiselle to let you pose for
me as a model for an Apollo."
"Julian," said Beatrice, "take my advice and submit quietly, dear
boy. Your resistance will only make things worse."
"I believe you're gone on him already, Bee," laughed Agnes. "Mind,
you'll have to go shares!" At which they all laughed.
I was horrified and disgusted. Could such things be? My first
impulse was to fly, to rush to my own room, lock myself in, get
together a few necessaries, and escape.
But, at that moment, Mademoiselle entered, very determined-looking.
She spoke a few words to each of the girls about their work, and
then sat down in her low chair, very elegantly and gracefully.
"Now, Master Julian," she said, "you have to realize that I am your
governess and that you are my absolute slave. Don't interrupt! From
you I shall expect and shall exact the most implicit obedience and
the most abject submission. You will tremble hereafter at the mere
rustle of a petticoat; by it you are to be governed. If you are
sufficiently foolish to continue your insubordination and the
ridiculous temper you displayed this morning, it will be the worse
for you."
"Mademoiselle," I broke in, "I do not understand you; my father sent
me here because I am too delicate for school."
"And too unruly for home. Too indecent!" (at which I blushed). "Too
inquisitive! Too anxious to know what young ladies have under their
petticoats." (I was dumbfounded, and furtively glanced at the girls
who were eagerly listening.) "Yes! I know all about it. The
petticoat will have its revenge now, and you will be under it in
more senses than one for some time. Kneel down there at my feet." (I
hesitated, especially seeing the girls highly amused.) "Kneel down
at once," she repeated, settling herself in her chair, and assuming
a more erect attitude, "and put your hands behind you."
This was not very bad after all, and I felt so abashed and ashamed,
and had so little to say for myself, that I complied somehow. Then
Mademoiselle rang a hand bell.
"Elise," she said, "strap this boy's elbows behind his back as
tightly as you can."
Elise grasped me firmly by the upper part of the arm. I was
surprised to feel her strength. The little resistance I made was
soon overcome. I cannot describe the mixture of sensations I
experienced with her standing over me, my head level with her waist,
and at her pulling me about roughly as she delighted in executing
Mademoiselle's order.
I noticed what Zola describes as "a powerful feminine perfume"—the
odor de femina. 15
At last two straps were buckled tightly round my arms, just above
the elbows. In each strap was a small metal ring. Elise passed a
white cord three or four times through these rings, and then
proceeded to pull them as closely together as possible. Oh, how she
hurt! I thought she would have broken my arms. I cried out, I
resisted as much as I could, but the improvised pulley was too much
for me. I writhed in my endeavours to get free, but she stood over
me and kept me down.
"Tighter," said Mademoiselle.
And at last, when my elbows nearly touched each other, Elise
fastened the cords and stood up, looking very pretty with the flush
upon her smiling comely face caused by her exertions.
"Now, Elise, make him kneel quite close to my knees. Put that belt
round his waist, and fasten his ankles to it at the back, so that he
cannot get up. Now, Master Julian," she went on when this had been
done, "you are in a fit state for punishment and you shall have it.
You were rude to me about those letters." Smack, smack, in my face,
one on each cheek: one with the left, the other with the right hand.
How those soft, lovely, dimpled hands stung! How my cheeks tingled!
How I struggled in absolute helplessness to get free! "You object to
a governess, to feminine domination, to petticoat-rule"—giving me
two smacks at each enumeration. "I think I shall convert you. You
see"— smack, smack—"you must endure it."
I would not have believed two dainty little hands could have caused
such pain. Kneeling at Mademoiselle's pretty feet, in close
proximity to her, and seeing her graceful figure each time she
raised her arms to inflict me punishment, was I own, at first, some
assuagement of my pain. But at last the smacking she gave my cheeks
made my head swim and I became so silly and bewildered that I was
almost unconscious by the time she put the backs of her hands
alternately to my lips and made me kiss them and thank her.
"Oh, please undo my arms and let me get up." I longed to move about
and to put my hands up to my face; but she refused.
Instead, she enquired of Elise whether I had not been rude to her.
"Yes, Mademoiselle, very rude. Master Julian spoke to me most rudely
when I went to his bedroom to show him the way to the breakfast
"Very well, Elise. Out of school hours Master Julian is to be under
you tomorrow and the two following days, and by that time I trust
you will have made him respect you. And now, Julian, you shall be
deprived of your trousers. Take a long leave of them. When you will
see them again, I do not know; they teach you all sorts of
resistance and naughtiness and make you assume airs of ridiculous
superiority which you do not possess. We must make a girl of you.
Elise, make him stand up and take them off."
"Oh, Mademoiselle! Oh, please do not before you and the girls. Oh,
Elise, however, speedily unfastened the straps which kept me
kneeling, but kept my elbows still confined, and busied herself in
unfastening my buttons. Maid like, she tore open all the front
first, to my intense shame, and then fumbled round my waist with
both hands at once, kneeling before me. I cannot describe what I
felt at being close to a girl in this condition with her hands busy
about me, the front of my principal garment opened and violated, and
my person almost coming into actual contact with her swelling bosom
as she proceeded with uncompromising promptitude and rapidity to
unfasten my trousers, my governess and the three girls looking on
with amusement. I myself felt like a fowl about to be roasted and
was nearly stupefied with shame.
Presently the braces were unfastened and Elise at once pushed my
trousers and drawers down to my heels, not hesitating to move her
hands freely about my person, even putting her arm between my legs
to effect her purpose. In the midst of my abasement, I noticed an
incipient sensation of what I felt when I had lifted the nursery
maid's garments. Truly the tables were turned on me, for now, before
women and girls, my own legs, from the end of my shirt to my ankles,
were bared and displayed, naked. Elise next, with little ceremony
and much disconcerting violence, pulled off my shoes and socks; then
tore off the drawers and trousers, rolled them up, and deposited
them on a chair.
My cheeks burned and I felt horridly defenceless.
"Now, Julian, how do you feel? To enforce your subjection to the
petticoat, the emblem of the female sex, and to show your domination
by it, you shall stand in the corner with one over your head until
half-past twelve, when lessons are over. Elise, fetch one of my red
flannel petticoats out of the soiled linen basket in my room." Elise
soon returned with the garment required. "Tie it together at the
top—so! Now throw it over his head. There, now he is under the
petticoat! Put him in the corner; and at half-past twelve, Julian,
she will come and take you to my bedroom, where I shall birch your
bottom for you as smartly as ever a boy's bottom was birched."
I winced at her threat and at her talking so freely of my bottom.
There was not much to hide it from sight and they must have caught
glimpses of it as Elise hustled me sharply into the corner. What
could I do, my arms fixed immovably, my head wrapped up in a red
petticoat of Mademoiselle's, and myself overcome by the pungent
odour I was then quite unacquainted with, but with which I
subsequently became only too familiar? I was also terrified to think
of the birching in store for me.
Lessons went on just as if I had not been there. Beatrice made some
blunders with her Dante and (would that I could have seen!) had to
lie across an ottoman, have her petticoats turned up, and receive a
dozen cuts with Mademoiselle's little whip, and then be deprived of
her drawers for the day. I heard her muffled sobs and imagined the
scene, the smallest peep of which my pinioned arms and the petticoat
covering my head prevented my obtaining. I trembled at the sound of
the punishment and already began to repent and make resolutions of
obedience. Obedience, alas! I did not know then that the infliction
of punishment, whether deserved or not, was an integral part of my
handsome governess' discipline and system, and that I should be
whipped merely for being a boy! A great deal of courage had left me
with my trousers, and, smothered as I was, I longed for some
covering for my bare legs. I wondered what on earth would happen to
me during the three days I was to be under Elise.
At last, half-past twelve arrived. The girls went off and so also
did Mademoiselle. In a few minutes Elise came for me. She whipped
off the petticoat, and taking hold of my ears from behind, roughly
and angrily hustled me off in front of her, giving me every now and
then a dreadful thump behind, first with one knee, then with the
"Get along, Master Julian, you bold young rascal. What! You complain
of my being rough to you—I will be as rough to you as your tongue
was to me. Wait till tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, when
I shall have you in my power! You will have some reason to complain
of my hurting you then!"
In this ignominious manner, out of breath, my ears feeling as if
they were being torn out, my arms aching as though they would break,
and my head in a whirl with the slapping I had had, I was bundled
into Mademoiselle's bedroom to have my bottom birched by her.
A sort of mesmeric influence seemed to have crept into me from that
intensely feminine garment which had been in such close contact with
Mademoiselle's own person and then so long over my head and face as
I stood disgraced in the corner. It seemed to have sapped my
strength and all my powers of resistance, to have undermined my
self-respect, to have rendered me contemptible in my own eyes; in
short, to have completely emasculated me. I had felt my virility
ebbing away during the hours I had stood with the red thing
enveloping my shoulders, touching my eyes and nose and mouth,
conscious all the while that it was a woman's petticoat which had
been worn, and that a thing so essentially feminine had,
willy-nilly, been forced upon me. I had gradually, step by step, to
give in to the flood of feminine associations which rushed upon me,
and yield by degrees to the power of woman. I was keenly aware that
nothing could save me, that all opposition was useless and hopeless,
and I was slowly drifting towards the knowledge that I must sooner
or later abandon myself absolutely to it. I stood before
Mademoiselle, cowed and humiliated, not so much at the prospect of
the beating as at the sense of my own helplessness in her hands,
because she was feminine and could therefore do with me what she
liked. Whatever it was, I knew I had no power left to resist, and
trembled at the inevitable acknowledgment of this fact to myself.
She seemed the embodiment of triumphant womanhood as I was hustled
into her presence, shaken and pulled about by another woman, to be
whipped by her.
As I stood before Mademoiselle, my hands still tied, my ears red and
tingling from Elise's rough usage, panting and out of breath, my
back sore from the rude thumps of Elise's knees, my courage gave way
and my eyes filled with tears, which the poignant sense of my
abasement caused to overflow. I could only hold my head and yield in
silent resignation and despair.
Let not the reader, however, imagine that I was subdued at once. No,
there was many a reaction. A constant revolt of all my manhood which
required many severe lessons to quell and conquer finally. But I
must confess that as time went on, my disgust lessened, these
revolts were divided by longer intervals, and at last I became a
wretched petticoat-slave.
Mademoiselle looked on haughtily. Her form dilated and expanded with
the sense, so agreeable to a woman, of power over something male.
She looked like a magnificent bird of prey, a regal and feminine
eagle, about to swoop upon her victim. She stood erect, her head
thrown back, consciously displaying her well-developed bust and
elegant figure; her air of determination and pretty wilfulness much
enhancing her charms. There was something arch about her manner as
she quizzed me upon my first introduction into a lady's bedroom. She
asked me, as she significantly handled a light, long, and elastic
birch, how I liked the prospect of my first assignation. She
remarked that I had been introduced in all due form by her maid to
whom she proceeded to give a guinea out of my pocket money (which
Mademoiselle had charge of) in recognition of her services.
Mademoiselle produced a sovereign and a shilling and gave them to
Elise before my eyes, to my intense and ill-concealed annoyance,
which increased her merriment, and Elise thanked me with mock
politeness and gratitude.
Mademoiselle promised me by way of consolation, that the maid should
be sent out and that consequently I should have the advantage of an
entirely private tete-a-tete with her, and enquired whether I was
not rejoiced at my good fortune? I do not know what it was, but
something or other in these words, or what they suggested, quite
changed my mood, and I let my eyes rest on her affectionately and
admiringly, and said that I indeed appreciated the favour; a remark
which brought me a sound slap in the face. Again disconcerted, I
determined that nothing should allow me to be made a further fool
of, and resolved not to utter another word.
The room was a large one and very handsomely furnished. The
extremely pretty bed stood under a heavy silk canopy across the
of the room farthest from the fireplace, the canopy suspended from
the ceiling and the carved oak bedstead standing clear of the walls.
There were several quaint, cosy-looking chairs about, and bowls of
spring flowers. Mademoiselle stood between me and the light, tall
and graceful in her severely simple black mousseline de laine dress,
displaying her womanly figure to the fullest advantage. As I
contemplated her in my wretched condition I felt yet more abjectly
humiliated. A novel sensation of awkwardness again replaced my
habitual self-possession, an inveterate stupidity my ordinary
sprightliness and vivacity. There I stood, a great boy, trussed like
a fowl, with nothing to conceal my bare legs but a shirt, which did
not reach to my knees.
Mademoiselle ordered Elise to place a long carved bench of black
oak, about a foot wide, in the middle of the room, and to put upon
it a feather bolster which Elise, by means of tapes, tied to the
bench. I was then compelled to stand across one end while Elise
strapped my ankles close together underneath and then left the room.
Mademoiselle went to the door, shut and locked it, and then turned
full upon me. I could not but note as I trembled how her whole form
glowed with smiling and triumphant satisfaction. She walked
deliberately up to me, lifted my shirt up behind, and, to my intense
shame, intently contemplated my back for some seconds; then, still
holding up this undergarment and standing a little way off, she took
up the birch and gave me some stinging lashes with it. I had never
felt anything like it before. I had no idea that it would hurt
one-tenth as much as it did, and was compelled to cry out.
Mademoiselle then, to my horror, unbuttoned my waistcoat and lifted
my shirt with both hands high up in front. I could not move. I was
speechless, as she stood facing me and examining my most secret
possessions over which and along the front of my things she several
times passed her dimpled hand. Then she let the shirt fall, untied
my elbows, and taking up a lady's jewelled riding whip, she remarked
that I should be flogged naked. Standing at my left side she ordered
me to take off my jacket and waistcoat. I hesitated and fumbled.
round she gave me a touch of the whip on my bare legs. If the birch
smarted, that vicious little thing bit like fury. I yelled and
clapped my hands to my legs, but only to get them lashed also. She
went on until, in desperation, I tore off my jacket and waistcoat.
"Now your shirt! Quick!"
Up went the whip, her eyes sparkling savagely. This time, without an
instant's hesitation, and without thinking about it, I whipped off
my shirt more quickly than ever I had done before. And there I was,
perfectly naked before her, red and overwhelmed with shame and
smarting with pain. She leisurely regarded me, evidently intending
not to spare me a single pang. She moved her hand along my back and
shoulders, remarking that she thought the whip would mark my skin
easily, and, by way of experiment, she gave me several more smart
cuts with it on various parts of my body, each stroke causing me
intense anguish. I cried out, and implored her to desist; but she
merely gloated the more over my torture.
"Now," she at length said, "your bottom must be put in a proper
position for me to punish."
"Oh, Mademoiselle, forgive me! Oh, I am sorry for my disobedience
and folly! Do forgive me!..."
"I never forgive! Lie down on your face."
I saw there was nothing for it but compliance; so, with a sigh like
a gasp of despair, I obeyed her. She placed her hand on the back of
my head and pressed it into the bolster. The wide bench separated my
thighs, pressing my most sensitive parts cruelly. She fixed a strap
round my neck and passed it under the bench, placed another round
the seat and my waist, and lastly fastened my hands together
underneath the bench. My posture and the soft bolster (which soon
became pleasantly warm) gave me a certain voluptuous feeling soon,
however, to be dispelled by my sufferings.
"Now we shall see whether a girl can properly punish a boy's
bottom!!" How she dwelt on the shameful word! "Whether a youth is or
is not to be subject to feminine discipline and rule and to his
governess." And, putting her hand from behind between my legs, she
caught hold of what I was ashamed she should know I possessed, and
pulled it about until I confessed to myself that I was her slave
body and soul. Then, for the first time, was revealed to me the
secret source whence woman's power springs. A keen sense of the
difference of sex was communicated to me through her taper fingers.
Her skirts caused me an electric shock each time they touched me.
The feminine characteristics of her form, as she stood over me,
became indelibly stamped upon my being, and acquired for her and for
the rest of her sex an absolute dominion from that moment over me. A
look or the rustle of petticoat is enough for me now. At either I
This sway was established and emphasized by the cruel punishment of
the most secret portions of my body which I then underwent at her
hands. Regularly and deliberately was the birching given; the
methodical administration of which I could not interrupt. I
protested and swore; but I had to learn how cruelly women can
punish—how relentlessly they slake their vengeance—what a lust they
have to satisfy, when they have a male at their mercy, to deal
unmitigated torture out to him. How they exercise that dominion over
him which is so real, although often unacknowledged. Men are not
subject to these motives and never punish so cruelly as women.
Only once was my torture stayed. Mademoiselle had flogged me from my
right side and from my left. My sobs had given place to screams and
yells; but Mademoiselle said she should insist on my taking
punishment quietly, at which threat I gave a delirious laugh. She
calmly opened a drawer, and took out a plum-shaped piece of wood
with a leather loop at its thickest end, through which loop she
slipped one of her scented handkerchiefs. Then she forced the plug
into my mouth, and tied the ends of the handkerchief tightly behind
my neck. I was nearly choked, and effectually gagged. Perfectly
indifferent to my
sufferings, she resumed the punishment, merely remarking that I
should have ten minutes more of it for making the gagging necessary.
When the ten minutes had expired there came an interval when the
strokes, which had fallen with the even regularity and swing of a
pendulum, the swing of which I had ascertained to the fraction of a
second, ceased. I hoped it was over. I could not express the hope in
words, so I groaned. Mademoiselle had been whipping me across both
ways. She now came to the top of the bench at my right, daintily
lifted her skirts, and put her right leg across me. Then, almost
sitting upon my neck and smothering me with her petticoats, the back
of which fell to the floor over my head, she proceeded to flog me
lengthwise. She was looking down my back, and I knew that behind me
the wardrobe mirror reflected my open thighs. Although the strap had
been loosened I could scarcely move my head; when I tried to do so,
however, she pressed me more closely. I can give no idea of what I
felt at my novel posture underneath a young woman. She now struck
lengthwise, more slowly but more viciously; the strokes cut like hot
iron, and, as the pliant ends of the birch hit what lay between my
thighs, I felt I was being murdered. The anguish was maddening, and
if I recollected what she could see by lifting her eyes to the
glass, it was with utter recklessness to the exposure.
"There, Master Julian, that's enough for the first time. I think I
have whipped you pretty severely. You will not care to set me at
defiance again," she complacently remarked, throwing herself into a
great saddle-back easy chair, apparently somewhat exhausted.
I lay utterly prostrate, powerless to speak even had I not been
gagged; all my strength was gone, and I smarted as though I had been
scared with red hot wires. Presently she unstrapped and ungagged me,
I could scarcely move. I was in a cataleptic or comatose state and
only semi-conscious.
She resumed her seat, and bade me kneel at her feet. I obeyed
mechanically. Had she bade me walk into a fire, I think I should
done so. I was thoroughly exhausted, my head sank upon her lap, and
my tears flowed softly, but I soon began to feel better. She then
bade me kiss her hands and the remains of the rod, and thank her
humbly, but sincerely, for whipping me. Whatever she ordered I at
once obeyed, deprived altogether of my own volition. She made me
stoop down and kiss her feet and legs; for one delicious moment she
held my head in soft imprisonment between her thighs. Beside myself
from the effect of the pain, I am astonished still at the
recollection of how my feelings towards Mademoiselle then underwent
a most unreasonable but complete alteration. I loved her as
violently as I had detested her before. I fell hopelessly in love
with my cruel governess. I loved her because of her cruelty and
became suddenly enthralled by a strong and anxious desire to press
and fondle her. I worshipped the very ground on which she walked.
Why was this?
Mademoiselle reclined for some minutes in her chair, whilst I knelt
between her knees with bowed head, drinking in, as it were, the
luscious radiance which I had suddenly discovered encompassed her.
She did not speak; she allowed the influence of her being and spirit
to silently overcome me.
At last she rose, and pouring some wine into a large bohemian glass,
she bade me drink; then, pointing to some clothes Elise had left
behind her, told me to put them on.
I suppose the red grape juice made me defiant, for, on perceiving
them to be a girl's dress, I protested. Mademoiselle simply said she
was sure I should obey her. Strange to say, that was enough, and I
complied, only remarking that for her sake I wished to be a boy. She
smiled and promised that I should tell her all about it after
luncheon in her boudoir. With her help I then put on a chemise, long
stockings, drawers, petticoats, a corset which did not fit, and I
was buttoned up in a bodice. How strangely embarrassed I felt. But
these feelings were swallowed up by a sense of disgrace when I found
that outside all, I had to wear a pair of Mademoiselle's own laced
drawers, the waistband being tied round my neck, and my arms thrust
through the legs as though they were sleeves. These were fastened
with garters at the wrists. In that guise I was to appear before the
girls at luncheon in token of my subjugation and defeat, and of the
rout and discomfit of my virility. Petticoats were difficult enough
to put up with; this addition of a pair of drawers completed my
abasement. However, the novelty and discomfort of the attire served
somewhat to divert my attention from the intense humiliation I
suffered, as did also the effort necessary to walk at all decently;
for what with the high heels of the girls' boots, which buttoned
high up my legs and which felt like mountains under them—and what
with the agitation of my nerves and my soreness from the severe
whipping I had received at Mademoiselle's hands—walking was no easy
matter. I blushed like a girl as I felt the feminine garments
against my legs and saw the
drawers about my arms. The delicate, minute, ladylike handkerchief,
all laced and of no practical use whatever which I had to hold in my
hand, made me feel really girlish; and when ushered into the
luncheon room and introduced to my cousins as—"Miss Julia, instead
of that very naughty boy Master Julian, who has been sent home"—I
began positively to wonder whether I was not actually a girl. They
made great fun of me in a quiet and exasperating way, saying the
sleeves reminded them of a bishop under his wife's thumb, and Agnes
slyly suggested a cushion when she noticed that it hurt me as I sat
When I looked at Beatrice's girlish figure, I felt I was a boy
dressed up, and feared she would despise me forever. She, however,
said nothing; but when I handed her a plate and upset her wine glass
in so doing, Mademoiselle bade her smack my face. She did so with a
severity that startled me. Whatever her real feelings towards me
were, it was evident I need look for no mitigation of my punishment
from her.
"You clumsy hussy," exclaimed Mademoiselle, flushing angrily, when
the leg of that damned linen thing upset Beatrice's glass, sending
the red wine all over the tablecloth, on to her pretty frock, and I
stood dumbfounded by her.
"Beatrice, smack her face. Stand still, Miss, and keep your hands
And Beatrice, with a half-vexed and half-amused air, who was rubbing
out with her napkin the wine which had stained her gown, gently put
the napkin down, and calmly stretching out her right arm to free her
hand from its cuff and sleeve, she smilingly opened her pretty plump
hands and looking full into my eyes gave my left cheek a stinging
slap delivered straight from the shoulder.
Before I had time to recover she repeated the process on my other
"Resume your place, Miss Julia," Mademoiselle directed in calm
tones, "and remember, if you are so clumsy again, she shall slap you
At this remark, Beatrice slowly lifted her eyes to mine, a little
mocking smile playing about her mouth, and, by her expression, she
plainly enquired how I liked the prospect, which prospect I can
safely say I did not relish.
Quite cowed by my own awkwardness and its prompt punishment I sat
down in disgrace and confusion, my cheeks tingling terribly. I
should not at all have desired to be exposed to the tender mercies
of Maud or Agnes, who seemed to be very contentedly awaiting an
opportunity, and of the arrival of which, sooner or later, they
evidently had no manner of doubt. And I am sorry to say that they
were quite right as it happened in the sequel.
But Beatrice was the one who silently, as far as circumstances would
allow, took me into her own irresponsible charge and whipped me
whenever she thought I deserved it, or she had a mind to do so, at
her own sweet pleasure. At odd times she gave me private
instructions and lessons on various details as to how she wished me
to behave and how to conform to the discipline I was subjected to.
Of its relaxation she would not hear a word.
Thus it was that I soon found I had more governesses than one.
Mademoiselle ruled by a mixture of sex and force-force which her sex
made irresistible; but I could evade and escape her to some extent.
Beatrice ruled by love, and her pains were sweet though sharp. My
relations with her were too tender and too intimate to make it
possible for me even to wish to elude her. From her I could not keep
a secret, and from the very first she took it for granted that her
wishes would be my law, and I tacitly assented. I had still a great
deal to learn and have much to describe before reaching that period
of my life to which what I have just written relates.
This afternoon, which I well and vividly remember, was full of novel
and startling revelations and experiences for me. I had no real
knowledge whatever, nor did I recognise the character of my passions
and instincts. Although now wide awake, they were then totally
blind, and perplexed me with doubts and curiosity as to their
Of a subtle and indefinable influence I was very conscious, but its
source was still a mystery to me, and its sway a puzzle. The company
of a young woman affected me very differently from the companionship
of men; why, I knew not. I supposed Mademoiselle's hand had excited
me only because she had touched and played with an organ of which
for some reason I felt ashamed, especially in connection with a
woman. Why the drawers and petticoats kept me in a perpetual and
delicious tremor of excitement, and made that organ grow
inconveniently and painfully large and distil in an altogether
unusual manner a pellucid essence, I did not know either.
To think of all this in connection with the propagation of our race
never once struck me. How the human race propagated seemed to me
like one of those dry matters to be found at the commencement of
geographies with the explanation of the seasons, the revolution of
the earth round the sun, &c.
The pretty boudoir was trimmed and pranked with rose-coloured silk
and exquisite water colours, until it looked a perfect feminine
thing. Its statuettes were feminine. A bust of Omphale; a replica of
Hercules in the Borghese Casino, in her clothes; an Aurora
conquering a reluctant Cephalous, who was on one knee, his arms bent
back in her hands, and his shoulders entangled in and imprisoned by
pretty legs.
The high priestess of this charming sanctuary, sunlit, rosy-coloured,
perfumed, and delicious, was Mademoiselle. Never had I seen her so
alluring! She had promised to let me tell her "all about it" in her
boudoir after luncheon and was keeping her word. She had given
directions that we were not to be disturbed. She told me with
winning softness that I had her now all to myself. My faults were
all ignored or forgotten. Luncheon had revived her. Her spirits had
lost that archness which had so disconcerted me, and she had become
affectionate and gentle; yet I did not feel towards her as if she
were my sister. There were cravings which unconsciously affected me
but the magic secret had not yet been imparted and I was content to
admire as I reclined upon the luxurious divan. Her masses of black
hair had become loosened, and its thick rolls contrasted with her
white skin in a marvellous manner. Her ruby lips and white teeth,
her pink ears, and lovely head so admirably poised upon an adorable
bust, dazzled me with their beauty. Her body was thrown back in her
big dormeuse, her ankles and even higher being exposed to my view.
She had been pretending to read, and was sipping black coffee, and
petted me with cake and red Burgundy, rich as nectar.
When suddenly I called to mind how she had treated me, and what she
had seen, my cheeks burned more than they did from Beatrice's
slapping, and I noticed that the thought produced a strange medley
of sensations on the organ violated by that beautiful hand and those
taper fingers. I thought that some of my remarks brought a tinge of
colour to her cheeks, but it may have been only the reflection of
the rose-tender light of the apartment. She spoke in soft melodious
tones, and although only twenty-three years of age, she appeared a
complete woman of the world and entirely free from girlish
"Now, Julian—for you wish to be a boy for me, and I will not now
call you Julia, you have many things to tell me and here you have me
in an amiable mood, all to yourself. What is it you have to confess?
"Oh, Mademoiselle, I do not know. Many, many things; but how to
describe them is beyond me. I thought—I should be so wretched here,
with only girls, and now—"
"You think you will change your mind. Do not be in too great a hurry
to do that." 31
"You seemed as though it would be impossible to be friends with you,
and—and you punished me so severely; but the strange thing about it
is that it has made me like you—made me quite fond of you. I want to
be close to you, to be always with you. I want—"
"What do you want?"
"Oh! May I say it? I want to love you."
"Do you, indeed? Well, you have a mark of my favour in the garment
you have about your neck. I do not think any cavalier could bear a
more distinguished or intimate mark of a lady's favour than her
drawers; but, as I believe they are usually carried on the helmet or
shield, I will, if you like, muffle up your head in them."
"Oh, no, Mademoiselle; because then I could not see you!"
"But, if it were not for that, do you really think you would like
"You would be over head and ears in love then," she rejoined,
laughing, "and I fear I should be compelled to punish you again.
But, come, how would you like to love me?"
"I should like to be close to you—oh, so close—to feel you as close
to me—to hold your hands, to look into your eyes, to kiss you, to
expire for you."
"If you think of kissing my lips, some day, years hence, if you are
very good and very obedient in the meanwhile, and have a
moustache—well, perhaps then, if you remember, you may ask again."
"But how could I wear a girl's clothes with a moustache?"
"I do not think it is good for a youth without a moustache to kiss a
lady's mouth. It is only after long and devoted service, after
winning his way upwards in her favour by slow degrees, that such a
delight could be permitted."
"But may I," I asked eagerly, half-rising, "kiss your feet? I have
done so once. Let me begin at the beginning. Let me do it again, and
perhaps I may get a little higher, because—because—"
"Because what?"
"When you were whipping me you—you stood over me, and
perhaps—might—kiss your—"
"Kiss what?"
"Your leg," said I with bated breath. I was intoxicated with the
recollection of the contact of the warm soft flesh and the satin
"And would you really like to kiss my legs again?" enquired
Mademoiselle archly, moving them ravishingly. "Well, we shall see. I
have something here I want to read, when we have done talking; and
then perhaps I may let you put your lips to my ankle. But you must
first tell me about your experiences of a petticoat—you were very
inquisitive about them. What could have induced you to lift up that
girl's petticoats? What did you expect to see underneath them? Your
affection for petticoats made me put you in them, Julian. That is
what your curiosity has brought you to."
"Oh, I lifted them out of sheer mischief. What is it that girls hide
so carefully underneath them? I only saw a pair of fat legs."
"I dare say you will know before you are much older. Mischief! Mon
Dieu! Did you not feel naughty?"
"I felt carried away by some passion or other. Is that feeling
naughty? It is rather a nice feeling."
"Did you feel the same under my petticoats?"
"A little."
"And whilst Elise was marching you off to be birched by me?"
"And whilst I was punishing you?"
"Especially, I suppose, when I lifted up your shirt?"
"Now, cannot you guess why?"
"No. Have girls the same thing under their petticoats as I have
under my shirt? Is that why they wear them?"
"Have you never seen a girl naked?"
"No." '
"Look at those statues. Look at that Venus; look at Aurora. Have
they got the thing you complain of?"
"No; but I always thought that was because they were only statues."
"And you don't know what that thing is capable of, and why women
have not got one?"
"I must really give you a psychological lesson, Julian, and put you
in possession of knowledge which a great boy like you should have.
At present you are unfit for life and for the world, and much of the
discipline you are having would be thrown away if I did not instruct
So Mademoiselle got up, and radiant with amusement, she reclined on
the great ottoman at my side, with her left arm across me. She
settled herself comfortably, and then turning her head and looking
over her shoulder into my eyes, she questioned me archly as to
whether her being so close to me did not make me feel naughty? I was
almost suffocated by the violence of my feelings, nor did she wait
for any reply, but rapidly slipping her right hand under my
petticoats and moving it along the front and inside of my things,
she caused me inexpressible emotion. She then caught hold of the
thing in front of me.
"It is here you feel naughty, you bold boy. Another time I should
whip you for this." These words made me worse.
"Yes! Yes!" I gasped in hushed tones.
"How it has grown!" she exclaimed, as she held it tightly in her
Leaning close to me, she mingled a little pain with my pleasure by
drawing the foreskin up and down several times, each time further
back. I wriggled and said she hurt me.
"It is very tight," she remarked, and then finally grasping it and
the testicles together in her hand, she squeezed and opened her hand
frequently, sending a convulsive thrill each time through my body,
so that several times I nearly threw her off me and jumped up. But
she held me tight in that delicious thraldom and persistently
continued her movement.
"Oh! Oh! Mademoiselle. Oh! Miss de Chambonnard! Oh, how nice! Oh,
how I love you! How I adore you! I— I—worship" (squeeze, squeeze)
"you! Oh, let me go! Oh, don't! Oh, how nice your hand" (squeeze)
"is there! Oh, how I love you!" clasping her slender waist round
from the back with any disengaged arm.
"Oh, take your hand away! Something awful—something dreadful will
happen. I am sure it will, and I cannot prevent it. Oh! Oh!" For all
answer, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, uninterruptedly and determinedly
When she worked me almost into a frenzy, and my movements, jerks,
and exclamations showed me to be in extremis, still holding me and
pressing me more tightly, she again turned her head to look into my
eyes. I noticed her own eyes were swimming. She squeezed me and
crushed me more energetically, not uttering a syllable, but pressing
against me with her whole form.
At last a convulsive shudder shook my frame from head to foot, and
finally centred and concentrated itself in what she had hold of.
Completely beyond myself and without my control, it went into a
violent spasm of throbs, causing me such a sensation of delight and
satisfaction as I had never dreamt of in my wildest moments,
spouting out something time after time into her dainty hand, which
was now still, and only quiescently grasping me.
"Oh," I gasped as I lay exhausted, and she arose, "if only I could
do that to you!"
"Where should you put it, Master Julian?" she asked, laughing.
That, I confess, puzzled me.
As I lay recovering, my eyes rivetted on Mademoiselle, I understood
why women have such power over men, why men will go through so much
for them, and how truly they may be named "mistress." It is
because they have it in their power to do that with his body, which
can convulse him with inexpressible and delirious joy. I began to
feel the subtle pleasure of being wrapt in a woman's garments, which
seemed hallowed from their resemblance to those which enveloped
Mademoiselle herself, as she stood a little distance off, wiping her
dainty hand with a handkerchief, and putting on a pretty and amused
air of delicate disgust.
I had been introduced to Love, and made acquainted with one of the
secrets of its influence and power. Love was no longer an
abstraction, but the sweetest and most desirable reality. Venus had,
however, so far only uncovered her face. I felt the want of some
complement of my ecstasy, of some participation in it. The veil had
fallen to the Goddess's shoulders, not yet to her feet!
Mademoiselle again ensconced herself in her easy chair, and taking
up her book, turned over its leaves somewhat at random. Her breasts
rose and fell more quickly than before; and upon her cheeks there
was just the slightest possible flush—such a flush of pink as a
delicate white rose sometimes has. And in her dark eyes shone a
glorious and laughing light, which she allowed to radiate upon me,
reminding me of the laughter-loving Venus, and revealing the
significance of that Homeric epithet.
I felt convinced that there was some way as yet undisclosed—some
means by which I could comprehensively and entirely love and be
I had already become sensible of the rapture of possessing in some
degree the secret of the concealed springs which, duly worked upon,
rose in fountains of overwhelming volume and transported one in
floods of delight.
I felt that at last I had begun to live instinctively, that there
was something to live for. It could be no mere hallucination that
the future had still some mystery to disclose, and some more perfect
tuition to offer. A dim vision of the happiness to be enjoyed by the
human creature when it perfects itself by the discovery and
coalescence of its sexual affinity was thus unfolded; and, on the
other hand, I easily perceived the misery it must endure from
unsatisfied yearnings.
There was evidently more in the education I was receiving and in the
discipline to which I had been given up than was apparent on its
surface or than I had supposed.
Mademoiselle had indeed thoroughly given me a psychological lesson.
I had taken it to be a joke. I had not dreamt it was possible for
that little hand to teach me so much.
At last my fair instructress looked up, and speaking as though she
were putting some restraint upon herself, said significantly: "Well,
Julian, I think we have talked long enough, and I am now going to
"Oh, Mademoiselle," I said, "won't you give me more?"
"You silly boy," she rejoined, laughing, and now really rosy, "you
do not even know what I am going to permit you. Come here."
She was seated in a low and long-seated armchair, and placing her
knees against its left elbow, she directed me to seat myself on the
floor, with my legs underneath the chair, and with my face close to
the front of the seat.
I found this no easy matter, and went to work rather clumsily,
receiving one or two playful but sharp slaps, "for not carrying out
a lady's wishes with more alacrity." When at last I had succeeded,
she unfastened and took off the drawers from my arms and also the
body of the dress I was wearing, leaving my arms, neck, and
shoulders bare. I was much incommodated by the corset, which was
really a very ill-fitting one, and felt exceedingly awkward in my
unfamiliar attire, and indeed hurt myself with the busks of the
longwaisted thing as I assumed the required posture. My long legs,
uncovered by the petticoats, which in my efforts to seat myself as
bidden had worked themselves quite up to my knees, were disposed in
a very ungraceful and clumsy heap beneath the chair. I sincerely
trusted Mademoiselle, martinet and stickler for elegance as I knew
her to be, would not notice this, dreading the consequences if she
did. Perhaps, however, she considered the irksomeness and the
discomfort of the badly arranged drapery beneficial. For although
she must have noticed the bundle and my immodestly uncovered legs,
yet when she had got me close enough, she gave me no further
directions. By a dexterous movement and half-turn, accomplished
before I had time to guess what she meant, she whisked her
petticoats over my head and lodged her right leg across my left
shoulder. The result was that I found my head again between her soft
and warm thighs, each voluptuously pressing one of my cheeks. Her
legs were enveloped in exquisitely fine linen undergarments; and
there was wafted to me a fresher and stronger prevalence of that
strange intoxicating perfume which I had noticed about the red
flannel petticoat. My natural impulse was to retreat, an effort
promptly prevented by a tight grip of Mademoiselle; stooping over
she lifted up her skirts and looking at me with a strange fierce
light in her eyes but with a rosy smile upon her face, said: "Now,
Julian, if in the course of your incursions underneath my petticoats
you should encounter a mouth with a moustache you may kiss it; and,
in fact, when 39
I press my heel against your back—like this—you are to kiss it—you
understand—and to continue doing so as long as I press you."
She then again dropped her voluminous garments over me and threw
herself well back in the chair. My head, already well above her
knees, came to the open part of her drawers where I felt her satin
like skin and soft warm flesh, this time naked, against my cheeks.
To my astonishment, my nose, mouth, and chin were tickled by some
hairs. This must be the moustache thought I, and before I had time
to determine what to do, Mademoiselle gave a wriggle and holding me
close with her legs, rubbed something very hairy and moist all over
my face, my eyes, my nose, and my mouth in a very lingering manner.
In the midst of the hair I found what seemed like a mouth set
lengthwise instead of across, and felt a little protuberance near
its top, which was pressed forcibly against my own lips and which
appeared to be excessively sensitive. At the same moment I felt her
heel pressed against my shoulders and I gave it a kiss. It was
instantly pushed into my lips and my mouth was forced wide open;
unable to kiss it, I tickled it with my tongue.
Mademoiselle's movements as I did so became more and more vigorous,
her hold of me grew tighter and tighter, and she pressed me still
more closely. Feeling her foot heavily against my shoulders I
continued to play with what I concluded was her raw flesh, to bite
it gently with my teeth, and to lick it with my tongue, especially
that little protuberance, as I soon discovered the transports which
that gave her. To my wonder the aperture still grew larger and
larger until I seemed actually to lose my face in it. It had wet me
and appeared to cover me all over in it. I felt as if I was some
distance inside her body and I grew furious with a strange
excitement which increased with her own. Mademoiselle's throbs
became more and more convulsive, indeed as violent as mine had been
on the ottoman.
At last, centring herself upon my mouth, there came a series of
violent spasmodic throbs lasting for some seconds then becoming
gradually slower and slower, whilst there was jerked into my mouth a
warm 40
sticky fluid tasting something like the white of an egg only a
little bitter. I could hear Mademoiselle's exclamations although her
garments partly smothered the sound. At last her efforts ceased, her
grasp relaxed, and she seemed to repose as she let my head rest
against one of her knees.
What an experience! There was no longer any need to describe to me
how a man differed from a woman. How delightful that she should be
so formed and possess an organ so receptive, so responsive, so
capable of appreciating and returning the passions of my own, which,
whether it was intended or not for the purpose, I longed to place
inside hers. How exquisite would be the pleasure if our movements
could take place simultaneously, and whilst I was inside her. I was
overjoyed at the intimate knowledge of a woman to which I had been
so agreeably introduced and wondered whether everyone had equal good
fortune, feeling convinced that they could not otherwise obtain
anything like a perfect acquaintance with her. I was overjoyed, too,
that that woman in my case was Mademoiselle.
I burned to express my feelings in words, to implore her to permit
me to carry out my idea of inserting in her the engine of mine which
she had manipulated. I conceived the idea to be original and I
thought its communication would be welcomed by her as an inspiration
of genius.
Not knowing what to do with the liquid with which my mouth was
filled and needing some fresh air and a relief from the constraint
of my position, I endeavoured to rise; but Mademoiselle instantly
clasped my head tightly between her knees and prevented me. A
horse's strength is in his loins, a lion's in his jaws, an
elephant's in his trunk and weight, an ox's in his neck, and a
woman's is evidently in her thighs. I again tried to free myself
only to receive a tighter and more prolonged and suffocating squeeze
followed by a smart blow on my back from her heel, which almost
knocked the wind out of me. A little chagrined and disappointed, I
thought it wisest to give in, and resolved to await events, passing
my time in contemplation of my delicious situation under a young
lady's petticoats. To enhance my sense of it I recalled
her lovely features and figure to my mind, picturing her to myself
seated there. And then I remembered that I was in full possession of
the secret of her most private charms. I gently rubbed my head
against her, up and down the insides of her thighs. She relaxed her
hold and her lascivious motions told me how this pleased her.
I revelled in the contact of her undergarments and in the warm
atmosphere and pungent scent of the locality. I gloried in the
discovery of what petticoats actually did conceal and I swallowed
the liquid in my mouth with a voluptuous thrill.
Mademoiselle was evidently reading, and I had opportunity for
moralizing. I began to wonder whether there was anything wicked in
all this—whether it was impure? Was it adultery, fornication, or
lasciviousness to be beneath a maid's legs, kissing them and
gratifying her and myself by dalliance with my lips and tongue with
her "mouth with a moustache," simply because that mouth was between
her legs and usually hidden? The concealment was conventional as
dress, founded on the decorum and decencies of life. Was it wicked
to kiss the mouth of an Eastern woman because, when walking abroad,
it was covered by a Sash-mak? Brushing aside the conventionalities
in the shape of skirts and drawers gave a poignant relish to the
embrace that seemed perfectly legitimate. So I hugged Mademoiselle
closer and kissed her legs again.
In a few minutes any further disposition on my part for reflection
and analysis was cut short by a firm but gentle pressure of her
dainty leg and little heel on my back. Again I glued my mouth to
what seemed the compendium, the embodiment, the full divine
revelation of Mademoiselle herself in her most intimate soul, and,
on this occasion, with fewer scruples and with more avidity, with
greater knowledge and keener skill. I bit the tender succulent lips,
I inserted my tongue further and tickled the little protuberance
more persistently, absorbing the yielding flesh more greedily.
Mademoiselle's motions were in proportion more violent, her
transport, her loss of self-control completer. All our efforts were
directed to bring about a repetition of
that convulsive and spasmodic agitation of her being which seemed to
delight her and affected me. It took much longer this time and
required more effort; her legs were thrown wider apart and she
exerted herself (and I also) more vigorously. At last it came! The
spasm took place more slowly and endured longer. She lay back with a
sigh or gasp of relief and satisfaction, and I was becoming a little
weary; no ethical questions this time presenting themselves for
analysis and solution. The novelty of the situation was wearing off.
Besides I felt the need of a repetition of the operation upon myself
and was anxious to communicate my idea to her. However, I was not
allowed to rise.
Mademoiselle read on. She moved and adjusted herself, giving me
pleasure by the fresh and unavoidable contact of her flesh, each
time she did so. But it seemed as though I were never to be
released, and it appeared an interminable time before I again felt
the signal on my back, and, on this occasion by the exercise of a
little compulsion, was forced a third time to repeat the delicious
A few minutes later Mademoiselle threw down her book, lifted her leg
off my shoulder, and told me to get up.
What a delicious flutter she was in! And how proud I felt at having
been permitted to become so intimately acquainted with the secrets
of her being!
"You may get up now, Julian, you dear boy, and we will have some
tea. I want it, I can tell you."
I got up and stretched myself. I glanced at the Sevres clock,
leisurely ticking away the hours as though it controlled Time with
its fat and lazy motion.
For two hours had I been under Mademoiselle's petticoats in close
communion with her!
"Well, Julian," said Mademoiselle Hortense, looking at me with eyes
full of kindness. "Well, Julian!"
How can I express the coyness, the solicitude, the tenderness with
which these two words were uttered? They meant so much after all I
had been permitted to learn. I was encouraged to believe that
nothing could now be denied to me.
"Oh, Mademoiselle! Oh, Mademoiselle, how I love you! How I thank
"Do you really? Well, you have been very good and you discharged
your duty admirably. And now that you know what ladies have under
their petticoats, as well as what they can do to you, are you
"Ah, Mademoiselle, alas, no! A bright idea has struck me which I
implore you to consent to. I am sure if you would only try it, it
would be Paradise."
"You greedy youth! What more can you want?"
"I want—I want you to let me put—put what I—have-got into what you
have, where my tongue was; and—perhaps what happened to you and what
happened to me on the sofa might occur at once, at one and the same
time. And that—that would be ecstasy. Oh, Mademoiselle, do let me!"
"No, Julian, I cannot. The idea is not new; it is as old as the
world. That idea brought you and me and every one into existence. It
is, I admit, the sole remnant of the joys of Paradise which Adam and
Eve left us; but I cannot allow you now—not for years—not under
other than entirely altered circumstances. You must be content with
what you can have; had I not been fond of you I should not have
given you so much.
However much I should like it, I cannot give you that. It might
result in—in a baby."
"In a baby?" I shouted in utter surprise. "Do you mean to say that
is how babies are made?"
"Yes," she answered, "it is."
For some minutes utter silence fell upon me whilst I considered the
rapture it must be to make a baby and to reproduce in a little pink
and white crying thing, endowed with life and form, all the
exquisite and inexpressible emotions and sensations with which one
has been inspired and affected by the woman, to whom they have been
communicated in that perfect mode, when beyond one's self and
carried away by one's sense of all her charms, of all her
loveliness—communicated at the instant of the culmination of passion
with all its force.
"Oh, Mademoiselle," I exclaimed, in rapture, "what can be greater
happiness, what can be holier, what can be more exquisite
"Than the consummation of love," she suggested, chillingly.
"Love," I exclaimed, "is not immoral."
"Exactly," said Mademoiselle. "But, my dear Julian, you cannot go
about begetting babies on every girl who takes your fancy."
How these words desecrated what I held holier than religion.
"Certainly not. I have these feelings, these longings for you alone.
It is but to one woman that a man ought so to reveal himself. I
should live for you alone and devote myself to you only."
Mademoiselle smiled amusedly. But there was a little incredulity, or
perhaps a tincture of contempt, mingled with this smile, which was
certainly cynical.
"You must learn the lessons of the world you live in and solve the
problems they suggest as you can. I have given you a necessary part
of your education and I see you have already derived much benefit
from it. In France ladies afford many favours and many harmless
privileges, but they draw the line at what you ask for. I shall
tease you as much as I like, and when I like, and make you please me
frequently; perhaps for the remainder I shall put you into another
lady's hands—Lady Ridlington's for example. She is very fond of
breaking in amorous youths. But you must be content with what I have
allowed you, Julian, as far as I am concerned, and the discipline
will be wholesome."
"Oh, Mademoiselle, how cruel!"
"Not so cruel as I should be if I laid you across my knee, turned
your petticoats over your head, and smacked your bottom, which must
still be sore from your birching, for daring to propose such a thing
to me; and yet, if you continue refractory, I shall certainly do so!
You must learn self-control—it is the foundation of good breeding.
Come! I am going to ring for tea. Put on your bodice, Miss. What is
all this," looking reproachfully at me, "on your chemise?"
What Mademoiselle had said and her entrancing manner of saying it,
only made me feel worse. The notion of being laid across that lap of
hers in the position she had suggested could have no other effect;
but the necessity of replying to her question, which I felt to be an
awkward one, diverted my attention from the pleasant idea.
"Oh, Mademoiselle, I—I—I swallowed in the first time, and the
second, but the third—"
"You spat it out! And yet you have the impudence to profess you love
me," retorted Mademoiselle indignantly. "Very well, you shall
something not half as nice in my dressing room after tea, for
I changed colour, but dared not reply.
Elise then entered with the tea things, and looked at me very
curiously. As she went out, looking straight at me, she ominously
observed: "Tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that!"
Mademoiselle laughed.
"If it were only!" I ejaculated, much disturbed.
"That is the whole point of it. It will not be I," was all she
Mademoiselle's appetite astonished me, and I thought she gratified
it most immorally. She devoured crumpets and muffins, and plum-cake,
and bonbons, and cups of delicious fragrant tea. She made me sit
near her and follow her example. Her manner towards me was most
winning and affectionate, with a strong spice of tantalising
coquetry. She even indulged in some little endearments of a
peculiarly alluring character. For instance as she sat talking to me
she rested her elbow on my lap quite casually, but would not notice
the emotions it excited, or the movements and looks it evoked.
Tea over, Mademoiselle glanced at the clock. As I arose I shook down
my petticoats with contempt and some indignation of a keener mind
than I had yet felt. Mademoiselle complacently noticed the action
but did not attempt to give me any consolation.
"It is just an hour and a half to dinner and you will now come with
me to my dressing room, Julia."
What a strange thrill the name Julia gave me! She led me rather
crestfallen to her dressing room, warm, cosy, and bright. She bade
me take off her shoes and stockings, and, having permitted me to
kiss her feet, I put them into dainty fur-lined slippers. Then she
took off her dress, and I saw her admirable bust and glorious arms,
but she would not allow me to kiss them although I prayed her to let
me do so. Instead I had, in my turn, to divest myself of every
single article of clothing and to lie flat on my back in a long,
narrow, shallow bath, in which she fastened me by means of a strap
over my breast which prevented my rising. The bath was slightly
tilted up at the foot.
She then took off a slipper and struck what I was so anxious to put
into her seven or eight times, hurting me greatly, observing that it
deserved punishment and no further kind treatment.
Her altered mood caused me great astonishment, but, as I have
remarked, the gymnastics through which a woman's caprices can put
one's soul are a principal portion of education received by any one
subjected to her sway.
When she had amused herself in this manner, she said she would teach
me not to spit out the choicest possible marks of a lady's feelings!
I felt very much frightened. Ignorance of my fate increased my
She repeated that as I had not swallowed what I had wooed from her
in response to my own efforts, I should now have to swallow
something less nice which she would be glad to get rid of.
This terrified me much more. The idea struck me in an instant what
it was possible she might mean. No; she could not mean—she would not
dare—she would not so treat me! I should have started up but for the
restraining strap. As it was, I did start as much as it would allow
me, for the terrible idea gave me a strong shock.
I was not reassured by what took place next.
She stood across me in the bath ravishing me with a sight of her
pretty figure overhead, her legs bared to her frilled drawers; and
coquettishly lifting up her petticoats with both hands to her
middle, she carefully drew the drawers well apart, disclosing to my
full view what I had been kissing that afternoon, with entrancing
glimpses of lovely pink flesh.
Great Heavens! There can be no doubt what she intends to do to me! I
shall die of disgust!
"Mademoiselle," I cried, "don't! Don't. I will swallow what you
like; but don't do that."
She looked at me with an amused and satisfied smile.
"Why should I not? It would serve you right!"
"I dare say!" I exclaimed. "But I am very sorry. I beg your pardon!"
"And did you really think I would?" she exclaimed with a merry laugh
and blush. "What a fright I have given you! Well, not this time,"
she continued,* adding, with an uplifted finger and a sparkle in her
eyes: "But beware, in future. On this occasion I shall commute your
sentence to half a tumbler full of Eau Amere de Pesth, commonly
"Aesculap." You must have some punishment; and it will serve my
purpose better than the tumblers of water which the Empress
Catherine compelled her refractory courtiers to swallow as penance.
In the meantime though, I must really give you a douche, you saucy
boy." And, lifting a large can of tepid water, she drenched me with
it. I sputtered and blew, but the torrent poured on. The stream fell
full and impetuously upon my lips, my nostrils, my eyes, and my
whole face—blinding and suffocating me —running into my mouth and
down my throat, almost choking me, to Mademoiselle's delight. Would
the can never be empty? Would she not tilt it up and be done with
it? Over my chest, over what she had been playing with, over my
legs, the now attenuated stream trickled, my hair gradually getting
soaked through and through, and I drowned in the water; the bath
being small and tilted at its end submerging me to my ears and chin.
At last the stream ended, and she then gave me the drops that had
run past the mouth of the can. I turned my head away only to become
more drenched and to get my mouth fuller. There were five inches of
the fluid about my head; it came quite up to my lips and if I moved
got between them and went, perforce, down my throat.
"There!" said Mademoiselle, exultingly, having at length exhausted
the reservoir. "Now, Master Julian, just contemplate what that water
might have been! Just think what you might have been lying in—what
you might have been made to swallow. Take care. Another time I may
not let you off. Think of all this; and then I do not believe you
will play me that trick again."
*The late Lord— was actually placed in this jeopardy by a German
mistress in Fulham who was not so merciful as Mademoiselle.
I was disposed to agree entirely with her, but dared not venture
upon a word, not feeling particularly thirsty at the moment. On a
subsequent occasion I ran an even narrower risk of the same
This time the half-tumbler of Aesculap, bitter and a little
nauseous, which she made me drink, willy-nilly, effectually
confirmed my good resolution. I felt angry, in fact, furious at this
drenching. It was so ignominious; but I confess that the fear that
she would carry out her threat, together with the idea that the
water about me might have been of a different kind, and if I
offended again, would be, gave me a strange delight.
With a laugh at my discomfiture and at my look (I felt my eyes
gleaming), Mademoiselle left the room. Returning in two or three
minutes, she calmly sat down before a large glass to do her hair at
great leisure. The least she could have done would have been to
release me; but that, she showed not the slightest intention of
doing as yet. I had to lie in that deluge quite half an hour, while
she bade me reflect what a pickle it might have been, and
unconcernedly let down and combed her magnificent hair.
When, at last, I was released, I felt well soused.
Certainly the milk of Venus was pleasanter to swallow than that
nasty water, yet they both might have come from the same place, and
from Mademoiselle. I think, on the whole, that I really loved her
the more for the fright I had originally experienced: a strange
overpowering longing to devour her; to be intimately united with and
yet subject to her; to nourish myself with her being; a craving
which I endeavoured to slake with kisses; and which was subsequently
much more effectually gratified by my absorption of her raw clinging
flesh, expressing in a humid language of its own the fleeting
vanishing emotions of her soul.
It was hard that she should use a force originating in myself only
as an engine for my own training, for the subjugation and taming of
my virile ferocity; thus compelling me myself to provide a weapon
for my own chastisement.
At last she sniped the stout threads of the strap-buckle which held
me, with a pair of long scissors to avoid wetting her dainty fingers
bade me get up. How I longed to throw the whole contents of the bath
over her, hair and all! However, all this time the water was running
down me, drip, drip, drip, like the water from a rat rescued from
drowning, into my eyes, over my lips, over my shoulders, down my
back, down my breast, and along my arms. Mademoiselle gazed at me
with amusement. I was too wild to speak and yet dared not do
anything. She might otherwise have made me drink it. She was quite
capable of doing so. Horrible notion, horrible peril! I dared not
give the slightest sign which I thought could possibly provoke her
displeasure. To my relief she gave me a towel, but I was not yet out
of danger for she would not allow me to rush away as I desired.
There was that Aesculap. Bitter stuff!
No; I had now to discharge an office which, being about
Mademoiselle's person, was, I grant, extremely agreeable. The
remarkable manner in which she racked and harrowed my feelings—now
doing that which provoked my bitterest dislike and disgust, then
what attracted and excited my warmest feelings towards her—reduced
me to a state of great trepidation and nervousness, effectually
depriving me of self-control. When, quailing beneath her gaze, I had
hastily dried myself as much as she thought necessary, she slipped
off her dressing gown, and said peremptorily: "Now dress me!"
Her evening stockings had to be put on ceremoniously and carefully,
the ends of the suspenders dexterously caught and attached to them;
her low shoes found, and because I could not immediately discover
where they were, I received several cuts of her stinging little
riding whip to sharpen my wits and quicken my movements. Then her
corset had to be changed—the evening one laced to her satisfaction.
The fastening, adjusting, and lacing of a lady's tight corset is a
difficult and ticklish process, and her gown had to be put on and
hooked. She then complained that one of her stockings was wrinkled
in her shoe, which I had to remove and smooth the delicate fabric.
No sooner had I replaced her shoe than she sprang up, and I suddenly
and quite unexpectedly became conscious of the weight of her pretty
little foot by the receipt of a sound kick in the rear. I called out
and clapped my hands to the part. Mademoiselle continued the
exercise, dancing about the room after me with surprising agility
and astonishing spirits, kicking me as she did so, first with one
little foot and then with the other, always aiming at my back. It
was a novel edition of the skirt dance, which I did not at all
appreciate, though, doubtless, Mademoiselle looked charming and her
laughter and exclamations of delight put a merry aspect, from her
point of view, upon the performance. Her pointed shoes hurt
confoundedly, and the sweetness of the vision did not allay the
pain. I was soon black and blue.
Mademoiselle laughed until I thought she would have had a fit. I, on
my part, felt much more disposed to cry more from the ridiculous
figure I was made to cut than from anything else. My love laughed
at, and I was myself kicked naked about her dressing room by my
adored one.
At length, fatigued, she summoned Elise to finish her hair and
complete her toilette, and to lock me up for the time being, amongst
her skirts and petticoats in the wardrobe.
When I was released in about another half hour, Mademoiselle had
left the apartment, and not without some apprehension, I found
myself left to the tender mercies of her maid. She roughly jerked me
out of the cupboard by the arm, administering with the other hand,
as she did so, a succession of sound, stinging slaps on various
parts of my body, and expressing much curiosity as to what I had
done to get myself made water upon by a young lady, and especially
as to how I liked it. I indignantly denied it. "None of your lies to
me, you nasty dirty boy. I know very well what she did. I ought not
to touch you with the tongs. I know where that water came from;
don't tell me! Come off to the bathroom at once. Quick! We have no
time to fool about!" peremptorily ordered Elise. A hot bath and a
big sponge were very welcome. It was curious being washed by a maid.
And when she soaped the flannel and washed me like a baby between
the legs, I squirmed and blushed and felt utterly foolish. The skin
of my bottom was quite sore from the birching and kicking. Elise
heeded this very little, in fact not at all, and rapidly dried me
with warm rough towels; then taking me to my room, as rapidly
dressed me. Silken vest, chemise en coeur (I had a plump breast and
well-rounded arms), drawers, a corset which fitted much better than
the first, stockings and the rest; in short, a young lady's evening
toilette. Even my hair was done up like a girl's with a broad ribbon
round my head after the Grecian mode; it was not long enough for any
other style.
I must not omit one particular article which she added to my attire,
and which gave me peculiar inconvenience as the evening wore on. At
the end of my longwaisted corset in front, about four inches apart,
two hooks. As soon as she had tightly and severely laced that horrid
instrument of torture, she proceeded to adjust a square piece of
linen, to two corners of which were attached two tape loops. These
she slipped over the hooks; and through the loops she inserted a
folded napkin, and drawing it between my legs, tied its ends
together, after putting one through a broad steel eye, which was
sewn into my corset at the back. It was pulled quite tight, and the
effect, of course, was to drag down the square piece of linen in
front, and envelope in it what I had there, so that that thing was
kept straight down, and also, the napkin being mercilessly tight,
well between my legs. It was a most uncomfortable affair and
incommoded me dreadfully.
But my protestations were altogether unheeded as a matter of course.
Elise remarked that some contrivance was imperative, to prevent any
indications on the surface of my petticoats which would belie my
sex; and that if I had the privilege of being dressed and looking
like a girl, I must put up with some punishment for being in reality
a boy!
The friction of the napkin against the tender skin and sensitive
nerves between my legs gave me my only consolation. It caused a
pleasant titillation, and kept me in a perpetual condition of
delicious naughtiness, the usual expression of which,
however—erection in front—was quite, and designedly, out of the
At last I was dressed. It was a painful business. To give me a
colour before I descended to the drawing room, Elise, who was really
a beautiful damsel, frivolously inserted her right hand and arm
under my skirts from behind, and severely rubbed and pinched my
bottom, not forgetting to give the prisoner in front an energetic
reminder or two, slipping her hand through from behind for that
purpose. This proceeding did, indeed, bring the roses to my cheeks.
I was positively astonished and dismayed to find five or six men, in
faultless evening costume, in the drawing room downstairs. I had no
idea that there would be any strangers—men above all—to witness what
I had to go through! Fortunately, my great confusion was interpreted
as sweet and pretty bashfulness and ingenuousness. By degrees, I
rather entered into the spirit of the joke, especially as
Mademoiselle took an early opportunity of whispering into my ear
that she would expose me and flay me alive unless I behaved myself.
She then introduced one of the men as Lord Alfred Ridlington and
myself as Miss Julia Robinson. He appeared to be good-naturedly
amused at my fluttered demeanour and at once tried to set me at my
ease. He succeeded to a very considerable extent, but there was
something in his eyes which to my mind suggested that he was in the
secret; an idea which kept bringing a succession of hot blushes to
my cheeks and neck. The other men regarded me with ill-concealed
looks of respectful and profound admiration. They were, it was
plain, jealous of Lord Alfred Ridlington's good fortune and without
any idea of the truth; but I could not rid myself of the notion that
he had some inkling of it. The restraint of the bandage speedily
became a subject of thankfulness; without it, some indication of
what I began to feel would inevitably have made its appearance and
have entirely destroyed the illusion.
Lord Alfred Ridlington took me down to dinner, and, of course, sat
beside me. He took a proper solicitude in my welfare, exercising a
watchful care over me such as I conceived to be the duty of a
cavalier towards the maiden whom he had been deputed to look after.
And I, for my part, comported myself as much after the fashion of a
young lady as I possibly could. I was careful not to encourage him
too much, and gave myself all a girl's airs and graces, her pretty
fastidiousness, her little wilful ways and arch caprices. Maud,
Agnes, and Beatrice were all too fully occupied with their own
cavaliers to notice me much, or I doubt whether my assurance would
have proved equal to the occasion.
Lord Alfred Ridlington himself aided me materially by the perpetual
flow of small talk which he kept up unceasingly for my
entertainment. It admirably served to cover any little confusion
arising at odd moments when I felt slightly at a loss. I was hungry,
in fact very hungry, but the wretched corset was so desperately
tight that I was compelled to eat like a real young lady and dared
not drink much.
I filled up the time by wondering where I had heard Lord Alfred
Ridlington's name, which seemed familiar to me, and, at length,
recollected it had been mentioned to me by Mademoiselle herself
during my discussion with her in her boudoir that afternoon. She had
threatened to hand me over to Lady Alfred Ridlington, whom she said
was particularly fond of breaking in amorous youths. This, I
thought, must be that lady's husband, and I immediately cast at him
a glance expressing so much interest that he noticed it. Ignorant of
its true motive he seemed much gratified by the look, and we
thereupon became greater friends than ever. He was a very
good-looking young man, fair, plump, with a beautiful mouth, teeth,
ears, and hands, and rejoicing in an enormous expanse of snowy white
shirt front, fastened with three brilliant diamond studs. I observed
how white and unusually well-formed his neck was, and a certain
softness, even effeminacy, about him and his air suggested the
question as to whether he had ever been subjected to the same
discipline that I was going through. I sadly reflected how bitterly
disappointed he would certainly be if he ever discovered that I was
a boy.
After dinner there was a carpet dance. One or two of the other men
were at first my partners. How odd I felt, and how feminine! But I
naturally enjoyed most those waltzes which I had with Lord Alfred.
He waltzed capitally. After several turns, however, he suggested a
stroll and a rest; and although I was sure Mademoiselle would notice
our absence and was by no means so sure how she would take it, we
soon found ourselves in a cosy and sequestered nook of the
conservatory, where, seated close to me, he began to make hot love.
His advances were delicate and insinuating. Aggression would at once
have put me in arms. When he hoped he was not altogether
disagreeable to me, what could I say? I could not be rude. But my
unprotected position, the knowledge that I could not respond, which
grew upon me with increasing intensity, filled me before long with a
feeling approaching dismay, and I positively longed for a chaperon.
I had never been in such a fix before. I liked being made love to;
but when he discovered that I was a fraud! Confound Mademoiselle and
all her ways!
What on earth to do—whether to confess what I was, say I could not
help it, and rely on his honour not to tell —I did not know.
The idea of running away occurred; but what a fool I should look,
and, besides, it very soon became impossible and I was obliged to
abandon all thought of it; for he put his arm round my waist and
held my thighs pressed closely to him. How a girl would have enjoyed
it! But me! I could only behave as I conceived a maiden would have
To add to my confusion, and to hasten the catastrophe, his other
hand, in some inexplicable way, got up one of my legs underneath my
petticoats. Then I felt there was no hope left! The murder would
soon be out, and he would indignantly expose me to Mademoiselle, and
she! But between my real and imaginary sensations I was in such a
state of
tremor and excitement that I could only rest gasping against him, be
the consequences what they might.
After several minutes of the most deliciously exciting but yet most
embarrassing dalliance with my legs and undergarments, and after
many whispered soft nothings in my ear, he slipped his hand right up
to my waist and got a firm hold of what was fastened there between
my limbs!
Now, thought I, surely all is over! And I prepared myself for the
outburst I conceived imminent, and to meet the consequences as best
I could. But to my intense relief and no small astonishment, he
proceeded to play with his fingers and hand, until I was almost
beside myself. The softness and warmth of his form surprised me
much. I wondered whether I should treat a girl so. Certainly not, I
concluded, if I discovered her to be a boy. However, he evidently
thought otherwise, for he continued torturing me in this nice
fashion for some time, and appeared to take an unaccountable
pleasure in it. At length, he went further; he set me, or, to speak
more correctly, an important part of me, free by slipping the loops
of the bandage over the hooks in front, and then leaning quite over
me, he took hold of me afresh, this time more vigorously and more
The same crisis soon occurred (but under a completely different set
of emotions) as had happened on the sofa with Mademoiselle, and,
strange to say, his enjoyment of it seemed to equal, if not to
surpass hers. It puzzled me how it could give him pleasure, and I
felt no longer a girl. There was no mistake about it, his eyes swam,
his lips were glued to mine, and he seemed to be carried away by a
strong corresponding passion. Was he a man?
After a few minutes spent in imbibing as slowly as possible the
deliciousness of the sensations we had evoked, he readjusted the
linen bandage, gave me a final kiss, helped me to rearrange my
disordered garments, and to smooth my ruffled hair, and then he
proposed that we should rejoin the company in the drawing room.
Although my cheeks
were on fire, even if there were no other telltale signs, we were
obliged to do so, for I felt sure that our absence would have been
remarked. But returning did not accord with my wishes. I longed to
tear open his shirt, his trousers, to investigate for myself, to
solve the tormenting question without delay. Could he be a woman? He
must know now that I was not one. What could he be? He gave me no
chance, however, to ascertain. He availed himself of my dread that
Mademoiselle would notice our being away, and said that my looks
would confirm her worst suspicions, so we hurried off at once, and I
was very glad to join energetically in the waltz we found just
started when we got there. It would be some explanation of my
flustered condition. Did all young ladies, I wondered, who left the
ballroom or sat a dance out on the stairs meet with an experience
like mine?
But I was doomed to disappointment. Mademoiselle had not failed to
notice our absence, and proceeded in the presence of the entire
company, to my horror, to rate Lord Alfred soundly for having
carried off one of her charges, and upon his improper behaviour,
paying scant attention to his excuses. Then, turning to me, she
informed me I was to go off at once to my bedroom, there to be well
smacked with a slipper, and put to bed by her maid for my forward
behaviour. Whether this was to Lord Alfred's delight or chagrin I
cannot tell, but it was to my own inexpressible confusion, and I was
on the point of tears. I stood dumbfounded and foolish before
everyone. I did not want any more whipping (I was still sore from
what I had had), nor did I wish to lose the evening's enjoyment. But
they started off for the next dance, and poorly I had to march off.
I knew by the stern glance which Mademoiselle threw at me across her
partner's shoulder, as he led her gracefully away into the swimming
mazes of the dance, that there was no hope whatever of mercy. There
never was as far as I could see! Was it not enough to torture me
with the birch, to mortify my manhood with the imposition of
feminine dictation to such an extent as almost to crush it? Was it
necessary to cause the cup to overflow by the addition of gratuitous
wrong? It really had not been my fault. My indignation knew no
bounds. However, there was no help for it, and if Mademoiselle
caught me there, when the waltz brought her round to that part of
the room again, I knew my fate would be worse, so I slunk off in a
very sullen mood to my bedroom.
I certainly heartily agreed with Mademoiselle about Lord Alfred's
deserts. But then, why was she so unjust?
It was all horrid affectation on her part in order to be the more
cruel to me!
It was certainly all his fault—entirely his fault, from beginning to
end—he had been amusing himself with me, and now I had to suffer! He
did not seem to care in the least and made a joke of it.
What horrid, selfish, despicable creatures men are! I should never
have expected it of him!
In my bedroom I was quickly joined by Elise, to whom Maud had
communicated Mademoiselle's orders without loss of time. She came
with indecent promptitude and haste in order to execute them. I am
sure she was only too happy to have the opportunity!
How can I relate what happened? The reader can easily guess all!
Elise pretended to be in a very severe and magisterial,
quasi-judicial mood; treated me just like a big naughty girl, and
was conscientiously deaf to all the expostulations and explanations
which appealing to her sense of fairness, I rapidly and breathlessly
gave her. I did not want—I felt I could not bear—any more
punishment. My only chance to escape lay in persuading her to let me
off. I might as well have tried to persuade a hungry dog out of its
bone. She came into the room with a large old slipper in one hand,
smacking her other hand with it to give me a foretaste of my fate.
She took off my dress and drawers as callously as though she were a
machine, alas—a slapping machine—and then sitting down on the couch,
she laid me across her lap, getting me well under her left arm. She
turned my petticoats up to my waist and smacked my bare bottom with
the old slipper till I roared for mercy and struggled frantically. I
was between her legs, her right leg confining mine, and she must
have enjoyed my struggles and what they shew her. They were
certainly useless for any other purpose, as I could not get free. I
thought my cries and the sound of the blows must be audible in the
drawing room. Smack, smack, smack! Yah! Yell!
When she had quite tired herself out, which was not until I had been
smacked black and blue, she let me get up. I walked wildly about the
room, with my hands clapped to my back to ease the pain, which was
very bad. But even this consolation was soon to be denied me, and it
was an unfortunate gesture, for it suggested further torment to her.
She flourished the slipper and threatened me with a second edition,
if I did not hold my noise, as she elegantly expressed it. And then
suddenly noticing how I was endeavouring to alleviate my pain, she
declared that she felt certain my hands had been in mischief also,
and that she would make them smart too.
She compelled me to hold them out one after the other, and gave each
of them two dozen sharp stinging blows with the same slipper with
all her force, a most exasperating quiet smile playing on her face.
I longed to knock her down. My arms tingled up to my very shoulders,
and I was
mad with pain, when she had done. As she had anticipated, I had no
longer any desire to place my hands at my back. I danced about the
room, clasping them together, and to her amusement tried everything
I could think of to stop their throbbing without much success.
However, she contented herself with this, and did not again attack
my bottom, for which I was most thankful. She announced that she had
the satisfaction of giving me a thorough and well-deserved
punishment, and that there was nothing which could have given her
greater gratification; and putting the slipper down, she then
proceeded to completely undress me. When this was done she slipped
over my head a long, laced, embroidered, feminine nightdress of
Mademoiselle's, which made me feel very immodest. Possessed by this
feeling I looked tenderly at the smart winsome maid, and pressed the
back of one of her hands to my lips. Surprised for a moment, she
said she was pleased to find I could take my punishment properly and
be grateful for it.
As reward, she pushed me backwards across the bed, and standing
close to it, between my legs, leant down right over me with her arms
twined round my back and her bosom on mine, and kissed my lips five
or six times, lifting her head and looking affectionately into my
eyes between the kisses. The contact of her warm rosy lips was very
agreeable indeed, and I enjoyed the long lingering wet kisses
extremely. The close proximity and weight of her person gave me
intense delight and had a most soothing effect on me. She made no
bones about deliberately pressing herself against me, showing that
she did not hesitate to recognise, and to let me know she recognised
the fact of her intimate closeness and of her lying between my legs,
keeping them even inconveniently wide apart. The lower part of my
body was quite helplessly exposed to whatever crushing she chose to
bestow on it with the corresponding portion of her own. And that was
no small amount; the pressure was designedly heavier and more
constant there. She wriggled and ground herself against me,
especially when in the act of kissing me, exactly as I must have
done against her as she was whipping me in her lap.
The notion of the three days to be spent "under her" was suggested
by my position, and now recalled itself to my mind, devoid of most
of its terrors. Indeed, the prospect seemed rather pleasant; but I
was reckoning without recollection of the weight of her arm,
although I had just experienced it, and was also ignorant of the
exquisite cruelty in which she revelled, and of the many ingenious
devices she possessed for exercising it.
If that bandage had only been removed, I should certainly have
enjoyed "my reward" much more. It was very much in the way; besides
which, it enabled her, when she clasped me closely, to press me yet
further down, in exactly the contrary direction to the natural one.
This caused me positive pain. I have not the slightest doubt she
knew it; but to such an adept in the art of mingling pleasure and
pain, the fact could only be an additional source of gratification.
It is true she had taken off the corset to which the bandage was
attached, and I had had hopes that I was going to be freed from it.
No such luck. She replaced it, fastening it even more severely than
before, by means of a band round my waist underneath my nightdress.
After some quarter of an hour had been spent in this tantalising
fondling, Elise made me stand up, and producing a broad leather belt
with three or four small straps to fasten it, she buckled it very
tightly round my waist outside the only garment I had on. At each
side of this girth, just over the hip, two narrow straps were sewn.
I could not conceive what these were for. They curled outwards in a
menacing mode, and I felt sure portended nothing good. My suspicions
were soon confirmed. They were to confine my wrists. In a very
matter-of-fact style Elise took hold of each of my wrists and
buckled them tightly one to each side by means of these straps.
"There," she remarked complacently, "your hands must be kept out of
further mischief, and I don't see how they can get into it now. And
you may thank your stars that I do not slip a strap through your
elbows and draw them together at your back. I will do so next time.
Get into bed!"
In my helpless state, deprived of the use of my arms, I accomplished
this feat with difficulty. My hands were so rigidly fixed that I
felt as if in a vice. The only use to which I could put my arms was
to flap them against my sides, and that did no one any good and was
ridiculous into the bargain.
Added to this, there was the restraint of the other bandage under my
nightgown, so that altogether I really did not feel my own self. The
sensation was quite novel, and I did not know what to make of it. I
had much to put up with, for if I had made any sign Elise would
surely have punished me smartly. I could have made good use of my
hands. I wished for one thing to rub my bruises; besides, I hated
being confined. Mademoiselle had not ordered it. I wanted to have
free use of my hands. In my own bed surely I might have loosened
that unnatural bandage, surely I might sleep as I pleased. Yet here
they were, fixed so absolutely that I might just as well have been
without hands at all. It was most unfair and unjust.
This phase of mind, these germs of rebellion in the land which the
inflexible strictness of my fetters prevented from germinating and
fructifying, were soon obliterated by the advent of a very
formidable necessity bearing the endorsement of nature herself, one
which was not in any sense of a sentimental character, and which I
felt, as I turned restlessly on my back, would admit of no
compromise. It forced itself on me relentlessly and with momentarily
increasing vigour. The sheets were clean, so was my nightdress, and
besides there was the bandage, before and behind. More whipping,
more torture, more shame, more disgrace, more contumely, more
ignominy, I knew well would be my portion if there was the least
stain or the least moisture. And yet what could I do? I writhed and
I trembled. The sphincter muscle was strong, but so were the
opposing forces. I had not eaten, neither had I drunk much, but I
wished I had eaten and drunk less, I wished I had not eaten or drunk
at all. Of course there had been champagne between the dances, and
there must have been some artistically designed decoction of onions
in the soup or in the entrees, or in some dish or other to give such
subtle power to this pressing demand. Elise had thrown the bed
clothes over me and left me in the dark. But what would be the
advantage of getting up? I could grope with my feet for the
necessary article, but what use would it be when found? My hands
were not at my service, and, in addition, I was tied up! In that
condition, with the door of a closet gaping in front of me and its
welcome promise of relief before my eyes, I should have been no
better off. Nor had I even the benefit of the voluptuous sensation
that this had been intended by my female persecutors.
At least an hour and a half of this excruciating torture and fear!
Then there was a gleam of light outside my door, which shone through
its chinks, and I hailed it with the un-calculating hope of despair.
Whoever carried the light did not pass the door. She came in. It was
Beatrice! What a mercy! Her curiosity had brought her and her flat
candlestick in on her way to her own room. Elise had told her she
might safely count on half an hour with me, as Mademoiselle had only
just gone to her apartments with Lord Alfred Ridlington. With Lord
Alfred Ridlington! I had heard him say she might do what she chose
with him, but I never dreamt he would be taken au pied de la lettre.
Was she chastising him? I heard no sounds; yet the room was not so
distant. What was she doing? Incarnating his love, his babies?
Horrid thought.
"Oh, Beatrice!" I cried.
Beatrice looked very beautiful! She was flushed with dancing, her
cheeks were aglow, her eyes sparkled, her bosom heaved, her form was
dilated with pleasure, and vivacity shew in her every movement,
mischief in her every glance.
"Oh, Beatrice!"
"Well, Julian," she laughed, putting down her candle and giving her
skirts a whisk, "a nice day you have had; you must be quite tender."
"Beatrice," I repeated, "for goodness sake, for the sake of all you
hold dear, if you love me, at any price—"
"Good gracious, Julian! Whatever is the matter?" she asked with
maddening equanimity, calmly sitting down near me. "I know you have
been smacked and sent to bed. I have heard all about it from 67
Maud. I know you spent the afternoon with Mademoiselle in her
boudoir, and I have come to hear all about it from you. I know you
were birched in the morning—a fine day you have had—your first too,
but whatever can be the matter with you now?"
"Oh, Beatrice, you know you and I were friends from the first," I
began, frantically.
"I know you spoilt my gown, you clumsy boy, at luncheon," she
rejoined, determined to preserve her sangfroid.
"Yes, but I have paid for that."
"And I am glad to see you have not forgotten it! Shall I give you my
own idea of the punishment it deserved? Slaps, indeed! One dainty
soft one on each cheek! A nice punishment. Look here!" lifting her
delicate leg and taking off and brandishing a slipper menacingly at
me. "Look here!" giving me more than a glimpse of the paradise under
her petticoats, as she lifted and retained her foot across the other
knee. "Look and tremble. You have settled scores with Mademoiselle
and Elise; now you have me to reckon with."
"Oh, Beatrice, do not jest, do not make sport of me. It is unkind;
it is much too serious. It is a matter of health."
"I have heard of people dying for love. What is the matter with
you-shall I kiss you? Will that do?"
"Yes! Yes! But first-first—"
"First what?" she enquired, astonished.
"First, unfasten me!"
"Anything more in a small way? Unfasten you? A fine time I should
have then. No; certainly not."
"Oh, I promise, I promise, I swear I will not touch you. I promise
to let you do me up again. On my honour I do. Unfasten me just for a
minute. There's a closet near, I know."
Beatrice went into a fit of laughter, stopped, and laughed again;
took out her handkerchief to wipe her eyes-laughed till she cried,
and then laughed again.
"Poor boy," she said at length; "I understand now."
"Will you?" I gasped.
"On one condition," she replied.
"Any condition—any—name it!"
"Don't be in such haste. On condition that you give yourself to me
body and soul for five years. Give yourself to me to be my absolute
slave. So do all I tell you and nothing that I forbid you, whatever
the consequences, Mademoiselle, your father, your mother, Maud,
Agnes, and perhaps, most important of all, yourself, to the contrary
notwithstanding. If you will promise this on your honour, perhaps—"
"Elise," I suggested.
"Oh, you are not so hard up as I thought; however, Elise and I are
fast allies."
I felt like Jacob selling his birthright, but I glanced at her and
thought I might have a worse fate, and the exigencies of the case
did not leave room for much hesitation. She was a lovely girl. What
a bust and pretty head, what bewitching hair, what grace, what a
splendid form, what a splendid little foot and ankle to have on
one's neck! But five years was a serious matter. "Whatever do you
intend to do with me, Beatrice?"
"Never mind; I won't discuss the question. Yes or no."
"You want me to leap in the dark," I said, reproachfully.
"Do as you like. You see me, and where you are leaping to," she said
with a smile of entrancing archness.
"Very well. I will. You will undo me directly?"
"Consider, Julian."
"I have considered. Yes, for five years, I promise."
"On your honour?"
"On my honour."
"Very well. There is a kiss," stooping over me, "to ratify and seal
the bargain. You are mine now," she added, standing over me, "to do
what I please with, and you must do nothing without my leave—you
understand," and she looked lovingly into my eyes, "and whatever it
may cost you if I refuse."
Then, with a sweep of her arm, she threw the bed clothes off me,
unbuckled the belt, pulled up the nightdress without any ado, and
unfastened the bandage. She did not stop to look. She gave me new
life with my freedom.
"Run along, Julian. I give you five minutes! No more!"
On my return, I felt much better, and was able to contemplate my
position, and the price I had been obliged to pay for a freedom to
which the natural rights of humanity entitled me. I felt a little
injured. This contract with Beatrice was indeed immoral, and I
dreaded to think what Mademoiselle would have to say to it. But then
I looked at Beatrice. What do girls care for immorality? What
indeed! Nothing; unless it serves their purpose to care or to seem
to care.
Beatrice's first order, when I returned and the door had been shut,
was to tell me to take off my nightdress. She blushed as she bade me
do so.
Now Mademoiselle was all very well, and Elise too. They were
hardened sinners. But Beatrice, a mere girl, younger than myself.
What harm I might do her! How degrading, too, to me.
I hesitated, and she reminded me of my oath.
"What about your honour, Julian?"
I still hesitated.
"Must I summon Elise to help me to enforce my rights?"
I looked at her.
"Yes, my rights," she repeated, stamping her little foot.
"Take off that nightdress directly."
"How can you wrong me by talking about Elise?"
"Very well then, do what I tell you," she said laughing. I did not
laugh, needless to say. I wanted to have another kiss, to get into
bed as I was, and to wish her "good night." I was tired, and with
No prospect of that, as I soon found. We looked at each other for a
few minutes. She was inexorable. And before that girl, in her ball
dress, which shew all her bosom, with her bare arms and smiling
countenance, the personification of grace, beauty, and girlhood, I
had to divest myself of my sole garment, and stand stark naked. She
gazed at me from head to foot, whilst I covered my face with my
hands. A woman, I suppose, would have adopted the attitude of the
Venus de Medici.
"A fine girl you are, Julian, with a big thing in front of you," she
said presently, blushing all over.
She then passed her hands over my shoulders and my body, along and
between my legs, made me walk up and down the room, lift my legs,
stand with them apart, bend over and touch my toes with my fingers,
whilst she contemplated me from behind, sit down, kneel down, and go
on all fours, and kiss her feet.
"How you have been punished!" she said. "Your— bottom—is black and
blue. Tell me, you have had your bottom punished?"
"Indeed I have, Beatrice, severely."
"You must say it; come."
"Say what?"
"Say you have had your bottom punished—those very words; and ask me,
your dear Beatrice, to pity you."
"I have had my—bottom punished, my dear Beatrice" (what a thrill
these senseless words caused me and her also). "Please, pity me."
"Lie across that chair then, with your head on the carpet and your
feet on the ground."
I adopted the degrading posture, and she stood near me, speaking
consoling words and rubbing the afflicted part with her soft hand.
She did more than rub it.
"How naughty you have made me feel. I was bad enough when I came in.
I must see, what consolation you can give me. Lie across the bed on
your back, with your head over the edge."
I did so. I felt like a dog turned upside down. But what could I do
with this uncompromising damsel? She stood over me, purring
deliciously, and handling me, looking into my eyes, which were fixed
somewhat reproachfully on her.
"Do you like that?" she asked.
Reply was unnecessary, and I was a little indignant.
"Now you must please me," she went on.
I knew what was coming. I had not spent the afternoon for nothing. I
felt that I was beginning to understand women and their little ways.
They were all alike. Precisely the same words, too.
She lifted up her skirts and threw them over my breast, put my head
between her legs, and held it there, and rubbed herself against my
mouth. I knew what to do, and did it. She was much smaller there
than Mademoiselle, and there was a wall inside, beyond which I could
not get. Her throbs were also more pronounced. She moved herself,
she rubbed and pressed me more severely, and used her hands more
freely. Added to which, she applied her tongue to me, and sucked
what she was playing with in her mouth, stooping over me for the
She stopped once or twice, and slightly withdrawing herself, and
lifting her soft, warm, garments, looked at me, and asked whether
what she was doing gave me pleasure, and whether I liked my task.
I replied, "Immensely," and so I did.
She recommenced; the crisis arrived! Remembering my lesson about a
lady's choicest favours, I did not hesitate to swallow, and, indeed,
swallowed willingly what she shot into my mouth. She was not content
until she had made me come also in her mouth. I did not like the
idea of doing it and tried to prevent myself, but her hands and
tongue were too much for me.
A moment after, Elise entered, and found me in the position I have
described, prone on my back on the bed, enveloped from my breast
upwards in Beatrice's skirts, which lay across me; my head out of
sight under her petticoats, between her taper legs, and my face
still closely pressed against her body.
"Pretty goings on," exclaimed Elise, nonchalantly. "I am sorry to
interrupt your amusement, Miss Beatrice, but the half hour is up,
and you must not remain longer. One minute, though. I must help him
to recover. Put his legs across your shoulders, Miss; yes, and lift
them up—one over each. Now clasp your arms round them and hold them
firmly. Now, Master Julian—"
Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, went Elise with her open hand and
all her strength on my defenceless and sore bottom. I was quite
powerless, effectually deprived of the use of my legs which Beatrice
clasped just below the knees. My feet reached just a little way
beyond her neck, and I was unable to spring up, as her own legs
tightly encased my head. My posture not only admirably exposed me,
but also drew the skin quite tight. I wriggled and struggled, for
the slaps were stinging ones, but Beatrice easily held me. Her
position gave her such a purchase. I ground my face into her. It was
my only consolation.
"There," said Elise at length, "now he will be fit for
Beatrice then let me go. She was on fire, and well she might be.
"Good boy! she said. "You have done me so much good. I feel quite
"Has Mademoiselle done with Lord Alfred Ridlington?" she asked Elise
a moment later, with a curious little emphasis on the "Lord."
"Yes," Elise replied. "Sent him off scarcely able to sit down in his
"Good gracious," I thought as I lay on the bed quite naked and
equally careless of what these two young women who had so intimately
acquainted themselves with all my secret anatomy thought or said,
"so he has been punished after all, and he must be a man then! Well,
I am glad he did not escape scot-free."
"Now, Julian," said Beatrice to me as Elise began fooling with my
legs and pulling them about, "I have one thing to say to you. I
heard Maud announce that she wished to have you as a model for an
Apollo. Now mind! That I forbid, positively!"
"Don't you think I am fit for it?" I asked mischievously.
"Never mind my reasons; remember I forbid it. Good night, dear,"
kissing me.
"And, Elise, let him wear a pair of my drawers tomorrow, instead of
Mademoiselle's," she added.
"Yes, Miss, certainly; that is" (aside) "if he wears any at all.
Good night, Miss."
"Good night," and Beatrice went.
It was some alleviation of my circumstances to know that I had a
confederate in Beatrice, and (to some extent) in Elise also. So far
as their own designs upon me required, I knew they would support me
in withstanding Mademoiselle, Maud, and Agnes. And that thus a sort
of defensive alliance had been established which would occasionally
yield me a certain amount of protection. But at what a cost the
alliance would be upheld! Of course all the friction would be upon
me. I should always be the victim and probably should have to endure
pains and penalties from both sides. Except for the sentimental
consolation arising from being in league with Beatrice, and from the
pleasure I took in doing her bequests, I felt it would be better for
me to have but one mistress. It would be impossible for me to please
all. Already I saw trouble ahead concerning the Apollo. Maud would
insist. So would Beatrice. Mademoiselle would side with Maud.
Beatrice would not dare to side openly with me. I should then have
to obey Beatrice and disobey Maud and Mademoiselle. There would be a
battle royal, the whole brunt of which I should have to bear. It was
extremely probable that in the clash of contending forces they would
tear me to pieces.
Possibly also, Beatrice was only carrying out instructions of
Mademoiselle, with whom, for all I knew, she might have some secret
understanding. It might be some deep and insidious design of
Mademoiselle to make my discipline and trials more severe. It might
be her game to secretly instigate rebellion for the delight of
wreaking vengeance upon me; to put me in a position in which,
whatever my conduct was, I should be unable to avoid incurring her
anger, and be tortured also by the necessity of silence and the
sense of wrong. I felt instinctively what exquisite enjoyment and
pleasure she would take in such a state of affairs, and how natural
such an idea would be to so artful and intriguing a young lady. So
far as she was concerned, it was extremely likely. But ultimately I
felt sure that Beatrice was incapable of such perfidy, and so felt
more secure.
"Now, Sir," said Elise peremptorily, but serenely, "get up—put on
that nightdress this instant, and—come with me!"
I was obliged to obey her, and she re-attired me in my white
nightdress and led me to Mademoiselle's bedroom.
I found Mademoiselle seated in a cosy chair near her dressing table,
attired in a ravishing peignoir which was negligently unfastened.
Her magnificent hair was let down, falling about her shoulders. She
looked sleepy, and was in the act of yawning as I entered. A
vicious-looking riding-whip lay on the top of one of the pedestals,
which flanked the glass. Not far from her stood a stool covered with
blue satin.
She glanced at me as I entered in my white raiment, which was so
long that I had to hold it up in front to avoid stepping on it, but
did not speak to me. She addressed Elise.
"I am far too tired and sleepy to do anything more tonight, Elise,
and shall not be able to put him through the trial and lesson he
ought properly to receive before being permitted to sleep with me in
my bed. I dare say, however, he is also too tired to be really
dangerous. Just try him, however. Strip him," she added, yawning
She evidently did not mean to mince matters or to allow any fooling,
and was in a very businesslike frame of mind. Her eyes, however,
gleamed when she saw me the next moment absolutely naked before her,
and she looked at me contentedly and approvingly.
"He is a nice boy," she said. Elise waited a few seconds, also
regarding me; but in that respectful manner, which the presence of
her mistress necessitated.
"Go on, Elise," presently ordered Mademoiselle.
"Lie across that stool on your face," said Elise to me severely.
Suppressing a sigh, perhaps a groan, I obeyed. I wondered what fresh
torture I was to undergo. Surely not more whipping.
Elise put one hand very heavily on the small of my back, pressing
all the wind out of me, and rubbed and pinched my bottom and the
backs of my thighs very violently with the other hand, which she
also rapidly inserted between my legs, and as rapidly withdrew,
until, at last, she found she was working me up into a state of
extreme excitement; then she said:
"This is to teach you how to contain yourself. Mind, whatever I do,
and I shall do more, you must restrain yourself. If there is the
slightest mark on the cushion, you will have three dozen cuts—like
this," and she gave me a frightful cut across the legs with the
whip, at which I yelled; "and instead of being allowed to sleep with
Mademoiselle, you will be tied up naked with your hands above your
head to the post of her bed, and you will stay there all night."
She waited a minute or two, and then she asked in a hard voice: "You
"Yes," I answered.
"And promise?"
"Yes; if I possibly can."
"If you can! You must. There's another reminder."
"Yah! I do promise. I will, indeed."
Bracing myself up, I resolved, whatever she did, not to allow
anything to happen. The resolution was rash, but I set my teeth.
Three dozen like that! It was only a question of muscular restraint.
And to be tied up all night. Anything would be better than that,
tired as I was. So I set my
teeth firmly. I was in for it. The whip was awful, cruel beyond
Elise immediately stood across me. I sighed and trembled, but fixed
my thoughts on the pattern of the carpet, not allowing them to
wander upon her. She soon recalled them. She inserted her left hand
underneath me and caught hold of me, putting her right hand behind
me. She worked the right one over all the lumbar muscles, both
vigorously and relentlessly, for quite five minutes. I resolved not
to give way. I refused to let an idea of what she was doing cross my
mind, and remained absolutely passive. When she found this the case,
she tried all the harder, and began to suggest thoughts about being
under a maid's legs (pressing me with them), and her having what she
had in her hands, about my nakedness, about Mademoiselle. Everything
she could think of to excite my feelings, but I hardened myself and
turned myself to stone. I would not be overcome. I reflected on the
pain of the whip, and on what I should gain by victory. I resolved
to be a stone, and succeeded. Elise tired herself uselessly. It hurt
me dreadfully, and the strain occasioned by my determination to
contain myself, and hers to overcome and defeat me, made me sore and
aching. At last she stood from over me.
"Let me look," she exclaimed.
I also gave a glance. Surely there could be no mark to defeat all my
"I declare there is nothing!"
I looked at her triumphantly.
She made another minute examination. The blue satin would at once
have shown the slightest stain.
"Ah! Ah! Elise," said Mademoiselle, to Elise's chagrin.
"Now on your back," said the discomfited Elise, who would have had
the whipping of me, and did not like to be done out of it.
So I laid down on my back.
"Put your legs as wide apart as they will go."
Then she briskly stood over me, so arranging her petticoats on this
occasion, that I was right under her bottom, with nothing between it
and my face, but here and there her drawers, and these she rubbed
away, until she felt her naked flesh against me. This was much
harder to bear. She caught me in front with both hands, rolled the
testicles, slipped her hands down and endeavoured to excite each
nerve in turn. She evidently knew all about it. As I could not now
hear anything she said, she could not excite my imagination and so
find a traitor within the citadel by her words. But this advantage
was counterbalanced and more, by my actual contact with her flesh,
and with her mouth with a moustache, which was in a state of great
excitement, very wet, and constantly rubbing and pressing against my
mouth and all over my face. No words could have so completely
conveyed the idea as the actual reality did. I was overwhelmed by
that sense of the female sex which exacts immediate sexual
acknowledgment from anything in the least degree worthy of being
named masculine. An exaction made more irresistible by the use of
her hands, and by the knowledge of what she and Mademoiselle could
see. To all this I shut my mind. I had no carpet to contemplate. I
closed my eyes, and I refused to remember where I was. I simply
passively endured. I shut my teeth and lips firmly, notwithstanding
her reiterated attempts upon them. My will stood me in good stead. I
conquered. But instead of loving, I hated Elise. I hated
Mademoiselle. I loathed women. And when she got off me it was all I
could do to prevent myself from saying so.
"You stubborn boy," indignantly said Elise, who had really tried her
hardest; "I will give it you tomorrow."
Mademoiselle laughed, and, bidding me kneel at her feet, told me I
must exercise as great control throughout the night under a worse
penalty. Meanwhile Elise continued to dart angry glances at me.
"I will conquer him yet," angrily said Elise, "even if I have to
have him myself!"
"Well, not tonight at any rate," said Mademoiselle, amused. "Get
into my bed and warm it for me, Julian. I dislike a cold bed above
all things. I will come in a moment when Elise has undressed me."
So I jumped into bed. How delicious, soft, and delightful it was to
stretch oneself out and await Mademoiselle's coming. What ecstasy!
No sooner, however, had I put my head upon the pillow, than Elise
flew at me.
"You monster! You wretch! How dare you put your head on
Mademoiselle's pillow? Get down into the bed at once" (striking my
head several blows with her open hand), "right down! My goodness,
what can you be thinking of?"
The pretty bed was a single one. To lie as Elise tyrannically and
unreasonably directed, I had to curl myself up very uncomfortably.
She threw the clothes over me, and I lay like a hot water bottle. My
head was on my arm, my knees well up to my chin. Presently I heard
the door closed, and felt some one take hold of the sheets and
blankets and turn them down, but not far enough to uncover me. Then
some one got into bed and two white little feet came down close to
me. I put my arms out and clasped them. Mademoiselle arranged her
pillow and settled herself snugly. She allowed me to get under her
nightdress. I kissed her legs all over, and twined my arms under her
dress, round her exquisite form. She opened her thighs and caught my
head between them from behind. She lay on her left side—her left leg
became my pillow. She moved herself deliciously against me, until we
had both arranged ourselves quite comfortably, she moving just as
freely as if I had not been there, and without the slightest
embarrassment. Then saying "Good night, Julian!" she fell asleep,
and I also.
When next I awoke some time elapsed before I could make out where I
was. I was stifled and in want of air. The contact of her warm soft
flesh reminded me. When I found that my movements did not awaken
her, their only effect being to make her turn over, the idea
suggested itself in a dreamy way to me that now I might attempt to
carry out my wishes. I slipped my hands underneath her garment,
right up to her breasts and put them round her. I had to move to do
How delicious her form was—how lovely her bosom, as it rose and fell
evenly! I must have half awakened her, for she very soon pushed my
head forcibly down to her waist and put her right leg over me,
clasping me tightly with the fleshy portion of the backs of her legs
against my face.. Presently she gave a wriggle, and my face was
pressed against her bottom and kept there, her legs and knees at my
back pushing me up against her. Sleep again overcame me and I did
not awake until the morning. I was dreaming that I was in a press or
cupboard which was too small, and that some one was hammering me
into it, when I awoke
to find Elise had turned the clothes down and was belabouring me
with a slipper, whilst Mademoiselle was quietly smiling at me.
"We thought we should never have succeeded in awakening you, Julian,
and as Elise declared smacking you hurt her hand, I sent her for
your old acquaintance of last night. How have you slept?" she asked
as soon as she saw my eyes were fairly open.
I sat up and rubbed them, yawned, and stretched myself.
Elise had brought delicious chocolate and hot cakes and butter. I
had no corset on now and felt famished.
Mademoiselle looked so lovely, rosy, and fresh in the morning light.
She must have had a bath before she had succeeded in arousing me.
What a delicious perfume exhaled itself from her! How charming she
appeared in her loosened robe de nuit—the voluptuous richness of her
figure plainly appearing, and her wealth of hair admirably crowning
her coquettish little head. I was not yet sufficiently awake to
speak, so, as she reclined on the bed, I clasped first her bosom and
then her legs tightly to my breast and face, by way of answer.
"Elise, come back in an hour! Julian," she continued, "you are a
good boy and I do not see why I should deny myself and you. No; not
so fast! You will see what I mean presently. But I can see how
longingly you look at that chocolate. Sit beside me here, draw the
table across the bed—it will swing round—and let us have breakfast
together. Then you shall confer fleurettes, eh? All work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy, doesn't it?"
I settled myself comfortably and closely to Mademoiselle in the
place she had so graciously indicated, covering myself up to the
waist with bedclothes, for, whether the reader remembers it or not,
I had nothing on but was quite naked, exactly as I had been packed
into bed the night before.
Elise had drawn the blinds and curtains and left the window open.
The fresh fragrant air of the May morning entered, reviving and
exhilarating me. The sun was shining brightly and the birds were
singing gaily outside, as they hopped about on the dew-laden lawns.
There was a gentle and sweet breeze which wafted in the scent of the
flowers and made low melody with the boughs of the ornamented trees;
and I was seated by her own desire close to a young woman who each
moment disclosed fresh beauties and charms. I was in her bed—petted,
fed, and caressed by her. What a multitude of little endearments she
showered upon me! She placed her dainty fingers against my lips and
let me drink from her cup. She let me try to cover myself with the
masses of her wealth of hair, and rested her head lovingly against
my shoulder. Presently to crown all, having pushed away the table,
she slipped her hand underneath the sheets, and playfully taking
hold of that portion of me which Elise had so tortured, asked me
with a bewitching look for my experiences of the night and whether I
felt at all naughty. Her air was most engaging and fascinating and
her manner full of encouragement. I responded at once and described
to her how I had enjoyed my slumbers, and she asked what I had
dreamt about.
"Of you, Mademoiselle, and, oh, I do feel so naughty."
"No need to tell me so, Julian, I can feel it," pinching me
meaningly. "And, do you know, so do I, a little."
Who that was human could have helped it, in that luxury and that
paradise, a perfect garden of delight, the golden day so young, the
scent of the May wafted in by the lazily moving air, the voluptuous
couch, the freedom from care? A feeling produced by such causes
could not be naughty. If only the lovely being at my side had been
my wife! As she had taught me that then only could she allow me what
I instinctively felt was necessary to existence and could alone
crown my felicity!
"What are you thinking of, Julian!"
"I was wishing you were my wife—how happy married people must be."
"Your wife—you naughty boy, I know what you mean. I shall put you
down there and punish your naughty mouth, unless you take care!"
"Oh, do, Mademoiselle! Oh, do."
"Or do what I did to you on the couch?" she suggested, half
reclining upon me.
"Yes, yes."
"Or would you like to lie in my lap better?"
"Oh! Mademoiselle, yes, yes."
"The last."
"Push that table a little further away. Let me arrange the
pillow—now," opening her arms, "lie between my legs, you goose; down
on my breast, so. No, no; you must not remove my nightdress;
whatever are you dreaming of?"
"Oh Mademoiselle, only once, only for a moment, just Once."
"Do you mean to say you could restrain yourself now as you did last
night, and with me?" said Mademoiselle, half in doubt. "No, I see
you can't. Come," putting her arms round me, "lie down outside as I
told you, and don't tantalise me."
But I saw I had some faint advantage, some chance now if ever, and
was not going to throw it away without an attempt at obtaining what
I wanted. So I hugged her close and excited her without adopting the
position she indicated, leaving in her full view what I knew she
must be aware would give her the enjoyment she desired, for had she
not confessed that she was naughty, and said that I was tantalising
I coaxed her to let me put it against her, only just once; just to
put it in a very little way, promising on my honour to do no more. I
saw what a struggle she had to refuse, and wondered what on earth
the motive could be, which was strong and powerful enough to make
her hesitate. She did not reply. She drew me to her waist, leaving
only just enough to cover the entrance, twined her legs round mine,
and clasped her arms round my back. Then looking lovingly into my
eyes, she hugged me closely, moving up and down, and exciting
corresponding movements in me.
I felt the transport of my exquisite fetters, of my proximity to
her. Her bare legs touched mine and held them; she was under me, the
front of her nightdress was open, and my breast touched her bosom.
Her breath entered my mouth and nostrils, her lips were against
mine. She felt and judged the growth of my emotions and passions and
her reciprocation of them, which I, on my side, was fully cognizant
of, fanned them. Our transports acted and reacted upon each other.
When I at last thought I was really about to expire in rapture, the
spasm overtook me, and I sank on to her yielding form, a welcome and
cherished burden. She allowed me to repose for some minutes in close
communion with her. I had peeped into heaven. Would that I could
have entered it! Would that she had consented to the incarnation of
all she had affected me with and had caused me to express, by the
throbs repeatedly ceasing
and recommencing of that organ constituted for their communication.
This expression she had refused to receive as a woman should receive
it, an expression which should have resulted in a child born of
her—what a child, what a love it would have been! Instead it had
been wasted on her nightdress. What a crime! It was a grievous loss,
a waste, a cheating of nature, for no moment can return, no
opportunity once passed be seized again; never again might there be
such a morning; or, if there were, it would be the second, not the
first. It was the loss of the reproduction of myself upon my love,
for she was entirely my love then, which deeply afflicted me;
afflicted me much more than did the privation I knew I had suffered
of the sensual happiness of which I had indeed had a partial
"Julian, how sad you look—how uncomplimentary."
"Oh, Mademoiselle, I would rather not do it at all than have to do
it otherwise than in the proper way. If it is only a form you
require me to go through, let me go through it. Let me marry you.
That is not, cannot be the act of a priest, it must be the act of
those who love. Who could be more married than we really are?"
"Oh, you ridiculous boy! Marriage, what foolery. I certainly shall
not permit any such betise with me. Do you take me for a fool?"
"Then, Mademoiselle, it is a mere form, so let us be married without
"Indeed I certainly shall not so degrade myself. You should be
grateful for what I allow you and not make me such a return. Come, I
am not half satisfied. Come, you must be rested now."
"No, Mademoiselle," I said, "I do indeed love you. I do indeed wish
to respond, I do not mean to be uncomplimentary or disagreeable, but
I won't unless I may do it properly."
"Hoity-toity! What masterful airs! You will and you won't! Has not
your discipline of yesterday taught you better? So I am to love you
all in all or not at all, eh?"
"It is such waste!"
"Yes; all the ideas with which you inspire me, all my conceptions of
the loveliest forms suggested by your own beauty, all worked up into
the most perfect expression, to be absolutely wasted on your
nightdress. What can your nightdress do with it? It cannot incarnate
the creature of my soul! You wish me to acquiesce in this—in your
being cheated of conceiving, in my being cheated of—of—of conception
by you!"
"Julian, on the subject of incarnation and conception you are
mad—stark staring mad. It is a perfect mania with you. I expressly
wish to avoid incarnation and conception. You selfish animal," she
burst out. "In plain language you want me to have a baby!"
"Of course I do," I answered imperturbably, "of course I do; it is
my right. You have given me the right; you have created, fostered,
and inspired the idea; you have made me perform my part, and
received it in the front of this," scornfully exclaimed I, holding
up the front of her garment wet with my spermatozoa. "Of course I
do," I indignantly continued. "Imagine, with my devotion to you and
your kindness and goodness to me, which develop that devotion to its
fullest extent—imagine Hortense, my own, what a love, what..."
"Julian, Julian," she cried, grief in her voice, "stop! It would be
"Illegitimate," I retorted. "What does that matter? To whom, except
to hypocrites, is that of importance? Label it what you please, it
would be our—our—child. Oh, my love!"
"Julian! Oh, my own, it breaks my heart. Some day, not today-not
today-I cannot, I will not."
"No, no, no! Come here. Lie down."
"I will not."
"You must; you shall!" and stretching out her arm to the table, she
rang the hand bell, holding me very tightly all the time with her
other arm across my back.
Elise entered almost before she ceased ringing. "Get a birch," said
Mademoiselle. Then she added to me: "You must do what I tell you;
you must not suggest such ideas; you must gratify me, obey me; you
must, waste or no waste, please me, whether I incarnate and
reproduce you or not."
What a thrill the words "reproduce you," from her mouth, caused me!
"Lady Alfred Ridlington will, if you like, lend herself to your
whim." Cruel addition!
"I do not want to be incarnated by Lady Alfred Ridlington. You are
cruel to me, Mademoiselle."
"Kinder than you think," she answered, getting me into position,
clasping her arms round me, and again twining her legs about mine,
which she stretched apart. "Now, Julian."
Elise had returned.
"Elise, birch him until you see he gives me good proof of his sex."
I was wild with rage. What profanation, what desecration! Elise
performed her task. I was birched, flogged into obedience, once,
"Waste," exclaimed Mademoiselle, laughing and satisfied. "Julian,"
she said, "I am sorry you should have clouded a day with so bright a
morning, and made yourself so sad. Get those ridiculous notions out
of your head, like a good boy. He will die of love, Elise. Dear boy,
no one has ever shown me such true devotion. Some day, Julian, some
"Today, Mademoiselle, can never return! If some day, it would not be
the same."
"How absurd you are! As if that made any real difference. It is
purely fantastical of you. But, anyhow, it cannot be today, that's
certain. So there. Come," she added cheerily, seeing my countenance
fall yet more, "come, you are a true knight and I will kiss you. I
really will! Had you told me an hour ago that I would do so, I
should have jeered at you! Go, Elise, and get my toilette ready.
There, Julian, I will kiss you with a real kiss of love, such as
your love inspires. I do love you, my dear Julian. I do indeed, and
wish I could give you your desire. I cannot however.. Marriage is a
diabolical invention for persons circumstanced as we are; the
embodiment of everything anti-aphrodisiac. Even married people find
it so. If we were married, should we be spooning like this, par
example? But we live in the world. And what could become of the
brat? What would become of me?"
I was compelled to acquiesce. The divine fury had all been whipped
out of me by that time. I enjoyed the kisses; sweet delicious long
ones they were and they helped to heal the wound. But it was one
that had truly added indelible sadness and years to my life.
I could not dispossess myself of the idea that a beautiful being had
been summoned by my spirit and the co-operation of Mademoiselle's
which had worked upon mine, she being at that period my feminine
complement and completion. And that, having been thus summoned, it
had been obliged to go weeping away, wronged and defrauded of its 90
expectations, unable to linger, unable ever to return here, back
into the nothingness out of which it had been evolved only to be
disappointed and cheated; never to be clothed in the red earth which
had been promised it, never to live.
I felt as though I had potentially lost a child * and my spirit was
* Emasculation was prohibited among the Jews. According to Josephus,
it killed beforehand children who might otherwise have been
begotten. The reason is intelligible but illogical.
It will be remembered that Mademoiselle, before there had been
established between her and myself any of that sweet and intimate
knowledge which had since so worked upon and so changed my
disposition, had as a punishment for my rudeness to Elise condemned
me to servitude under that lively young woman for three days.
Whether Mademoiselle regretted it now, I do not know. She had never
shown me such true tenderness or manifested such feeling towards me
as on that morning; her kisses still burned upon my lips, and I
could recall the sweet pressure of her recent embrace.
Notwithstanding this, she did not revoke the sentence. Almost as
soon as I had had my last kiss, Elise returned. She carried me off
naked to her room, away from the dear presence of my Hortense—my
Mademoiselle. The three days under her had commenced, and, upon that
morning, resistance was futile, expostulation I abstained from,
under the sway of an indescribable medley of feelings.
The three days under her had commenced, and, upon their threshold, I
saw a whip fastened to Elise's waist belt, a long thong, such as
with a snap on the handle is occasionally used as a leading string
for dogs. My curiosity as to what was to happen at once received a
rude shock, and I dared not anticipate. She led me to her room.
To its ceiling there was attached a hook. She buckled two leather
straps, broad and lined with thick felt, round my wrists. In each
strap was a ring, through which she passed a cord. I had to mount a
pair of steps which stood directly under the hook in the ceiling of
this rather low room. She swung the cord over this hook.
I demurred about mounting the steps, being fearful of her object.
She whipped me until I obeyed. Then, leaving the cord fixed over the
hook and to each of my wrists, I had to raise my hands over my head,
and to descend the steps until the end was tight. She then dragged
the ladder away, and I swung by my wrists in mid-air, some three
feet from the ground.
My cries of anguish, bitter as they were, remained unheeded. She put
a leather belt, a foot or more in width, round my waist, and buckled
it excessively tight, and then fastened two straps round my ankles
of a similar kind to those round my wrists. To their rings she
attached two cords, which were slipped through two staples fixed in
the floor underneath me three or four feet apart. She then drew the
ends of the cords together and knotted them. To this loop she tied a
third cord, and putting it through another staple which formed a
triangle with the two first mentioned, she caught the cord but a
very short distance from the floor. Then, with all the purchase
given by the expansion of the muscles of her knees and back,
contracted by her having stooped down to take hold of the rope, she
strained it as tightly as her force enabled her, and fixed it with a
plug of wood which fitted the staple and allowed the cord to slide
only one way.
My legs were dragged apart and my body pulled down in a way which
racked me excruciatingly and felt like tearing my arms from their
sockets. My weight only was enough to rack me cruelly, depending as
I was from my wrists. The distension of my legs, and the constant
downward pull, added fearfully to my torture. I implored Elise to
loosen me. I assured her that my own weight occasioned me punishment
sufficient. She took no heed whatever of my talk, not even bidding
me hold my tongue.
My male organ was forced into undue prominence and isolated from the
usual support and covering of my thighs by their separation. It was
about on a level with Elise's face, and to my surprise it grew
When I was fixed, Elise addressed me: "I shall counteract," she
said, looking at me viciously, her eyes full of a ferocious light,
"the effect of Mademoiselle's treatment of you, and restore some
manly vigour to this wretched thing" (thumping, twisting, and
pulling what I have spoken of). "I shall elongate your figure and
compress it too—that belt will give you a nice waist, you beast—and
now," grasping her dog whip, "I shall give you something to think
I trembled. I had already felt that terrible whip, for it had taken
a great deal of its persuasion to get me into that position. She
stood a little distance off, eyeing me— and resting her left arm on
her hip she swung the whip to its full length, and gave me a dozen
whistling lashes with it. At each lash I emitted a piercing yell,
plainly causing Elise to rejoice. She smiled at my torture as she
slowly and deliberately continued the wanton cruelty, lifting her
arm each time sufficiently to make the whip unfold itself to its
full length.
Before she had finished I had become delirious. Mad with anguish, I
bit my tongue, my lips; I yelled and shrieked. Could Mademoiselle
know what I was enduring? Could she permit it? I felt it would be
useless to appeal to her, and dared not mention her name out of fear
of further exasperating her. Besides, Mademoiselle was, I knew,
inexorable. I began to feel—as long as I could feel anything but
pain—deep resentment, hatred of her for her infidelity, treachery,
and callousness, tormenting me, as she seemed to be doing, in every
possible way by kindness as well as by cruelty. How could she give
me up to this fiend? At last I could think no more. The room whirled
round me; whether I yelled or screamed I did not know.
The cessation of the punishment was like Heaven. Spent and
exhausted, almost fainting, I was left still hanging in a weak
dreamy state, Elise having desisted to go and dress Mademoiselle. I
do not know whether I fainted or slept, but I remember the strange
fact that the following lines rang in my head with a vividness that
frightened me. I remember too that this terrifying exaltation of my
memory and other mental faculties filled me with an unspeakable
dread that ere long I should find myself, in consequence of what I
was undergoing, a jabbering idiot. In my anguish indeed, I almost
hoped so. I felt it would serve Mademoiselle and her brutal maid but
Lo! the Queen of pleasing pains,
Linking Loves in mutual chains,
Wreathes the myrtle bowers between
Cottages of living green;
And commands her virgins gay
Through the mazy groves to stray.
Full three nights in joyous vein
Might you see the choral train,
Hand in hand promiscuous rove
Through thy love-devoted grove;
Crowned with rosy breathing flowers
Under myrtle-woven bowers.
These verses of John Dryden hammered in my head until they nearly
drove me frantic. I can scarcely repeat them even now without a
feeling of sickness.
My experiences under Elise were of a far more cruel description, as
will already have been gathered, than anything I had yet endured,
although the birching Mademoiselle had given me had caused me
exquisite suffering.
A minute description of all I underwent is out of the question, but
Elise's cruelty affected my animal nature only. She could not temper
her inflictions with the same sweet mercies as Mademoiselle,
notwithstanding that, as the sequel will show, she went further in
the attempt than Mademoiselle, but ineffectually. Mercy and kindness
from Elise were matters of indifference to me so far as my passions
or emotions were concerned. She was undoubtedly a charming woman;
her figure was very good, and I remember how she impressed herself
on me with her full round bosom as she stood in her simple dark grey
dress the moment before she commenced lashing me. But she was
coarser and more brutal. She did not possess the ravishing
spirituality of Mademoiselle. As a woman she affected me merely from
an animal point of view.
In the intellectual appreciation and intelligence of her mistress I
had found, even while undergoing her severest punishments, solace
and consolation. Mademoiselle directed herself more to working upon
mind and the spirit and used other measures judiciously and
discreetly only as they served this purpose.
Elise was purely, ingeniously, and most wantonly cruel for the sake
of cruelty itself, in which she appeared to take a fiendish
pleasure. I do not believe Mademoiselle would ever have strapped me
up in that manner. It was essentially a maid's notion. To elongate
my figure indeed!
There was no coquetry, no attempt, no suggesting of dalliance or
flirtation about Elise's method. No love; it was absolutely
material. She directed herself entirely to the body, not to excite
sensations, but with no apparent object beyond her own
gratification. In consequence, I could not even feel the
satisfaction arising from obedience to a mistress. Nothing appeared
to ameliorate or sweeten my fate. I had no hope, except for the
termination of these three days. I was absolutely in her hands, at
her mercy completely, to wreak what vengeance upon me she pleased.
Why had Mademoiselle handed me over to this abomination of
desolation? I saw afterwards that she had an object she herself
could never have accomplished or which her endeavours to accomplish
would have hindered and spoilt the effect of her other influence
over me. It was a wise and economical division of labour. The lesson
had to be learnt and none was so gifted for inculcating it as Elise.
The animal needed taming by brute force without the aid of spiritual
agencies, and of that force Elise was the priestess.
It is quite plain that the incidents of my three days purgatory
cannot be set out seriatim. If the history of thirty-six hours has
occupied so much time and space, and even that has not been dealt
with in every detail, how much space would an equally diffuse
narrative of the events of seventy-two hours require? I should never
have done. Moreover, I have to relate not only the story of those
three days, but of subsequent years. I should be interminable!
If any one burns for more nimble details, let him obtain a verbal
account from some victim who, like myself, was forced to the
as a sheep to the slaughter. There are verily and indeed many such;
the case is not rare in England nor in Scotland, less rare in
Ireland, and still less rare in Germany and Austria. And it is by no
means new. It is mythological and classical; it was known at
Pompeii, and practised also at Rome. Such matters are in this
country veiled in the closest secrecy. Many a haughty dame,
respectable and so to speak irreproachable, could vouch for the
truth of the assertion; the walls and closets of many a palace
could, if endowed with speech, tell the same tale. In olden days
this mystery was not thought necessary. But the world was pagan
then. This cult, this luxury, exists only amongst the most highly
educated, the most intellectual and most refined; amongst the
classes vulgarly described as the "Upper Ten Thousand." The middle
classes and their children are ignorant of this discipline and
excess of voluptuousness.
It was on a Friday morning in the beginning of May when Elise first
"tackled me," as she called it. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and
the nights of those days! How they are stamped and burnt in my
recollection! What a martyrdom I underwent!
Elise was tall and handsome, her face the most perfectly oval that I
have ever seen, her teeth were white, and her lips full and cherry-coloured;
her nose was a little fat, her hair dark brown, her eyebrows were
heavy, her limbs admirably moulded, but her figure, notwithstanding
her height, gave one the impression of being rather thick set, owing
perhaps to her neck being a little short. Her hands were strong, her
shoulders broad, and her muscular strength perfectly astonishing.
She was always dressed with severe simplicity and was thoroughly a
lady's maid in her ways, possessing vigour instead of delicacy, and
just appreciably bearing a rankness of person perceptible to the
nostrils, which seems inseparable from vigorous growth and life; or,
at any rate, inseparable from them in a servant. This added to my
punishment, for being constantly brought into the closest possible
contact with her, effectually destroyed all romance and sensual
gratification which I might have had.
Her bust, however, was a magnificent one, her fully developed
breasts were soft, full, large, round, and white! Whatever relief or
pleasure I did manage to obtain was from these warm, sensitive,
substantial cushions.
Her age was seven and twenty. She had been in the service of some
Princesses in France before she had come to Mademoiselle, and her
experience of life, of human nature and of physical nature was
limitless. The Princesses must assuredly have gone the pace, and
have been as dissolute, as sensual, as indifferent to the sufferings
of others as the coldest, haughtiest, and most wanton Roman ladies
of the Augustan age, some of whom, indeed, they claimed to number in
their ancestry.
I began to come to myself.
My physical sufferings were intense. The pain at the sockets of my
arms, at my wrists, and under my shoulders was fearful. My weight
and the feet forced my hands into the manacles from which I hung
suspended and I got a fearful cramp in them. The belt pinched me
terribly, impeding my breathing.
The accumulation of my sufferings and the sense of helplessness soon
made me hysterical. I durst not cry out again, even if I had
sufficient power left in me to do so. I sobbed convulsively, tears
running down my face. A violent pain gradually asserted itself up
the back of my head, resulting in a sense of deadly sickness; a
clammy cold sweat broke out all over me; I nearly suffocated.
In a dreamy, hazy way I was conscious that there was the bed where
Elise had slept, there the wash-hand-stand at which she washed and
where the slops still remained. The sunlight entered at the window—a
door leading into another room stood ajar.
All other ideas were obliterated. Mademoiselle, Beatrice, and the
girls appeared to be the phantom creatures of another universe, the
of the morning but glimpses of a delusive visionary existence. How
long I hung there, I knew not.
At length the door opened. It seemed far off and did not concern me.
I did not care to notice who entered. What did it matter whether it
was Elise or anyone else? I felt no interest in anything. Presently
I felt a hand upon that part of my frame which conclusively denied
my girlhood. Mad and exasperating tomfoolery that pretence was! So
essentially a woman's notion!
I opened my eyes.
"Gracious lawks!" the creature exclaimed. "I thought you were
asleep, Master Julian. He! He! I beg pardon; Miss Julia, I mean. A
fine miss, truly. He! He!"
I looked at her; surely I had seen her before. It was Mary. I
"Don't-don't touch me," I gasped.
"Likely—likely indeed; we, poor maids are not to have feelings-not
touch you indeed! I'll touch you," rubbing me violently, "my fine
young gentleman. Miss Elise is to have all the pleasure, is she? Not
if I know it. What a fine bottom," pinching it. "My lawks! If it
wasn't that Miss Elise," putting her hand through my legs, "might
come in at any moment, I'd take you down and make you do your duty
like a man. Yes, I would. I'd have him. I'd make him rear his head
inside me, just as he's doing now. It ought to be cut off, it ought.
What business have you with it, Miss?" giving it a series of vicious
pulls. "Come, I'll jerk it off for you. My gracious, it really does
one good to see a self-opinioned young rascal strung up stark naked.
My! I'd make him work."
Then standing a yard or two away in front of me, she rapidly lifted
her skirts, displaying her stalwart, well-shaped legs. She was a
comely damsel enough, very coarse. She gathered up the garments so
as to expose to full view a hairy region, and an enormous affair in
the centre.
It horrified me. Much larger, much fiercer than that of Mademoiselle
or Beatrice. What a monster, what an engine! Capable of sucking the
very life out of one. I trembled.
"Come, how do you like it? It would make you work. Pity I can't get
you between my legs. Ay!" dropping her skirts. "You don't speak;
none of your airs. I'll cure you of those," and standing at my side,
she smacked my bottom with her hard, red hand. "I'll warm you; ask
my pardon at once, or"—smack, smack—"I'll make you kiss it the first
chance I get, although that's a nasty, dirty trick. There, you've
quite warmed my hand."
I could only groan.
"Beg my pardon, or I will make Miss Elise punish you. Wait till
she'll tie you again. Now that I've seen your thing I'll have you on
the bed under me in a trice."
"Oh, Mary."
"Mary, indeed! Beg my pardon. Nice to be under your governess' maid,
isn't it? She'll lend you to me and Susan tonight, she will. Susan
is my bed-fellow. Who's Susan? Why, the scullery maid. We'll have
you between us— promise!"
The idea of being prostituted by these animals filled me with a
sickly terror. All my beautiful dreams dashed to pieces.
And yet what was the difference between their lust and
Mademoiselle's love, which I had so ardently desired? Elise came
presently, looking vicious.
Mary got the steps and put them by me. Elise, without a word, gave
me a few gratuitous lashes with her whip, unfastened my legs, made
me mount the steps, unhook my hands, and descend.
I tottered and almost fell. Elise threatened to make Mary lie back
on the bed with her dress up, and to rub my face well into her
disgusting parts, much to that wrench's supreme delectation. She was
covered with blushes, when Elise had finished speaking, and looked
most repulsively love sick. Elise undid my swollen hands, and
marched me into the next room where I found breakfast. Here she
ordered me to lie down on the floor at her feet, confess the outrage
I had put upon her the evening before, clasp her knees, and humbly
and abjectly ask her pardon for the insult.
I lay down and she kicked me. It was repugnant to my very soul to
confess that what I had done, or rather refused to do, was an
outrage. It had been the price I had paid for my night with
"You insulted me, you wretch!"
"Indeed, indeed, Elise!"
"How dare you call me Elise?" (kick, kick). "Lie there. Don't dare
to get up, you beast! Say Miss Elise!"
"Oh, Miss Elise, I had to—"
"Yes, you dog, although I favoured you so—under my petticoats, my
word!—and in my hands; an ugly old bitch would have affected you
"What is that to me—you set me at defiance. Mademoiselle gloried in
the insult to me" (more kicks). "You wretch, you," and she became
quite red with vexation. "It was an outrage. Confess."
I acknowledged it, although a great part of my life went with the
acknowledgment. I clasped her knees and servilely begged her 101
pardon—implored it, prayed it. She smiled with satisfaction at the
depths of humiliation to which she reduced me.
Taking me by the ear she led me into her bedroom and placed me
across her bed, flat on my back, as Beatrice had done, my head again
between her thighs as on the previous night. Then she worked me into
a state of tremendous excitement, having previously, under threats
of the severest penalties, made me promise on her account to "go
off," as she called it. When I had grown enormously large she held
me tightly with her legs and hurt me there fearfully. I thought she
was tearing that sensitive part of me open. What she really did was
to push the tight foreskin back, and she left it so. I danced about
the room in anguish for this was the first time this had ever been
In that state I was bathed, then dressed as a girl with a tight
corset of Beatrice's. Before she dressed me she replaced the skin
with some difficulty. I was in such a state of nervous trepidation
as to be scarcely able to eat.
When lesson time arrived she took me to the schoolroom and just
outside the door she slyly slipped her hand under my skirts, got
hold of that thing, and with a vicious vigorous tug, at which I
nearly fainted, dragged back the skin and left it so. Then, opening
the door, she pushed me in.
Mademoiselle and the girls were there. They immediately noticed my
condition and laughed. Mademoiselle made me sit down. I could not
sit still, but wriggled and fidgeted, and could not keep my hands
At last, Mademoiselle, tired of correcting me, gave me two bad marks
and made Maud tie my hands behind and smack my face. I could not get
the thing right. I was so bewildered I could not attend to lessons.
My fidgeting continued until Maud was directed to hold me down
across the ottoman and Agnes to birch me.
Still I was not cured.
Mademoiselle then enquired what was wrong. I could not tell her.
More birching till I could tell her. When I did so, she laughed
delightedly and I had to lift up my skirts in front and stand whilst
she gave leave to anyone who choose to take compassion on me to put
me right.
No one moved. Could it have been expected of girls?
I had to go and ask each one in turn.
Maud gave me a blow for the insult.
Beatrice tickled my raw thing with her quill.
Agnes said she would not touch the horrid nasty affair.
Mademoiselle ultimately took pity on me.
That shameful part of me was, of course, prominently exposed to
Mademoiselle and her smiling pupils.
I suppose the mad craving which I have heard exists in some men for
being whipped by ladies is due to the possession in which it puts
those ladies of the private structure of their bodies. It is an
anticipation of the delight, resulting from a woman's conquest and
control of their animal natures, gained by her in the act of
copulation. But it always seemed to me to be founded upon a morbid
appreciation of shame, and a morbid delectation in it.
Punishment by and before men would, of course, be a totally
different matter.
The mystery of this fleeting evanescent feeling which I could not
catch and analyse worried me.
When Mademoiselle spoke to me of being in that condition in the
presence of ladies I had the hardihood to remark naively that it was
natural I should be in that condition before them!
A peal of laughter greeted this observation.
At half-past twelve, when lessons were concluded, Elise again made
her appearance to claim me as her prisoner and I resigned myself to
the inevitable with a sigh and accompanied her with a cowed,
hang-dog, crushed, and humiliated feeling in which, in the presence
of her petticoats and peeping ankles, I positively, to my surprise,
found myself taking a queer sort of delight. It was of the same
nature as that sensation caused me when I lay face uppermost between
her bare legs, closely pressed to her body, exciting and forced to
devour her living raw flesh. How oddly things strike one! I wondered
whether this craving and gratification of mine were akin to those
which the Israelites experienced in the desert, and which they
satisfied with quails.
Logically or illogically, rightly or wrongly, I reflected that they
had had the quails. And so I was confirmed in my determination to
get any animal satisfaction I could out of Elise. That was not much.
Mademoiselle must have set bounds to it. Elise, Mary, and Susan, all
threatened to make me do with them what I had implored Mademoiselle
to allow me to do with her, but they never carried out their threat.
Elise took me to the workroom. There was a wickerwork-stand there
which was used for hanging dresses on while making or finishing
them. It resembled half the divine female form, from the waist to
the ground. Elise silently grasped me round the waist and inserted
her hand under my skirts from behind. I trembled and gasped. I knew
what was coming. She pressed her hand against my bottom, pushed it
through my legs, caught hold of that affair of mine in front, and
violently drew the skin down. I jumped, but could not escape from
her grasp.
My petticoats rubbing against my more than nakedness hurt me
severely. I changed colour, became pale, and then, a deep flush
spread itself over my face. As soon as she had let me go I bent over
in anguish, not daring to set myself right.
"Oh, Miss Elise, how severe you are." I did not forget the "Miss"
this time.
"Oh," she said triumphantly, "strip yourself, Miss. I will have the
maids in to see you like that when I have caged you."
I at once proceeded to undress, cured long ago by her whip, of all
idea of hesitating. She then tied my hands behind me with a tape.
"You were elongated this morning, you shall be packed together again
now," she continued, unfastening her whip from her waistband where
it hung by a spring catch. "Get under that dress stand. At once!"
"Yah! Yah!" as she lashed me. "I will. Stop!"
I huddled myself under the accursed thing as best I could, crouching
down, sitting on my haunches. I had obeyed instantly; the lashes
were wanton and gratuitous. She padlocked the stand in two places to
the floor. I felt like a caged beast. There was that thing of mine
in front of me grown to an enormous size, strangulated, and swollen
by the stricture of the skin, hurting me horribly as it wagged its
raw head under the influence of excitement I could not prevent, and
my hands all the time absolutely behind my back.
I felt as monstrous as Priapus, and was literally dismayed at the
prospect of being exhibited like that to the gaze, the curiosity,
and the ridicule of a number of maidservants, for I did not doubt
for an instant that she would execute her threat. I knew the show
she intended to make of me would afford her infinite amusement.
In the meantime she inserted the whip between the wicker bars of my
prison and diverted herself hugely by poking and tickling me with
it. The contact of the whip was most painful against that raw thing,
tender and sensitive as it was. Then, raising her skirts, she
pressed herself against the bars and made me kiss "Miss Elise"
through them
again and again. To my horror, she then summoned Mary and Susan; the
last I had not seen before.
Mary repeated the poking process after which she minutely examined
Susan came next. She was a ruddy, comely, country lass, but filthy.
She went to work in the knowingly cunning fashion that characterizes
rural ignorance. About the kissing talk she was very shamefaced.
Elise, however, insisted.
"Come, Susan, no nonsense: you will find how nice it is —up with
your skirts."
"Oh, Miss Elise, I'd much rather not. Indeed"—with a deep blush—"a
young gentleman to kiss me there! I never heard of such a thing, I
couldn't do it, I couldn't."
However, Mary on one side, and Elise on the other, caught hold of
the reluctant girl, and, despite her struggles, they displayed her
coarse, common, and dirty underclothing, and got it way up above her
waist. Elise put in her hand behind my head, and gave my face a good
rub in it. Susan was nearly suffocated by her emotions, and gasped
something about a lesson to teach her young man. When they let her
go, she rushed off.
"Where's the fool gone to?" asked Elise. "Call her back, Mary."
She came back of her own accord with a pail full of stinking water
from the scullery, which, before the others knew what she was going
to do, she lifted up and poured over me.
"There," she exclaimed, "you filthy beast to ask to kiss young
ladies so!"
What a slander! What a wrong!
The two maids rolled about holding their sides, roaring and
shrieking with laughter until the tears ran down their faces, and
ejaculating: "Well done, Susan!"
"Well I never!"
"Serve him right, Susan!"
My spluttering and blowing vastly increased their merriment; the
water was cold and gave me quite a shock, and then noticing Susan's
air of indignation, they laughed the more.
When they had done laughing Elise amused them by pulling me about
and rubbing and pressing me through the bars of the wicker cage.
Afterwards she uncaged me and made me lie across her lap while she
spanked me before them. She then combed and brushed very roughly the
downy hair about my middle, and finally tied a blue ribbon about
Mons. Priapus, announcing that I should remain like that all the
Then my hands were again bound behind my back and I was packed into
the cage, over which a skirt was thrown, and left to digest in wet
gloom and in a cramped and miserable position the treatment which
had been forced upon me.
It was soon time to dress me again as a girl in spite of Mons.
Priapus's contradiction, for school hours recommenced at half-past
three. It was a beautiful afternoon, although the day had been
oppressive, and to me particularly exhausting. I was done up—felt it
and looked it— mentally and bodily. Mademoiselle observed my state
with some compassion. She took me to her room and made me lie on her
bed. She undid the blue ribbon and put me right, gave me some of her
famous burgundy and cake, petted me, sat by me, and ultimately
kissed me. The relax-ion of the excessive tension brought on a flood
of tears— a fit of weeping. Mademoiselle loosened my dress, removed
my corset,
and soothed me; and as I fell asleep threw a dressing gown over me
and told me I was under her protection.
Would that I could have lived for her and have been hers alone! I
remembered Beatrice but had not energy enough to settle the
suggested difficulty.
That night Elise put me to bed quite naked with her and made me
spend a portion of the night under the sheets in close contact with
her secret anatomy. I have said she was beautiful; I felt as though
I was becoming as well acquainted with women's private parts as with
their faces. While my head was between her legs, Elise sucked Mons.
Priapus, bit him, and pulled him unceremoniously about. All this
time she kept my hands tied behind me.
In the early morning, while she was still in her robe de nuit, I was
ordered to lie in her lap. After which she turned on her face, and
in token of subjection, I had to kiss her bottom. The sight of it
excited me very much, and when directed to lie upon it, placing
Mons. Priapus between its cheeks, I obeyed. I marvelled at Elise's
buck-jumping and prancing, but I found out she had got what is
called a dildoe underneath her in front, and had inserted it where
she did not venture to insert me. This drove her into frantic
eroticism. I was to be congratulated that the idea of inserting it
into me did not suggest itself to her.
I helped Elise to dress; though she was kind she used frequent
threats of the whip and birch, and ordered me about very
peremptorily. I had had such doses of both that the threats were
quite needless. Whatever she bade me do I instantly set about. She
was more exigent than Mademoiselle. Her stockings needed the
greatest care— their ribs had to be placed with mathematical
precision; the stockings themselves drawn to exactly the right
tension, and the suspenders adjusted to the correct length. Before I
put on her drawers I kissed her shapely legs above the knees having
gallantly begged permission first. "Miss Julia," said Elise, "you
are such a good boy" (hermaphrodite already, thought 109
I) "that, if you like, you shall some day give me a portion of that
which you long to give Mademoiselle."
I must add by way of epilogue to this portion of my experiences that
it was not pleasant to kiss and lick a bottom, although a maid's. It
gave one a shocking sort of thrill such as the ancients may have
known when sailing through the Symplagades. They dreaded that the
giant rocks might close and crush them. I did not feel sure what a
bottom might not do. I had had a fright in the bath. Mademoiselle
had not made me kiss hers. If she had, I should have had no fear.
With Elise it was different. I wronged her by my fears, however. The
contact of her flesh was very sweet and she did nothing indelicate.
Would, Lady Alfred Ridlington, I could say the same of you! But I am
After breakfast I was hung up again. I urged all I could think of,
imagine, or invent. I begged, I prayed Elise; I grovelled on the
ground and besought her to let me off this terrible maddening
She only answered with her dog whip.
In the afternoon, I was made to sew in the workroom— the task was
only an excuse for tormenting me. At frequent intervals I was laid
across the sofa and, my clothes turned up, a handkerchief stuffed
into my mouth, and I was lashed for clumsiness and for not
performing the impossibilities I was ordered to accomplish.
I was driven to distraction, my eyes were full of tears, my hands
trembling. I could not sew; and Elise had jumped up to practise some
newly invented torture upon me when steps sounded outside. This
awakened a faint hope of rescue, to be extinguished almost as soon
as alive, for who would interfere to protect me? Who could it be, on
that day, at that time? For it was Saturday, a half-holiday.
Maud came into the room, and to my great surprise, calmly begged
Elise to lend me to her, telling her that she wanted to birch me, to
pull me about, to have me at her mercy, and to make me obey her
during the afternoon. Elise at first was obdurate, said she feared
Mademoiselle, and dared not take the risk, as she would lose her
place. At last, however, she sold me. Maud offered her three pounds.
Elise would not hear of it. "Four!"—Nonsense, she would take
nothing; it was not a question of money.— "Five!"
"Well, really, Miss Maud, you are too importunate; but five pounds
are not to be gained every day, and—and— Mademoiselle is out and she
need not know anything about it—and if you give them me now—"
Whereupon Maud took out her purse and told down five golden
sovereigns, which Elise greedily snatched up.
"Now listen to me," she said, addressing me, and smacking my face
and head till my ears sang, "one word of this to Mademoiselle and I
shall hang you up for three hours tomorrow. That will be Sunday and
there will be nothing to prevent me doing so. Three hours whether
you die of it or not."
Maud had already got me by the ear.
"There he is, Miss Maud. He is yours till teatime, anyhow. Take
"Come along," said Maud, giving my ear an unpleasant jerk.
Maud was the eldest of the three sisters and was the very proper and
faultless one. I believe she would have expired of spleen, had she
been convicted of a fault, so implacable did she regard herself, and
so thoroughly was she convinced of the fact that whatever she did
must necessarily be right. She was cold, hard, proud, and formal;
she spoke in measured phrases, never on any occasion betraying the
slightest agitation; thoroughly wrapped in herself and her own
perfections, her selfishness was astonishing.
As soon as we were outside the workroom door she let go my ear and
stared coldly at me from head to foot.
"You look like a girl," she said in a disappointed tone. "I wonder
whether after all you are really one. Follow me to my room anyhow."
And she led the way to the back stairs, which, holding her skirts up
daintily in front, she slowly ascended. As she did so immediately
before me I could not help seeing what a nice girl she was. Her skin
was white, her hair a delicious brown, wavy, and thick. Her form was
elegant and with a girlish promise of development about it that was
exciting; all her movements characterised by a graceful ease that
gave her swing a decided charm.
She had two rooms on the third floor opening into each other and
overlooking an Italian garden. One was furnished as a bedroom and
the other as a studio. It was in elegant and artistic disorder with
all an artist's litter about. Maud's forte was painting, drawing,
and modelling in clay.
She took me through into her bedroom and locked both the outer
doors; each room having a door opening upon the landing.
The bedroom was girlish in its simplicity. Maud's own precocious
corporeal development was no doubt attributable to her habit,
originally compulsory, afterwards persisted in from pleasure, of
tight lacing; her mental precocity or pruriency was attributable
both to
Mademoiselle and to nature. I noticed several clever pictures in her
bedroom; all studies of the nude.
Turning to me she said: "I want an Adonis or an Apollo. Strip and
let me see whether you can fill the part. Besides, I want to—to—to
analyse you. I need knowledge of anatomy for executing the drawings
I love. Besides which I love the study of male anatomy for itself. I
shall therefore study you. So far as I am concerned you shall always
remain masculine. I admire virility. If I punished you it would be
for effeminacy. How disgraceful to allow yourself to be treated as
you are. How degrading! Mean creature that you must be. But while
Agnes was flogging you yesterday, I saw enough of your legs and back
to make me wish to see more. Undress!"
She then sat down at her ease in a low armchair, calmly waiting to
have her order carried out.
I leant against the bed, half sitting upon it. I had naturally
expected by this time to have become hardened and indifferent to the
ordeal of being divested of all my garments by a girl and compelled
to expose my nakedness to her. But, to my surprise and
consternation, I found I experienced quite as much trouble and
confusion upon each repetition as upon the first occasion. Shame did
not wear off.
The idea of undressing before this elegant girl, alone with her in
her own room, caused me the greatest perturbation and confusion.
Steadfastly gazing at me she noticed my hesitation and reluctance. A
queer light came into her eyes, and she moved her body in her low
chair in a certain manner which I recognized and knew to portend
mischief. She was resting her cheek on her hand, and her skirts,
never too long, had worked halfway up to her knees. Her ankles were
delicate and pretty. When she saw me looking at them, with a
becoming consciousness, she tried to shake the garments down.
I wondered how much she knew.
I commenced a calculation of how far she would go. What it would be
worth my while to do.
She was evidently in a flutter herself, and without that
self-possession and repose so characteristic of Mademoiselle.
She was nervous plainly and sensible of the want of that impelling
magic or mesmeric power which compelled obedience to Mademoiselle's
orders however shocking and outrageous they might be.
So, feeling my advantage I began to sulk.
"Julian," she said, "do as I desire. I shall whip you if you don't."
I twinged, and considered whether she could. "Undress yourself
directly. Come, I have no time to lose; besides, I will not pay five
pounds for nothing! Undress, I want to see you."
I still hesitated and only looked at her mutely.
"You are wasting all the time," she said, angrily. "If you do not
undress at once I declare I shall call Elise and make her bind you,
and will lash you without mercy myself. Come!" she said, half
rising. "Must I, or will you do what I wish?"
Now the appearance of Elise on the scene would have spoilt all. I
much preferred a quiet tete-a-tete with my cousin uninterrupted by
Elise and her brutalities. But Maud made a great mistake in invoking
another power instead of relying upon her own. I said so.
"I might do for you, Maud, what force and Elise could not make me
do." I hazarded a gentle emphasis on the pronoun.
"Very well, then, be a good boy, and please me. I do not like force;
I think its employment inelegant. I wish to conquer by my—by my—
what Mademoiselle would call —charms," she said, with a most winning
air of pretty embarrassment, coyly looking down as if frightened by
her own temerity and uncertain of the response.
She had touched my weak point. "Indeed," I instantly answered, with
a look freely expressing the admiration I felt, "they are
sufficient." And my frank tone conveyed the sincerity of my
conviction. The effect was magical.
"You nice boy," she said, rushing at me with girlish abandon and
kissing me.
And then, with her hand upon my shoulder she said, looking into my
eyes: "Undress! I wish you to do so. Now, we shall both enjoy it. I
will help you."
Affairs had taken a very pleasant turn. It had become a task of love
to obey her and the sacrifices involved were sweet and thrilling. We
were both in a flutter of pleasant excitement as I yielded to her
wishes. She threw the feminine garments one by one from me with
disdain. My blushes were materially increased by the loss of my
petticoats and the exposure of my bare arms and neck, while my
nether limbs were covered by dainty shoes, long stockings, and wide
heavily frilled drawers. She laughed gaily at the picture I
presented and asked me how I appreciated the ignominy of being
condemned to wear a lady's things.
Then followed two or three thrilling moments, while her fingers were
busy with the strings about my waist, her arms often round it as she
fumbled with the fastening of my drawers. Her taking them off,
caused us both an infinity of delightful confusion. I felt the air
against my bare legs and made a vain attempt to catch the
mischievous pair of hands that were so ruthlessly invading my
privacy with the undisguised intention of entirely depriving me of
She slipped down on the floor in front of me to pull off my
stocking. Again a thrill and a gasp, as she petulantly pulled away
the chemise and finally pushed her hands under it to get at the end
of the stocking which was halfway up my thigh. I felt her soft cool
hands on my bare leg and for an instant they went up higher than
necessary. The next instant the stocking was jerked off without
compunction and one long limb became as naked as my arms. She paused
to look at it with approval and satisfaction before she attacked the
other leg. With a pretty pout and an amused air she forcibly took
hold of the other leg and its stocking and rapidly drew off the
delicate silk thing. I felt worse than naked. Without a word she
loosened and unfastened my corset and there was but the chemise
"Now," she cried, "I shall punish your ridiculous attempt at
concealment," and, not waiting to take the chemise off, she slipped
her left arm round my back and with her disengaged hand lifted it
right up to my breasts and gazed at me intently with a very rosy
face. I was forced to acquiesce although blushing from head to foot
and hanging my head. Resting her shoulder against me to prevent the
garment falling down again, she touched me. I could resist no
longer. I threw my arms round her and kissed her cheeks and neck.
She gave me some coy slaps, and, turning her head, placed one
burning kiss full on my mouth.
We lost ourselves for some seconds in the sweetness of the embrace.
"Now," she said at length, "we must take this off, too." And
gathering the chemise up with both hands she slipped it off my arms
over my head.
There I stood before her absolutely and entirely naked without the
slightest possibility of the least concealment and she gazed at me
steadfastly from head to foot. I felt embarrassed and awkward. I did
not know what to do. Partial concealment, I felt, would but
emphasize the rest of my nudity. She passed her hands over my legs
and thighs and between them, and played with that male thing in a
most tantalising
fashion, observing that she was glad to make the acquaintance of so
handsome a gentleman.
"How it grows when I play with it!" she said quizzically; adding,
"He looks much nicer now than when I saw him last in the
She next made me lie back on the bed and knelt between my legs. Her
heavily drooping lids, her swimming eyes, her quickly heaving bosom,
and her voluptuous movements, gave a promising and encouraging
account of her own condition. I suggested that I should undress her
and then we could have a reciprocal lesson in practical anatomy. She
laughed, but not heeding my suggestion, wanted to know as she
handled it, whether this bag contained babies, and how many.
"Oh, Maud," I said, electrified, "lie down on the bed and it shall
tell you."
I remembered the conversation with Mademoiselle and the knowledge I
had derived from it. Maud was not Mademoiselle, neither was she
Beatrice, but in the height of my transport this was a mere detail
which did not affect me, and indeed of which I never thought.
She stood up over me occasionally stroking me and passing her hands
over and along my arms and shoulders which she said were admirable.
By a dexterous movement I slipped my hand under her petticoats while
she was thus interested in studying me. She started, grew fiery red,
made a pretence of resistance, which was, even to my inexperienced
eyes, plainly unreal—instinctive not intentional.
It is at this juncture that a man loses if he is fainthearted. But I
was far too much excited to be fainthearted. I insisted. I touched
her. A complete change came over her instantly and it seemed to me
"Oh, Julian, Julian," she ejaculated, "you mustn't. What will
Mademoiselle say? Oh, you mustn't!" After a few moment's pause: "How
would it tell me?"
"It would tell you there," I said, placing my finger on the spot.
"There! Oh—oh—should you put it there?" she asked, awaiting the
answer with evident anxiety.
"Yes, there!" I answered. I had got hold of her completely; her legs
were well separated, and she moved lasciviously backwards and
forwards, rubbing herself against my hand. As I repeated the words I
pressed my middle finger well into the lips of that feminine mouth
with a moustache to which Mademoiselle had first introduced me.
"Oh-oh-oh, Julian! What would it do?"
"It would throb—throb—throb," I replied, poking her with my finger
each time I said the word and gazing laughingly at her, "and make
his way right—into—you!"
"Would it-it-this long thing?" (holding it). "Just fancy! And
these—this too inside me!" (with a delicious blush and exquisite
confusion; and as she moved lasciviously, I felt my hand being
moistened). "Oh how dreadful —but how nice it would be—but wouldn't
it be awfully naughty? Have you," as a thought struck her, "ever
done it to anyone, to any girl? I mean, are you sure it is right
—the right way I mean?" with a look of arch simplicity, covering her
head and endeavouring to conceal her rosy face against my breast as
she knelt over me.
I could not but smile; I felt triumphant. There was a friend within
the citadel who would hand the fortress over to me. So, for all
answer, I moved my hand again. It was a most potent and convincing
argument. After some inarticulate sounds, and one or two passionate
movements, she cried, as I followed up my advantage and pressed the
matter home:—
"You must—you must—you must! How shall I lie?"
Now I was a novice, but I guessed.
"Lie down on your back on the bed, Maud, dear," and I withdrew my
hand and made room for her.
"So?" enquired the charming girl as in pretty disorder she abandoned
herself helpless and absolutely to the divine impulse of nature and
cast herself down—her legs wide apart, her petticoats up to her
I gazed enraptured at her lovely uncovered limbs in their stockings
and lace drawers, at her heaving bosom, at her beautiful features.
"Get between them, you naughty boy, directly. Lie down upon me this
instant," extending herself to clasp me. "How dare you stay looking
at me like that! Come, you naughty boy, at once—you naughty naked
boy!" grasping me and drawing me on to her. Before I had time to
throw myself into the Elysium beneath me she had twined her arms and
legs about me and clasped me in a close and rigid embrace.
The voluptuousness of the position was most intoxicating.
My naked thighs pressed against hers underneath her skirts,
ruthlessly encroaching upon the sanctuary of the feminine divinity.
My breast oppressed her palpitating bosom, her throbbing form lay
vanquished and confined beneath mine. No maidenly coyness, no
ladylike reserve could avail her to the smallest extent now. Her
face was a sweet and close prisoner which I could kiss at pleasure.
I myself was a close captive between her legs, two warm round soft
cushions, two wilful and unrelenting jailers grasping me with arch
feminine severity.
There was a delicious scent of summer flowers emanating from her,
and her violent and unembarrassed movements as she adjusted herself
to her satisfaction, thrilled my sense of touch. She settled herself
without the slightest hesitation or awkwardness and with a
bewitchingly 119
careless disregard of me, retaining her tight grasp of my body all
the while. Her magnetic power gradually stole over me and possessed
me. Her touch thrilled me through and through.
"There," she ejaculated in a transport, speaking with the clear
distinctness of one who knows her own mind exactly and is determined
to fulfil it at all hazards, "pull my petticoats out of the way—come
up closer—now, Julian —so," wriggle, wriggle, "now put it in
there—at once— directly in, as you said, or—or—or—I shall squeeze
you to death!"
All my fatigue, all the exhaustion caused by the discipline I had
undergone vanished as if by magic. I was carried away by the
realisation of my fondest dreams before me and the intensity of the
physical happiness of my situation. I knew instinctively that I was
on the brink of tasting the fullest earthly bliss and of draining
the cup. It could not be dashed from my lips now.
It was not with the person with whom I desired it, I confess. But
love is wayward and capricious, seldom giving exactly what one
wishes. One must often content oneself with the good the Gods
provide without insisting upon choosing for oneself. And I was so
excited and Maud so lovely that this never struck me, and I do not
think I should have regarded it for one moment if it had as I lay
quivering in her arms.
"Oh, Julian," gasped the lovely girl as I obeyed her orders and sank
into her embrace.
We blundered considerably, but perhaps this was fortunate,
stimulating our ardours the more and working us up into a yet higher
pitch of excitement with its continually recurrent thrills of
exquisite sensation.
At last to my astonishment and alarm she cried that I was hurting
her and the tone of her inarticulate expressions of pleasure
changed. Her eyes were suffused with tears. I began to have
misgivings as to whether 120
I was right after all. She was courageous, however, and insisted.
There appeared to be some obstacle. She complained of being sore,
that I was tearing her. She bit me as my mouth sought hers to
silence her protests with kisses. She asked me to draw back for a
moment and even tried to push me away. But my transport was such
that, even had I wished, I could not have complied. Carried away by
my feelings I only pressed onwards the more. I felt the climax had
come and I forcibly overcame her resistance.
In a paroxysm of passion I threw myself upon her with fresh vigour
and forced myself well into her despite her opposition. I felt mad,
furious, like an animal which has tasted blood. The obstacle soon
vanished; I burst through it; and not heeding her screams, I thrust
forward inside her, holding her with my arms about her neck as in a
vice, pressing her down against the bed so that she could not
retreat. Throb—throb—throb, I sank onto her breast and she seemed to
faint in a delirium of joy, her pain gone with the sound of her
At that instant she was stamped upon my mind with such strange and
astonishing vividness that I still recall it with awe and wonder.
At the moment of consummation when her response and my convulsion
satisfied the hunger I had not until then known how to allay, there
was a perfect picture of her impressed upon my sensorium. And as our
flesh mingled it was as though I fed upon her beauty and tasted the
loveliness of her ankles, her thighs, her bosom, her features, her
whole form—drank it in, absorbed it, lived upon it.
This then is love I reflected, as we reposed in ecstasy in each
other's arms and I gazed upon her as she lay with her head resting
on my shoulder and a leg still thrown across me as if to signify
that she had not yet done with me.
Would it be a boy or a girl?
Would it resemble its mother? Her swimming eyes were closed, her
cherry-coloured lips open, her fragrant breath fanned my cheek.
Maud, who had brought me upstairs to study anatomy objectively, with
a view to moulding inanimate figures, had had a subjective lesson of
the most thorough nature which would doubtless result in a perfect
and living study in clay.
The Apollo Belvedere or Venus! Which would it be? Could Beatrice
have intended more than her words conveyed when she had issued her
A tap at the door. Maud, who was in a light slumber, half-awaking
moved and giving me a cooing caress, again slept.
Another knock; this time louder. The sun was sinking towards the
west, already faintly gilding the attendant clouds with his evening
A third knock, and a voice in alarmed, hushed tones called: "Miss
Maud! Miss Maud!"
I recognised the voice. It was that of my tormentor, Elise. How I
hated her. Would Maud be able to save me?
"Maud," I said gently, putting my hand on her shoulder. "There is
Elise. Let me send her away."
"Who—what—eh?" murmured Maud, startled. "Elise— oh, Julian!" and
overcome with love, she gave me a hug.
"Miss Maud! Miss Maud!" again cried Elise. "Whatever are you about?
Make haste and let me in at once. Mademoiselle has just returned."
"Goodness gracious!" exclaimed Maud, startled and thoroughly awake
now, and thoroughly frightened also. "Whatever shall I do, Julian?"
she asked, starting up. And then she shouted: "All right, Elise; in
moment," adding to me: "Jump up, Julian; jump up and let me put
myself straight."
I had knelt up.
"Great heavens!" I exclaimed, terrified and in horror. "Look there,
Could I have been right after all? Her chemise and the coverlet of
the bed were drenched with blood. Whatever should we do? Maud turned
white, but her presence of mind did not desert her.
"Let Elise in at once; it is the only thing we can do. She will
I trembled, but flew to the door and unlocked it. Elise rushed in,
angry at having been kept waiting, and in a wild state of
apprehension lest Mademoiselle should discover her having allowed me
to go to Maud's bedroom with her.
She at once began railing at her, abusing her for her folly and
carelessness. Maud was calmly arranging her hair at the glass.
Elise's eyes soon felt on the bed. She screamed as she noticed the
deep carnation stains on the counterpane and flying at Maud, she
shook her violently.
"Whatever have you done? Whatever have you done? You are ruined. You
have ruined me. I shall lose my place; my character is gone," she
shouted, beside herself with fright. "Mademoiselle will kill you;
she will flay him alive. Fool that I was! I might have known what
you were up to. She will turn me out of the house the instant she
discovers this."
And Elise flew to the bed, swept the quilt in a bundle on to the
floor and kicked it underneath the valance.
"I know what you have been about. I might have guessed what would
happen. You are ruined, Miss Maud; ruined! You have been prostituted
by—by—that beast," she exclaimed in a tone of deep anger, red with
fury, and pointing to me with scorn and indignation.
So I was right after all.
Maud gave a little cry. The language certainly profaned our loves.
"You must not use such words, Elise," she said. "Be sensible; he is
my cousin. What is to be done?" and, looking at me, she added:
"Never mind her, Julian."
"Never mind me! No, I dare say not; but you will mind Mademoiselle.
Your cousin, indeed. Your husband, I think. It cannot be concealed.
Impossible! You will have a baby. You will," she shrieked. "You will
be disgraced. Where will it end? Mademoiselle to save herself will
throw all the blame on me. However, I will have my revenge.
"Come along, Master Julian," rushing at me and seizing my wrists.
"Come along to my room. I will hang you up and lash you till you are
"Oh, Maud!"
"Julian, Julian," said the dear girl throwing her arms about me;
"no, no, she shan't take you; I will not have you cruelly used."
"Don't interfere, Miss Maud. He must come; he must not be found
here. Put on that peignoir, and come along instantly."
I was paralysed with fright. I felt Maud was powerless.
At that moment the door opened and Mademoiselle appeared.
Elise stood speechless. Maud looked confused. I stood naked and did
not know how to hide myself.
Mademoiselle had just returned from riding. She looked admirable in
her riding costume which set off her superb figure to perfection.
She stood holding up her habit with both hands, disclosing her
dainty boots, and she looked round with an amused expression trying
to take in the situation.
She gazed at Elise, at Maud, and then at me.
She was evidently in a good humour and in high spirits. She had been
riding a young half-broken colt, and carried a heavy training
whip—by no means the delicate little weapon she had made me
acquainted with in her dressing room.
"Well, Elise," she said at length in her calm, clear voice, "what is
Miss Julia doing here naked in Miss Maud's room? Come, I can see
from your face there is something wrong; do not try to deceive me.
You will not succeed and it will only be the worse for you!" .
"If you please, Mademoiselle," began Elise, trying woefully to look
as collected and unconcerned as possible, "Miss Maud required a
model for a statue and came and begged me to allow Miss Julia to go
to her studio for an hour. As Miss Julia had been well disciplined I
thought there could be no objection."
"Her studio indeed; this is her bedroom. How came you to bring him
in here, Maud?"
"Oh, he only came in here to undress," replied Maud, with a
readiness which astonished me, but which unfortunately did not
impose on Mademoiselle.
"His undressing seems to have caused you a vast amount of
confusion," she rejoined in a dry tone, flourishing her whip.
"However, we won't
waste time," she ominously continued, gathering her skirts into her
left hand: "I will teach him that he cannot be found in a young
lady's bedroom naked—absolutely naked—with impunity, and I will
teach you next, Miss Maud, that you should have had more modesty.
Come," disengaging her right hand and arm. "You are just in the
condition for being flogged, and I am in the mood, too."
"Oh, Mademoiselle—indeed—oh, pray—" cried I, frantic at the sight of
the whip.
Mademoiselle's eyes flashed. Walking firmly up to the bed she
directed Elise to put me across it.
"Oh, Mademoiselle, please, please," cried Maud, throwing herself at
the governess's feet and clasping and wringing her own hands,
"please do not punish Julian; it was not his fault—I brought him
"Hold your tongue, Miss. You won't escape, I can promise you; now,
Elise dragged me, struggling, to the side of the bed at which
Mademoiselle was standing and tried to push me over it, face
downwards. I sobbed and resisted frantically. "Hallo!" said
Mademoiselle, her attention directed to the couch. "Where is the
coverlet—and the bed is disarranged, too! However, one thing at a
Elise, without answering, redoubled her efforts. To cover the
condition of the bed, by making it worse, was, I believe, her real
intention; but, ostensibly for the purpose of getting me into
position, she scrambled on to the top of me and slipped off at the
other side, leaning heavily over my shoulders and holding my arms
with all her strength.
"Put his head between your knees, Elise," ordered Mademoiselle,
striking me with the whip.
Elise tried to catch my head between them, outside her petticoats.
"No," reiterated Mademoiselle, "underneath your skirts."
Elise dived with one hand for the ends of her garments, slipped my
head under them, and soon had it fast between her warm legs higher
up than her knees.
As I have before had occasion to remark, a woman's whole strength
lies in her thighs. Elise needed all hers to hold me as probably
Mademoiselle knew.
"Now for being found naked in a young lady's bedroom you shall
receive twenty-five lashes, Miss Julia."
"Yah, yah, yell, yell!" I turned and twisted. I writhed and tried to
bite Elise. Like red hot iron over my bottom, my legs, and my back,
Mademoiselle rained the blows with slow even regularity and
merciless force.
"Keep your seat, Elise," she cried, as mad with pain I almost
struggled free, and Elise then sat close, holding on like grim
death, my head well down under her bottom. My struggles must have
given her extreme pleasure.
I heard Mademoiselle say to Elise towards the end, "Outside your
petticoats, indeed—you idiot. You would not have had the enjoyment."
I became almost senseless from agony.
"Twenty-five," at last exclaimed Mademoiselle. "There he is well
waled. Let him go. He won't sit comfortable for a week or more."
I rolled on the floor, sobbing and writhing with agony.
"Now, Maud," said Mademoiselle, "it will do Miss Julia good to see
you whipped. I warrant she will forget her pangs and ridiculous
contortions, which are quite indecent, in order to see you catch it.
Take off your drawers, Miss. Where is the coverlet, Elise?" asked
Mademoiselle, tapping the blanket with her whip; but noticing Maud
standing still, she did not wait for the answer, Maud's obstinacy
attracting her attention.
"Take off your drawers, I tell you," she repeated in a higher tone
for the third time—on this occasion with a cut of the cruel whip
across her shoulders, at which Maud screamed.
"Oh, I can't, I can't; oh, let me off this once!" said Maud in
When Elise seconded this appeal, Mademoiselle began to smell a rat.
"Why can't you?" she asked suspiciously and sharply. Maud did not
reply but trembling like an aspen leaf began to fumble about her
dress. Mademoiselle watched her narrowly.
"Why, what have you got on your drawers and on your chemise, too?
Tumble her over the bed." Maud, sobbing and terrified, was
powerless. "Blood, I declare!" screamed Mademoiselle as Maud was
thrown over and her petticoats turned up to her waist. "Where is the
coverlet?" she demanded at the top of her voice.
Elise raked it out. Mademoiselle eagerly spread it open and examined
it with a horror-struck look. Elise mournfully shook her head. "It
is evident what has happened. He has seduced her. Mon Dieu! How long
have they been alone? I have been in twenty minutes—these stains are
not dry. Run, Elise, I will settle with you another time—run for a
Mademoiselle threw down her whip and tore Maud's clothes off. Elise
rushed off and speedily returned. They held Maud down and squirted
into her with warm water and alum violently for ten minutes. They
turned her over and lashed her until she bled. More dead than alive,
they strapped us back to back on the floor.
"What's done cannot be undone. You will remain so until I consider
what is to be done with you. In the meantime, Elise, come with me,"
said Mademoiselle, leaving the room and banging the door behind her.
With this catastrophe, a turning point in my career, I will close my
first volume.
When Heracles in consequence of the murder of Iphitus was ill of a
serious disease, and received the oracle that he could not be
released unless he served some one for wages for the space of three
years, Hermes accordingly sold Heracles to Omphale... [By whom he
became the father of several children!]
Yes; this I very well recollect, for, no doubt, as the Reader has
observed, the adventures, or perhaps this adventure, of Hercules
made a solemn impression upon me; and excited exceeding interest in
my breast. I always thought Hercules exceedingly fortunate in his
punishment, and you may observe the corroboration of the justice of
my view in the apologetical, parenthetical, and, as it were, quite
irrelevant statement that by her he became the father of several
children. Happy man! We all know the torso of Omphale; I have never
met with a full length representation. What a coquettish little head
and piquant nose—what a resolute and yet voluptuous chin—what large
eyes, in which lays a glorious light; eyes which, if she was put out
or vexed, or found Hercules hurt her, while she administered those
stripes for his clumsiness in the workroom, would swim and look like
blue water lilies in a clear transparent lake. How withering the
first reproachful glances, how rapid the transition from the melting
mood to the fiery gaze, portending vengeance. How promptly Hercules
would find his corset inconveniently tightened by the united efforts
of all the Lydian hand maidens and he himself transported by the
same means to the Queen's dressing room, where, no doubt, fastened
down upon his back (he would otherwise have been altogether
unmanageable), he paid the penalty of his misdemeanours to that
charming woman, completely by divine appointment as well as by her
own charms, his sovereign mistress.
It is remarkable how this story has been tabooed by an apparently
universal (male) consensus of opinion. There are few, if any, 130
representations of this period of Hercules' life. Venuses beating
Cupids abound; in the Salon a few years ago was a canvas depicting
Psyche lashed by the fair goddess' orders; Circe, too, reposes in
her chair naked, her foot upon the head of the armed and prostrate
Ulysses. Where do you find Hercules beaten by Omphale, or even,
excepting the statue in the Borghese Casino, in petticoats?
Omphale ruled like Mademoiselle by force and love, not like Beatrice
by the last alone. I have come to the conclusion that women rule all
men; why is the subject, the truth, ignored? It would be some help,
some consolation to me, as I continue this narrative of my own
subjugation to the petticoat, if it were not. I am conscious of the
existence and encouraged by the knowledge of many fellow victims,
but can obtain no openly expressed sympathy. A club of hen-pecked
husbands, if started, would find but one member, myself, and I doubt
whether even I would venture to send in an application to join
unless—unless she compelled me to do so; and it is exceedingly
likely she would.
"Several children." Happy man—yes, undoubtedly, Hercules must have
been fastened down by force or held down by love and devotion, and
Omphale, reversing what I suppose is the usual order of things, must
have lain on the top of him, until he was exhausted. Exhausted as
the individual mentioned by Brantome, who awoke his wife. The story
is well known. She placed him underneath her upon the bed. She made
him perform and discharge the primary obligation of matrimony once,
twice, thrice, even a fourth time, and left him fainting there,
"Hein! you will not wake me again, I dare say—I think I have given
you a lesson!"
Mademoiselle Hortense de Chambonnard had now such a hold upon me
that I dared not resist in the slightest anything whatsoever that
she might take it into her pretty little head to do with me, and I
feared greatly, and quaked and trembled exceedingly, as I wondered
and marvelled what that would be. My fate, my destinies, my fortune,
were now completely in her hands, and hopelessly at her mercy, as
formerly my unfortunate body had been.
Formerly there was necessarily some limit, for she had no hold upon
me. But now, by my own act, with Maud's assistance, I was at her
mercy and my future, I felt, was in her hands.
Dire were the threats she used that evening when she had me brought
down to her bedroom. I quailed before the storm and not
understanding all that she threatened me with I took the earliest
opportunity of consulting a dictionary.
I was to be taken up to London to be unsexed, to be circumcised, to
be castrated. I did not wish to become a Jew or a gelding. When I
read the meaning of the words I all but fainted. Mademoiselle
depicted my act in the blackest colours. But when after rating and
abusing me for a quarter of an hour, she began to say that I had
done Maud an irreparable injury, I wept, for my heart pulsated,
transiently, but really, for that dear girl. I was still under the
influence of the ineffable delight which she had given me in her
arms. I still felt as though her soft, warm, yielding form lay
beneath mine. And while we had lain on the floor naked, strapped
back to back, we had exchanged vows of perpetual devotion, an
offensive and defensive alliance which was to terminate with but the
life of one of us.
The upshot—the immediate result—of the matter was that Mademoiselle
concluded that when she had had Maud well syringed she had done all
she could do.
Things were to go on as before—if she had before beaten me with
whips, she would now do so with scorpions.
It was arranged that in three days Mademoiselle and Elise would take
me to London to be unsexed, circumcised, and castrated; that the
meantime was to be spent by me in Mademoiselle's bedroom and the
room opening off it where I was to sleep, so that I might be a close
prisoner and never out of her sight; that I was to spend those three
days naked, and upon bread and water, and was to be birched each
morning—first by Maud, then by Beatrice, then by Agnes; then, on my
return, I was to be handed over to Lady Alfred Ridlington, who was
invited to pay Mademoiselle a long visit.
The idea of being unsexed filled me with nervous terrors as I stood
quaking and naked before my furious governess who looked simply
lovely in her anger. I consoled myself by the reflection that I had
at least escaped the remainder of my term under Elise and her
diabolical cruelties also. And I think my quiescence somewhat
mollified Mademoiselle. I was devoutly glad the secret was to be
kept from my parents.
Nothing befell Elise. Mademoiselle no doubt found it impossible; the
deprivation of my three day's subjection to her was, I suppose,
considered penance sufficient.
As for Maud, for some time I could not learn her fate. I know it
Beatrice was told nothing.
I gazed at Mademoiselle and hope sprang in my bosom; now, now that I
knew all, now that the cat was out of the bag, might I indulge it?
She too gazed at me voluptuously. My appearance was not lost upon
her, as her movements as she lectured me shew.
"Come here," she said, at its conclusion, putting her legs apart as
I advanced.
And for my part, as I have hinted, Mademoiselle's appearance was not
lost upon me; it was ravishing, and gradually as I stood meekly
before her, it obliterated my tender recollections and thoughts of
Maud and the sensation of the embrace which still lingered so
vividly that I could have almost believed it still endured.
"Come here," said Mademoiselle, moving voluptuously, in her low
musical voice, her liquid eyes resting upon me with a slight sparkle
of 133
amusement in them as she observed my confusion which was increasing
minute by minute.
Mademoiselle's tone had however been so severe and her attitude so
angry and indignant that I feared to give the slightest indication
which might lead her to imagine I felt there was any relaxation of
her strictness. She had spoken to me de haut en bas, sharply and
uncompromisingly. Were I to ignore all this, pay no attention to it,
brush it aside, go on as though nothing had happened, and as though
I was conscious of no fault and she was scolding and purposed
punishing me simply pour les convenances and not from sincere
displeasure, I felt that I should do for myself.
I was reassured by her direction to approach her and by the movement
which accompanied it. One which I intuitively knew presaged my
having to make amends to a very sensitive part of her exquisite
frame—a part which had evidently been tickled and much excited by
the occurrence upstairs in Maud's bedroom.
Anything, any little thing of this kind I could do to please and
propitiate Mademoiselle,. I was only too eager to execute,
congratulating myself that it was no worse. And fatigued as I was by
the experiences of that day-sore from the frequent castigations of
Elise, sore and my bottom and thighs waled by the merciless
thrashing Mademoiselle had administered on the spot with her riding
whip—still I felt my passions and emotions welling up within me as I
watched my beautiful governess, and as a consciousness of my
absolute nakedness before her and of the offence with which I was
charged stole over me.
Elise had been sent for me to Maud's room. Poor Maud had been for
some time suffering very much from the cramped position and the
tightness with which we had been buckled together. What my physical
sensations would have been had not the anguish I was suffering from
the whip prevented my adverting to them I do not know. My wrists
were strapped to Maud's wrists, my ankles to hers. We were
back to back, and there was a heavy strap buckled tightly round our
waists keeping us in close and exciting contact with each other.
We had been strapped together as Maud lay writhing on the floor,
having just had her bottom waled, as I had had mine by Mademoiselle;
and hers being more tender, no doubt the infliction had been
proportionally more severe.
We made several attempts to rise, which were all unsuccessful, and
resulted only in our rolling over each other.
Maud, I must say, was very generous. When her bitter tears ceased to
flow and the acuteness of her pain passed away, she did not reproach
me as I almost dreaded she would. I felt that it had been to some
extent my fault. For although she had obliged me to place Mons.
Priapus into her wet, warm, burning moustached mouth, yet when I
encountered the obstacle, she had bidden me desist, although her
eyes swam and were kindled by what I now knew to be desire and her
cheeks burned with the rosiest, loveliest blushes. I had not
desisted. I had not heeded her in the smallest degree. I had, on the
contrary, thrown myself upon her with animal rage and fury, driving
all before it, had torn open her delicate body and deluged her
internally with the essence of myself. I felt aghast when I
contemplated my deed. I felt it was kind and generous of her not to
reproach me.
She was very anxious about the consequences.
"Beatrice had forbidden me to be a model for your Apollo," said I.
"What can Bee know?" answered Maud. "Even I do not know why all this
fuss is made. Of course I know it was very dreadful your putting
that terrible thing of yours into—into me—where—where you did." I
could feel her flush as she said this. "And then it went into such a
fit, such throbs, like a steam engine. I could feel it to my finger
tips—to the tips of my ears. Oh, Julian, it was nice! And really, I
believe, because it was so naughty. And then it shot out some
delicious wet that was like
balm to a sore place. Oh, to think of it! Oh, how nice! Still, was
it dirty? I suppose that is why Mademoiselle had me syringed so
quickly before it could poison my blood or anything. But I do not
see why they should make such a fuss about it. Mademoiselle does
many worse things herself, as she must know I am aware. If you had
not torn me open, you bad boy, they would never have found out. It
was the blood that betrayed us. But I do not feel at all sore. In
fact—in fact—oh, Julian, do you know, I should really like you to do
it again. I feel I want it. I wonder whether there will ever be a
I was amazed at Maud's ignorance, and amused too; pluming myself on
my superior knowledge. She spoke slowly, a sentence at a time, and I
did not interrupt her, for I wished to ascertain exactly what she
knew and I learnt she knew nothing! I was bursting with anxiety to
impart my knowledge but I held my tongue until she had quite
finished. Then I said, "Don't you know, Maud, I should have been a
model for a living Apollo."
"Whatever do you mean, Julian?"
"Why, that is how babies are made!"
"How babies are made!" she cried. "Nonsense! How do you know?"
"Mademoiselle told me."
"Told you! Did-did you do it to her?" Maud's tone suddenly changed
towards me as she asked this question. Had I answered in the
affirmative I was convinced she would have been so jealous, that for
a time, at any rate, she would have had nothing to do with me.
Fortunately, I was able to answer: "No."
All the years that have elapsed since the period I am speaking of,
have failed to teach me the reason of this desire in each individual
woman to exclusively possess all the men whom she favours. My
petticoats, my being so long treated as a female, my experiences
with Lord Alfred 136
Ridlington in the conservatory have given me a great insight into
the mystery of female feelings, into the sensations of a woman when
bestowing her choicest favours. And what I have yet to relate has
deepened this insight. But although I can understand her coveting
exclusive possession, I have never been able to regard it as
"No," repeated Maud. "Then how can you know? Do you mean
Mademoiselle told you in so many words? She can never have had the
face to do that!"
I was on the point of saying like a fool that I had longed to do it
to Mademoiselle and so found out, but I stopped in time.
"She gave me a psychological lesson and I discovered it
incidentally," I said with as much nonchalance as possible.
"And what can Beatrice have meant about the Apollo? You and Bee were
chums from the first. She must know."
I confess I felt very much puzzled myself as to what Beatrice knew
and the real reason for the promise she had so pertinaciously
extracted from me. I recollected also that I was bound on parole to
Beatrice for five years and it struck me that if she discovered what
had occurred between Maud and me it would be excessively awkward for
me. She would, no doubt, regard it as a breach of allegiance to her
for I knew that I had for a time given myself to Maud as completely
as a man can give himself to anyone and yet I was not my own to
These reflections seriously increased my discomfort. It was bad
enough to find myself absolutely in Mademoiselle's hands and I was
far from pleased at the prospect of a score to settle with Beatrice
as well. Strange to say I felt more disturbance on her account than
on Mademoiselle's, and I explain the fact by Beatrice's possessing
much more control over my spiritual being than Mademoiselle, the
confines of whose sway were my animal existence.
A spark of the divine fire of love had fallen from Beatrice's eyes
into my bosom and had there kindled a flame which permeated all the
ramifications of my existence. One curious result was that I
willingly submitted to corporal punishment from her as it appeared
to bring my sensual organisation into subjection to my soul, which
was hers, and consequently in some esoteric mode gave me the
gratifying sense of being possessed by her, of being wrapt in her,
of having the same springs of life, of drawing our existence from
the same source; of having my mind, my feelings, and senses bounded
by her own; of, in short, entire subordination to her.
Maud's limbs were beautiful, round, and plump, her skin was white
and clear, and my happiness had been great. Why did I torment myself
with the unseen and the mental, possessing so complete a sensual
anodyne as I did. Maud was not complimented by my silence while my
brain was occupied by these ideas, and giving me a jerk with her
hand, repeated the question: what I thought Beatrice could know, as
she had forbidden me to become a model?
"Oh, I suppose she did not wish you to see me naked! She did not
wish you to study me anatomically."
"What nonsense! We have all seen your anatomy, your bottom,
and—and—that thing you put into—me. Don't you remember how often we
have birched your bottom, and besides yesterday, when Elise had
drawn your skin back, and you had to ask us one by one to set you
right—what more is there to conceal?"
"I had petticoats and things on then—being completely naked before
you would give you a more exact idea of me which, I suppose,
Beatrice wished to keep for herself."
"Greedy thing! Anyhow—oh, Julian, I have had such thorough
possession of you—at that supreme moment not long ago, I seemed to
be you; to know and control your vital centres, mental and physical.
You had no secrets then from me; the revelation you made of yourself
was complete."
"Yes, Maud, dear; and it ought to be incarnated and reproduced."
"Oh, Julian, do you think I shall have—have a—a baby?"
"That abominable syringe may prevent it."
"Oh, what a crime. And yet imagine me with a baby and unmarried. You
would have to marry me, Julian!"
Now I must frankly confess that I could not marry them all. I did
not wish to marry Maud.
However, maiden like, she saved me from the embarrassment the
necessity of a reply would have occasioned. When she uttered these
words she pressed herself amorously against me; she did not stop
She was lying on her left side, I, of course, my back being against
hers, was on my right. She moved her right arm, which was strapped
to my left, backwards across me with pretty hesitation, and soon
grasped her friend Mons. Priapus and played with him.
"If—if you—married—me—" she ejaculated, "how—how—I would make that
fellow work."
And her body was suffused with a warm glow.
I slipped my left arm through, between her and the floor, and
returned the compliment to her womanhood.
I do not believe that equality of the sexes will ever be established
until the seat of a woman's womanhood is transferred from between
her legs to her head. A man exists for something else than for
procreation. But it is the beginning and the end of a woman.
"Love," says the poet, "is woman's whole existence." It is all that
she seeks, whatever she may affect; and if you can tickle her
clitoris, either with your fingers or by way of her imagination, she
will obey you as exactly as a vessel with steerage obeys the helm.
It is all very fine, though, for me to boast, for I remember how I
was made to obey, a few days later, when a female hand proved to be
a very effectual rudder.
"Maud, dear, take care! If you excite me too much, whoever comes to
fetch us will find out. I do not want any more whipping."
"No, poor boy; you have had your share. How Elise smacked you in the
workroom! I told you," archly, "you would soon find out you were
powerless in the presence of petticoats. A lady's whip and birch can
bite, cannot they? Never mind, Julian, we shall have more fun yet.
Oh—oh—oh. Naughty boy," she exclaimed, as I tickled her.
"Oh—oh—oh—oh, do stop. I do not wish to be whipped again either, I
can tell you."
"What a nuisance these straps are. They must be making you quite
sore, Maud; they hurt me very much. I wonder whatever Mademoiselle
will do."
"Oh," replied Maud, "she cannot do much; but she will, no doubt,
make us both feel, and excruciatingly too."
"The mixture of pain and pleasure is odd. In fact, some pain is
"Oh, Julian, I wish you would tell me how you felt when Mademoiselle
first birched you. How dreadful it must have been for you, a big
boy, to have had your trousers taken off before us girls and your
bare bottom birched by your governess in her bedroom."
"The sting soon drove all ideas of the kind out of my mind. It is
all pleasure and no pain," said I, anxious to turn the subject; for
I knew that
if Mademoiselle found I tattled, I should lose all chance of
sugar-plums from her, "to be here fixed to a beautiful big
girl"—putting my finger into her—"quite naked."
My old trick of analysing, into which I hereupon again fell, then
kept me quiet.
It will be remembered, perhaps, with surprise, that I had not seen
any female quite naked until Elise, having syringed Maud, very
violently stripped her with Mademoiselle's superintending
assistance, and laid her, as I had myself been laid across the bed,
to be flogged. I had been in Mademoiselle's bed between her legs, I
had also been between them underneath her petticoats. I had been
made rudely acquainted with the maid's bottoms, but had only seen
pieces of nakedness—breasts—legs—thighs—at one time. The statues in
Mademoiselle's boudoir were my nearest approach to knowledge of the
divine feminine form in a condition of absolute nudity. I now called
to mind their exquisite shapes, their full bosoms, their admirably
rounded backs, their thighs under which I longed to be crushed. When
Maud had been stripped before me, my own sufferings from the cruel
whip were much too severe to permit me to dwell upon the spectacle.
But now I was back to back with her absolutely naked. It was the
fact that she was a girl, that she was feminine and I male, which
gave such piquancy. But she had possessed me while she had on her
petticoats, and they certainly emphasized the difference of sex. I
distinctly recollect that when she was undressed a vague sense of
disappointment stole over me to find that after all she had a body
and two legs like myself.
Wherein does the charm, the esoteric feminine magnetism, lie? In
petticoats? Verily petticoats, drawers, corsets, long silk
stockings, have a powerful and mysterious influence.
Maud, naked, did not possess the same power over me as Maud in her
petticoats. When I lay extended in an absolutely nude state before
Beatrice, it was the fact that she was clothed and I naked which I
felt so keenly. Had she also been naked I should not have suffered
so much 141
shame. There is no severer ordeal for a young man than to be naked
in the presence of clothed damsels. Whence the subtle influence of
clothes? If women abandon their garments in favour of a "rational"
costume, they will at the same time lose much of their empire over
Macaulay, in his history of England, reflects that: "The poison
which they (certain writers) administered was so strong, that it was
in no long time rejected with nausea. None of them understood the
dangerous act of associating images of unlawful pleasure with all
that is endearing and ennobling. None of them was aware that a
certain decorum is essential even to voluptuousness, that drapery
may be more alluring than exposure, and that the imagination may be
more powerfully moved by delicate hints which impel it to exert
itself, than by gross descriptions which it takes in passively."
Certainly, if woman be an image of unlawful pleasure, she, I
reflected, thoroughly does understand the whole art and craft of
associating her lovely self with endearing and ennobling petticoats,
frilled, and tucked, and laced, with a glimpse half revealing the
exquisite beauties stimulated imagination then depicts as concealed.
Had I lived in the times when Courts of Love were held, I should
have proposed the question:—Whether a lover was happier who saw his
mistress naked than he who saw her en grande tenue, and I should
have required at the hands of every member of the tribunal a written
and closely reasoned judgment.
For another aspect now presents itself of the question. If I was in
possession of my mistress naked, I should wish to be clothed! Here
my soliloquy was interrupted by Elise opening the door.
Elise! I dreaded to see her again.
Maud also had her own cogitations, for the moment before Elise's
arrival she had remarked to me: "I do not think Mademoiselle will
dare to say much to me when she hears that I know she shewed you the
She shewed him the way, she shewed him the way to woo," hummed Maud.
There was no time for reply. But it struck me that we might be a
very happy family and the father and mother of a whole generation if
things were only properly and sensibly managed. On the other hand
even at that age I plainly, with a boy's acuteness, perceived that
if Mademoiselle Hortense de Chambonnard found that she was becoming
entangled and in danger of losing prestige, she would choose the
most favourable opportunity for bursting the whole thing up. There
was one thing I could plainly perceive my Haughty governess would
never endure and that was restraint of any description. I believe my
father himself was afraid of her.
Mademoiselle had all my letters and the only news she vouchsafed to
me was that my parents were quite well and glad to hear that I had
arrived safely and that they hoped I would be very good and obey
Mademoiselle in all things.
"Now, you beast, you horrid pig! I cannot bear to touch you! I
wonder Mademoiselle has left you close to your cousin whom you have
outraged—lent to her, taken to her studio—to abuse these favours—to
outrage her—to put that beastly rank thing into her. Ah! Miss Maud,
if I had my way, I would put something hot into his arse."
Elise unstrapped us.
"Why do I not send for a dog whip from the hall? Why do I not lash
you both on the floor? Hein! I should enjoy it! What will become of
me? What will Mademoiselle not charge me with? I trusted you. Miss
Maud, you betrayed me. Mademoiselle has said nothing, not at all.
Dat is worse," went on Elise, in her fright forgetting her English,
which she usually spoke with great correctness. "Dat is ver bad.
When Mademoiselle say notink, she mean a vast deal. She will turn me
out—out into de guttah, and all becos dis beast, dis animal, dis
lecherous goat here. And I had pinched him, and smacked him, and
pulled him, till I thought he was emasculate. I did; and den he go
and get you with tild. Beast! Sacre—."
I arose; so did Maud. Elise grasped Maud's arm, led her to the
bedstead, and passing her arms round one of its posts, strapped
Maud's hands behind her, confining her to the bed.
Full of my reflections, I gazed into her eyes. Her form was
displayed to me and there was no pain to distract my contemplation
of it. She flushed a lovely pink as I gazed, and instantly recalling
my own nakedness I averted my eyes.
This was due to the presence of a third person. Hereafter, when one
mode of Beatrice's chastisement of my fault is narrated, this will
be remembered.
Elise, who was exceedingly crestfallen, then took me by the ear with
her left hand. She gave me several sounding spanks upon my sore
bottom and finally slipped her hand through, from the back, to my
Of course he soon reared his head.
Elise turned me towards Maud: "Now, Miss Maud, if I had my way you
should be made to suck that thing with your mouth—yes, with your
I hung my head in ignominious captivity, Elise nipping my ear. Maud
said never a word. Ignoring Elise, she looked at me significantly,
and perhaps a little sadly. What a lovely prisoner she made. Would
that I had been in the room alone with her fixed in that manner, her
breast, her body, her limbs exposed and helpless.
Elise led me out into the passage, along it, and down the stairs,
perfectly naked.
"I won't go naked," I had exclaimed, and had received such a blow in
reply that I went. The blow had been administered upwards from
behind, just avoiding what it might have seriously injured; and then
Elise again slipped her hand through, and holding my ear with the
left hand and my virility with the right, marched me on.
"Where are you taking me to?"
"Where do you think? To Mademoiselle."
We met Agnes on the way.
"Oh, Elise," she exclaimed, gazing at me, "stop a moment." She
blushed all over. Elise vigorously fingered me. "Oh, let me look at
him! Oh! Oh! Oh!" and she was plainly overcome by her feelings.
Elise told Agnes to be ashamed of herself; and quickly pushing me
along the corridor, ushered me into Mademoiselle's bedroom.
"Perhaps you would like Miss Agnes, you pig!"
"There, I told you that you would have cause to remember this room.
Mary pointed it out to you the very first day of your arrival. Get
in, you pig," giving my ear an extra pinch and jerk. "I hope she
will leave you to me. If she does—"
The twilight of the May evening had already fallen when Elise opened
Mademoiselle's door, and I found the curtains drawn and the lamps
Mademoiselle had taken off her riding attire and was clothed in the
softest and most bewitching dishabille. Her tea wrapper of delicate
pink batiste showed her bosom beneath it; her feet in morocco
slippers and pink stockings, dangled over the side of the couch on
which she luxuriously reclined. Beside her, on a delicate little
table, was a Sevres tea service, and the room was redolent of orange
Pekoe. Her dark eyes were full of light, not of anger, but of
pleasure I think, as I was led naked into her presence and bidden
stand before her. She raised herself and directed Elise to retire
and wait downstairs until rung for.
"So, Master Julian," she quietly said, "so, Master Julian, or how am
I to call you with that great thing wagging in front of you?" I
covered my face with my hands. "Mock modesty, I declare, I declare,"
she cried. "You seem shame-faced before me, but yet you put that
thing into your cousin between her soft legs," moving, "into her
warm flesh—so, you beast, you animal, you were determined in spite
of all my lessons, to pluck the forbidden fruit!"
"Oh, Mademoiselle!"
"Yes, and although you professed such love, and such admiration for
me—what are all your professions worth? What shall I do to you, 146
wretch? You have ruined Maud, I shall write to your father—yes—I
shall disgrace you."
"Oh! Mademoiselle!"
"I shall disgrace you; unless body and soul you give yourself up to
whatever fate I may determine for you. You will?"
"Kneel down. You shall be naked for three days in that room,"
pointing, "and here you shall have two hours' exercise naked, daily,
and I will take care your cousins play with you. You shall be
birched every morning first by Maud, next by Beatrice, and then by
Agnes; then I shall take you to town and you shall be unsexed."
"Oh! Oh! Oh!"
"Oh! Oh! Oh!"
"Castrated—that thing cut off—so that you will be for ever unable to
take any more maidenheads. You wretch, how could I otherwise keep
I held my tongue. Why place obstacles in a torrent's way, to make it
eddy, and whirl, and foam?
"Will you submit to all this, or shall I write by this post to your
"Oh, Mademoiselle, I will," said I trembling, "submit to you."
Strange infatuation, but any fate out of her hands, would, I felt,
be certainly worse than any in them.
If I had taken her at her word and declined her terms I know she
would have been in a fix.
"How dared you, you bold bad boy" (this was better) "put that
dreadful engine into your cousin? I shew you what it would do. How
had you the face to let it work inside a girl? Come here," she said,
ravishingly moving her leg. "Come here, I will give you a dose
really this time!"
She pulled a stool to the side of the couch and placed a cushion
upon it. I approached her. She bid me lie flat down with the back of
my head on the cushion. She lifted her garments and her left leg.
She had pink silk drawers on and they whisked across my face. Her
hairy mouth soon touched mine. "I shall punish you with that," she
said. "You have been whipped enough."
The pressure was so great that I used my hands to lessen it.
"Get up," she cried; and tying my hands behind me with her dainty
handkerchief, she soon had me underneath her again, but now
altogether unable to help myself. I knew where my duty lay and I
performed it. The event happened. I was still held.
"Have you swallowed it all?" she asked, lifting up her petticoats so
as to uncover my head and give me a welcome sight of her shapely
thighs and limbs encased in the wide pink satin drawers, the make of
which left what I had been kissing and the insides of her legs
I had a full view of the Mount of Venus and of the bushy wood in
whose recesses dwelt the spring of her being. The thickness,
strength, and luxuriance of her black hair both astonished and
alarmed me. Then slowly carrying my glance upwards from her
exquisite navel to her face and looking into her mischievous eyes, I
answered with my mouth all sticky: "Yes, dear Mademoiselle, I have
swallowed it."
"Yes, all."
"Very well. Now I shall give you something to wash it down with."
She wriggled in the sofa as she said this, and slipping quite to its
edge I again felt the weight of her divine form oppress my head. I
dreaded what was coming; I shuddered but dared not move or protest.
She carefully removed her drawers and chemise from about my face and
head to prevent their being wetted. Then she rubbed herself about me
until she had parted the hairs and placed the wet lips of the mouth
with a moustache against mine, holding me fast with her thighs
She did not content herself with mere contact, but continued with
firm determination to press me until my mouth was wide open and she
felt her clitoris against my teeth and tongue. I at once tickled it
with the tip of my tongue and she gave a gentle movement or two
plainly denoting satisfaction.
But as the horrible idea struck me that possibly she intended not to
restrain herself and meant to drench me in that position a feeling
of deadly sickness spread over me. I broke out into a cold sweat,
and made an involuntary attempt to escape. Down on my back under my
governess, held by her strong thighs, my hands tied behind me, this
attempt was abortive, and only increased the strictness of her
I felt the taste of her warm and liquid flesh in my mouth and its
rawness. The rolls of flesh unfolded themselves more and more each
time she rubbed me. I knew how she was exciting herself and the
pleasure she enjoyed both by this expansion and by the quick
breathing which accompanied it. Little love calls and exclamations
of rapture, dulled by the clothing over me, also stole upon my ears.
Suddenly was a longer breath than usual; then another—in fact, a
sigh. I had hardly begun to tickle her again with my tongue, when,
while it was yet extended, the floodgates were opened.
I endeavoured not to swallow and my mouth consequently was soon
filled and it overflowed into my nostrils, my eyes, and ears;
choking, blinding, and drowning me. I was compelled to cough and
splutter and swallow a quantity to save myself from suffocation. I
struggled, but Mademoiselle held me deliberately and rigidly. She
gathered up her skirts to prevent their being drenched, but kept me
fast until she had quite finished.
Mad, exasperated, and sick, I gulped and gulped, and, willy-nilly,
swallowed mouthful after mouthful. A large quantity ran on the rug,
on to the floor, but quite a stream was forced down my throat.
"There," she said, triumphantly, "how do you like that? I do enjoy
pissing upon you above all things; it is the only thing you really
seem to mind. It does take it out of you and punish you."
I spat and spluttered, too disgusted, too horrified, and too angry
to speak, too much tamed to show any anger.
"Now," continued Mademoiselle, looking complacently at me, "I shall
try an experiment which has been recommended to me by a German
friend as a capital means of curing bad boys' indulgence of
uncontrolled passion."
I continued to cough and splutter and wished to spit, but I dared
not. Mademoiselle, with refined severity quietly waited, for she had
noticed my coughing up what I could, until I was obliged to again
swallow what I had coughed up.
Then, with a wicked smile, she directed me to walk over to the
wash-hand-stand. Upon it stood a jug whence she poured a quantity of
musky-coloured water into a tumbler and placed it to my lips,
bidding me drink it. I protested. I said I could not possibly hold
any more, but Mademoiselle was inexorable, and holding my head by
the hair, forced the rim of the tumbler between my lips (my hands
were still tied), and its contents—warm mustard and water-down my
throat. I was made to drain the glass. It was an emetic, intended to
make me sick. To that in itself I did not object, but the idea of
the passage of all that wine up again through my throat and mouth
made me feel very bad indeed.
Then Mademoiselle made me kneel down. She placed a pot in front of
me, and stood opposite. I noticed she had in her hand a long quill
pen with feathers on both its sides. I was not long left to wonder
what use she intended to put it to.
"Now, Master Julian," she said, standing over me with her left hand
resting on my bare shoulder, "throw your head back as far as
possible and open your mouth as wide as ever you can."
I already began to feel qualms and did not at once comply.
"If you do not immediately do as I tell you," observed Mademoiselle
very sternly, "I will gag you as you have been and then try again."
I meekly threw my head back and opened my mouth.
"Now," said Mademoiselle, her left hand upon my forehead, and
proceeding to tickle first the roof of my mouth, then the palate and
sides, then the uvula and throat, making occasional dabs down it
with the feather which soon made me retch, "now you must submit to
being punished by me. It is doing you good already; that male factor
between your legs," she cried, glancing at it, "is not half the size
he was when I commenced."
"Ugh-ugh! I shall be sick."
"Hold your tongue and keep your mouth open."
I knew I must soon vomit. What a diabolical idea! What a horrid,
disgusting mode of treatment!
"When Julius Caesar—no, you must not attempt to catch the feather
with your teeth"—giving me a slap in the cheek—"visited Cicero, the
latter was extremely flattered by Caesar's taking a vomitory before
dinner. He regarded it"—I felt I should faint; a deadly paleness, a
cold sweat, a fearful feeling of sickness possessed me;
Mademoiselle's words seemed far off—"as an earnest good fellowship,
as an assurance on Caesar's part that he intended in good faith to
do full justice to his hospitality. Now you will please vomit. Yes,
here, before me into that vessel as a punishment, in obedience to
me, your mistress; and to show the good disposition you have to do
honour to the bread and water which is all you will have for the
next few days, unless, indeed, it should again enter my head to give
you some other beverage, and"—looking fiercely at me—"perhaps some
other food, too."
She could not mean—she would not dare! My condition, the constant
retching, prevented my continuing unbroken any thread or sequence of
"Yes," she went on, confirming my worst apprehensions, "Elise has
just reminded me that there is something behind as well as before by
which you can be punished; and, as she said, you are such an utter
reprobate I really think you deserve it."
My mouth filled. I spat it out. Mademoiselle pulled my head back and
tickled my throat more vigorously and lower down. A cough, a choke,
a perfect flood. A few minute's rest, a few groans, during which
Mademoiselle let me rest against her. Again that irresistible
overpowering sense of sickness.
"Shall I send for Maud, to console you?" asked Mademoiselle.
"No; only let me lie down." The mere idea of having anything to do
with a woman was at that time abhorrent to my soul.
"Ah! I see," said Mademoiselle, "my friend was right. Her
prescription was a good one. I have never seen this thing," she
said, touching my shrivelled affair, "so small, so lifeless,
She made me rinse my mouth with Condy's fluid and water, and then
put me to bed in the other room, leaving the door between it and her
own room open. She covered me up and I soon fell asleep.
When I awoke it was evidently late in the evening for Elise was
undressing Mademoiselle and what had awakened me was the angry sound
of Mademoiselle's voice.
"You must do as I order you, Elise, or leave the house tomorrow
morning without a character. You allowed him to outrage Miss Maud,
and if I am to retain you in my service, you must be punished by
being yourself outraged in the same way. Go and fetch that great big
canvas linen bag. You have finished my hair. You may take twenty
minutes to make up your mind while I see how he is."
"If I do, Mademoiselle, I will give it him, I will torture, I will
tear him, I will—"
"You may punish him as you please," Mademoiselle answered in her
calm unruffled tones.
Elise left the room and Mademoiselle came to me.
She was in a dressing gown and her lovely hair, falling over her
shoulders, was tied in large knots at intervals for the night.
I lay on my back with my eyes open.
Mademoiselle asked me how I was, and brought me some chicken broth
and delicious white Vienna bread, with a glassful of some clear
sparkling frothy liquid.
I was startled, was it—just fresh?
Mademoiselle laughed. "No," she said. "No, Julian, it is not—not—not
Elixir—it is Veuve Cliquot. I mean," quickly catching her words,
"not widow's water, her wine—Champagne."
I was not quite satisfied even yet. It might, I thought, still be a
joke at my expense. Mademoiselle's mischief knew no bounds. She,
however, put the glass to my lips, and I could not refuse to take a
sip. It was wine, and excellent.
There was a knock at the door, and Elise, bidden to enter, came
through into the room in which we were. Elise, wearing such an
angry, depressed, crestfallen countenance as I had never thought
possible for her, held in her hands a great brown canvas bag—one of
the bags in fact in which the household linen weekly went to the
laundry in the outbuildings. "There," she said, throwing it on the
floor with a gesture of disgust.
"Well, Elise, have you decided, have you made up your mind? Will you
submit or go?" Mademoiselle asked, amused at Elise's air.
"Mademoiselle," she answered, choking, "it is too bad, too wicked,
too disgraceful, to treat a young woman so—
"Now, Elise," interrupted Mademoiselle, "yes, or no?"
"I can't say no."
"Exactly! You are aware your breach of trust, your abominable
dereliction of duty, deserve the severest punishment. Miss Maud no
longer a virgin—through your fault; and this jackanapes here is in
possession of the experience necessary to enable him to beguile
every woman in the house into becoming a mother, all through your
fault," said Mademoiselle, standing in the middle of the now
brilliantly lighted room, her eyes flashing. "Undress yourself," she
added, peremptorily.
"Not before him," retorted Elise, growing pale.
"Yes, before him. Stay! Get up, Julian—stand with your back to the
bedpost." And drawing my arms round it behind my back, she tied my
wrists together with her handkerchief, fixing me exactly as Elise
had fixed Maud upstairs.
Mademoiselle then told Elise to undress.
Slowly she did so, until, at length, she too was stark naked.
Looking foolish, but still more angry, she went into Mademoiselle's
room for a birch which she brought her mistress and handed to her
upon her knees. Mademoiselle caressed the green slender well-budded
twigs positively with affection and twisted the rod three or four
times through the air with supreme satisfaction. Elise had then to
lie over a pouf, placed exactly in front of me, and to spread her
legs wide asunder. I saw and gazed at all she possessed—her
muttering did not prevent my doing so although it undoubtedly
sounded ominous—but as I had already made a full acquaintance with
her thighs and bottom, I wondered why she troubled to conceal them
with petticoats. I was struck by the very different impression given
by a partial view of nakedness from that given by the complete
revelation. Elise was a lovely girl, not so slender or delicate as
Mademoiselle, but certainly lovely.
She placed herself in position and received thirty-six slow,
deliberate stripes which Mademoiselle delivered with all her force.
Elise writhed and twisted, but took the punishment bravely, not
crying out but sobbing quietly.
Presently, however, she shrieked. At the close of the punishment
with the birch, Mademoiselle bade Elise remain as she was, and went
into her room, when I heard her open a drawer. She returned holding
a round stick about a foot long and as thick as the butt end of a
billiard-cue, in her hand; from its end depended several knotted
pieces of whipcord. The moment Elise, who was still lying on the
pouf, caught a glimpse of this, she jumped up and danced about the
"No, no, no, Mademoiselle! Oh, no! Oh, I pray, I do beseech, I do
implore"—she cried aghast with terror. Mademoiselle, for all reply,
lifted her arm and gave her a swish about the buttocks. Elise
"Elise, lie down directly; or I shall give you a dozen instead of
half a dozen. And do not scream any more unless you wish to be
gagged," directed Mademoiselle, quietly, but severely. Elise seemed
positively beside herself—positively distraught. I thought she was
mad when she lay down on her back.
"Spread out your legs," said Mademoiselle.
Elise obeyed.
Mademoiselle lifted her arm and giving the cords full swing, brought
them down with a vicious force, lengthwise, between her legs, full
upon "Miss Elise," whom I had had to kiss more than once. I
shuddered and trembled. The torture appeared severe beyond
expression. Five times more Mademoiselle's arm rose and fell with
the utmost precision and deliberation, and at each blow Elise
This is the mode in which in Spain, in Holland, in Paraguay, the
Jesuits punished their naughty female penitents; and, strange to
say, notwithstanding the pleasure subsequently felt, quite
extinguished the pain, under which it is not unusual for the
delinquent to faint.
Elise did not faint but lay gasping, totally oblivious of the
exhibition she was making of herself to me, when Mademoiselle had
given her the sixth lash.
I recollected reading in a note to Gibbon's History, of the Empress
Theodora, Justinian's wife, having lain on her back in a theatre in
public, her clothes turned over her breast, while geese pecked from
her abdomen and navel and generative organs the gilded grains of
corn which had been scattered over them in order that they might
endure the blows of the bird's beaks. 157
There lay Elise, like the Empress Theodora, in a strange trance.
I dreaded to attract Mademoiselle's attention in her then mood—I did
not know but that horrid little scourge might be turned upon me—but
what with the warmth of the apartment, the state of nervous erethism
in which I was from the terrible discipline of another kind I had
gone through, and what with the spectacle I had witnessed, I found
myself in a state of extreme erection.
Mademoiselle unloosed my hands. Her feelings appeared to be such
that she could not speak. Leaving Elise, she took me violently into
the next room, threw herself into a chair, reclining almost on her
back, and, apparently dead to all idea of modesty, drew her skirts
up to her waist, displaying her beautiful naked limbs to my admiring
She pointed between them. Three times again had I to indulge her
passion with my mouth and tongue.
Elise was lying on the bed, her head on her arm, when Mademoiselle
led me again into the room.
Mademoiselle led me up to the bed and again fastened my hands behind
"Lie on your back, Elise. Excite him with your hands, ask him to—to
fuck you."
"Oh, Mademoiselle, before you! Oh!" fingering my testicles, her legs
stretched out on each side of me as I knelt on the bed over her.
"Master Julian—" moving to and fro.
"Oh, Mademoiselle, oh, I can't ask him! I will make him—it is too
humiliating to ask. Beside I cannot say dat word."
"Obey, Elise, or you shall have another half dozen cuts."
Elise put her arms about me and drew me now to her face, at the same
time placing one of her legs across my back.
"You shall be put to bed with her as a horse is put in a box with a
mare, you animal," said Mademoiselle. "Come, Elise, put it in. Stop
though, first say what I told you."
"Please, Master Julian, will you fuck me?" And then, having uttered
the terrible word, she spasmodically caught me to her bosom.
One hand forced me into her wet warm body. Mademoiselle gently
birched me. Then Mademoiselle, with her hand upon the piston,
counted the throbs.
"Now, Master Julian, for fucking my maid in my presence, you will
have a dozen lashes on the soles of your feet!"
Mademoiselle easily fixed them to the bedrail at the foot, and gave
me half a dozen stripes on the sole of each foot with the birch rod.
They hurt a good deal, and caused a curious tingling sensation in my
feet and legs which lasted many hours.
I felt disgraced beyond measure at what I had been compelled to do
in Mademoiselle's sight to Elise. Nakedness! Nakedness was nothing
to it. There was now no secret function of my frame unknown to my
As we still lay on the bed Mademoiselle picked up the canvas linen
bag and bid Elise hold me. Elise again wound her arms about my
shoulders and her legs about my own. Then Mademoiselle opened the
mouth of the bag (which was closed by means of a running tape), as
wide as it would go, and slipping its mouth under Elise's heels she
gradually worked it up to her shoulders, enclosing Elise and myself
inside the bag.
Horror of horrors—how long was I to be kept, my hands tied, in that
close proximity to Mademoiselle's maid? She was much stronger than
Maud; just now when she had "had" me, I felt as if she were drawing
my life out of me, her power of suction was so enormous. No sooner
had Mademoiselle got the bag above Elise's shoulders and up to the
nape of my neck than Elise's hands had immediately sought out my
male engine. "I will punish him, I will," she hissed from between
her teeth.
I gave a slight scream. She was twisting my testicles round and
round with her hand and then had caught hold of the foreskin and was
forcing it back.
"One moment, Elise," said Mademoiselle, placing one of her hands on
the mouth of the bag while with the other she drew the tapes tight
so that the mouth closed round our necks. When she had closed it so
that our heads were fastened closely together, she knotted the
strings and put them where neither Elise nor I could get at them.
"There, now do what you like, Elise," her hand over my body, outside
the bag. "Acquit yourself like a gallant youth, Julian!"
On to the top of us she then bundled a feather bed, and over that a
large eiderdown, and so left us in the dark. Elise's breath and mine
mingled. We soon began to perspire, to sweat, and to stew. Elise
would not keep her hands quiet, and I could not protect myself,
deprived as I was of the total use of mine.
"Now, you vagabond, you wretch who have made me be prostituted, you
will just beg and pray and beseech me to pardon, and I will punish
you as I did upstairs."
Whereupon she caught my unhappy implement, swollen as it was by her
exciting fingers, and notwithstanding my cries and supplications,
forced back the foreskin, hurting me cruelly, rubbing my raw flesh
against the bristling hairs of her navel—her leg across my back
preventing me from moving my body even so slightly away as the width
of the bag would have permitted.
The greatest, because the most perpetual and unavoidable cause of
discomfort was undoubtedly the narrow tape running the wide hem at
the mouth of the linen bag for the purpose of closing it. Had the
tape been wider, had it been fastened about any other part of our
bodies—the annoyance would have been less. There was my face fixed
close to Elise's as she snarled at me. I could not avoid catching
her breath or breathing into her face to her great vexation.
When she spoke, and, forgetting the string, attempted to move her
head to the ordinary distance, she found herself brought up by a
sharp jerk emphasised by the tape and finding my face still close to
hers, notwithstanding her endeavour to remove from it, she was, of
course, the more exasperated.
And, vice versa, if I moved, in blushful forgetfulness of the tie
which bound us, I gave her a pull which she promptly resented.
She could not get out her hands to slap my face; she therefore
slapped my body with all the force she could muster in the confines
of the bag, pinched it, and gave me sudden blows with her knees.
She complained of the warmth of my breath, and of my weight; every
movement was checked suddenly and unexpectedly by the tape—a
perpetual source of irritation, a very ingenious contrivance on
Mademoiselle's part.
For the prayers which now, at Elise's order, I entered upon for
forgiveness, were seriously hampered, having to be uttered in her
immediate neighbourhood. However, my only hope of pacifying her lay
in their accomplishment.
I found it difficult to put much heart in them principally because,
as Mademoiselle had said, I was gone on the subject of being
It may have been because Elise was a lower order of animal that I
cared nothing about her receptivity, her passion, her being. Besides
I was being forced into the most abject entreaties to be permitted
to do that which I did not at all desire to perform.
Elise made me beg and implore her to permit me to do to her what
Mademoiselle had made her ask me for.
She had a smooth skin, a beautiful body, which I felt close against
mine; this was my only encouragement. A purely animal one. I had no
psychical encouragement, but intense psychical aversion to overcome.
This was, of course, the point of Mademoiselle's punishment; this
was why she chose to confine me with a woman in a bag.
Elise's hand had not been quiet all this time. Tired of my weight
upon her she had placed me at her side.
She had much interrupted my thoughts by the manner in which she
twiddled my testicles, interlaced her legs with mine, rubbed my
bottomland pressed her fingers forcibly against my rear. When she
did that, Love used his wings and I felt myself become a beast. Her
evolutions seemed to excite her more than myself.
Pressing her lips against mine, she inserted her tongue into my
mouth, and at the same instant catching Mons. Priapus, moved her
hand to and fro upon him drawing the foreskin to and fro with it,
thus performing with her hand the office her hairy mouth should have
performed. All ideas of decency, love, prostitution, copulation,
stallions, mares, dogs, cats, Mademoiselle, Maud, Beatrice, quickly
vanished from my mind under this treatment.
"Oh, Elise, let me put what you have in—your hand into—into you."
"Pig, you want to put your nasty rank smelling stick into my body—a
fine, a modest idea! How dare you suggest such a thing to a lady!
You would be at the tricks with me you practised with Miss Maud!"
She continued all the while exciting me to distraction.
"Oh, Elise! Elise! I know I have done very wrong; but forgive me,
have some kindness for me!"
"Some kindness for you! What will that thing do when it is inside
"Oh! You know."
"Yes, I do know. It will wet me, it will pollute me. Why should I
have its nasty—injection—in my body?" kissing my lips and inserting
her tongue.
"Then, why excite me so?"
"Excite you! Because I choose to. Tiens! I had to say the shameful
word, so shall you."
"Now, Miss Elise. I do beg and pray of you."
As she moved her head she suddenly burst out: "Damn and blast this
accursed tape—"
"Ah! Miss Elise, you are throttling me!"
Half reclining upon me she inserted one arm down my back between my
arms which were bound together. The other hand she placed in front
of me. I spasmodically contracted all my muscles in a supreme effort
at fortitude.
Not one minute had passed, during which Elise's hands, which had
suddenly seemed to become much stronger, were hard at work in back
and front, before I cried: "Yes, yes, yes."
"Now ask," said Elise, abating the punishment.
"Please, Miss Elise, do let me—"
"Say the word."
"F—fu—fuck you. Please, Miss Elise, do let me fuck you."
She moved lasciviously.
"Do you want to, very much? Must you now—an hour hence, will that
"Now, now," replied I, catching fire from her. "Now, let me, oh,
pray let me fuck you."
She placed her lips to mine and rolled over on to the top of me. She
clasped my shoulders with her arms, my body with her legs. One hand
she put underneath me behind. She inserted him into her terrible
engine. I feared he would be sucked off. He was inside her up to the
As she moved up and down, I felt myself becoming Elise. Her soft
breasts, her body and legs, gave me much pleasure by their contact.
The confinement of our heads was very irksome.
I forgot who she was individually. I recollected only that she was a
The deed was done.
I lay happy and reconciled in her arms until the morning.
It was a long time after that I heard what had become of Maud.
In the first place for six weeks she was degraded to the rank of a
scullery maid. All her own clothes were taken away and locked up.
She was dressed in the short frocks and the coarse and common
underclothing of a rude little village maiden. She was not
permitted—great girl of twenty though she was—to wear drawers. In
these short garments she was compelled to wash and scrub floors,
dust the staircase, mount steps, and clean windows and pictures.
For the first ten days she was whipped, birched, three times each
day. For rebellion or slovenliness she received smacks with the
tawse, the fringed edge of which she hated and dreaded more than the
She was sometimes dressed in a very short chemise; hung by the
wrists to a bedpost, her feet only just touching the ground; or made
to stand in the stocks in a stiff backboard, the collar of which was
raised extravagantly high for long periods.
She was, at other times, fastened naked across the bed, well
whipped, and left so for several hours. Every Tuesday and Friday she
had to wear, during the morning, a nettle petticoat, and in the
afternoon bunches of nettles were hung underneath her clothes.
Sometimes she was kept quite naked for several days so that she had
the utmost humiliation to go through, and, in addition, she was
repeatedly whipped in front.
It was many years later when I learned all this from Maud's own lips
in Beatrice's presence; and her punishment proved to be a very
efficient mortification of whatever pruriency she possessed.
This parenthetical notice of her fate seems to be needed here; her
own description of her discipline must be referred to for an
adequate idea of her punishment and of its subjective results.
I fell asleep under Elise. We managed somehow to sleep and to
Mademoiselle awoke me by unfastening the bag, shaking Elise, and
bidding her get up.
What a relief to be freed from the oppression and load of the
feather bed and eiderdown under which we had sweated and fumed all
How my arms ached!
Mademoiselle unfastened them, covered me up, and bade me sleep.
The thought crossed my mind, that possibly I might be admitted to
her bed. A moment's reflection convinced me of the more than
groundlessness of this aspiration. Such a fastidious creature as
Mademoiselle would not allow me to touch her after the night I had
A feeling of horror and despair came over me when I reflected she
would henceforth hate me—be disgusted with me.
And I looked at the woman who stood naked for a moment at the
bedside, with whom I had been in such close contact all night, who
had been impregnated with my very essence.
Elise wrapped something about her and left the room.
Mademoiselle covered me up. Freed from the restraints I had suffered
so long, I slept soundly and happily.
I hardly knew Maud when, three hours later, she was brought into the
room. I had a bath and some breakfast and my hands having been again
tied behind me, I was sent naked into Mademoiselle's room.
Maud looked as though she had been crying. Her hair, instead of
being rolled coquettishly upon her head, was done into two long
plaits at the back. She wore a common print cotton frock which came
only to her knees. Her stockings were of white, coarse, unbleached
thread; her shoes heavy and clumsy. She looked thoroughly humiliated
and punished.
Mademoiselle spoke as rudely and roughly to her as to the lowest
servant. Her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows and her hands were
red. In the middle of the floor was my old acquaintance the oak
"You are to birch this young gentleman soundly. He has been
misbehaving himself."
She answered falteringly, "Yes'm."
She had evidently already had a schooling.
I thought as I was being strapped down of the haughty, faultless,
proud Maud. Could this be she? I knew she would not spare me for
having seen her humiliated in that manner. My surmise was right. A
green birch, which had been soaked in Mademoiselle's urine, was put
into her hand, and she gave me three dozen sound strokes.
She was then dismissed.
Mademoiselle seated herself and, opening a book, pretended to read.
Church time came. Maud had to wash up the breakfast things and peel
the potatoes for the day's use. I was locked up in the bedroom, to
learn the Epistle, Gospel, and Collect for the day, Mademoiselle
informing me that I should have no dinner unless I could say them
That night when I was put to bed, my hands were strapped to my sides
and a bunch of thistles was placed before and behind me, kept into
position by a lady's towel between my legs. I could only lie upon
side or the other. Consequently, if I moved on to my face or on to
my back I was unmercifully pinched.
The next morning Beatrice birched me with less severity than Maud
had used.
Dear Beatrice, I fell in love with her again as soon as I saw her
maidenly little figure. I hoped some day to belong to her.
On Tuesday I was flogged by Agnes. I think I felt my nakedness most
before her. In fact I was quite ashamed. Beatrice looked at me with
her calm gaze, unmoved, but glancing demurely as if she saw nothing
extraordinary, nothing unusual in a naked body.
Agnes blushed, looked conscious, simpered, cast her eyes down, and
was greatly confused. Her breath came and went so quickly that
Mademoiselle told her she should herself be whipped there and then
unless she behaved.
I should have liked to have seen those dainty legs uncovered, her
skirts turned up, her drawers opened or taken off, and her prudish
little bottom well cut.
I wished to possess Agnes. I wished to be possessed by Beatrice.
I need scarcely say that the whipping Agnes gave me did not deserve
the name.
Then I was dressed in trousers, waistcoat, and jacket-placed over a
silk vest, a cambric chemise, long stockings, girl's boots with high
heels, long cloth drawers, a corset, and a camisole.
The effect of the change of dress was startling. Amongst all the
girls I felt much happier dressed as a boy, and had a greater
capacity for enjoyment; and no sooner had they seen me so attired,
than they one and all gave themselves their little feminine airs and
graces which
they had abandoned more or less with me whilst I was in girl's
clothes. Mademoiselle, however, destroyed this bit of conceit, which
she quickly perceived.
"He only appears a boy—really he is a girl," she observed, with
superciliousness. At this remark we all blushed and Agnes giggled.
It was quite plain that Agnes and I would have to settle accounts. I
anticipated the reckoning with satisfaction. I determined to exact
the ultimate, the very bottom farthing. Agnes was such a cleanly
made girl!
My feelings of elation, however, soon yielded place to humiliation
when I looked at the dainty feminine company and remembered but too
vividly what they had seen and what they had done. Then I felt
overwhelmed with confusion.
And indeed so much changed was I and so sensible of it, that as I
stepped off the hall door steps into the Brougham, I wondered
whether I was actually the same Julian Robinson, who, but on the
previous Wednesday, had for the first time, alighted in that porch
and passed through those massive oak doors.
Mademoiselle was accompanied by Elise. The carriage door was
closed—the girls waved adieux, their graceful figures giving an
unusual charm to the grey building. Beatrice looked into my eyes
with a slight pout and we dashed down the long avenue to the road
for Stowmarket, which was formerly the county-town, and whence
Mademoiselle decided to travel to London. Instead of taking the more
interesting route for Cambridge.
The horses sped along, and turning out of the gate, jolted me
against Elise, who was seated opposite Mademoiselle. Mademoiselle
had totally ignored my presence till then. The few remarks she made
were addressed to Elise as though no one had been present. She was
so angry with what she was pleased to describe as my "idiotic
mooning," that for the rest of the way she made me kneel down on the
floor of the Brougham, between her and Elise.
It did not, however, last long. The horses were quick trotters and
Stowmarket but some five miles distant. In about twenty-five minutes
we had reached the railway station.
"Julian," said Mademoiselle, "stay still—let Elise get out first."
I had attempted getting up before the porter, who opened the
carriage door, and the stationmaster, who was standing at the
entrance to the booking office, could see that I had been kneeling,
an effort frustrated by Mademoiselle, to my bitter chagrin.
I hoped however, it might be thought that I was engaged in a search
for something which had fallen down, and I endeavoured to retain my
composure. If either the stationmaster or the porter observed me,
they preserved the most praiseworthy unconsciousness and stolidity.
They were absorbed in watching Mademoiselle as she gave her
imperious orders and her appearance seemed fairly to bewitch
them—they flew 171
about, they changed colour, they trembled before the gaze and the
words of this elegant haughty French damsel.
I trembled, glowed with colour one minute, and became ashy pale the
next, in rapid succession. I had not a word to say myself—even
walking into the station, whither Mademoiselle led me by the hand,
was a severe trial to my terrible self-consciousness.
"Elise," said Mademoiselle, "we should have dressed him like a
little boy, in knickerbockers; his frilled drawers would have showed
then. Why did you not suggest it?"
I am sure some of the bystanders overheard, and I nearly sank down
to the ground in shame.
Why did Mademoiselle lead me by the hand instead of allowing me to
see to the baggage and get the tickets, as might naturally be
expected of a tall youth of my age? She led me by the hand as though
I was a helpless idiot anxious to run away. All my sprightliness,
presence of mind, and assurance seemed to have vanished.
The idea of the vest and girl's chemise, the corset, drawers, and
long stockings, of the flannel petticoat, which I had narrowly
escaped having tucked into my trousers, haunted and reduced my mind
to silliness and made me perfectly soft. But I felt a substratum of
indignation. It was all very well in the precincts of Downlands
Hall, in its gardens and in its terraces to be under Mademoiselle's
thumb, but here, in public, at a railway station, with numbers of
people to observe and to comment, it was quite another thing.
As we walked about the platform, I feared it would certainly be
noticed that I had girl's boots on, and high heels, and that I was
tightly laced up in a lady's corset, which could easily be noticed
under my jacket.
As the light things had been removed from the carriage I had been
curiously scanned, but Mademoiselle had given her orders where the
luggage was to be labelled for and from that instant all interest in
me appeared to have determined. I felt certain it would be noticed
that the baggage was all feminine. I had not been permitted the
honour of a portmanteau. A dress casket and an imperial; there was
nothing else.
"Coachee," I heard one of the men say, "you have left the young
gent's box behind."
At length with the bustle usual at places of absolutely no
importance, the train ran alongside the platform. It drew up, and
the stationmaster who gave me a very search-ink look, came to
conduct Mademoiselle to the compartment he had reserved for her.
What a relief to escape into the privacy of a railway carriage from
the quizzical gazes and the prying eyes of these people.
Mademoiselle had spoken to one or two acquaintances, and the amused
stare they gave me, a kind of intelligent look, was positively
insulting and maddening.
With great deference the stationmaster led Mademoiselle to the
carriage, and I had yet bitter dregs to drain in the humiliating
cup. She made me jump in first just like a child.
Mademoiselle pointed out the seat I was to occupy—the centre one
with my back to the engine. She took the far seat opposite to me,
next the window.
Elise sat at my left. The door was shut; the station-master nodded
to the guard who was beside him, he blew his whistle, held out his
arm, the engine gave an acquiescing scream, and we were off.
"What a noodle, what a nincompoop, what a fool you are, Julian. I
longed to smack your face on the platform," and she gave me a sharp
pat with the back of her gloved hand on my mouth. If anything was
needed to complete my abnegation it was this.
Mademoiselle relapsed into a reverie, her shapely legs crossed, her
chin resting on her hand, her ankles displayed.
We soon reached Ipswich, the run of twelve and a half miles from
Stowmarket thither taking only seventeen minutes or so. The platform
there was crowded and there was great commotion and many people,
Suffolk farmers, talking and dreaming in beery fashion of oxen. It
was market day of course. No one invaded our sanctuary although many
looked in with more curiosity and openly displayed admiration than I
considered polite, and at which Mademoiselle laughed heartily. Her
high spirits were contagious, and when we were again under weigh, I
felt myself emboldened to utter some joyous remark, and warranted in
an effort to throw off my restraint.
Mademoiselle gazed at me for a moment during which I felt my courage
ebbing away and I became terrified at my own audacity. Then she
spoke as I shrank into my shoes. "This is not a pleasure trip for
you, Master Julian. How dare you give yourself that insolent air and
impudence, and attempt to treat it so frivolously; do you not know
you are to be taken to London for serious punishment? Have you
already forgotten the fault, the crime you have been guilty of?"
"Shall I punish him, Mademoiselle?" asked Elise, looking
significantly at her mistress.
My blood ran cold. "Oh please, oh, please, Mademoiselle," I cried,
clasping my hands, "I did not mean anything, I did not intend to be
naughty." I dreaded being punished there in the train.
"Yes," replied Mademoiselle, moving. "Yes, Elise, punish him," she
said, dwelling on the word, "and then sit upon him, until we reach
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" I exclaimed, wriggling.
"Be quiet, you little ass," said Mademoiselle. Elise arose and took
her bag down from the rack over her head, and opening it on her
knees, having again reseated herself, drew out a handkerchief which
she folded and placed between her teeth.
Mademoiselle looked on intently all the time. Elise then caught me
by the wrist, drew me up, and made me stand before her. There was no
occasion for her to slip her other hand, as she did, violently
between my legs, hurting me a good deal, and exciting me more.
"Now, Elise," said Mademoiselle, threateningly, as she observed what
Elise did.
Elise then turned me round and fastened my hands together tightly
behind me. She next encircled me with her arms, unfastened all the
buttons in front of my trousers, undid the braces, and there, in
that public railway carriage, and before Mademoiselle, promptly took
down my trousers.
"Now," she said, making a lag, "you, young rascal, lie down across
my knee."
My cheeks flushed scarlet with shame. I dreaded being whipped. There
was the exposure. The people in the neighbouring compartments would
certainly hear, and I should be publicly disgraced.
"Oh, oh!" I besought. "Don't whip me. Don't. They will hear in the
next carriage. Oh, don't!"
"It would serve you right if they did," rejoined Mademoiselle,
shaking with laughter. And then she continued: "You are not to be
whipped this time, Julian. I am going to see if I can really impress
upon you, that you are a girl."
Elise nodded acquiescence as she said: "Come, no nonsense," and drew
me down. Reassured, but wondering, with some consternation, whatever
was about to be done to me, I lay down.
Elise put her right leg across mine, and her left elbow between my
shoulder blades. She opened the drawers behind, and drew up my
chemise. Then she took something out of her bag which was on the
seat beside. Next I felt her hand on my bottom which she pressed and
fingered, advancing gradually towards its centre. Horror! She had
something cold and hard in her hand, which the motion of the
carriage jerked about; but, terrified at her attempts, lying there
on my stomach across her knee, I grew more scarlet, more ashamed,
than ever.
"What a pretty bottom," observed Mademoiselle. "I really do not
think I have noticed it before."
Still Elise pressed whatever it was she held against the passage or
orifice of my bottom. Terrified, I gave a little scream, and tried
to jump, tried to writhe off Elise's lap on to the floor, to slip
from under her arm. Useless! The only result was a stinging smack.
Then—horror of horrors—the train slackened speed, slowed, stopped!
We had reached Bentley, a junction six miles south of Ipswich.
"Keep him there," called out Mademoiselle, getting up and throwing a
rug over me and over Elise's lap; only my feet sticking out, Elise
holding me as in a steel vice. So during the whole stoppage while
the porters and passengers rambled up and down the platform and
looked into the carriage.
Suppose someone got in! Whatever would happen to me. However, no one
did. In three minutes or less we were off.
"You must wait, Elise—keep him as he is. We shall be at Manningtree
in a very few minutes. When we leave Manningtree you will have a
quarter of an hour before we get to Colchester." 176
As soon as we had left Manningtree Mademoiselle walked along the
carriage, and, standing at my head, held me by the shoulders.
"You must submit," she said. "You have put a certain wicked thing
into a certain part of your cousin, you must now have something put
into—a—certain—part of you."
Elise had got in her hand an ivory knob, about three inches long,
shaped like a closed crocus flower, with a narrow flat band about a
quarter of an inch wide, chased or cut round into it at its base.
The base was fixed to a narrow, thin, and pliable silver crescent.
Elise immediately and more vigorously recommenced operations. She
got the apex of the thing in my rear and forced it into me. I
resisted with all my might, stoutly and vigorously. She pushed
firmly. The resistance hurt me very much, and, besides, the attempt
Elise was making excited me to so great a degree that I could
scarcely contain myself. The combat lasted several minutes. Mons.
Priapus grew larger and larger against Elise's knee.
Her continued efforts convulsed me.
"The beast," Elise exclaimed, looking at Mademoiselle. "The beast—he
has gone off—spent."
At the same instant, however, owing, I suppose, to the involuntary
relaxation of the muscles upon the supervention of the venereal
orgasm, she succeeded in getting the plug right in.
No sooner had she done so, than removing the arm which until then
had been pressing my shoulders, she slipped it round my waist in
front, and made me stand up.
Elise, as I stood shaking and trembling before her, quickly drew up
my trousers and buttoned them. The knob inside did not exactly hurt,
but was immensely inconvenient. The predominating sensation being
that 177
there was a bomb inside, which might explode at any moment, and
which I could not get rid of.
Mademoiselle evidently hugely enjoyed my condition.
"How do you like that?" she enquired. "We have discovered a
vulnerable point. Perhaps you will have more regard for young ladies
in front now that you know they can avenge themselves on your rear.
And indeed you suffer less for that thing will not do what yours
"But Mademoiselle," said Elise, "if you will permit me, I will make
it work too."
"Oh, Mademoiselle, pray, don't; it is enough, too much to have it
there," and I flushed scarlet again at the idea.
"Maud might have said the same to you and yet you pumped what you
could into her."
Again the idea that Maud had asked me at the last moment to desist
crossed my mind. There was now no time to dwell on the subject.
"How do you like that?" Mademoiselle triumphantly asked. "Now sit
Sit down! How could I sit down? Sit down on that thing! No, I was
going to remain on my feet for the rest of the journey. I shuffled
from one foot to the other.
"Sit down," she reiterated, "at once."
"Oh, Mademoiselle, I can't."
"Put him down, Elise."
Elise placed her hands on my shoulders and forced me down with a
cruel bang into the seat which I had occupied before.
I was made to sit well forward so that the cushion pressed the knob
well up and for another purpose too.
"Now, Elise, sit upon him."
Elise stood before me, looked with a smile at my lugubrious
countenance, and then, turning round her back to me, calmly sat down
on my abdomen and legs. Her weight was considerable. What little
resistance I had been able hitherto to make to the pressure of the
cushion was now absolutely out of my power.
The thing was driven well up afresh, and Elise's weight was constant
and drove me down upon it. Then she leant back upon me exactly as
though I had been an armchair, pressing her strong shoulders into my
chest, the nape of her neck and her back hair into my mouth,
nostrils, and eyes; and there she continued to sit, treating me as
an inanimate piece of furniture, moving, crushing, pounding me with
her weight, as the whim took her, so that I panted for air. The
inconvenience of the knob seriously increased and added to the
excruciation of the circumstances.
Mademoiselle quietly read.
My groans, my inarticulate exclamations, my puffings and blowings
amused Elise vastly. Occasionally she would give me a thump with her
elbow, or a series with each one alternately in my ribs, bid me be
quiet, bid me hold my noise, knocking all the breath out of my body
and reducing me to the brink of tears.
I was glad when we reached Colchester shortly after two. But Elise
showed no symptoms of stirring.
As the guard, with a serious face, came up to the window, followed
by a girl, with very pale yellow hair, dressed in brown,
Mademoiselle looked at Elise, and signalled to her with her hand.
Whereupon Elise, to my inexpressible relief, dropped into the seat
beside me. What a sigh of delight I gave as I sat up in the posture
which enabled me to feel that implement inside me least!
Mademoiselle noticed it with a frown, which made me regret my
The next moment the guard unlocked and opened the door, and taking
his cap off, requested Mademoiselle to permit a young lady who was
going to London to have a seat in her carriage as the train was too
I felt certain she knew that something had been going on.
However, she got in as soon as Mademoiselle had politely assented,
and sat down at my right hand, and in a few minutes we were off
again without the prospect of a stoppage until Liverpool Street was
reached at half-past three. So miles passed in silence. The newcomer
had got out a novel which it was plain to me she but pretended to
Mademoiselle condescended to make the same pretence. Elise kept
looking at me menacingly and then at Mademoiselle.
Now, I really could not sit still with that thing inside me and kept
snuffing my feet.
"Sit still Julian," said Mademoiselle.
The yellow-haired damsel looked up interested.
She had a beautiful neck and pretty little ears; her features were
not particularly striking, but the form of her body, her arms, bust,
and lap, were good.
"Why don't you sit still, Julian?" said Mademoiselle, and then after
a pause, speaking slowly and deliberately:
"If you make me speak again," looking full at me, "I shall thrash
you soundly."
The stranger moved in her seat, a slight flush ran over her
countenance, and she put her hand up to the knot of her hair at the
back of her head, displaying her well-shaped arm.
"Is this young gentleman under petticoat-government?" she asked in
rather severe tones. "Now-a-days, when boys are so unruly, it really
does one good to find one who is made to mind."
"I am very pleased," answered Mademoiselle, with that courteous
smile which I hated, "to hear you express such an opinion. Yes, he
is certainly under petticoat-government—under petticoat-punishment,
in fact. My maid was punishing him just before you entered the
"He seems a big boy for it," said the new arrival, scanning me
curiously. "He must be eighteen, I should think. And pray how was
she punishing him? I wish I had been here to see. I thought he
looked very conscious and shamefaced, when I came to the door; and
then when I heard you speak sharply to him, I at once guessed that,
notwithstanding his great size, he was kept in strict subjection."
"Yes, he is," responded Mademoiselle, "and he requires it. And as
for his size and age, petticoat-discipline is more salutary at his
time of life, than if he were still a hobbledehoy. A youth of just
eighteen, which, as you observed, he really quite looks, is
particularly susceptible to women's influence; in fact, I think it
would be a capital thing for all youths, when they leave school, to
be in a young lady's hands, as he has been, to be kept in subjection
until at marriage the yoke is forced upon them once for all. There
would be fewer young fools silly with conceit in the world if this
plan were followed. There is nothing like subjugation to a girl for
taking the conceit and nonsense out of a young man."
"I quite agree with you; but is he not going to college?"
"No; he has been entrusted to me instead; he so misbehaved himself
at home that he is to be deprived of that privilege."
Now this was the first intimation I had received of this decision,
and it came as a revelation and disappointment; for at times when my
thraldom felt most bitter, I had found some consolation in the
reflection that before long I must go to the university. Besides, it
was my right—it would affect my whole position in life.
"Oh, Mademoiselle," I burst out, "of course I shall go to college,
of course I shall go and take a degree. I must have one."
"I shall not permit you to go—my petticoats are your university; how
dare you interrupt and speak to me in that tone?"
"Indeed, I should not allow it. I am quite shocked. He evidently
needs a most severe regime," said, with pious horror, the pretty
light-golden-haired damsel in closely fitting brown frock which set
off her plump figure to perfection.
"And has he not been to school?"
"Oh, yes, but they could not keep him there."
"Oh, Mademoiselle, indeed this is not fair. It's not true," said I
in desperation, "I was not strong enough for school. That was the
reason I was sent home and you know it."
An exclamation of fresh horror on the part of the young lady, in
which Elise seemed to join, greeted this audacious outburst of mine.
A very angry look appeared on Mademoiselle's face.
"I certainly should not permit such—such impudence to pass," said
the stranger, drawing herself up, and sitting back on the seat. "I
understand he was being punished when I got in. I see he richly
deserved it. Pray, do not let my being here prevent his receiving
the treatment he
merits," and she covered me with a look of serious and solemn
"Thank you," calmly said Mademoiselle. And then to me: "How dare
you, Julian, contradict me? How dare you insinuate that my statement
was untrue? Kneel down there this instant!"
The train was rushing on and the carriage oscillating very much;
but, astounded at my own boldness, it never occurred to me to
refuse. I sighed deeply because I knew what was coming, and knelt
down. My hands remained all the time fixed together at my back.
As soon as I was in position, Mademoiselle gave me several stinging
slaps on the cheeks with her gloved hands. At the pain and the
humiliation I nearly burst into tears. "Beg my pardon," she ordered.
I did so.
"If he were my pupil, I should weal his bottom for him with my
lady's riding whip until it looked like a latticed window with the
setting sun shining through."
"You hear, Julian," said Mademoiselle. "That shall be the penalty of
your naughtiness. And now apologize to that young lady for behaving
so before her."
Her little mouth looked very stern and there was a curious light in
her eyes, as I addressed myself as gracefully as I could to this
task. There was a delicious perfume and atmosphere about her and she
told me she thought she too should inflict some chastisement on me.
"Pray, do," cried Mademoiselle, only too pleased. "I will do
something to him," she said flushing a lovely colour, the more
remarkable because of her clear fair complexion, "that my young
brother, who has to wait and attend upon me, particularly hates. It
has the advantage that it can be done anywhere, and it punishes
severely." Proceeding to unglove her dainty hand: "Sit down!" I sat
"Why does he wriggle about on his seat like that? Is there anything
wrong with him?"
"The fact is," answered Mademoiselle, "the young rascal has been
making too free with a cousin and is being taken to town for the
express purpose of being unsexed.
I thought, when he tried to make light of the matter, it would be
well to remind him he was no longer to be a boy, by directing my
maid to insert an ivory instrument—"
"Into him? Capital!" cried the girl, clapping her hands. "Into him?
Behind, you mean. Oh, do take down his trousers and show me. There
is plenty of time; we are not near town yet."
"No, no, no," I cried, I prayed. What an exhibition they proposed
making of me to that strange girl! It was bad enough with them
But Elise, with a smile, had already placed her arm about me, again
unfastened my trousers, and had thrown me over her lap and uncovered
my bottom.
"What a nice one," said the girl, for whose benefit this had been
done, giving it a few slaps with her hand, off which she had taken
the glove, and stroking it as well.
"Put your legs apart. There, you can see the silver plate."
"Take it out and show it to her, Elise. He may as well have the
employment of having it taken out and replaced."
"Oh, please, Mademoiselle! Oh, please, Elise! Oh, oh, don't! Oh, no,
"Gertrude Stormont, if you mean me, you bad boy."
The thought flashed through my mind. I recollected that women named
Gertrude, Aline, Laura, are always inexorable and fond of using the
birch without that voluptuous mercifulness which characterizes the
discipline of an Ellen, a Julia, or a Mary. Names are a certain
index to disposition amongst ladies in society anyhow. A Violet is
strict, but always by coldness, never by active infliction. It is
true my governess was Hortense and her maid, Elise. Anyhow, the
moment I heard the name Gertrude, I felt my fate was sealed.
"If you were in my hands," she went on, "I would take it in and out
with you over my lap for perhaps an hour for my own private
Elise slipped her thumb and finger underneath the plate, and
regardless of my exclamations and cries, pulled the thing out,
holding me down as she handed it to Miss Stormont for her to
"Capital," she said. "And I see there is a hole through it into
which a tube can be screwed. I hope he will find you make use of
"Undoubtedly," observed Mademoiselle.
The implement was then handed to Elise who set about replacing it.
"Keep still—don't wriggle so, lie still, will you?" and she pushed,
and puffed and poked me. Her efforts were useless until she slipped
her left hand down my front. The counter irritation deprived my
resistance of all force. The thing was reinstated.
"Now," said Miss Gertrude, "before his trousers are buttoned up
again, please, let him come to me. I was about to punish him, you
will remember, when I asked to be shown that thing; and I should
still like to be allowed to do so, if I may. I will give him a
peculiarly feminine infliction," she added, with a pretty menacing
"By all means," said Mademoiselle.
"I should have done it without taking his trousers down," she coolly
continued as she drew me towards her with a firmness I could not
withstand, especially on the part of a girl: "but, as they are down,
so much the better. Come here, close to me. So. Now lie backwards.
Yes, backwards, across my knee. Sit on my knee and lie back across
the arm of the seat. Now, no nonsense," she went on, with charming
peremptoriness putting her left arm across the front of my chest and
firmly pushing me backwards into the position she had described. It
gave me the oddest and most disagreeable sensations to find myself
thus face upwards in the arms of a strange girl, my middle, with its
disarranged clothing, all exposed to her, her plump round arm
pressing me down. Bending across me, with a flushed face and flaming
eyes, she made me stretch my legs well apart, pressing the knees
alternately to separate them.
"It increases their punishment," she explained, glancing first at
Mademoiselle and then, for a moment, looking into my own eyes (I
noticed hers were swimming), "to let them see who is doing it."
Assuredly, if queer sensations can be considered punishment, I
received it in full measure. The embarrassment of the position to a
bashful and susceptible young man was extreme.
"Why, good gracious," she exclaimed after a slight further
examination, "I declare he has got a corset, chemise, lady's
drawers, and stockings on. His attire puzzled me a moment ago. What
a splendid idea! Now, young gentleman!"
Tightening the pressure of her left arm, she slipped her ungloved
hand down between my legs and slowly moved it upwards from my knees.
Coming into contact with the sensitive nerves at the insides of my
thighs gave me many a pungent twinge. It was the last place in which
I should have desired a strange young lady's hand to be. I could not
avoid moving about.
The little hand soon reached the angle and to my intense
bewilderment was not withdrawn, as I should have expected, when it
came into contact with what was there. On the contrary I was soon
made very sensible of its cool, soft, deliberate pressure upon a
very sensitive organ which it grasped, accompanied by a fresh liquid
look into my eyes, without the slightest hesitation. I uttered an
inarticulate murmur of pleasure. I could not resist or protect
myself now that she had touched me—indeed, I did not desire too.
But the next instant when with her left hand she commenced to gather
up the chemise and my legs being wide apart, to completely expose
me, my feelings again altered, and I would have protested if I
could. I wriggled about, notwithstanding that the plug from behind
hurt me when I did so, but I could not help it, it was so
embarrassing, so confusing to find a girl's hand, without leave
asked, quietly playing one's secret anatomy.
In a moment I was quite exposed. She scanned me carefully and
leisurely. The look was even worse than the touch. I asked her to
cover me up and received a little mocking laugh in reply as she
continued playing with me. I drew several deep breaths, sighs,
almost groans, and as I gazed at her, at her pretty face, her
bewildering hair, her bewitching little head and ears, the graceful
form of her back and sides, and felt upon me the atmosphere and
perfume of her beautiful body, and remembered she was a stranger,
and realized what she was doing, what she could see, I became much
excited, and Mons. Priapus grew and grew regardless of the presence
he was in.
"I can plainly see the mischief my eyes are doing," she observed to
Mademoiselle. "I must confess" (with a winning smile) "I have often
wished when a gentleman gazed into them, I could just slip my hand
in and gauge their effect exactly. Some naughty boys have a slit in
their trouser's pocket for the purpose."
"Have they, indeed?" said Mademoiselle, moving.
"Yes," answered Miss Stormont, calmly fingering me all the time. "I
found it out from one of my brothers, who is at Eton—not the one I
have already mentioned to you. I discovered that all his trouser's
pockets had each one side of the top unfastened, and I caught him
one day with one of the housemaid's hands in his pocket. He tried to
pretend she was merely seeing for herself whether the pocket was
empty as he had declared to her it was. She was a very pretty girl.
Then I called him to me, and slipping my hand through, shew him I
knew the truth."
"How dreadful! Whatever did you do?"
"I sent him up to my bedroom, and the girl too. I deprived him of
his trousers, made her hold him down, and whipped him soundly. Then
I punished him before her as I am about to punish this youth. After
that, he was made to wear a kilt without drawers for the rest of his
holidays—about town as well as in the house."
Miss Stormont then directed her attention again to me. After my
experience I had not much doubt how she intended to punish me; and I
can safely affirm I squirmed considerably. She increased the
pressure of her leg underneath me, and her arm above, adding to my
troubles and excitement, by driving the plug yet further in. Then
she caught hold of my lance which stood out in the air, her dainty
little hand about it made it grow still more. She moved the foreskin
up and down, causing the most poignant sensations a woman can give a
man. I sighed and sighed. She would not desist. The more I wriggled
the tighter she held me, the more she smiled. Then, at last, with a
cruel jerk, which made me jump and exclaim, she forced the prepuce
right back over the swollen animal, leaving his wet, raw, red head
exposed and wagging in the air.
"There," she cried, with exultation, "now show yourself to
Mademoiselle," and making me stand up and holding up the garments
with both hands, which I could not do myself, as my hands were tied,
she obliged me to turn round and, to my shame, display myself.
Mademoiselle looked, and so did Elise, with pretty shocked
exclamations and heightened colour, whilst Miss Stormont
complacently enjoyed her triumph, and the train rushed on. When they
had gazed as long as they cared, Miss Stormont dropped the garments
and began pulling up my trousers.
Mons. Priapus decreased in stature and girth, but the skin did not
right itself.
"Suppose we leave him so for an hour or two," quietly observed my
fair tormentor. "What he has behind is on your account. What he
suffers in front will atone to me—he has to thank me for it, and it
will teach him in future to restrain his impudence and to behave
himself in the presence of strange young ladies."
She was so charming that really I did not very much regret having
something to thank her for, but I felt woefully uncomfortable,
"Yes, certainly," cried Mademoiselle, delighted. "Button him up,
Elise caught me roughly, and without ceremony bundled me over to
her, and drew up, adjusted, and fastened my clothes. Then I was
again made to occupy the seat between Miss Stormont and herself, my
hands still bound, wretched in front and behind.
"Just before you came in," observed Mademoiselle, "my maid was
sitting on him. Shall she resume her place—or as you have taken
possession of him in front, will—?"
"To be sure I will," exclaimed Miss Gertrude with alacrity before
Mademoiselle had time to finish her sentence.
She jumped up and plumped flop down upon me without another word. I
wriggled into as comfortable a posture as possible and panted for
breath. The more I moved the more closely she pressed me with her
thighs and her pretty back. It was a more agreeable experience than
Elise's sitting on me and she did not treat me so roughly; although
I was pressed well into the arms and cushions, and thoroughly well
oppressed by her, she did not give me the severe and painful nudges
Elise had given me, nor thump me with her elbows. And so the minutes
and the miles passed, Mademoiselle and her new-found friend
chattering and laughing, utterly ignoring me. They compared notes,
chiefly on education; spoke of various instruments of punishment,
told anecdotes, discussed the corset, strait-waistcoat, stocks,
backboards, callisthenics, &c.
Mademoiselle amused her friend hugely by describing the perplexity
of a lady, the mother of a boy and girl, who had been left a legacy
on condition that she dressed them both alike until they attained
twenty-one years of age. She did not know whether to dress both as
boys or both as girls.
"I should have had no difficulty. I should have dressed both as
girls," said Mademoiselle.
"Of course," exclaimed Miss Stormont with a determination and
conviction which settled the question.
By the time we had reached Liverpool Street, Miss Stormont and
Mademoiselle had, to my great dismay, struck up a close friendship
and agreed that they would take rooms at the same hotel. She had
given my governess an account of the slavery in which she kept her
young brother and of the floggings she gave him periodically, not
always because he was naughty, but because she considered them good
for him; and I was very much frightened.
At Liverpool Street I was waddled across to a hansom cab and obliged
to get in first and sit in the middle.
By the time we reached the hotel in Piccadilly what little spirit
remained in me had disappeared.
As the train had sped along, and I had become warm under Miss
Stormont, and my pulse seemed to throb with hers, and our beings
seemed to mingle, I had ventured upon a little affectionate
pressure, at first with extreme hesitation. She took no notice of it
for some time; I repeated it with more assurance.
Her hair, the back of her head, looked so beautiful, she was so
coquettish! Would she betray me? I was not left in doubt long. The
pressure was gently returned, and if she and Mademoiselle had struck
up friendship by the time we reached the station, so had I struck up
a warmer one, and as we got out of the carriage had had a little
glance which told me I was understood. This made me very happy. But
the drive to Piccadilly extinguished it; only for the time though. I
could not help feeling indignant at the calm air of possession with
which the majority of the women we met had plainly contemplated me,
as if I were annexed, and definitely subject to the petticoat, and
they knew it.
The smiling hostess of the quiet private hotel where Mademoiselle
stayed increased my dismay by her curious and intelligent looks at
My bedroom as at home opened off Mademoiselle's, and the landlady
pointed it out incidentally and quite as a matter of course, taking
it for granted it was what Mademoiselle would wish.
I should have expected her to consider it strange that a youth of my
size should sleep in a room to which there was no access but through
a young lady's; and should have been much gratified to find my
expectation realised. But the fact that Mademoiselle was my
governess appeared quite sufficient explanation to her. And if I had
been but five or six years old, I could not have been treated with
more indifference by these women.
I found that Mademoiselle frequently used the hotel, and was
well-known there.
Miss Stormont's room was on the opposite side of the sitting room.
Of course my hands had been unfastened just before we alighted from
the train. The first thing Elise did when we got in, and I was
waiting in the sitting room while the apartments were being decided
upon, was to tie them up again.
And then, with great scorn, they got Sir Dinadan into the forest
there beside, and there they despoiled him unto his shirt, and put
upon him a woman's garment, and so brought him into the field, and
so they blew unto lodging. And every knight went and unarmed him.
Then was Sir Dinadan brought in among them all. And when Queen
Guinevere saw Sir Dinadan brought so among them all, then she
laughed that she fell down. So did all that were there.
Mort d'Arthur
The chief effect of my treatment at the time was undoubtedly a
delicious delirium of priapism which fitted me for the
accomplishment of one of the reputed labours of the redoubtable
knight, the Sieur Hercules, who, in the course of one night got
fifty girls with child, if my memory does not deceive me.
There was a delicious contrast between Mademoiselle de Chambonnard
and Gertrude Stormont.
Mademoiselle, dark and peremptory, and "capaciously serene," to use
an expression of Wordsworth's, reminded me of Zenobia, Queen of the
East, while Gertrude was the impersonation to me of Vivien, in the
Idyll of Merlin and Vivien.
It is difficult to convey in words the multiplicity, the
multifariousness of women upon me, to which, at that moment of
fatigue after my journey, I felt exposed, and my effort to convey it
may appear somewhat rhapsodical. With the influence of Mademoiselle
and of Gertrude was joined that of my laughter-loving Venus,
Beatrice, and of Maud. Agnes was an indistinct, undivided part of
the potion which made me love sick.
My second feeling was an extraordinary and ecstatic exaltation of
all my faculties, particularly of my memory.
I had an extraordinary envy of old Merlin always. No doubt he had
Vivien towards the close of that dreadful storm before he told her
the charm, and no doubt it was delicious to have a creature like she
I think it was Miss Stormont's light golden hair, which, as she sat
on my lap, was very conspicuously placed before me, that first set
my thoughts rambling on the "wily Vivien."
A twist of gold was round her hair; a robe
Of samite without price that more express
Than hid her, clung about her lissom limbs,
In colour, like the satin-shining palm,
On sallows like windy gleams of March.
And then that glance I had just as we were getting out of the
carriage, lit up by the fire of her hazel blue eyes after:
She had made her little arm round my neck
Tighten, and then drew back and let her eyes
Speak for her, glowing on me like a bride's
On her new lord, her own, the first man.
How well I could imagine Gertrude saying in her petulant way:
They, ladies, never made unwilling war
With those fine eyes: she had her pleasure in it,
And made her good man jealous with good cause.
And so I longed for this beautiful gilded summer fly. Beatrice was
far away. Mademoiselle would keep. Gertrude might vanish tomorrow. I
longed to love them all in her, and herself above all. I longed to
possess the paradise beneath her petticoats.
My heart panted as I hoped.
I felt nothing. I thought of her lovely figure in its beautiful
setting of close-fitting ruddy brown, which, like Vivien's samite
robe, "more express than hid her." I listened for her voice.
But Gertrude was even more delectable in my opinion than Vivien. She
possessed the latter's wiliness, limberness, lissomness,
clingingness; but Vivien was something of a witch, venomous,
spiteful, and Gertrude was not. Gertrude was a much more
comfortable, robust, voluptuous girl with no disquieting airiness,
without the subtle penetrating brain, too acute to be sensual.
I knew Gertrude was sensual or she would not have taken such delight
in torturing me as she did. I know she was so, for she looked for
some response from me. Oh! When should I feel my face between those
soft, satiny thighs which had so long oppressed me; when should I
feel my lips in contact with the fountain of her being, and know
that she was expiring from the delight that I gave her? When should
I die with delirious joy in her arms possessed by a fair prospect of
being at last incarnated by some woman!
The door opened. A tall and beautiful parlour maid advanced to the
table. Mademoiselle had given standing orders that no men were to
come to her apartments. We had had a substantial luncheon before we
started at noon. There was a large dish of sweet biscuits, three
glasses, and two small bottles of Perrier-Jouet. The maid looked at
me and departed, too well trained to give a sign of any sort.
Where was Mademoiselle? Where was Gertrude? How would she look
without her hat?
Yes, Gertrude had Vivien's sweet eyes, but they were blue-hazel, and
Vivien's must have been a shade of brown, she was so deceitful—a
Having concluded my reverie, I began to feel uncomfortable. I was
grimy and dusty; and besides my condition in front (and I really
the thing would strangulate), and the plug behind, there was
something else.
We had lunched substantially at twelve, and had gone direct from the
luncheon table to the carriage. Whether I had drunk more than usual,
or whether the corset was tighter than usual, I do not know; but I
longed to be alone, with my hands free, in a bedroom for a few
moments. Had my hands been free, I think I should have risked all
and ventured into the corridor, even asked that stately, distant,
silent, observant parlour maid for a lavatory. I had not to wait
much longer. Mademoiselle and Gertrude entered the room together.
They looked fresh and bright.
"Julian," said Mademoiselle, "Miss Stormont will occupy that room,
and you—you—are to sleep in the little one off it"—nodding to the
apartment I had understood was to be hers—"and I shall place you
free in Miss Stormont's hands. She has begged you from me till
tomorrow morning. I congratulate you and hope you will prove
yourself not altogether unworthy of the honour."
I flushed with delight, exclaimed eagerly: "Oh, Mademoiselle!" and
looked with love, gratitude, and admiration at Gertrude.
"You see ladies can be kind sometimes," Gertrude remarked, looking
at me with a look that spoke; "and as you are to be made a girl
tomorrow, I have asked Mademoiselle to let me have what remains of
the boy. But," putting up a finger, "you are not to consider
yourself anything more than a boy, and"—giving her petticoats a
whisk—"I shall treat you exactly like a child."
While she said this Mademoiselle undid my hands and gave me a
playful pat on the cheek by way of emancipation.
"I am going out presently with Elise," said the Mademoiselle. "I
have arrangements to make and people to see. We shall dine at eight
here. Mind you are very obedient while I am away."
Gertrude looked at me.
"Yes," I said eagerly, willingly, "I will do all she tells me, all
she wishes."
She smiled.
"Not too fast," she observed. "Remember that hollow tube; remember
the faults you have to expiate; remember my little riding-whip, and
your impudence to Mademoiselle in the carriage."
I own I felt a little terrified at this category. But to be for
hours in Gertrude's possession, alone with her all night, what a
prospect of intense happiness unalloyed. Suddenly a fear struck me.
"You are not going out, too?" I exclaimed.
"No," she answered, amused at my eagerness, "and I am going to stay
here and look after you."
"Come, come, Julian," laughed Mademoiselle. "Come and make yourself
useful. Do not stand there as if you were in an enchanted palace,
some bewitched prince, and we two princesses who have captivated
you. Open that wine."
"Ganymede!" uttered Gertrude.
Variable and changeable indeed, thought I, oh, Virgil, are women.
I opened the wine. We ate sweet biscuits and drank it. They petted
and fed me. Gertrude made me sit by her, and call her "Mamma." That
was the culmination of my bliss.
The disconsolate Elise appeared and gave me an angry look. She was
laden with Mademoiselle's walking things. Mademoiselle had changed
her travelling dress and looked more lovely than ever in her stylish
hat and gown. She gave me her hand to kiss, nodded to
Gertrude with a merry smile. I opened the door; they passed through
it. When they had gone some little way along the corridor, I shut
it. Turning round I saw Gertrude reclining in an easy chair,
watching me, and I was alone—alone with her.
"Well, Julian?" she said softly.
"Oh, Miss Stormont, Miss Stormont!" I exclaimed, flushing all
manners of colours.
"Miss Stormont!" she repeated. "What do you mean? What did I say you
were to call me?"
"Mamma," I exclaimed, kneeling by her side, and, catching her hand,
I pressed it to my lips, while she moved in her chair in a way I
immediately recognised, intoxicated with the knowledge that I could
give her pleasure.
"Yes, Mamma," she repeated, stroking my hair with her hand. "And
now, you bold boy, you seem to be very much in love. Pray with whom
are you so taken?"
"Oh, Miss Stor—oh, Mamma! With you—whom else?"
"In love with your mamma!" she said with mock severity, but moving
again. "Don't you know," flushing, "that is very improper, very
wrong, very wicked. Pray, what do you want your mamma to do? I fear
you would like to commit incest!"
She moved again. Her legs were uncrossed and wide apart. I could
hardly believe my eyes. She was plainly love sick. I became vain and
conceited on the instant.
"Yes," I said, flushing the colour of a crimson peony. "Yes, that is
She put her "lady palm" across my mouth.
"Go into my bedroom, you bold boy, and I will come and talk to you
I went and leant against the pretty bed. The room was thickly
carpeted, the window curtained.
Gertrude came in and locked the door.
"I must see," she said, coming up to me, "how you are. I do not
think it is good for you to remain any longer in the condition in
which I put you in the train."
She seemed to have quite forgotten my declaration.
"Besides," she went on, "you were left in the sitting room, while
Mademoiselle and I were changing our things. You must want to wash
your hands and face—and—and—to do something else, too," with a
delightfully quizzical look, which embarrassed me extremely. "And
there is some hot water here; and this—" as she opened a drawer and
shew me a long tube with a bulbous thing in its centre. I knew what
it was and turned pale. "And yet you want to love your mamma, you
indecent boy!" with a pat on my face. I caught her hand and kissed
"Well, you must first obey her," as she unbuttoned my trousers.
Her soft and nimble fingers quickly undid and drew them down.
"Naughty boy! Its mamma must really take its little trousers off.
Take off your jacket and waistcoat first, Julian. Now your shoes.
Now slip off the trousers—yes, right off."
She next unfastened my corset and drawers, and I stood before her in
chemise and stockings.
She turned me backwards over the bed, with my chemise over my
breast; from the tops of my stockings to it, I was exposed to her
searching gaze, and she gloated upon what she saw.
"Poor fellow!" she said, presently. "How swollen, how red, how
inflamed he is! I must set him right."
Her soft hand was soon upon me, and a little very exciting
determination effected her purpose. I gave a sigh of intense relief.
"Now you must turn over," she ordered, leaving me and going to the
wash-hand-stand where she poured out some hot water into the basin
and tempered it with cold. "Mademoiselle has told me how you behaved
to your cousin Maud. I feel it my duty to make you feel something of
what you did to her."
"Oh, please, Mamma! Oh, please, please, Miss Stormont!"
"Now," she said, lifting her finger, "you must obey. Remember, I
have a little whip. I am not at all sure that I am not under an
obligation—a promise—to wale your bottom for you, you great, big,
naughty child! I advise you not to recall it to my recollection. I
shall not hurt you, Julian," she added, as she observed my look of
As she uttered the word "bottom," she blushed divinely.
I turned over. She put a chair by the bed beside me, and an end of
the tube into the basin of water, which she set upon it.
"Oh, Mamma," I said, "please! I do not know how to tell you, but
there is something I want to do, must do, first."
"You must tell me!"
"I can't! Oh! Ever since lunch—all the way in the train, I could not
get out; and here I have had no opportunity."
It was such a terrible thing to have to tell a woman, and my
thoughts reverted to Beatrice, and to that night in the bedroom. I
was glad that now it was not quite as bad as then.
"I can guess," said Gertrude slyly and sweetly. "It wants to be held
out, the big baby!" What a womanly girl she looked.
"Yes," I said blushing.
"Well! Say, please, Mamma, may I pee before you punish me?"
"Oh, Gertrude!"
"Gertrude! Sir, how dare you!"
"Oh, please, Mamma!"
"Well go on—"
"Oh! I was going to ask, don't make me say that—"
"I daresay—you must say it, if you want to, or you shall not do it.
Now, choose!"
And before my beautiful Vivien, I had to say those words; hiding my
face, doing all I could to conceal it. I seemed to give her
wonderful pleasure, and I suppose I looked very artless and
attractive, for she kissed me.
"Get the pot," she said, her eyes full of mischief. "Put it on the
"Now, come," she said, taking hold of me and walking me over to the
chair. She put her right arm round me from the back and held up my
"Now Baby, Baby, tiddley, tiddley—be quick!"
I laughed. "I can't," I exclaimed.
"Nonsense, Baby. Baby must."
"Oh, Mamma! You darling," I exclaimed.
"Baby be dear boy. Baby do what his mamma wants him to, and not keep
her waiting."
This aspect of the affair settled the matter.
Baby did.
"Good boy!" said his mamma.
Then baby put the vessel under the valance and lay face downwards on
the bed.
His mamma, charming girl that she was, stroked his bottom and
explained his wickedness to him while she screwed in the tube. Then
as baby groaned, she filled the bulb full, and with an arm and a
hand on the small of baby's back, squeezed it, and I felt the warm
water enter into my bowels.
"Baby not be naughty with his cousin any more," she said, her sweet
womanliness overpowering me as releasing the pressure of her hand
she let the tube fill again, "for his mamma does not like to have to
punish him but when he is naughty she must," squeezing the now full
bulb again.
"Oh! Oh! No more." I felt I should burst. "Oh, Mamma! Oh, Gertrude!
Oh, my dear Mamma! Oh! Oh! Oh!"
"Yes. Baby must be thoroughly punished; his bottom must be made to
The idea of her being conscious of what I was undergoing; of her,
Gertrude Stormont, the stranger who had entered the railway carriage
at Colchester, the beautiful girl in the brown dress with the golden
hair and her ladylike refinement, doing this to me, filled me with
all manner of sensations, pleasant and unpleasant. I could not
Again the bulb was pressed, and at last the gurgle in the basin told
me the allotted portion was exhausted.
"There," she said, withdrawing the whole instrument, "I think I have
punished you well."
"Take this dressing gown of mine; put it about you—there is a
bathroom at the other side of the passage. Go and have a bath and
then come back to me."
I went. I cannot describe the multitude of feelings with which I was
I bathed, and did more; the bathroom possessed all the necessary
accommodation of course—though really the sanitary arrangements of
these private hotels are not all up to date, not all that could be
Wrapping myself up, I returned up, I returned to Gertrude. Her hair
was down; the snake of gold which had withheld the braid had been
removed. She was combing its lovely, gorgeous, waving masses with a
maidenly pride.
"Oh, my beautiful Mamma!" I exclaimed.
She had removed her dress also, and was in a pretty peignoir. My
dressing gown was all I had on; the stockings and chemise I threw on
the bed.
Without a word she got up and taking hold of the dressing gown,
opened it, and threw it off my shoulders.
She made me walk about the room and at length said: "Now, Julian!
What have you to say to me?"
"Oh, Gertrude! I mean Mamma, I—I—love you!"
"You, very naughty boy!" she answered with mock disapprobation but
smiling and evidently well pleased as she moved towards a
satin-covered couch on which there was a great square pillow and
reclined upon it her golden hair like an aureole about her fair
face. "Don't you know, don't you remember, I have already told you
that it is very wicked to entertain such feelings for your mamma?"
There was a strange gleam in her eyes as she said this which
immediately excited my wonder. I did not know what she was driving
at and was considerably puzzled. As to my feelings, however, there
was no opportunity for being puzzled. How attractive, how desirable
she looked, as she lay there in a dishabille of the most alluring
kind, one slender leg unveiled almost to the knee and the other far
away from its sister at the other side of the sofa. When a young
lady sits edgewise upon a table, she is said to be in want of a
husband; when she lies on her back in the presence of a naked young
man, careless about her clothing, her eyes aflame, and her legs well
separated, it may safely be affirmed she wishes to welcome that
young man to her arms. But then why baulk him with all this talk,
this fiction of being his mamma? I suppose it excited her. No doubt
the idea of being possessed by, of yielding to her son, gave a
peculiar, a poignant zest to it, which the ordinary humdrum everyday
copulation of a youth and maiden would have been without. And to
this sense of double possession and power must, I think, be
attributed the treatment most stepmothers accord their stepsons. It
causes a peculiar especial flavour to the lust. A strong stimulant
to the imagination, which no woman can say "No" to, and as they are
too conventional, or want the courage to act as Parisina, they 206
take it out on their stepsons with their riding whips, or slippers,
or tawses under cover of salutary discipline.
My "Mamma" bid me kneel down by her side and tell her all about it.
I obeyed and clasped her lithe form with my arms, her clinging and
thin garments permitting me to feel her soft plump form beneath
them, and as I grasped her she thrilled.
"Julian," she said in low sweet tones looking at me with her
swimming eyes, "in the train I felt you, yes, actually felt you
making love to me and—and—"
I slipped my hand on to the lovely leg nearest to me and let it move
upwards. I felt she had no drawers on, my hand was upon the smooth
roundness of her thigh. I moved up her clothes and saw the delicate
pink flesh which I kissed. Her own left hand upon my shoulders drew
me from my kneeling position over her.
"How dare you?" she said.
"Oh, Mamma, Mamma, I do love you so!" And I gazed into her eyes and
ventured to kiss her ruby lips.
She put her right hand round my back, and holding my mouth to hers
gave me a long clinging kiss, inserting her tongue between my lips
in quest of my own, moving up and down as she did so.
"You—you—must say what you want, you must ask me—to—let you—"
I guessed what was necessary. How strange it is that the more
refined the girl the more she loves to be shocked.
"Oh, Gertrude!"
"Gertrude," she repeated scornfully.
"Oh Mamma dear, please let me—fuck you—" and I hid my face in her
Her arms were about me instantly.
"Did Baby want to do anything so naughty to its own mamma?" she
asked. "Well den it sail, kiss me den!"
With my lips upon her warm, wet, open mouth and my eyes fixed upon
hers, half covered by their drooping lips, I removed her petticoats
and ensconced myself between her limbs, naked from the tops of her
stockings, rejoicing in the contact of her flesh with mine. Her legs
enlaced themselves at my back and made me a happy prisoner. I opened
her peignoir at the neck, and caressed the full round globes of her
bosom, removing my mouth from hers to cover them and her neck with
burning kisses. Her right hand had not been idle. It had been
playing with that instrument which was to outrage her so sweetly and
had excited it and enlarged it greatly.
"It must be put in there," she said, directing it. "It is nicer
having itself uncovered by me there than by my hand, isn't it,
"Yes," said I, beside myself.
"Oh! Oh! Oh! Naughty, naughty boy! Oh, Julian! Oh, Baby! Oh! Oh!
Push him further in—there," as she embraced me with all her
"Oh, Mamma! Dear Mamma!" I exclaimed as, after a moment's sweet
tossing by her, which I felt to my fingers' tips, and a moment's
determination to keep the position I had gained, from which, indeed,
her strong legs at my back made any retreat impossible, I shuddered,
and sank upon her luxurious form, as, with passionate force, the
spasmodic injection of the essence of my being into hers was
accomplished. Her bosom rising and falling rapidly, herself in a
exquisite love sickness, she held me tightly, scarcely relaxing her
"Baby has—done—it—to please himself. Now he must do it to please his
Now what with the fatigues, excitement, and experiences I had gone
through, added to which was the tremendous outburst of passion I had
just given her, I was very much afraid I could not repeat the
performance; but at any cost, I would not confess this impotence.
She moved up and down, and moved her hands about me and I puffed and
blew and endeavoured to realise where I was and with whom, with some
She grew a little impatient.
"Do you really deserve to have lady's drawers and petticoats on?
Come, Julian, how did you feel in them? Very naughty, eh? Is it not
much nicer to be—between a lady's legs—to be inside—actually inside
her—than merely—to wear—her clothes? I shall whip—you—if you don't
obey. I shall—replace that thing—here," she said, moving her fingers
to the very spot, and finding how it excited me, kept them there,
"if—if you are not quick-only think-your mamma—what a privilege!
What a favour! Come, Julian, do as your mamma wishes, or—she will
smack your—your bottom. She will whip it and cover it with wales if
you don't."
How she harped upon being my mamma while I was in that position!
"Come, Julian—you must—must—fuck your mamma again, because she tells
you to," blushing with exquisite confusion.
The chief delight to her lay not in the gratification of love, or
lust, but in the simulation of incest. How curious, how odd, the
fascination of vice! How depraved, what a thorough woman Gertrude
was! And, strange to say, I liked her the better for it.
And I was between her legs, in the closest possible contact with
her. And then the idea of the lady's drawers, and of the little whip
wielded by her alabaster arms which made such delightful bracelets,
so warm, so soft, so yielding, and yet so strong for me. My passion
again culminated; again as she gasped with love, I gave her whole
desire, in the strong convulsion of ecstasy.
"Oh, Gertrude Stormont! Oh, Mamma!"
She kissed me, called me "good boy," drew me to her side, and placed
my head next hers on the pillow, covering me with her garments, and
then we must have both fallen asleep, the last thing that I remember
being her placing her right leg across me. Her arm lay across my
neck and the gentle pressure of her form thus upon mine inspired me
with delicious dreams.
I was awakened by her shaking my shoulder. Why does the woman always
wake the first? Probably because she is insatiable.
"You lazy boy! You lazy Julian! Now-Baby-Baby-awake! It is" (kiss)
"just" (kiss) "seven o'clock." And she locked me in her arms. "Jump
up, and help your mamma to dress!"
"Oh, Mamma!" I exclaimed, rubbing my eyes, and smiling at her. "Oh,
Mamma dear!"
That night I was attired as a young man for once again in my
life—trousers, a stiff shirt, an open waistcoat, socks. It
positively felt a strange garb and I felt at a loss and
uncomfortable in it. I retreated into my room; I washed, dressed,
and returned to Gertrude. I found the stockings she wished to wear,
changed those she had on for them; and anyone who has done this
office for a lady will understand how much the words mean—the
tremulous blushes, the stolen looks and touches they include. I
found her her silken chemise and drawers, her satin corset, which I
laced, and her evening dress, which I fastened. I handed her her
bracelets and jewels, and admired her shapely arms as she
knotted up her hair and fixed it with a stab of an agate pin studded
with diamonds.
When she was dressed Gertrude turned and gave me a glittering smile
looking so fresh and beautiful in her exquisite toilette of faint
pink, that, without delay, I fell in love with her over again. It
was this lovely form, I reflected, that had sat so long upon my lap
in the train, those hands that had invaded my privacy, and
subjugated my rebellious male sex, those bright eyes that had seen
all I had to show.
She smiled at me and daintily raising her voluminous and clinging
drapery from her feet, showed me her low-cut shoes and slender
ankles in the pink, open-work silk stockings I had had the privilege
of putting on for her; so high did she raise them that I gained a
glimpse of the trimming of her pink silk skirt-drawers.
"Oh, Mamma, Mamma!" I exclaimed, falling on my knees and clasping my
hands before her divinely corseted and dressed form. I kissed the
backs of her hands one after the other as they held up her skirts.
"Julian, how impressed you appear to be! Would you," with a lovely
flush, "like to lose yourself, to be smothered in all this
drapery—under—under my petticoats?" And she gazed at me inquiringly
and archly half lifted them.
"Above all things!" I cried with enthusiasm.
So with a charmingly mischievous air she walked across to where I
was kneeling and threw her skirts over my head and lifted her legs,
one by one, across my shoulders.
"Oh! Oh! Oh! Julian!" she exclaimed, moving rapturously. "Oh, Baby!
Whoever taught you to do it so well?" as I found, amid her glowing
flesh, her well-developed clitoris and tickled it vigorously with my
"Oh!" she cried. "Stop! You must let me lean against the bed." There
I continued my delightful task and tasted and swallowed the divine
nectar of the woman I loved.
Mademoiselle very soon returned and we went to dinner. Mademoiselle
was in very high spirits, declaring London of all places the most
charming, saying she was positively obliged to me for having
occasioned the visit.
"I have got a box for the Gaiety tomorrow night and you shall attend
us in your smartest corset, Miss," she said to me. "Your smartest
corset! Oh, I have seen such lovely ones! I wonder how you will like
the regime of the stay-lace!"
Gertrude's pretty assumption of authority over me thrilled me as did
also her constant glances. I looked at her silently in reply.
Towards the end of dinner Mademoiselle made an observation to me to
which I replied rather petulantly.
"His trousers make him uncommonly pert," observed Mademoiselle.
"Yes," rejoined Gertrude, "he shall be punished after dinner by
being deprived of them and of all his masculine garments; and as we
have no others to give him just now he will have to remain without
any at all."
Mademoiselle looked at me with a provoking little smile and a
sparkle of satisfaction in her eyes as much as to say: "How will you
like that, I wonder?" Aloud she said: "I am glad your mamma keeps
you well under her thumb. She evidently knows how to deal with a
precocious boy."
The prospect of being despoiled of all my male finery which gave me
position and dignity and a sense of my importance by these two
exquisite damsels upon whom I gazed noting their lips and features,
their busts, their unveiled, swelling, and rounded bosoms, their
arms, their waists, and their petticoats, filled me with a delicious
tremor and a sweet confusion. A sense of their feminine sex
overwhelmed me, intoxicated me. My heart palpitated to such an
extent as almost to suffocate me and effectually prevented my
eating. I knew as sure as fate that as soon as the dessert had been
cleared away I should have to undergo my doom.
Fresh glasses were put on the table, the dinner things had all gone.
Mademoiselle had informed the maid that she would ring if anything
was required. The coffee was filling the room with its fragrance
when Mademoiselle flung herself upon the couch and placed a
cigarette between her lips.
"Now, Julian," said Gertrude peremptorily, "I really am very sorry
but I cannot overlook your disrespect to Mademoiselle. You must be
taught to behave properly and with due deference to young ladies.
Come here! I must deprive you of your trousers and of these other
things," she continued, twitching my shirt, "which seem to inspire
you with such boldness—you are evidently not fit to wear them. Your
discipline does not even yet seem to have impressed you with
sufficient awe of the petticoat. Perhaps when you have no clothes on
your feelings will induce you to behave more decorously."
"Oh, Gertrude! Oh, Mamma! Someone may come in," cried I, standing up
and trembling, while Mademoiselle smiled on the sofa sending little
rings and wreaths of smoke up to the ceiling from her dainty mouth.
"I cannot help that," replied she, taking me by the shoulders. "If
they do, you must regard it as a part of the penalty you have to
She slipped her hand down to my waist as she faced me and unfastened
the buttons all the way down the front of my principal garment. Then
she undid the braces and pulled them down. She next did the same
with my drawers.
She made me seat myself and took my clothes including the shoes and
socks off and deposited them on a chair some distance away. "There!
I have taken charge of them. Now, come, your jacket, your waistcoat,
no nonsense!"
And I stood there in my shirt, which barely came down to my braces.
She undid my tie with scant ceremony and took off the collar,
unfastening the three studs of my shirt. Notwithstanding my
protests, she gathered up its skirts and lifted it off over my head.
My vest scarcely concealed my nakedness and the next moment that too
was unbuttoned and I was deprived of it.
"This I believe," she said pulling me in front, "this ugly thing is,
I believe, the cause of all your naughtiness!"
"He will have it cut off tomorrow," calmly observed Mademoiselle.
"Oh! Oh!" I exclaimed shuddering. "Not really?"
"We shall see," she remarked.
"Now, Julian, tomorrow morning when you have to dress you will have
to pay for these garments before I shall give them back to you,"
went on Gertrude menacingly.
"I think he should be well birched," remarked Mademoiselle, who had
an inordinate affection for the birch. "The birch," she exclaimed,
"warms a bold boy's bottom more to a lady's satisfaction than
anything else. It is so delightful to feel that one has made a boy's
bottom smart, and burn so much that he ardently wishes he had not
"I dare say you may find it very desirable to birch him,
Mademoiselle, but he will not get his clothes back without becoming
acquainted with my little riding whip. I long to lay it across his
bottom," said Gertrude, passing her hand over that part of me which
they both took so much strange delight in repeatedly naming.
"For your vest and shirt you will receive three strokes each; for
your drawers, as a more important and indispensable article, six;
and for your trousers as the most important, and the most emblematic
garment, a dozen."
"Now go," continued Gertrude with her delightfully imperious and
dictatorial manner, "now go and kneel before Mademoiselle and beg
her pardon."
"Pray, Mademoiselle, forgive me," I said scarcely venturing to raise
my eyes to her face. She took no notice of me for quite ten minutes.
When she had finished her cigarette she sat up.
"Come closer to me," she ordered, "and keep your hands behind you."
Then, with her bare arms and dainty hands, she slapped my cheeks.
"Now I shall slap something else," she added. "Lie across my knee."
I lay somewhat bewildered with the shock of the pretty palms across
her silken gown, and received a severe, nursery punishment from her
dimpled hand.
"Thank me!" she ordered, when it was over. How her little hand could
I obeyed.
"Gertrude," she said, "he has made me so naughty, you really must
let me subject him to my petticoats."
By all means!
Mademoiselle moved to a low armchair, bade me seat myself in front
of her, and while Gertrude cracked walnuts and drank, or rather
sipped, Burgundy at the table, Mademoiselle held my head between her
exquisite thighs and I was made to kiss and lick her mouth with a
moustache, which I found in a very excited state indeed.
"I see where he learnt that before," observed Gertrude.
"Oh—so—you—oh—oh Julian! So you—made him—oh, oh, oh—do it to you?"
observed Mademoiselle as she lay back in her chair in the most
abandoned attitude, her arms dangling at each side of her, her
beautiful chest expanded, her legs stretched straight out across my
shoulders tightly grasping my head, almost fainting with the love
sickness I was causing her.
I was soon deluged but was not allowed to rise. She retained me in
that position while she and Gertrude chatted. She stretched out her
hand for her glass. At intervals I kissed her. I determined now to
excite her to please myself without waiting for her bidding. She
kept me there and must take the consequences, so I determinedly
inserted my tongue.
"Oh, you naughty boy! You naughty boy!" she cried moving violently
and much more energetically. I could feel her flesh. I persisted
tickling her clitoris with all my might; at last she was overcome
and obliged to give me what she had before obliged me to receive.
"Oh, Julian! You have gained quite a little love victory of your
own. Would you like now what you wanted so much that morning?"
"Oh, Mademoiselle!" I cried, at length released, my eyes sparkling.
"Yes, yes, above all things!"
"Are you quite sure you want it still?" she asked, in her pretty
teasing way. "Are you not"—delight in tantalising me—"too tired?"
"Oh, no, no, no! I do want it. Oh! Above all things."
"Very much—are you sure?"
"Oh, Mademoiselle!" I exclaimed, gazing at her, speechless from my
delirium of delight. The idea of possessing or being possessed by
that 218
exquisite being who had inspired me with such feelings towards her
almost took away my senses.
"Very well; you must ask your mamma's permission first though."
"Please, Mamma," said I instantly, addressing myself to Gertrude.
"Please, Mamma. May I do what Mademoiselle wants?"
"Oh, you wretch!" exclaimed Mademoiselle, again reclining on the
couch. "What you want to do with me, you mean."
"What I want to do to her," I repeated.
"Whatever can that be?" said Gertrude, pretending to be puzzled and
looking up with a horrid little smile at the ceiling affecting an
air of absolute innocence.
"Please, Mamma, may I—"
"Well what?"
"May—may—may I fuck Mademoiselle?" and I hung my head and again
covered my face with my hands.
"You indecent young rascal. How dare you? Mademoiselle, do you wish
this boy to—to fuck you?" (How Gertrude, like other refined young
ladies I have known, loved to say naughty words!)
"Yes, yes!" exclaimed Mademoiselle. "He must."
"Must!" exclaimed Gertrude. "Dear me. Well, you may, but you must do
it before me."
"Come," said Mademoiselle eagerly, her hand already lifting her
"Oh, I hope—I hope—we shall have a baby!"
"Oh, you Monster!" exclaimed both the girls.
Mademoiselle drew me to her breast between her legs, and at last I
lay in that paradise I had so longed to enter.
She was nicer, softer, and warmer than Gertrude. I lay upon her as
though I had found everlasting peace after a long quest.
Gertrude stood over us. I never until then felt what nakedness was.
My intense appreciation of it transfigured me with passion.
"I must feel how he does it," she said, placing her hand upon me.
Mademoiselle strained me to her bosom.
Gertrude's hand urged me to the delicious task I had to perform.
A pause, another long sigh, Mademoiselle's eyes softly closing, her
mouth apart, her lips deliciously moist, as I entered further and
beyond the gate, as she came more and more under the divine
My whole being seemed to be concentrating itself in the spasm that
was about to overtake me—it came. My love, my soul, my existence
were conveyed to my sweet cruel mistress amid her soft inarticulate
murmurs more grateful to my ears than any other music could be.
"How the little heart does beat!" exclaimed Gertrude, who would not
even then remove her hand which, upon my highly excited nerves and
sensitive organ, stimulated them almost to frenzy. I begged her to
remove it.
"No, I shall not!" she said, still holding me tightly.
I feared she would rupture me.
"Have you been sufficiently—fucked?" asked the naughty Gertrude.
"Oh, Gertrude! Oh, Julian, you dear boy!" cried Mademoiselle,
kissing me.
"Now come with me to my bedroom," said Gertrude. "How dare you
behave like that to a young lady, you naked animal? And before your
mamma, too!"
"Now, into bed," she said, leading me to it, giving me a big bumper
of red wine. "I shall come to you presently."
I lay dozing. Gertrude awoke me after some little time. She was as
completely naked as myself.
"I will teach you that a young gentleman does not come to his
mamma's bed to sleep!" she said, with a pleasantly menacing tone,
slipping into the bed. I was on my back. She extended herself upon
me, holding me close with one arm, while, with the other, she
excited my virility in a way she knew to perfection, even more than
Mademoiselle. This was the revenge of her jealousy!
Her being over me was a strange—a new experience to me. She pressed
me down and I lay completely at her mercy. Her legs held me and I
could not escape from the tight wedding ring she slipped off and on
to Mons. Priapus, up and down, until he was beside himself, and kept
him there.
"Now, Julian, not till I tell you, mind!"
She proceeded to work herself into an ecstasy of excitement,
positively perspiring, glowing with her efforts, kissing me
passionately. I restrained myself as well as I could.
"Oh! Ah! Oh, Gertrude! Oh, I must, I must!" The contact against mine
of her breasts, of her hair, the extent to which she made me feel
the fire of her eyes, excited me to distraction.
"Not yet," she answered. "You must not yet. You must restrain
yourself. I will teach you to please a lady. You must not, without
permission—you shall not!"
"Oh, oh, oh! What shall I do? Gertrude-my own!"
She increased my trial by playing with my testicles with her hand,
covering my mouth with her dewy, little, unfolded rosebud of a
At last I felt her flush.
"Now," she said. "Good boy to have withstood so long—now—now"—in a
soft low tone—"now—fuck your mamma."
A sigh—throb—throb—throb—throb—throb—throb—throb-throb.
"Oh, Julian, you angel!" as she at the same moment gave herself to
the love fit.
"Well," thought I, "love makes life worth living. No wonder it is
said to make the world go round!"
We fell asleep, and awoke not until the morning.
"Time to arise," then exclaimed Gertrude. "Go and get the chocolate.
You will find it on the table outside the door—no, go as you are;
yes, naked. I love to see you so. You look so interesting with that
shame-faced look. Shame positively becomes you, you naughty, naughty
boy, to have slept with your mamma!"
Before I went I kissed my mamma well on her face, eyes, mouth,
inserted my tongue into her pink, seashell-like ears, descended to
the red and white roses of her bosom, thence downwards along the Via
I brought in the chocolate; we drank it very happily together.
"Julian, what are you dreading?" asked Gertrude, noticing a certain
amount of gloom upon me, which was caused by my dread that that
night would be the last of my joy, as Mademoiselle had expressed her
determination to have me circumcised and castrated.
The Jews, I knew, were circumcised, and yet had plenty of children.
It was the gelding, the castration, I feared.
I told Gertrude my dread.
"Mademoiselle will, I believe, have you circumcised, but I am
equally certain you will have nothing more done to you. Mademoiselle
is determined that you shall be punished for seducing Maud and that
you shall bear the marks of her displeasure as long as you live. It
won't do you any harm. Besides, she would be afraid to keep you with
the girls unless you were so punished as to make her pretty sure you
would not repeat the offence with Bee or Agnes."
"But does it hurt?"
"Yes, I think it does—like having your ears pierced; and you will be
sore for quite eight days. Have you not read the Bible?"
"Oh, Gertrude!—Oh, Mamma! Could you not beg me off?"
"Certainly not! I think you deserve the punishment."
There was a knock at the door.
Elise told Miss Stormont that Mademoiselle wanted me in her bedroom.
Gertrude lent me a dressing gown and Elise conducted me thither. A
strange, tall girl was in the room. I trembled. Were they going to
operate there?
"This is the young lady who has the superfluous hairs on her face,"
explained Mademoiselle.
"Will you not try electrolysis?" asked the stranger.
"No, shave him—her, I mean," directed Mademoiselle.
So I had to sit down and was lathered and held by the nose while the
strange girl shaved me clean.
"There are very few hairs," she remarked. "She will not need shaving
very often."
Then I was turned into the bathroom.
Immediately after I sought my clothes.
"Mademoiselle," I exclaimed, "what am I to dress in?"
"Oh! Miss Stormont has your clothes; go to her."
I immediately remembered the events of the preceding evening and
shuddered at the prospect of that little riding whip. I trembled as
I knocked at Gertrude's door.
"Please, Mamma, may I have my clothes?"
Gertrude was dressed in a charming spring toilette; her tightly
laced waist struck me at once.
"Must you have them?" she asked.
"Oh, you know I must."
"And you know," with a whisk of her petticoats, "that you must"—imitating
my emphasis—"pay for them!"
I changed colour. She went to a drawer and took out a dainty little
feminine whip with a jewelled handle.
"Lie on that couch," she ordered. I did so with reluctance and she
put two straps round me, one round my shoulders, the other round my
legs at the back of the knees.
"Vest," she remarked. "One! Two! Three!"
The little whip bit and stung fearfully. I cried out and tried to
escape, to turn.
"Shirt," she went on. "One! Two! Three!"
The strokes were deliberately and well laid on and bit horribly. She
paused a few seconds between each.
"Drawers. One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six!"
I yelled—I lost my breath! That was an awful dose. She smiled.
"Oh, Gertrude! Oh, Mamma! Oh, Mamma! Oh, stop! Yah! How it hurts!"
She did not stop for a moment and put her hand through from behind
and played with my testicles.
"Oh! Oh!" I exclaimed. "Oh, for the sake of our-our
love—of—our—night together!"
"Yes, if you will come about town with Mademoiselle and me without
trousers"—momentarily suspending her strokes.
"Oh, Gertrude, how unkind!"
"Nonsense! You must suffer the petticoat. Now, Julian. Trousers!
One! Two! Three!" With a will from the right side. "One! Two!
Three!" With a will from the left. "One! Two! Three!" With a will
from my feet. "One! Two! Three!" With a will from my shoulders.
I fairly yelled and shrieked. She unfastened me. I rolled on the
"There are your clothes," she laughed; "and if there was time I'd
make you kiss what—made me enjoy whipping you. Your bottom is
certainly beautiful waled. Don't you wish you had no bottom for a
girl to punish?"
She left the room and me to dress before I could reply.
I was a considerable time for I could not recover from the pain and
"I am glad your mamma has whipped you well!" exclaimed Mademoiselle,
seeing how tenderly I seated myself, when, at last, I entered the
breakfast room.
As soon as breakfast was over a hansom was called and I was again
placed in the middle of the seat between my two dear tyrants. I had
not on this occasion that thing behind to incommode me but the
whipping had made me quite sore enough to counterbalance the
pleasure arising from its absence. We drove to a ladies' shop, not
ten minutes' distance from Leicester Square. The window was full of
corsets, chemises, drawers, mysterious combinations, and triple
garments! Inside, behind the counters, the assistants were all
girls, and in front of them numerous customers, all ladies and their
"I have brought," said Mademoiselle in a loud voice, "this young
gentleman to be fitted with a tight corset and lady's
What she said was distinctly heard over the whole shop. Some of the
daughters tittered, the mammas looked pleased, the shop assistants
changed colour.
I felt overcome with confusion and I wished the ground would open
and swallow me.
"Certainly, Madam," said the tall handsome shop walker. "Will you
walk into a fitting room with me?"
"Miss—, attend to this lady." She singled out a girl whom I had
noticed as soon as I had got into the establishment, one who had
dark brown hair rolled up in masses over a ruddy face, a voluptuous
mouth, black eyes with heavy lips, and a sensual chin.
She had observed me noticing her and had glanced at me.
"What corset would Mademoiselle desire?"
"Oh!" said Mademoiselle. "A severe one with very stiff busks, long
waist, high under the arms, long in front, and twenty-three inches
in girth."
"I quite understand; here is one, Paris made, which perhaps might do
with a Venus shield; it would not wrinkle over the hips in the
fitting of the dress or break; or," she went on, "here is a
Newmarket Corset, very deep in front (she eyed me) or, here is a
Rational-Corset, in fact we keep all kinds; or of course we can make
anything you please. And do you wish for silk underclothing, or the
ordinary linen?"
"Linen and silk too," replied Mademoiselle, "both."
At the prospect of a large order the manageress became yet more
deferential in her manner and gave some hurried whispered directions
to her underling.
"These things will be tried on?" she then asked, looking severely at
me, and hesitatingly at my governess.
"Certainly," replied Mademoiselle. "In fact I wish him dressed in
them now."
"We do not keep dresses; but we can send to—a few doors away for
some likely to fit, if you choose?"
"Do so," said Mademoiselle.
The woman bowed. "Now, young gentleman," she said, addressing
herself to me, "I must trouble you to take off these things," and
she took hold of my jacket.
"Indeed I won't; here—before—you all," I almost whined.
"Julian," exclaimed Mademoiselle, plainly laughing at my piteous
tone. 229
"How dare you?" ejaculated Gertrude. "Have you forgotten my whip?"
"So has he been whipped, and I am sure he deserved it thoroughly, I
can see what a naughty boy he is. He is under petticoat government,
I think," and she looked enquiringly at Mademoiselle.
"Yes," she answered, "he decidedly is."
"A very good thing too. We have had several gentlemen to dress as
ladies and it does them great good."
"Then it is not unusual?" exclaimed Gertrude.
"Oh! Dear me, no; not in London at all events. Many gentlemen do it
to please themselves, others, because they are made to. Come, Sir!
You must take off these things and your trousers too. We do not
allow trousers here unless they are linen and trimmed, or silk and
open, you know—this is a ladies' shop."
Miss—, the underling, returned at this moment with an armful of silk
drawers, chemises, petticoats, corsets, &c, and deposited them on
the couch.
There was a large glass in front of me and two others on each side.
Mademoiselle and Gertrude were seated on two chairs a little
distance away.
"Thank you, Miss—, now please send a messenger to Messrs.—and ask
them to send round a few ready-made dresses to fit a young lady;
waist twenty-three inches, bust so and so and length, Madam?"
"I think," said Mademoiselle, after a slight pause, "they had better
send a few frocks suitable for a girl of twelve, or—say fourteen, as
well as the long dresses."
"Certainly," said the lady pencilling down the directions with
indecent glee on a pad which hung at her waist. And tearing off a
slip she gave it to the girl, "And pray, Miss—, return as soon as
you can; and bring a broad steel stay-busk or two with you."
"I think," she said, looking at me, "if he is troublesome, we shall
find a means of compelling him—of making him only too glad to obey."
While I was wondering what she meant she succeeded in slipping off
my jacket and waistcoat.
She had just begun fumbling about my trousers when Miss—returned.
Needless to say that I could scarcely stand for shame.
"Miss—, please hold his hands and give me those busks," by which she
designated two long pieces of steel, buttoned the one on to the
other, sloped and curved, and very pliable.
"I thank you," and she put them down, within reach.
"Now I think, Madam, we shall be able in a moment to cure this young
gentleman of his refractory disposition; if you will allow me?"
"Certainly," said Mademoiselle, "do what you please!"
"I have had some very refractory ones to deal with, but I think they
have all had to submit at last," and she slipped her hand underneath
me behind.
I vainly tried to jerk my hands from Miss—, who was standing in
front of me, grasping my hands tightly about the wrists with hers,
and smiling in my face.
"Oh! Oh!" I cried. "Don't-how dare you?" and I grew very pale.
"Indeed," she retorted, "how dare I? How dare you?" and she gave me
a sound smack upwards upon the testicles from the back, at the pain
of which I turned very faint.
I gave a little scream of pain.
"Hold your tongue, Sir, if you don't want another."
Miss—held my hands tightly, and almost laughed outright. The
punishment deprived me of the power of resistance completely and of
all my bounce too.
"I see you know how to manage him," remarked Mademoiselle.
"I wish I had him under me for a week. He would not hesitate obeying
me whatever disgrace obedience might cost him," replied the
manageress with conviction. She then unfastened and pushed down my
trousers and drawers. Next she lifted my shirt off my bottom and
took up the busks.
"You must always," she observed, "obey a lady. I can see your bottom
has been well waled—look, Miss S—! I should have thought you would
have learnt that already by this time—but as you have not, with
Madam's permission," whack, whack, whack—"hold him tight,
Miss—"—whack, whack—"take off your trousers, shirt and all?"—whack,
whack, whack.
Miss—held me as if in a vice, her dark eyes full of deep pleasure.
"Oh! Yah. Oh, you hurt! Oh, stop, oh, yes, I will, I will, oh,
Mademoiselle! Oh, Gertrude, oh, Mamma!"
Mademoiselle and Gertrude shrieked with laughter at my utter
The manageress though was really quite angry, and gave me several
more gratuitous stinging blows. Miss—, holding me, then looked very
"Stay busks"—whack—"don't"—whack—"make such a litter as a birch—they
are—" whack, whack—"quite as effectual though, don't they smart?—No
nasty buds and bits about the floor, not such a noise as the swish
of the rod, and besides they are an article of lady's attire you are
punished with—what" (a sounding whack) "has compressed your
governess's form. I trust"—whack, whack—"if ever you have a wife she
will govern you severely—it is a capital thing for a man; and that
she will make you dread her stay-busks. Now I think you will be more
docile. Do you know, Madam," she said, recovering her breath, "many
ladies bring their husbands or lovers here to submit to the regime
of the stay-lace? Only the other day—yesterday in fact—was it not,
Miss—?—a young lady brought her fiancé, and explained she had
promised to marry him, but only on condition that he would wear one
of our tightest corsets, and a pair of lady's drawers under his
trousers to teach him he was no longer his own master but now under
a mistress, and her property."
"And did he submit?" asked Gertrude, with undisguised curiosity.
"Yes! He had to; in her presence he was laced up and she chose the
drawers and took away his own with her; he had half a dozen pairs,
richly trimmed with lace; and then he begged as a sign of goodwill
on his part, to be allowed to wear ladies' stockings too—she clapped
her hands, and was delighted—she gave him a kiss as a reward, and
made him show her what she should possess after they were married."
"And did he?"
"The poor gentleman looked very shamefaced, but I held his hands
behind him and made him stand before her seated on that very couch
and she had a good look; examined him carefully I promise you."
"Did she touch him?"
"No. Now, Miss—, now young gentleman, if you do not want more
flogging, strip yourself, Miss—will help you; and as soon as you
have taken your things off you shall have this nice chemise over
your head."
Miss—did help me. In fact she stripped me and I stood naked before
these four women.
"Whatever has he to be ashamed of? A back and thighs like a woman's,
I declare; and such a smooth face. He will make a capital girl!"
A silk vest had been slipped on under the chemise, then long
stockings, silk, next the corset.
Mademoiselle finally fixed on what was technically described as an
Ideal Sylph-Corset with a very small long waist. It was very high
under the arms and inconveniently long in front, and it was laced
with great severity, Miss—holding me, while her fellow conspirator
tugged at the laces and made it meet.
"Drawers," Mademoiselle explained. She would not have combinations.
"We always advise wide old-fashioned drawers for young gentlemen who
are to be unsexed. They can be easily removed for purposes of
punishment and combinations cannot be." At the sight of the flannel
petticoat I rebelled again. I was not a girl, I would not wear the
"Bring him here," cried Mademoiselle, exasperated. "Give me the busk.
Across my knee this instant, Julian."
Miss—pushed me over. Whack, whack, whack.
"Oh, Mademoiselle! Oh, Mademoiselle! Oh, you hurt!"
Sobbing and trembling, the white flannel petticoat was then tied on.
"Now, Miss, your dress—"
When I was fully equipped, a cab was called and we were driven to a
lady's coiffeur.
"No, I will not have my head shaved."
"You must," said Delilah with a stamp.
"It is not necessary, Mademoiselle," remarked the hairdresser.
"Mais je le veux," exclaimed Mademoiselle, with another stamp of her
little foot.
So my head was shaved, and I was furnished with a woman's head of
hair. Several wigs were chosen. Another cheque. Then to Rathbone
Place, to a bootmaker's.
"This young lady requires boots and shoes very tight, very high
heels. Two pairs to lace halfway up her legs, halfway to the knees,"
ordered Mademoiselle.
My feet were then forced into girl's tight boots, which were laced
up, the five-and-a-half-inch heels feeling like mountains under me.
When we reached Oxford Circus, Mademoiselle would look in at a shop
in Regent Street where she saw some marvelous corsets with horrid
belts below the waist, more like instruments of torture, more like
strait-waistcoats than any I had seen before. I was willy-nilly
taken in; the assistants were very much more hoity-toity here than
nearer Leicester Square. They could hardly find a corset large
enough for me and plainly regarded me as a hoyden. Of course they
found out that I was a boy. They entirely ignored the fact although
their winks to each other seriously embarrassed and discomforted me.
But when the belt below came to be laced, there was something in the
way. Their discovery of my sex had already cost me several sly
pushes and touches, which, with feminine spitefulness, they gave me
at every opportunity in the most promiscuous manner. One of them
then whispered to Mademoiselle.
And as a result a principal was consulted.
"Yes," said the haughty and stately personage, "a young lady of
abnormal development and construction, in fact a hermaphrodite. I
quite understand. We have met with several cases of it. The abnormal
organ had better be turned under the belt, Miss—"
This was ruthlessly done.
I recollected Lord Alfred Ridlington's observation in the
conservatory, that he had met several young ladies with that thing
in front. Oh! Would they—would they after all believe me to be
really a girl? Walking was now more troublesome but Mademoiselle
insisted on it and we went down Regent Street, along Conduit Street
and Bond Street, and so back to the hotel.
Luncheon, alas! I could scarcely eat, so tightly cased up was I.
Gertrude had to leave that afternoon. I bade her adieu with tears.
And then I was suddenly revived, for Mademoiselle reminded her of
the theatre and induced her to stay until the next day, when
Mademoiselle purposed returning to Suffolk.
After luncheon Mademoiselle and I drove to a lady-doctor's.
Horror! I cannot dwell upon it.
First my ears were pierced, and I was forced to wear gold earrings.
The doctor and her assistant held me during the operation—a painful
Then I was placed on a table, on which were several cushions, and
fastened down on my back.
My petticoats were turned over my head, my legs well separated and
fixed to the corners of the table. Some chloroform was given me to
smell which threw me into a dreamy, relaxed condition.
My corset was unfastened, and Dr. Mrs.—stood at my side, an arm over
"What a fine one!" I heard her exclaim, in a far-off way, her hand
aggressively upon my generative organs. "Now, young gentleman, you
will be punished for seducing your cousin, punished by your
governess' order, this lady here." And she caught my testicles and
slipped her fingers on to the penis, which she, with firm pressure,
pushed under the skin, then gathered the prepuce well forward, and
pinched it between her finger and thumb.
I could have offered no resistance even if I had not been too
drowsy. The lady-doctor held me very rigidly with her left hand, and
with a sharp instrument in her right, snipped off the proper portion
of the prepuce.
A styptic soon stopped the bleeding. The wound was bandaged
scientifically. I was unfastened, told to rest on the sofa, and
presently given a small glass of dry sherry.
"I have had occasion," I heard the doctor say to Mademoiselle, as
she slipped the fee into her hand preparatory to departure, "lately
to punish a surprising number of young gentlemen in this way. You
will find it of great service, especially as you tell me he is being
educated as a young lady with others; besides it will be of great
benefit to him hereafter and improve the character of his offspring.
He will be all right in a week and not so prone by a long way to
transgress in the mode of which I hear he has been guilty."
I felt very sore, in some pain, and so queer from the chloroform,
that I could not walk.
"Take him home in a cab, put him to bed for a few hours in a
well-ventilated and airy room; let the window be open; it is a warm
afternoon. Oh, yes! I should think he would be well able to go out
with you tonight, but do not let him have any stimulants stronger
than claret and not much of that; not eating, if you please. Thank
you. Good afternoon."
And so we were bowed out and we drove home.
Mademoiselle was extremely kind, really tender to me.
"Now, Julia," she said, tucking me in her own bed, "I trust in
future you will be a very good girl," and she gave me a delicious
kiss and bade me sleep.
Gertrude was out when we got back.
I awoke very much refreshed about seven o'clock.
Gertrude came in to see me and she and Mademoiselle helped to dress
My wardrobe had come from the shop and it included a low dress. I
was dressed in all respects like a girl, with opera-cloak, flowers,
ornaments in my hair. My ears were too sore to be touched; the plain
gold earrings, Mademoiselle declared, were the only false note about
my otherwise chic and smart toilette. Both Mademoiselle and Gertrude
with the kindest thoughtfulness and consideration avoided exciting
the slightest sexual emotion in me.
A chicken was roasted especially for me and I was permitted a half
bottle of claret.
After dinner, Mademoiselle in her lovely diaphanous robes, and
Gertrude who looked radiant in a severer costume more suitable to
her more Circe-like features, entered the Brougham, and we drove to
the Gaiety.
How I enjoyed the performance! How happy I felt.
We returned and had a delicious little supper. I drank soda-water
and milk.
Mademoiselle claimed me that night, and, to my intense joy, I spent
it in her bed; but, alas, was obliged to do so, as if in very truth
I had been a girl.
The principal incident of the next morning was the sale of all my
masculine garments to someone who had been directed to call for
them. When they were carried away I felt irrevocably a girl.
Then Gertrude bade us, "good-bye," promising to come to see us in a
few months at Downlands.
And finally Mademoiselle, myself, and Elise, with augmented
impedimenta, drove off to Liverpool Street.
My travelling costume was a very fashionable and becoming one.
"Good-bye, Julia, you dear, dear girl! Don't forget your mamma,"
said Gertrude. "Be a good boy—girl I mean. Never attempt rebellion.
Resign yourself to the petticoat and you will find it sweet."
As we started I felt that I had bidden adieu also to Julian
Robinson; as though I could never remember having been a boy any
more than last night's dream.
We arrived. Beatrice and Agnes rushed into the hall, and Mary
descended the steps to the carriage door. Maud, still unforgiven,
did not yet appear.
We went into the drawing room; Elise helped Mademoiselle off with
her travelling cloak and hat and gloves, and did the same kind
office for me with less ceremony and more promptitude, and then Maud
entered in her short frock with the tea-tray and cast a reproachful
look at me. The proud beauty evidently felt very keenly the position
to which she had been degraded, as, under Mary's superintendence and
orders, she set out the tea things. Mademoiselle noticed both the
look and Maud's manner and glanced at Mary who seemed to have been
waiting for it.
"Yes, indeed, Miss," she instantly said, "we have had great trouble
with her; she would not wash the vegetables or peel the potatoes and
has been trying to get at her own dresses. She locked herself up in
her own room yesterday afternoon and set me at defiance."
"It is a shame, a disgrace," burst out Maud, looking beautiful and
flushing with rage, "to dress me like this, to treat me like a
servant; I wonder what my uncle—"
Mademoiselle, seated in her chair quite at her ease, looked at her
with that dangerous smile I had long ago learnt to dread.
"Take off your drawers," she ordered.
"No, I won't," said Maud, with a stamp, "here in the drawing room
before him; or"—with hesitation, "anywhere else either."
"Him!" retorted Mademoiselle. "This is Julia, your cousin, a girl
like yourself," and she got up there and then and gave Maud a
ringing slap on each cheek.
"Take them off," Mademoiselle repeated.
Maud burst into tears and sobs.
The trimmed ends of her drawers were visible below her frock. At
Mademoiselle's reiterated command she gathered it up about her
waist, the sting of the slaps proving sufficient motive, and took
off the clothing.
Maud was put across an ottoman, weeping. Her pretty bottom was
exposed, her skirts turned over her head.
Mademoiselle then gave her two dozen lashes. The lovely pink and
white skin quickly became scarlet, and in some places there were
blue marks. She rolled and wriggled, displaying herself under the
influence of the smart with absolute recklessness. Mademoiselle then
gave her with deliberate severity which took my breath away, a third
dozen. At its close Maud appeared to faint in an ecstasy of delight.
Beatrice and Agnes could not sit still. Mademoiselle's eyes sparkled
with a strange light.
"Will you obey—will you submit?" she asked, as the strokes fell
between Maud's separated legs. "Are you sorry for your
"Yes, yes, yes," convulsively gasped the unfortunate girl, "I—I—I
will-obey, I-will-will, oh, stop! Oh, I will—I will—obey."
Mademoiselle positively caressed the fragments of the rod as she
finished the castigation and ordered Maud to lie as she was until
she had permission to rise.
She kept her so during the whole time that we were at tea; and then
Maud had to get up and take away the tea things, disturbed and
trembling, covered with shame, flushed and disordered.
Maud was in penance until the end of the month.
The bedroom to which I was taken was that I originally occupied. It
communicated with Mademoiselle's room by a door of the existence of
which I had been unaware until this evening.
When the dressing bell rang, Elise shew me into it. She had unpacked
my things and dressed me for dinner.
My dress was not that of a young lady, but of a mere chit of a girl,
scarcely coming to my knees. It was of some white fluffy material
and underneath it I was compelled to wear a stiffly starched
petticoat which made it stick out and disclosed my limbs almost to
my waist.
Mademoiselle without seeming to do so made me occupy positions which
set off my costume to the fullest extent.
"Has it really been cut off?" whispered Beatrice to me in the course
of the evening, all her inquisitive, prying looks failing to satisfy
her. And Agnes, behind me at the door, slipped her hand under my
skirts and felt my possessions.
"No," she said, "he is still a boy."
Agnes' own skirts did not reach her ankles and I longed for a
Beatrice in her quiet, matronly way rejoined: "You know, Julia, you
are mine. I have a score to settle with you. You have broken your
oath. Wait; an opportunity will soon come."
What infinite disdain she managed to throw into the tone in which
she uttered the word "Julia!"
Three or four weeks passed in very monotonous routine by which time
I had quite recovered from the operation I had undergone in London;
and to my surprise I found myself more susceptible and longing in a
more reckless way to put my instrument into the middle of my
charming tyrants with whom I was so intimately and familiarly
associated. I longed to see them blush and tremble under me as I
probed with my most sensitive and shame-dealing organ the secret
recesses of their beautiful bodies.
All this time Beatrice maintained, notwithstanding my numerous mute
appeals, a distant and cold reserve towards me.
And one day, when Agnes, while we were out walking, complained of my
impudence and disobedience because I would not climb a tree to
please her by displaying my nakedness, it was Beatrice who suggested
to Agnes to whip me with nettles.
The punishment was cruel. Agnes stung me more than she whipped me.
While I lay on my face on the soft mossy bank, held down, my
Beatrice slowly drew the bunch up and down between my legs and did
not forget to include Mons. Priapus and his purse. For three days
subsequently I suffered great pain.
It was upon one of our half-holiday afternoon rambles that Beatrice
first attacked me.
We were in a lonely and out-of-the-way part of the wood, and Agnes
in her romping with me had very much disordered my clothing. My
drawers Beatrice had already removed and they were stowed away in
her pocket.
"Now, you harlequin," began Beatrice, seating herself upon a mound
of grass under the green spruce firs and looking very imperious in
her luxurious girlish beauty, "just you come here and reply to my
"Here is a sceptre," gaily cried Agnes, putting into Beatrice's hand
a bundle of fir twigs; and, sitting down beside her with a smiling
countenance, she regarded me with a comical expression of mixed
solemnity and amusement.
"Kneel down there, Julia, in front of us."
"I'll tell you," cried Agnes. "We'll strip him, tie his hands, and
make him sit or lie on the ground between us."
No sooner said than done. Agnes flew to me, and quickly rid me of
all my clothing, notwithstanding my frantic opposition. My cries and
protests were unheeded. Agnes grasped me violently while Beatrice
quickly divested me of every single garment, and sat upon them.
Agnes then tied my hands behind me with a handkerchief and forced me
back, downwards on to the narrow strip of green ground between her
and Beatrice who towered over me, holding the rods in her hand.
"So Elise sold you to Maud and she took you to her studio. What did
she do to you?"
"Be quick, Julian!"
"She undressed me."
Agnes here squeezed me pitilessly in front.
"Oh! Oh! Oh, don't! Oh, don't, Agnes, you hurt!"
"Of course, I do—I intend to."
"She undressed you?"
"Yes, Mademoiselle came in suddenly and found me."
"Found you!"
"Ye—ye—yes; found me like this—naked in Maud's room."
"Oh!" said Agnes; and she leant over me, playing vigorously with me,
and gazing into my face.
"Turn him over!" said Beatrice.
A slight struggle accomplished this.
"Now I shall whip your bottom before we go any further for being
naked in my sister's room."
And Beatrice administered a sound flogging with her wretched twigs.
"Now, Master Julian!" said Beatrice, recovering her breath by deep
inspirations: "Please account for the blood on Maud's chemise and on
the coverlet of the bed. Oh, yes! I saw both before they went to the
"No doubt the blood came from you," continued Beatrice derisively;
"the effects of the flogging Maud gave you, no doubt; but I want to
hear it from you yourself."
I was aghast.
"Concealment is of no use. Confess!"
"Well, Beatrice, Maud wanted me to stand as a model for a statue;
and you know you had made me promise I would not do that, and so I
resisted and objected and made excuses."
"And so Maud whipped you; hence the blood, eh?"
"No, Maud began coaxing me and playing with me—"
"Like this?" suggested Agnes, suiting the action to the question.
"Oh, oh, oh, Agnes! Oh, yes!"
"And you slipped your hand underneath her clothes?"
"And then she—"
"She lay on the bed."
"Yes, and you became a model for a living statue?"
"Yes!" I gasped.
If my hands had not been bound, I should have covered my face with
"And you were mine for five years, and gave yourself away?"
"Oh, Beatrice!"
"Now, just tell us how you did it?"
"She—she—lay down."
"On her back?"
"Yes, on—her—back; and I lay face downwards upon her, with what
Agnes has got in her hand inside Maud."
"You wretch! You beast!" exclaimed Agnes.
"Inside her! Where?"
"Oh, inside—"
"What she pees with?" asked Beatrice sternly, and peremptorily.
"You monster!" exclaimed Agnes.
"And what next? Did it shoot something into her?"
"I had—had to-she made me—I forced it in, and Maud bled and then—"
"You went into a convulsion?"
"Very well," said Beatrice. "And now, when last I saw this thing, it
had not a red head like that, it was covered with skin. What did
your governess do to you?"
"She took me to London and had the skin cut off."
"By whom?"
"By a lady-doctor."
Agnes was listening intensely.
"This is all a mystery to me," she observed.
"Let him lie in your lap a minute, Aggy, and I will show you."
"Oh, no, no, no, I won't. Whatever will Mademoiselle do?"
"Mademoiselle! You are mine, do you forget? Lie on your back, dear."
Agnes soon rolled over.
"Now, Julian!"
I reluctantly reclined upon her.
"Beg her permission to tickle her with your tongue."
"Put his head—there!—Between my legs? Oh, Beatrice!" cried Agnes,
with a deep flush.
"Yes; he knows the way. Now, Julian!"
I tickled the soft virginal aperture and stiff little clitoris with
my tongue until Agnes was almost fainting with pleasure. But before
anything happened, Beatrice made me lie upon Agnes; her chemise was
between her and myself.
"Now," said Beatrice, "Agnes, dear, imagine that that thing you have
been amusing yourself with is inside you, inside where he has been
kissing you."
"Oh, how-dreadful!"
"And hold him tightly." She did so, and Beatrice whipped me gently.
At last the spasm overtook me.
"Oh! Oh! Oh! Julian!" cried Agnes, biting my lips with her pretty
On examination the chemise was found to be well wetted on both
"There, that is what he did to Maud, only actually inside her.
Should he treat our sister as a harlot? 249
"Oh, the wretch! He ought to be hung."
"As I find your word is not enough, Julian, and your bondage must be
more severe, you shall be mine, not for five years or ten, but as
long as you live. Mine, body and soul. What a slave I shall make of
you! And as you did what you did to Maud in utter disregard to your
promise to me I shall not consider you have expiated your offence
until you have besought and implored me to let you do it to her
again after our marriage, and have gained her assent, and then you
shall do it in front of me. I shall tell Maud at the first
opportunity and get her to meet us on our honeymoon. There!"
"Now kiss your mistress," she said, "and receive your fate; when you
are married to me I promise you, you will spend more of your time
between my legs than anywhere else!"
I yielded. I kissed my hairy mistress with a queer sensation that
she was to be my wife and my tyrant for all my days.
"Now, Julian, I consider we are engaged!"
"Yes," I cried eagerly, "yes, Beatrice!"
"Well, as he is mine, I will give him a kiss," and the dear girl
touched the top of Mons. Priapus with her ruby lips, tickled him
with her little tongue, and bit him with her pearl like teeth.
"Does that give you pleasure?" she asked, gazing with liquid eyes
into mine.
No need to chronicle the response.
"You are having all the fun, Bee; it is not fair, playing with and
sucking that great big thing as if it was a sugar stick!"
"Indeed!" cried Beatrice, with a quick fierce glance at Agnes.
"Very well," with an air which I knew meant mischief, "you shall
have your share!"
"Come," she said, gathering her skirts up a little, and spreading
her pretty limbs apart, "come and sit down between my knees, your
back to me—so"—as Agnes readily complied. "Now lie back, your head
down in my lap, and give me your hands."
I noticed that Beatrice crossed her legs across Agnes' middle.
"Well," Agnes exclaimed, "what next?"
"Now, Julian," continued Beatrice, "kneel across her and me; lie
down upon me, your face close to mine."
"Oh, Bee!" cried Agnes, turning pale. "He has got that thing against
my face. Do let go of my hands for one moment, or it will be in my
"Yes, that is exactly what I intend," calmly remarked Beatrice,
holding the struggling girl firmly, "you wanted your share of the
sugar stick, you shall have it. I will take good care it is none of
it wasted. Put it into her mouth, Julian, well in; imagine it is
inside me, and make it do what it did inside Maud, and half an hour
ago in her own lap."
"Oh, no, no, no," cried Agnes, "I—I won't—"
I stopped her utterance by promptly popping Mons. Priapus between
her pretty lips, well into her little mouth. She was transfixed. I
felt the back of her throat with his head.
In two minutes I shot my appreciation of Beatrice down Agnes'
It was intensely bizarre and exciting to give to Agnes the emotion
that Beatrice had evoked.
"There," said Beatrice, "I hope you enjoy and appreciate your
"It is much nicer than I thought it would be," naively remarked
Agnes, sputtering and wiping her mouth with her dainty handkerchief.
And then, looking at me, she gave me a sound smack on the cheek.
After a moment's silence she added: "You must lend him to me
sometimes, Bee, and next time, he—must—put it—else—elsewhere," and a
rosy blush mantled over neck and face.
Elise one afternoon told me I was to get ready for a drive with
Mademoiselle and soon her prancing ponies and pretty carriage came
round to the door.
It was the first time except when returning home that I had been
outside the grounds dressed as a girl and the prospect gave me a
fresh shock.
My hat and thickest veil emphasized my girl's costume as I reclined
by Mademoiselle (who drove herself) in ladylike fashion holding up a
little parasol.
I felt quite naughty when I saw her whip her ponies which she did
with a will. She had two whips. One for occasional and special use
was short and heavy. She positively employed it to castigate, with
deliberate, conscious archness, the off pony's private parts. He
frisked and pranced to the satisfaction of Mademoiselle and to the
intense merriment of the miniature groom in the rumble, who would
have a fine story for the servant's hall and the stable loft.
Fortunately for the near pony Mademoiselle could not get at him; but
he received many a stinging cut horizontally across his buttocks
delivered from over my head.
Mademoiselle noticed how her use of the whip asphyxiated me.
"Julia," she said, loud enough for the tiger to hear, "if you don't
behave, if you ever show the mulish spirit of these ponies, I will
flog you just in the same way. I'll tie you up naked to a trapeze by
the wrists and—lash you!"
"Oh, Mademoiselle!"
She turned and the flame in her eyes set me on fire.
We returned after a drive of about two hours which had, owing to its
incidents, served to reawaken all my old naughtiness. I longed for
anything Mademoiselle would give me.
When we got home, Mademoiselle held a séance by way of afternoon
lessons in the schoolroom.
My good fortune was nearer at hand than I had anticipated but at the
cost of much more preliminary excitement.
Beatrice had not looked at her Dante and came to terrible grief over
a difficult passage. To make matters worse she lost her temper and
angrily told Mademoiselle, she herself knew the construction of the
passage as little as she (Beatrice) did.
Mademoiselle rose in her majestic fashion without a word. We
expected the heavens to fall, while poor Beatrice looked flushed and
dumbfounded, as she stood before her. No doubt she knew her fate and
it was one no girl could contemplate with equanimity.
Mademoiselle rang the bell.
Mary answered.
"You must be birched soundly on your bare bottom," remarked
Mademoiselle to Beatrice, who drew her breath quickly and defiantly.
"Julia"—I gasped—"Julia shall give you two dozen. Remove your
drawers, Miss!"
I caught my breath, and felt as though I should faint. I whip
"I won't be whipped! It is a shame and disgrace! It is not fair! I
know the meaning of the passage as well as any old commentator of
the lot. I don't believe the author himself knew what he meant. I
won't be exposed, I won't"—with a desperate stamp of her little
foot—"to-to-to him. I won't let him whip me." 254
"A third dozen for impudence and insubordination. Now, Julia, lay
them on well, mind! Mary!"
Mary promptly took Beatrice's hands—her perturbation and nervousness
were so great, that she could not resist—and led her, sobbing, to
the couch.
"Take off your drawers, Miss," reiterated Mademoiselle, who
invariably insisted on this self-degradation.
I had never seen Beatrice naked—naked as she would be to be whipped.
I had, of course, been placed by her herself under her petticoats,
but there was not sufficient light to see by, and, besides, she was
pressed closely to my face. I longed to see her bottom and legs and
thighs. That prospect filled me with exultation and I therefore
resolved, at all hazards, to seize the opportunity, and to give her
a thorough, downright flogging.
She would respect me all the more for it.
When Beatrice saw that Mademoiselle was inexorable she sobbed, but
she knew resistance would be worse than futile. Still sobbing, she
gathered up her skirts with both arms, unfastened the string of her
drawers, and stepped out of them.
Mary laid her across the cushion and held her arms. She gathered up
her dress and petticoats in front and at the back, and Mademoiselle
placed a nice, new, green elastic birch in my hands.
I contemplated with rapture the plump, white thighs, the private
parts, the curving back of my future wife now exposed to me for
"Now, Julia!" cried Mademoiselle.
I recollected how Mademoiselle had birched me, and how I had often
been birched since, and resolved to better the instruction.
Maud and Agnes looked on with blanched faces and heaving bosoms.
Mademoiselle moved in her chair in a way I understood. Mary was
scarlet. I felt a strange kind of fire, a lust for flesh, thrill and
bound in my veins, and I thirsted for blood.
Slowly and deliberately as Mary counted, with all my force I flogged
Beatrice's bottom soundly. She yelled and screamed, and writhed, and
twisted, but Mary held her fast. Before long she was reduced to the
most abject submission. No obstinacy can withstand the birch.
The last strokes were given lengthwise, and I made the buds hit, and
the supple twigs embrace that protuberance I had had to kiss.
Beatrice shrieked at first, but then sobbed quietly, and seemed to
go into a delirium of delight as the last stroke fell. She was
thoroughly whipped in every sense.
"Now, Julia, come with me," ordered Mademoiselle with astonishing
She led me straight with swift silence to her boudoir, the happy
scene of my first initiation, of my first experiences.
Once there, she, apparently beside herself, tore off my dress with a
divine fury which alarmed me. She threw me down on my back with
enrapturing violence upon the large yielding divan and its great
soft cushions. For one instant she contemplated me there in my
disorder before her. The next, with a deep and satisfied
inspiration, she gathered up my garments with both her arms and
tossed them over my breast. I made no resistance. I was conscious of
my nakedness, but made no attempt to conceal it. Then she threw
herself upon me and gathered me to her warm bosom, her breath
fanning my face. She had lifted her own skirts and against my
nakedness I felt her own.
I was at her disposal completely; her face above mine, her form
close to my own. I felt every emotion that thrilled her as she toyed
with my being as the wind toys with a feather. I was carried away by
vehemence of her passion. She placed herself upon me and I knew that
our physical organisations were joined, were united, had become one.
With what force, with what rapture, with what transport she threw
herself upon me, how hard and quick her breath came and went, how
her eyes swam, how her lips clung to mine, with what vigour she
moved to and fro, up and down, exciting me to an enormous size and
pressing me vigorously and relentlessly home!
"Now, Julia—now—if—if—you don't—at once—I will whip you, I will whip
your—bottom—until—until it bleeds—I will flog it."
I did not need this spur. I clasped her sweet crushing form. I
twined my legs round it and I gladly and with profligate rapture
exposed myself to the full fury of the storm.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
And the lovely girl sank yet more closely and more intimately into
my embrace.
What a strange circumstance that the sight and infliction, even the
thought, of whipping should produce and inspire such a tornado of
I felt, no doubt, that it was seeing me whip Beatrice that had so
inflamed Mademoiselle, but I recollected the flame in her eyes when
during our drive she had told me how, if necessary, she would
correct me. Beatrice's whipping had only brought about the climax.
This was my first experience of an embrace since my circumcision;
and it was eminently satisfactory.
To my supreme surprise and delight I found the entrance into
paradise much easier, the contact with my mistress much closer, I
could preserve it longer, and my power was greater; whilst the
annoyance and
discomfort caused by the forcible retraction of the tight skin had
altogether vanished.
Mademoiselle, in her entrancing disorder, looked into my eyes and
kissed me again and again. Her thick hair had partly fallen. Her
lovely limbs in their exquisite underclothing were visible to my
enraptured eyes which dwelt on their shape; and I was happy to be
oppressed by them.
"Did you enjoy whipping Beatrice, Julia?" she asked mischievously as
she stood up, her hands behind her head, re-knotting her magnificent
"Yes," I answered, with a smile.
"Naughty girl! Have I made you happy?"
"Oh, Mademoiselle! Oh, my darling!"
"No, I am your mistress, Julia!"
"My darling mistress, then."
"My yoke is heavy, is it not, Julia?"
"Love makes it light," I replied—a reply for which I got another
Mademoiselle's passion lasted long. Although she would not then
permit me a second embrace, yet its fires were not all assuaged or
Before dressing for dinner she bathed. That night I was ordered to
spend in her bed.
There was no preparatory ordeal on this occasion, but I had to take
up the same quarters as on the first, down under the bedclothes,
under and
amongst the skirts of her night robe, my head between her legs, at
once my pillows and my gaolers. I kissed her frequently, but she did
not let me again explore the grove, or the recesses of the humid
temple of the Cyprian goddess, which existed hidden in its luxuriant
growth, except with my tongue. To do that, however, was the task
imposed upon me and exacted rigorously.
In the morning, when I awoke, Mademoiselle had already arisen.
It is an ill wind that blows nobody good! The advantage of the
operation I had undergone did not only lie in the greater ease and
comfort with which I employed the best agent and the cleverest
advocate of my feelings, but also in the fact that I ran no risk of
having him flayed out of mere wantonness—an act Elise had
perpetrated on me on more than one occasion.
Neither my cousins nor Elise could now slip their hands up my
petticoats, excite Mons. Priapus, and retract his covering, leaving
him raw and bald until they were pleased to re-hood him, or to
permit me to do so myself.
But his head now reminded me of a vulture clothed with plumage up to
the neck and bare beyond. In fact Elise made some remark of the kind
as she dressed me and suggested that she should make a nice, soft
warm cap for the poor chap. I did not respond either "yes" or "no."
In all respects I was now treated as a girl. All day long my ideas,
wishes, and desires about exercise, about reading, about work, about
sport, were pruned down, and assumed, as a matter of course, to be
those which should influence the actions and life of a young lady of
my age. What yet remained of my masculine propensities suffered
great repression from this process.
It was a masterly measure and decidedly checked flirtation. But
Mons. Priapus—abnormal or not—was there and free. And four or five
days after the first day when Mademoiselle had admitted that I was
restored to health I must narrate that certain appearances had
(under extenuating circumstances, undoubtedly—a peeping ankle will
do so much mischief) made themselves remarkable in front, just
underneath the end of my corset, lifting my petticoats and skirts in
a peculiar manner, making quite a little mound in front, and raising
the garments higher off the ground than usual, and also further away
from me so that they stuck out. 260
This was first noticed as I was standing one afternoon in the
schoolroom reading in choice Italian some of Boccaccio's tales to
Mademoiselle and my three cousins who were working. I was carried
away by what I read and not caring to recall my thoughts from
contemplation of the delightful ideas suggested by the author at
first did not notice that I had not the attention of my audience,
that the girls were tittering, and that Mademoiselle was gazing at
me with amused anger, biting her lips either with vexation, or to
repress her laughter. There was nothing laughable in what I read. I
thought it was some of their tomfoolery and read on. I felt naughty,
but never dreamt they would be able to discern any indications of
it. At the end of the paragraph I came to a full stop.
"You may well stop, Miss!" remarked Mademoiselle. "A pretty
exhibition you are making of yourself," she continued, laying aside
the embroidery, upon which she had been engaged.
"It is an unfortunate interruption," cried Agnes. "I was much
interested in the adventures we were listening to. I wonder whatever
the Signora did with her lover. Julia, I wish your abnormal
development was—was—"
She dared not conclude her sentence before Mademoiselle, but her
eyes told me what she meant.
"Was inside me," is what she would have said.
Through the perplexity and embarrassment I suffered I felt the
germination of the same desire. I would have given her a reason for
no longer laughing at me. But I dared not dwell on it or the
phenomenon would have again become noticeable!
"Julia!" said Beatrice, "is not responsible. It is all Mr.
Boccaccio's fault."
Beatrice had evidently not forgotten the whipping I had given her a
few days before.
"I really cannot permit," broke in Mademoiselle, "such an indecent
exhibition. I cannot pass over it—Julia, I am shocked and ashamed of
you—a young lady should know how to restrain herself, and if she
does not know she must be taught. Beatrice, take your cousin and put
her down on that couch upon her back, and hold her arms over her
Sinking with shame, afraid to say a word in self-defence, I was led
to the couch and laid across it. It was in a prominent part of the
"Maud, lift up her skirts—throw them over her head-take off her
drawers—spread out her legs."
These directions were all speedily obeyed. I resigned myself with a
choking in my throat.
"Now keep her so, until I return," ordered Mademoiselle.
"I shall have the birching of you, Julian, in a few minutes. I
knew," said Beatrice, "I knew my revenge would come. Won't you catch
"I declare," exclaimed Maud, "your remark has made the thing
positively rear its head."
"Oh, Julia!" went on Maud, first clasping her hands before her and
then kneeling between my knees, almost touching "him," for whatever
my sex, he was certainly masculine. "Oh, Julia! Do you remember?"
"Remember what?" angrily exclaimed Beatrice.
"Mind your own business, Bee. He is just as much mine as yours."
If Maud had said more mine than yours, she would have been more
accurate, nearer the truth.
"Indeed," rejoined Beatrice scornfully, "he has sold himself to me
long ago. I know what happened in your studio, Maud."
"You don't," screamed Maud, an angry flush rising and spreading
itself all over her countenance.
"Yes, I do," quickly replied Beatrice, "and he is to marry me for
it; and I shall compel you, Maud, when we are married, to ask for a
repetition of it."
Maud's angry flush died away. She thought it wiser not to pursue the
subject; instead she caught her skirts with both her hands, and
slightly raising them asked, "Now?"
"I think your assumption and airs of proprietorship quite absurd,"
she continued. "He is not his own to give away or to sell, and as
you say you know all about it, no doubt you are aware that Elise, in
whose possession he was by Mademoiselle's own order, sold him to
"That's all very fine," quickly retorted Beatrice, with a readiness
a lawyer might have envied, raising herself up, throwing her head
back, and speaking the words with great defiance, "but he was to
have been only for three days in Elise's possession even if you had
not interfered; and you surely do not imagine that she could have
sold him to you for a longer time than she was to have had him
"My interference indeed! How dare you? You would have done the same
yourself, and as to Elise's selling him or his selling himself, he
is Mademoiselle's slave."
Beatrice during this altercation held my hands very tightly by the
wrists over my head. I wondered what my fate would be.
"Look here," cried Agnes as I contemplated the stylish forms before
which I was so shamefully exposed, "if Mademoiselle catches us
squabbling you know we shall be flogged all round; do shut up. You
have got him now, Bee, at any rate, so what is the good of
"Oh! Maud is always setting everybody to rights."
"I don't appropriate other people's possessions anyhow."
"Because you can't get them."
"I have had more than you."
"And yet you say you don't appropriate other people's possessions."
"No more I do. I bought them."
"Bought them. Prostitute!" hissed Beatrice.
"Beatrice, shut up! Goodness, she must have heard!"
Mademoiselle, at that instant, opened the door.
"Which of you young ladies used a word with which I will not sully
my lips?"
They all hung their heads.
"Maud, was it you?"
"Beatrice and I were discussing what Julia had been reading to us.
She declared that the lady was—was..."
It was very generous of Maud.
Agnes looked greatly relieved.
Beatrice threw a glance of grateful recognition at her sister for
her presence of mind and generosity after which I certainly drew my
breath more freely. Had Mademoiselle known the truth Beatrice would
have been half annihilated especially after what had actually
occurred between Maud and myself which, no doubt, Mademoiselle would
have surmised Beatrice was maliciously throwing in Maud's teeth.
Besides which Mademoiselle believed, or, as I really think,
pretended to believe, that what had happened between Maud and myself
was known only to Maud, myself, herself, and Elise.
What she might feel bound to do if brought into contact with the
fact that it was common knowledge, I dread to think. What an escape
for Bee and for all of us!
"So, Beatrice, as usual, it is you who are in fault; it was you who
used that word! Where are your modesty, your maidenly feelings? How
could a young lady use such a word?"
Beatrice looked at Mademoiselle but said nothing. There seemed,
however, to be something in her mouth.
"Well?" asked Mademoiselle.
"I really can't see any harm in the word: pro, 'before,' and statue,
'I place.' If I had said, proseda, or procax, or togata, or meretrix,
or cunnus, or pellex, or lupa, or scrotum—"
"Very well, Beatrice. Stop your obscene storm of words! Your
vocabulary—sacre blue!—you have a fine one. It does credit to your
classical attainments. However, I have something else to attend to
now. You shall be punished, after dinner, in a way which will test
your candour. If what you have said to me is true you will not feel
the penalty: but I doubt it very much. Prostitute indeed—a pretty
word! As it is of so little significance please to write it in Roman
capitals on a large card and hang it round your neck when you come
down to dinner!"
"Oh, Mademoiselle!"
Mademoiselle had a flat steel ring or disc in her hand, the inside
edges of which were serrated or indented like a saw. By means of a
watch spring attached to it, it was fixed on to Mons. Priapus, and
it was evident to me that if he enlarged himself in the least, the
teeth would be into him and the more he grew the further they would
"There," said Mademoiselle, having daintily fixed the instrument, "I
think this will cure you; but in the drawing room I must direct
Elise to replace that bandage you wore when Lord Alfred Ridlington
dined with us. And now, Miss Julia, of course you know you must be
birched. Beatrice, flog your cousin's bottom for her?"
Beatrice brightened up at the notion of whipping me.
Mons. Priapus grew. I got fearfully pricked.
"Oh, Beatrice, let me go!" I shouted. "Oh, Mademoiselle, it is
eating into me! Take it off," I cried desperately struggling, "take
it off!"
Beatrice held me tight.
Mademoiselle was pleased to see her horribly ingenious little
instrument work so effectually.
"Oh! Do not have me whipped with it on! Oh, Mademoiselle, please!"
"You may appeal to Beatrice."
"Certainly you shall keep it on; it is a capital thing for you.
Come, turn over. Who shall hold him, Mademoiselle? and how many is
he to have?" responded that damsel.
"You must put the straps across his shoulders, Beatrice. And Maud
and Agnes—one at each side—can hold up his skirts. I should order
five dozen, but as he has that little bulldog on in front, we will
say three. He'll bite, I expect."
I was strapped down, my petticoats held up, my buttocks exposed.
Beatrice turned back her sleeve displaying and freeing her supple
He did bite already, of course.
She walked over to me with determination and glee. I knew I should
catch it and I did.
To begin with her strokes were delivered very slowly and with great
force; and then, instead of spreading them about she continued to
administer them as much as possible in the same spot aiming each
stroke carefully.
I panted and called out—ended, in fact, by bursting into a paroxysm
of sobbing. Of course my contortions and cries were no more heeded
by Beatrice and Mademoiselle than if Beatrice had been lashing a
feather bolster; neither did Maud nor Agnes seem to pity me.
I had whipped Beatrice, it was her turn now. My goodness! If she
whipped me like this when I was married to her!
"There, Miss Julia," said Beatrice, with satisfaction as she
concluded and drew the birch through her left hand quite
affectionately and gratefully.
The bulldog did bite again, as I writhed on the couch, and it
entirely deprived me of the power or wish to express the sensations
provoked by my nakedness and castigation before the girls.
"Well, Julia," asked Beatrice afterwards when she met me in the
gallery, "did I warm your bottom for you? Does it still smart?"
"Oh, Beatrice!" and I grew red as I looked at her.
"Thank me for the punishment. You deserved it."
"Yes. Thank you for flogging me."
"And you deserve another for daring to flog me?"
"Oh, no! I was obliged to."
"I have nothing to do with that. Do you deserve another for daring
to whip me, or do you not?"—stamping her foot.
I grew pale. She had given me a birching I should not forget for a
week or ten days and was intending to give me another. I looked at
her splendid form.
"What on earth possesses you, Julia?"
"That damned thing!"
Beatrice shouted with laughter.
"Oh," I soberly remarked, "it is all very well to laugh! It hurts
confoundedly, I can tell you."
"So it ought! Will you please answer my question, Julia?"
"Yes, Beatrice, I do; but don't give it me yet."
"Good boy! As a reward you shall have it in a very pleasant way.
Your head between my legs, your face upwards, while I hold your legs
across my shoulders. You know—you remember—don't you?"
"Yes, under your petticoats?" asked I, slyly, for which I was given
a slap.
"Oh! Oh! I can say no more," I was obliged to yell out; for the next
moment this cursed contrivance bit me again. "I may have no feelings
at all," cried I, clasping my hands to the middle of my lap. "I
would sooner wear that diabolical bandage. Who is to whip me, Bee?"
"Oh, Agnes shall do that!" said Beatrice, scarcely concealing her
"Be it so. I hope you'll take this ring off."
Agnes' whippings were not very dreadful.
"We shall see," replied Bee, going away.
The ring I have since discovered is an American invention intended
for the prevention of involuntary excitement during sleep. The teeth
instantly wake the sleeper and—well, they at least deprive the act
of its involuntary character.
A pleasant state of things! Was I to be permitted no sensations
whatever? Again a fresh invention for teaching me a habit of
restraint, of continence, by a method which itself violently excited
just the contrary.
What my feelings were in the drawing room that night when Beatrice
received her remedy for the use of that ill-favoured word and for
her unwise defence of it I must leave to be told in another chapter.
That same afternoon in her boudoir when my transports had become
more vehement than Mademoiselle liked she had first threatened and
then expressed her intention of handing me over to Lady Alfred
Ridlington to tame, and Mademoiselle's laws were like those of the
Medes and Persians which alter not.
There had been no question that afternoon of my sex, no allegation
then of my hermaphroditism. I was then acknowledged to be a boy and
in fact the whole point of placing me in Lady Alfred Ridlington's
hand was that I was such. Since then however, my sex appeared to
have been evaporated under the potent spell of Mademoiselle's subtle
magic, of her rigorous treatment, and of the lady's garments in
which I was constantly kept. Certainly the petticoats and the
drawers had had a very powerful effect upon my constitution. I
really hoped Lady Alfred Ridlington would prove to be that Alfred
who had taken me in to dinner and afterwards to the conservatory
where he had behaved so gallantly and had so delightfully shocked
me—a modest damsel—with his fierce masculine nature.
Besides, of what use could I, a girl, be to his wife; or indeed, she
to me?
The long summer days went by, and went by happily. We rode, and
sometimes Mademoiselle took me for drives, lashing her ponies and
making me pay the penalty in that famous dormeuse of hers, with
which I became very well acquainted. Indeed, it was the means of
imparting to me a wonderful understanding of Mademoiselle's nature,
disposition, and temperament.
Maud had resumed her artistic pursuits in her studio, whither,
however, I was now never permitted to penetrate alone, and she had
to content herself with modelling my bust and arms while eagerly
desiring to mould my legs in clay. I was flattered by this
appreciation of my form and by the compliment to it.
Beatrice had found an opportunity of inflicting the whipping she had
made me acknowledge I deserved.
It was on an evening of unusual beauty whilst Mademoiselle and Maud
were rambling in the grounds after dinner in the summer twilight
that she had taken me to her apartment and accomplished her purpose.
She was dressed in underclothing of unusual richness which I
regarded, rightly or wrongly, as a special mark of favour to myself.
The dainty things were thrown across my head which was clasped by
her ravishing thighs and pressed down by her no less ravishing body.
I felt upon me that which was to be my wife and the consciousness
thrilled me as I explored its recesses with my tongue while Agnes,
excited and amused, whipped me with enjoyment as Beatrice held my
limbs across her shoulders. The punishment was sweet, but severe,
the more so because she would not remove the ring.
Agnes' pretty girlish form was stamped upon my mind; I can see her
now, as in her low white dress and bare arms with a smile upon her
lips and tightly compressed little mouth and a laugh in her eyes,
she obeyed her sister's behest and birched my naked body exposed in
so humiliating and defenceless a posture. For its tenderest parts
were laid bare to her rod by the position.
The ring had not been removed. For three days I was compelled to
wear it; and afterwards a bandage was put upon me when there was any
danger of a manifestation to strangers of what I had shown in the
schoolroom. But there, and while with the girls and Mademoiselle, I
was usually without it, so that I might learn to restrain my
feelings, or at least that expression of them.
The result of the discipline and of the effort, I am convinced was
to lessen the force and power of Mons. Priapus, who in connection
with all 271
those girls, and above all Mademoiselle, was so dear to me. I
therefore upon this account much regretted it.
I felt that time was indeed flying, and being lost, since that May
morning in Mademoiselle's bed had passed—the impression upon me that
it would never come again was strong. I could now never beget that
child which had been summoned and (alas!) dismissed. But these
girls, and she too, seemed ignorant of this.
One afternoon we were in the drawing room after lunch in the warmth
of the glorious summer's day, too lazy to carry out any of the plans
and projects about which we gossiped.
The roses were in full bloom, the breeze made soft music with the
heavily leaved beeches and sycamores and elms, played with the
frantic aspen trees which tremble at the slightest motion of the air
and lose their heads in even a zephyr, and seemed to annoy the
stately Wellingtonias and Deiodaras that gave grace and beauty to
the pleasure grounds. We heard a carriage dash up to the door. And a
few minutes after, as Mademoiselle quizzingly glanced at me, Lord
Alfred Ridlington was ushered in.
He could not have appeared at a more opportune or propitious moment
as, indeed, he very soon gave many indications that he had quickly
perceived. He greeted Mademoiselle with a frank and debonnaire
gallantry that was particularly charming. How bright and engaging
his manner was, how merry his tone, and how unembarrassed the
freedom of his laughing eyes. He had driven himself over and he
assured Mademoiselle he had at last come to fulfil his promise of
paying her a long visit.
"Ah, Miss Robinson," he cried, grasping my hand, as I blushed,
"deeply in love again, I suppose. I am so delighted that the moment
of my happiness has arrived at last. Mademoiselle promised my wife
some time ago a wild boy to tame; but I have persuaded her to
reconsider that matter and to favour me by allowing me to place
myself at your 272
disposal; that will be much more agreeable," he calmly asserted,
casting a lingering and amorous look at me which caused me an
overpowering consciousness of my petticoats.
He had bowed to my cousins and had shaken hands with Maud who
appeared perplexed. Beatrice looked as angry and as threatening as
the sky before a storm and Agnes seemed provokingly intelligent. It
was evident that only Maud and myself were in the dark. They all
three soon took themselves off but Beatrice managed to leave a very
uncomfortable impression upon me and it was clear that I was in her
black books again.
"Ah, Lord Alfred, you naughty man!" exclaimed Mademoiselle,
cheerily. "I fear you will find Julia as difficult to deal with as
Lady Alfred would have found Julian. I recollect very well that
evening when you dined with us and your elopement from the saloon
afterwards. Remember it, if you do not."
Lord Alfred glanced at Mademoiselle very meaningly and possessed by
an apparently irresistible spirit of mischief, passed his hands down
the backs of his thighs in so comical a manner, that I fairly
laughed outright, and Mademoiselle smiled, and bit her lip.
She was vexed, I suppose, because she thought he was revealing too
much to me; but what Elise had said to Beatrice in my hearing on the
same evening, had already informed me of the truth and made
guessing, which would have been easy, if necessary, altogether
"Oh! We shall get on capitally together, sha'n't we, Julia?
Mademoiselle, you know, is a very old friend of mine; and although
she looks so stern, she loves a joke."
And he calmly put his arm round my slender waist, and kissed my
"Oh, Lord Alfred!" I cried, flustered and blushing. "How dare you."
While he and Mademoiselle rattled on, I wondered, whether this could
possibly be Lady Alfred Ridlington, and then scouted the question as
impossible and ridiculous. It must be Lord Alfred. He looked it. His
cheeks, lips, and chin, bore signs of the razor. Lady Ridlington
would certainly not have shaved, but then his form was wonderfully
round, his limbs astonishingly plump for a man's and his breasts too
did not look under his swelling waistcoat like the mock mamillae
which men possess. On the other hand his closely cropped hair, his
gestures, his manners, were, I was secretly delighted to notice,
decidedly and emphatically masculine.
"Julia," presently said Mademoiselle to my relief, for I began to
feel de trop, when her visitor had taken a chair and seated himself
near her and had commenced a low conversation with her alone, "you
had better go to my boudoir, amuse yourself there with that passage
in the Medea you could not construe this morning or with Aeschylus
or Sophocles—"
"Or Sappho," he broke in; "or, better still, Ovid's Art of Love.
Mademoiselle has a rariorum edition deluxe, illustrated, and
altogether sumptuous, if you can only find it."
"Lord Alfred!" said Mademoiselle, menacingly.
"Mademoiselle!" I heard him retort in a mock-pleading tone, his head
a little on one side, as he looked at her. And I left the room.
Why had I not been allowed to go out with my cousins as usual? Why
was I sent to Mademoiselle's boudoir! These were the questions which
first suggested themselves to me; and then in a flutter partly
agreeable and partly the contrary, I looked at the statues and at
the pictures in a vague search of some assistance to determine Lord
Alfred Ridlington's sex and my own!
At last my attention was caught and engrossed by a truly sumptuous
edition of Theophile Gautier's Mademoiselle de Maupin, a work I then
saw for the first time—one which has ever since fascinated me and
which to my mind possesses a greater charm than the writings even of
Rousseau himself.
The steel engravings were all that the most exacting imagination
could desire, executed with consummate art, and possessing a still
atmosphere of perfect luxury and voluptuousness which imparted
itself as an additional delight to the letterpress.
Mademoiselle had with difficulty obtained the copy in Bond Street on
our last visit to London and had paid £15 for it. She had it bound,
at an additional charge of three guineas, in a rich chaste cover.
I threw myself down on the great divan with the volume in my hands,
opening it at random. I arranged my skirts and myself comfortably,
exactly with the feelings of any other girl, leaving my pretty
ankles and shoes sufficiently visible for my own delectation, if for
no one else's.
I opened my new acquaintance with avidity, intent upon the
entertainment promised by the engravings. My thoughts, without any
direction on my part, however, momentarily returned to Lord Alfred
Ridlington. But only for a moment.
The fact is the puzzle had by this time become a bore.
It worried me; it excited positive neurosis, it set up neuralgia.
Impatiently and petulantly, therefore, I dismissed the subject to
stew in its own juice and to evolve itself as fate might ordain. As
to a welcome refuge I turned to the volume between which and myself
these intruders had ventured to insinuate themselves.
Then, with the scent of the glorious roses smiling in great bowls
wherever within the little sanctuary, my eyes chanced to light,
filling the atmosphere and my nostrils, I read.
The balmy air—soft, cool, and in gentle motion—gratefully fanned my
cheeks and neck. A sense of deep rest, of intense peace, as
distinctive of this apartment as of its mistress, settled itself
upon me, leaving me free to concentrate my undisturbed attention
upon a narrative which speedily absorbed it.
From the lawns and terraces of the gardens beneath the large window,
shaded by an ample awning outside, came the sounds made by Juno's
proud birds, wheeling themselves out with pride, expanding their
blue, green, and gold tails to their utmost dimensions, stretching
downwards their wings so that their rustle along the ground, as they
strutted to and fro, rivalled the noise made by a modern belle and
her garments. Then, with the burst peculiar to them, they allowed
their pent-up magnificence to escape, only to recommence the
performance, their discordant cries startling me from time to time
with their dissonant harshness.
The hum and buzz of the myriad of summer insects were unceasing.
More than one industrious and adventurous bee sailed about the
window, and having reconnoitred the lady's apartment and the lady
within, withdrew with polite reserve.
Amid these ideas and surroundings and under the potent spell
exercised by them, one to which by temperament I was more than
ordinarily susceptible, to which indeed my peculiar circumstances,
my vesture, and what I had undergone, exposed me in a special
manner, I opened the book of all others fitted for that place and
This the golden book of spirit and sense,
The holy writ of beauty.
The engravings did not retain me long. I desired to become
acquainted with Mademoiselle de Maupin herself.
I felt satisfied as my eyes fell on the clear text and I read with
slow rapture, in order to prolong the delicious impression made by
my imaginative expectations and their gradual and entire realisation.
Here is what I read.
"You know the eagerness with which I have sought for physical
beauty, the importance I attach to outward form and how the world I
am in love with is the world that the eyes can see; or, to put the
matter in more conventional language, I am so corrupt and blase,
that my faith in moral beauty is gone, and my power of striving
after it also... I find that the earth is all as fair as heaven, and
virtue for me is nothing but the perfection of form.
"Many a time and long have I paused in some cathedral under the
shadow of the marble foliage, when the lights were quivering in
through the stained windows, when the organ unbidden made a low
murmuring of itself, and the wind was breathing amongst the pipes;
and I have plunged my gaze far into the pale blue depths of the
almond-shaped eyes of the Madonna. I have followed with a tender
reverence the curves of that wasted figure of hers, and the arch of
her eyebrows just visible, and no more than that.
"I have admired her smooth and lustrous brow, her temples with her
transparent chastity, and her cheeks shaped with a sober virginal
colour, more tender than the colour of a peach-flower. I have
one by one the fair and golden lashes that threw their tremulous
shade upon it.
"I have traced out with care in the subdued tone that surrounds her,
the evanescent lines of her throat so fragile and inclined so
modestly. I have even lifted with an adventuring hand, the folds of
her tunic, and have seen unveiled that bosom, maiden and full of
milk, that has never been pressed by any except divine lips.
"I have traced out the rare clear veins of it even to their faintest
branchings. I have laid my finger on it, to draw the white drops
forth of the draught of heaven. I have so much as touched with my
lips the very bud of the rosa mystica."
"Oh, Mademoiselle! Oh, Gertrude Stormont!" I exclaimed, and sighed
involuntarily, and as I lingered in my contemplation of
Mademoiselle's bosom, which the above lines exactly described, I
sank into a soft transport, half closing my eyes and dwelling upon
my recollection of the contact of my mystical rose, recalling the
lilies and the roses of the exquisite mounds, out of which it grew
and the azure veins which I too had traced with my eyes.
I had then no further opportunity of pursuing this train of thought,
or of reading any more of the words of one who so fully understood
and expressed my ideas.
I heard the portiere removed and someone took hold of the door
handle. I hastily glanced at myself to ascertain whether my pose was
satisfactory and my drapery as it should be. No doubt it was
Mademoiselle, and yet perhaps—I kept my eyes down upon the book, I
dared not raise them yet—perhaps it might be Lord Alfred Ridlington!
What if he should find me here alone in that turmoil of mind, in
that little sanctuary at my devotions to Venus, carried away by her
sacred inspirations? 278
The door opened and closed again. Someone came across the thick soft
carpet towards the couch. With a blush, which must have been
perceptible, I looked up. It was he, it was Lord Alfred Ridlington—and
"Julia!" he said, gazing at me.
I returned the look in silence, not knowing what to say.
"At last," he murmured, a suppressed eagerness in his tone, and an
earnestness too which startled me. I blushed afresh.
I was satisfied with my posture and my appearance and saw that it
had produced all the effect that I could wish. A certain light came
into his eyes as I unconsciously made room for him to sit himself
beside me. His eyes, I noticed, rested on my ankles and seemed to
travel up my legs. I knew intuitively he longed to see more than was
Approval of what he did see, however, was plainly expressed in his
looks. He seated himself beside me and was very careful, I observed
with secret amusement, not to terrify my obvious timidity. He
instilled a wonderful gentleness and softness into his manner as for
a few moments he silently sat at my side.
If I had done what I wanted, what I should have liked to do, I
should have thrown myself upon him. I, however, let my eyes serve as
the mirrors of a human form—his. But one man then existed for me in
the universe. Many girls, I doubt not, have to make this confession.
Yes, I honestly avow and confess, that if I had done what I longed
to do, what all the fierce passion surging in my breast prompted, I
should have thrown myself upon him, gathered him in my arms, and
scattered our clothing to the winds.
But something—my maiden coyness, my virginal modesty (your virginal
modesty! Oh, Julia!)—withheld me. He was still silent but not
from want of feeling. I was sensible of the passion radiating from
him like the heat from a furnace. How could I encourage him?
He must make the first advance. Suppose (terrible idea!) he did not
do so! What would become of me in that case? Suppose he had merely
intended to propose a saunter or a ramble in the grounds?
He took my hand, jewelled with lady's rings.
I involuntarily glanced at the door.
"Oh!" he cried, in a reassuring way. "Mademoiselle has gone out—gone
out in her phaeton, I think. She told me she was going to sketch
some ruin or other, miles away. No one will disturb us."
I looked relieved.
He took my hand, and approached me more closely. His hot breath,
which began to come with more rapidity, played about my cheeks.
I did not draw myself away. Why should I not take what the Gods
provided? Why should I deprive myself of what I desired above all
things? I did not draw myself away, nor did I repel him.
Now this is strange; for what I myself like in a woman is boldness,
and an entire, imperious disregard of all les convenances; and how I
enjoyed that embrace of Mademoiselle's after whipping Beatrice,
because she had given the violence of her passion full scope, and
had thrown herself upon me in headlong fury.
And I know, too, there are some women who love to be outraged, who
care only for "the ponderous weight of the steer, rushing to
enjoyment." However, with Lord Alfred Ridlington, I felt it would be
the greatest blunder I could commit and so I made no advances.
He held my hand imprisoned in both his. What soft, plump hands they
were, for a man's! He looked at me.
"Julia," he said, tenderly, "you remember that happy evening in the
"Yes," I answered, affecting to wonder what was coming next.
I suppose there was a tell-tale tone about the monosyllable, for he
bent over and warmly kissed my lips—a very different kind of kiss
from that which he had in sport given me in the drawing room.
"Oh!" cried I. "Lord Alfred, you really must not."
And I grew hot all over, and red in the face.
"I love to make the roses bloom," said he.
And he gave me a second kiss.
How warm, how soft, how clinging his lips were! Their contact was
like nectar to a thirsty soul! They thrilled me through and through.
I felt a disturbance about the centre of my lap. Good gracious, if
he should observe anything there!
"Julia," he pleaded, "kiss me back!"
I looked at him coyly and archly.
"Will you not love me one little bit?" he added. "I love you so
His eyes rested on mine and shone with the strong but soft and
subdued light of one in love; they were moist, and their lids
drooped over them.
"Do you?" I said, innocently. "Well, then, if I must."
And I put my mouth up.
"You dear girl!" he cried, in a transport, throwing his arms about
me and raining a perfect shower of kisses upon my lips, my eyes, my
brow, my cheeks, and my lips again.
I yielded to the embrace. I was glad I had made no blunder.
I kissed his lips in return; and I must acknowledge that, catching
fire from him, I inserted my dainty little tongue into his mouth in
search of—
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" he cried, in ecstasy.
"Does that give you pleasure?" I asked, coquettishly, my maidenly
reserve fast thawing and vanishing like a patch of snow that has
lingered too long on some Alp below the snow line when the surprised
sun espies it.
His hand slipped down to my feet.
A terrible dread came over me. Suppose, after all, Mademoiselle was
wrong; suppose I was not an hermaphrodite; suppose I was altogether
a boy!
I should be cheated of the happiness which seemed within my grasp;
the cup of which I had already tasted the sweetness by anticipation
would be dashed from my lips. I should be as disappointed—and more
so, than that unfortunate child whom I could never forget, when
Mademoiselle had so heartlessly refused to incarnate.
And yet—to become a mother! Should I become a mother?
I recollected I had wondered what I should do. I had wondered—when I
had believed myself altogether a boy—what I should do with Lord
Alfred Ridlington if he made hot love to me as there seemed every
probability that he would.
Beatrice was to be my wife. Yet, how could I be another man's wife
if I was to be somebody's husband? Beatrice must be in the dark. The
reflection was a slight cloud upon my happiness.
He slipped his hand underneath my petticoats and I lay back across
his other arm. He travelled upwards, and caressed my limbs. For a
moment he played with Mons. Priapus, then his hand slipped to my
"Oh, Alfred, Alfred!" I cried. "Don't, don't!"
"Does it hurt?" he asked.
"Yes! Oh, yes! No, it—doesn't hurt—but don't put your hand there—it
makes me so ashamed," and I hid my face in his bosom.
"You," he continued, "are like a girl there because that thing in
front you know is abnormally large," and he continued to play with
my buttocks and endeavoured to insert his finger.
"You have to wear petticoats because you are really a girl, Julia.
Do not be deceived about it, and," he provokingly added,
"Mademoiselle has told me you are such a naughty one, and I know how
dear a one! Now, Julia, I cannot take off all your clothes, my dear,
here; neither can I disrobe myself—you must wait until tonight for
that happiness—but we can have something now. Lie on your face, my
And he turned me over on the soft cushions. I knew he was undoing
his own trousers and a moment later he turned up all my petticoats
and uncovered my bottom.
"Oh! Oh!" I cried, and endeavoured to turn over but he prevented
this. "If I am really a girl I do not mind; on the contrary I am so
glad—but I hope I am."
He did not reply. He lay down upon me and I felt his weight with
rapture. He pressed his hands round my waist, got them beneath my
clothes, and played with what I understood was an unnaturally
overgrown clitoris.
He removed one hand to insert something behind. It felt like the
tube Mademoiselle had pushed in there. It burnt me, but
delightfully. In a few minutes it throbbed with violence and I felt
deluged with warm moisture. My clitoris also responded.
He sank upon me without reply, for his passion was too intense,
pressing me closely to him.
"Oh, Alfred! Alfred! Oh, my dear Alfred!" I gasped.
In a few minutes he said: "Again, Julia."
"If—if you like."
He made the attempt, he replaced the weapon, but he was unsuccessful
in the accomplishment to the end. It did not throb. He excited me
however into a second paroxysm which he appeared to delight in.
He withdrew himself, let me turn round and repose in his arms.
Presently I kissed him.
"Do you think, Alfred, do you think I shall have a—a baby?"
He smiled curiously and enquired whether I should like one.
"Above all things," I promptly answered.
He laughed. "Oh, Julia! What a confession."
"And do you know, Alfred," I continued, "I—I—really thought
once—just for a short time, that you might be Lady Alfred Ridlington
dressed in your husband's clothes! Wasn't that absurd?"
"Yes; what on earth put such an idea into your silly little head?"
he asked, with a look of deep affection.
"Oh! I don't know except that you have such a beautiful well-formed
figure which would be a credit to any girl or woman, and because
"Mademoiselle said she would, when I thought I was a boy, get Lady
Alfred Ridlington to discipline me because I wanted to make too much
love to her. And—"
"And what more?"
"Oh! Because she said that Lady Alfred Ridlington thrashed her
husband and—wore his breeches. There!" Looking curiously at him with
depreciation of my own credulity.
"Indeed, I am extremely obliged to Mademoiselle," he replied. "Lady
Alfred does not thrash me and does not wear my breeches. And I think
I have proved to you—"
"Yes, indeed you have, that you are a dear, delicious, naughty man!
Would you like to do that again?"
"Not now, dear, thank you—it would be too exhausting for you."
To my surprise before many minutes were over, I felt very "unwell."
I at once knew why Mademoiselle had endeavoured to show and to teach
me how to contain myself. I felt I was going to be "unwell."
Mademoiselle had injected much more into my womb than Lord Alfred
had and I had had to wait twenty minutes, so that I might easily
wait a little longer now. But I could not—I had no towel on—the
quantity of the injection did not affect the matter. I looked
terrified. He saw something was up. What could I say or do?
"Hallo, Ju!" he cried, springing up. "I declare I hear the girls'
voices on the lawn, let's have some tennis—you will come and join us
presently, won't you?"
"Yes," I said, looking fondly at him as he stood before me; and as,
giving and receiving a kiss, he disappeared, I rushed to my room.
What a narrow, what a fortunate escape!
I leisurely put my things on before the glass, a hat, a pair of
tennis shoes, and changed my skirt for a tennis one. I looked at
myself, and thought: "Now, Julia, thank goodness! You know you are a
girl, and are, perhaps, going to have a baby."
I recollected my rude, hobbledehoy, hoydenish days, when I believed
I was a boy and wondered at the change so surprising, so far
reaching, so complete, that had overtaken me.
My former rudeness and roughness and violence positively shocked and
astounded me. I felt ashamed of them and blushed deeply. They were
so disgraceful in one who all the time should have been in
So thorough was this system of discipline that to this day when I
know all about it and understand how I was mystified, the impression
is still strong upon me and exercises a most wonderfully taming and
domesticating effect.
On the way down I met Mademoiselle.
"May I congratulate you, Julia dear?"
"Oh, Mademoiselle!" I cried.
"Am I cut out?" she asked, with that playfulness which she never
"Oh, Mademoiselle, no!" I answered, a little indignantly.
"But how about Alfred? I suppose he is now—?"
I blushed deeply. My wits came to my rescue.
"You know," I said, in very low, hushed tones, "you said I was an
hermaphrodite. I belong to you just as much as to him."
"You are a dear boy—girl, I mean, Julia." And she kissed me. "Never
mind the tennis. Come with me to my boudoir and tell me all about
it. We'll have some tea or chocolate or what you like."
And how delighted I was to obey.
As I returned to my room for the purpose of substituting for my
short, tight skirt (fitted for tennis but not for the dalliance of
Mademoiselle's boudoir) a loose tea gown and high-heeled shoes, a
rush of memories flooded my mind in an unaccountable
fashion—memories of that evening, now some days past, when I saw the
rich, full bosom of Beatrice, in her low-cut evening dress, hidden
by an ugly oblong card suspended by a scarlet ribbon from her
radiant neck on which was inscribed, in letters an inch long, the
What thoughts, what notions and ideas, what immorality and
profligacy, this single symbol—this single expression—on the
swelling bosom of my future wife evoked!
"Oh, Beatrice!" Agnes had cried, clapping her hands, as Beatrice
entered the brilliantly lighted drawing room before dinner. "What
a—a—charming one—you are! If only I were a man!"
Beatrice's anger, rising at the first half of the sentence, was
momentarily diverted by its close. She looked at me full and
distinctly betrayed the fact her chief concern was as to how I
should take her disgrace. Without being aware of it, I felt
And I suppose it was the sense conveyed by this assurance of her
concern about me, lingering upon my mind, that caused me now to
stand and think and wonder instead of hastening to Mademoiselle as I
should have done.
Agnes, however, did not escape, for Beatrice, averting her eyes from
me, and returning to her first impulse, walked up to her, her teeth
clenched and her eyes flashing and hissing the words "You wretch!"
gave her two sound boxes, one upon each ear, before Agnes could
recover from her surprise at the storm she had raised.
I abandoned myself somewhat inopportunely and somewhat to my own
surprise, to a resume in my thoughts of that delicious, eventful
evening—delicious, principally, I verily believe, because Beatrice
had to undergo then what she was so fond of inflicting. I delighted
in the discomfiture and humiliation the proud beauty had suffered.
Agnes looked pretty and girlish in her elegant frock. At the blows
she changed colour but appeared more disturbed at the threat with
which Beatrice followed them up.
"There, you impudent baggage! Just you wait awhile and I will make
you wear a card like this behind and before!"
Agnes dared not reply, but I could see her pretty bosom heave and
grow crimson whilst a defiant glance shot from her eyes.
Maud was in the room and watched what went on with quiet amusement;
but, as usual, was too careless, too serenely indifferent, to take
any active part. She had looked up at Beatrice's entrance and at
Agnes' remark, but then, with an impatient kick of her dress, and a
disdainful pout, she continued her perusal of the novel she was
reading while we waited for Mademoiselle and the gong.
The whole scene returned with surprising vividness to my mind though
I was much puzzled why it should do so at that particular moment.
The current was, however, too powerful to resist, and as I stood
before my glass, fondling my arms, admiring my breasts, noting my
drooping eyelids and their long lashes (I had thrown off my gown) I
was forced to abandon myself to it and I may as well relate my
reminiscences in the order in which they most impressed me, which
was at the time when I most cogitated upon them, although not the
time of the actual occurrence of the events.
What then, to be honest, was the significance of that magnificent
diamante bracelet, the gift of Lord Alfred Ridlington to me, worth
several hundred pounds at least, which now adorned my dressing table
and which I had more than once fully appreciated and admired when
clasped upon my arm, and had made up my mind to wear that very
evening although I felt very uncertain whether or not to tell
Mademoiselle beforehand of the gift? One of the articles of her
favourite code of love enjoined strict secrecy in love matters. Had
it—disquieting hateful thought—been given to me as wages?
How I loathed the notion; and under its influence the red-gold and
sparkling stones for a few seconds appeared to be a badge of
servitude. Was I a prostitute?
After all, the gift was made to me in accordance with custom, for I
was a girl and should have all the trouble of the baby.
How should I, and I looked at myself in the glass when asking the
question, feel with a great card on these swelling breasts of mine
with the word "prostitute" inscribed in enormous letters upon it?
Poor Beatrice! She had accused Maud of prostitution because she had
bought me from Elise and had herself to suffer as though she were
the criminal. How delicious to consider Beatrice in that light!
What a strange qualm, strange thrill, shot through me, as I
recollected the exquisite happiness she would sell. Those soft,
warm, yielding thighs opened wide to the shower of gold as were
Danae's to her god! My imagination faithfully depicted the well-stockinged
calves, the daintily perfumed underclothing, the glimpses of pink
flesh, the alluring posture, as she reclined with outspread arms and
inviting looks, the drooping lids, the languishing air. Verily, as
Agnes said, she would have made a splendid one, hence no doubt the
sting of the observation. What a scrutinizing piercing glance she
had thrown at me, as Agnes had added, "how I wish I were a man." Did
Beatrice after all know the secret and the truth? Was I a man and
did she long for me?
I wondered what Mademoiselle would do, for what use could a
prostitute be amongst women?
I had helped to dress Mademoiselle that evening and she had never
looked more stately nor more queenly than when in the drawing room
upon that occasion.
She, of course, noticed Beatrice directly, and looked at her with
well-feigned surprise as she observed Beatrice's carnation hue and
shamefaced appearance.
"Well, Miss," she exclaimed, "what is there about the word that so
disturbs you? Pro, before and statuo, I place," mimicking Beatrice's
tone; "if it were cunnus or pellex, or scrotum, or—or meretrix, did
you not say?"
"Oh, Mademoiselle!"
"Perhaps you have been round to the OEdiles and announced your
intention of joining the ranks of the pro-fessce, and this card
announces—until a tailor has provided you with a toga."
"Oh, Mademoiselle! You know no free woman—"
"No free woman could become a harlot. True—but as you have carefully
explained, it is not harlot or—or—or a worse name that you bear; it
is only prostitute."
"It is too bad, it is too shameful," cried Beatrice, beside herself
with anger, "to label me prostitute!" and she tore at the card. But
before she could rid herself of it Mademoiselle stopped her. "I
forbid you to take it off. I cannot suppose," with delicate scorn,
"your excuses for the use of the word were insincere—so you will
please keep it on. And who knows, after dinner we may find some one
anxious to fill your lap with gold. Julia, for instance," added
Mademoiselle. Then slyly to me, "Julia, what pocket money have you
"Julia is a girl," retorted Beatrice scornfully; in her turn
scanning Mademoiselle very closely.
"Julia is an hermaphrodite," replied Mademoiselle, calmly. "We shall
"Never!" shouted Beatrice, reddening to her forehead.
"Or if you do not think her sufficiently powerful, I dare say we can
find someone else. There's the gong. Julia, take in Madam Beatrice.
Maud, give me your arm—run along, Agnes."
During this passage of arms, we had stood open-eyed and
open-mouthed, wondering what the end of it would be. Even the sedate
Maud had relinquished her book and I would have given a great deal
to learn what was passing in her little head.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" I cried, for my excitement had occasioned a growth,
and I got myself unmercifully bitten. I blushed painfully; in fact
the pain was so severe that I thought I should faint.
Mademoiselle stopped, really astonished.
"It is that wedding ring of his, hers I mean," said Maud.
"Oh! I had forgotten. There, Beatrice, already," observed
Mademoiselle. "I fear his remaining guineas are in serious
"Julia," said Beatrice, in desperate tones, as she took my arm, "if
you don't take care, if you don't look out, I—I—I will tear the
thing off you."
"I really could not help it, Beatrice," I expostulated.
"You must help it," she replied, giving my arm a vicious pinch.
So we marched off to the dining room.
The maids who waited at table looked at Beatrice and looked very
significantly at each other. They were too well trained to give any
other sign but I am sure I heard tittering behind the screen, and
the one who handed me my soup gave me an intelligent although almost
imperceptible nudge.
There was Beatrice next me, that great card in her way, unable to
lift her spoon to her mouth without sprinkling it, to such an extent
did she tremble, to such unusual nervousness was she reduced; and
all because there was that word upon it.
During the meal Beatrice was unusually silent, almost sullen. What
she was thinking of I puzzled myself very much to imagine. I was too
much occupied with my own thoughts to take much part in the
conversation always dominated by Beatrice's flaring announcement;
for whatever subject was broached it seemed to be very quickly
exhausted and attention returned to the placard.
I noticed that Beatrice drank much more than she ate. Glass after
glass of red wine disappeared, until, at length, I observed
Mademoiselle noticing the frequency with which it was emptied and
In these matters we were always left to our own devices.
Mademoiselle never condescended to interfere in them, although she
was ready enough to amuse herself with the consequences of any
It soon became plain to me that a spirit of perversity had seized
Beatrice and that she was resolved to do justice to the character
which had been ascribed to her. She had been made to declare herself
a prostitute; she intended, evidently, to fill the part.
I knew the quantity of wine she was imbibing would make her utterly
reckless. She drank and drank and her air and demeanour soon gave
her the appearance of being so.
Before dinner was over she sat bolt upright resting against the back
of the chair, her cheeks flushed, her eyes wild, her hair slightly
disarranged. The naughtiness of the word seemed to have entered into
her; and her legs were well apart, her eyelids drooped, and her
gestures were very free.
The two other girls looked very much astonished, Mademoiselle looked
amused, and I was frightened. I did not want Beatrice to make an
exhibition of herself and she was evidently on the high-road to it.
In my solicitude, without exactly intending it, I involuntarily took
an opportunity of pushing her glass from her, when I thought no one
but herself would observe me, by way of giving her a gentle hint.
"You little ass!" she at once exclaimed, looking angrily at me, and
quite loud. "Are you going to spill it over me again? Do you want me
to slap your face for you as I did the other day? Leave my glass
I gave up in despair. I felt quite sad at the failure of my
well-meant interference, and rather small at the notion of having my
face slapped by one who was herself evidently more in need of
control than able to exercise it.
"Julia," said Mademoiselle, "take care! Beatrice, I expect, will
slap you somewhere else next time."
"That I shall! I shall put him across my lap, and warm his other
And she pushed her chair back and appeared ready there and then to
execute her threat.
The result was that I had recourse to the anodyne myself; for
Mademoiselle, noticing Beatrice's condition, merely smiled and bit
her lip—that dangerous smile which I knew betokened mischief.
In the drawing room Beatrice sank into a low, easy chair with a
review on her lap, which, for some ten minutes or so, she attempted
to read. Maud and Agnes went to the piano and Mademoiselle made me
sit on a stool at her knee and talk to her. Beatrice soon began to
nod and Mademoiselle to tire of inaction.
"Julia, why, with that alluring, appetizing spectacle before you,"
asked Mademoiselle, slyly, and in a voice audible to me alone, "do
you not forget your petticoats? Look at your cousin," she continued,
half turning and motioning with her hand towards her; "what an
attractive attitude! What do not those pretty ankles promise!
Observe her air of perfect abandon, her lap gaping, her arms
outstretched. Why do you not fly to her?"
Beatrice's pose was indeed all that Mademoiselle described it. Her
shapely legs were stretched out and well apart, her skirts had
travelled half way up to her knees, disclosing her close-fitting,
open-work stockings and slender ankles. Her knees had fallen wide
apart, her arms rested, one upon each of the arms of the wide
dormeuse; her breasts, rich, full, and snowy white, rose and fell
evenly, and with them the card bearing that dreadful name; her eyes
were closed; her lips slightly open; a soft smile was upon her face
and her cheeks were touched with a soft glow apparently borrowed
from the scarlet ribbon round her neck.
She did indeed, as Mademoiselle said, look most attractive, most
alluring, most appetizing. Her figure was most voluptuous and full
of promise.
"How can I forget my petticoats?" at length I asked my governess,
discontinuing my contemplation of Beatrice, and refusing to enter
upon the dreams her beauty inspired.
"How can you?" rejoined Mademoiselle ironically. "Did you not forget
them with me, with your mamma, with Maud?" and Mademoiselle looked
down into my face, with a soft smile. 295
I at once felt my suspicions aroused and myself set upon the alert.
This was some deep ruse of Mademoiselle's to entangle me and to
discover the true state of things between Beatrice and myself. I had
learnt enough of feminine nature to be well aware that, where such
preference existed, it was impossible to withhold it from the
apprehension of any feminine being. They inhale its existence with
the air they breathe. It is an epidemic, and I thought the smile
signified a soupcon of jealousy on Mademoiselle's part.
I have never understood, this being the fact and no hallucination of
mine, the necessity of a lover's formal declaration of his passion
unless it be that he must lay himself open to a breach of promise.
No woman could find that on intuitive perception. I felt that my
situation was an extremely ticklish one. The real object
Mademoiselle had in view was to discover who really was the
possessor of my heart. She herself merely owned my body.
How I congratulated myself upon the avoidance of the snare. I rested
my head against Mademoiselle's knee, and, with a wisdom in advance
of my years, murmured as I did so, Hamlet's words to Ophelia: "Here
is metal more attractive."
"That is all very fine, Julia, but what good are your petticoats to
Mademoiselle positively blushed as she asked this.
"You made me wear them."
"Don't you want to eat between meals, Julia?"
"It's not fair to turn the tables upon me like this, Mademoiselle. I
thought I was only—a—a—youth then."
"And now you find you are both that and a girl too—as Lord Alfred
Ridlington will show you."
"Lord Alfred Ridlington! I thought you said Lady—"
"Oh, yes! That was before your adventure with Maud—you have been
unsexed since, and I have invoked his aid instead of hers."
"Oh, Mademoiselle!" And I hid my face in my charming governess'
"Why, Julia, what has become of your aplomb? It is so long since you
have been birched—by me at any rate—that I really think I must have
recourse to those dainty twigs to enliven your wits. There is a lady
asleep. That ring, I suppose, forbids your enjoying the privilege
claimed by those who possess but one half of your dual nature. Come,
I will remove it. Is a young lady to announce herself 'prostitute'
in your presence for nothing?"
Mademoiselle made me stand up, and slipping her hand underneath my
skirts, she removed the horrid implement.
She did not stop at that. She caught hold of Mons. Priapus and his
purse and by her dexterous manipulation of both very soon evoked
various inarticulate exclamations from my lips and an irresistible
impulse to move myself to and fro in her hand.
"Now go to Beatrice," she ordered presently, "and do what you like,
what you wish, or as much as you can—and if you want encouragement,
let me tell you that if you don't forget your petticoats you will
have good reason to remember a certain oak bench and my birch!"
For a minute I felt quite at a loss what to do. How much did
Mademoiselle know? How was I to undertake such a task as she
suggested with the girl I was engaged to? Should I blurt out the
truth at once and say it was impossible with my future wife. And
then there were Maud and Agnes. They might fly at me, Maud
especially. And Agnes. I recollected that day in the wood, as no
doubt did she. "Should
he deal with our sister as with an harlot?" Beatrice had asked her
and had made me teach her the exact meaning of the query.
"Go!" said Mademoiselle, and she stood up, pointing to Beatrice, and
gave me a slap on the back below the waist just as though I were an
infant in frocks.
I considered the subject no further. I felt compelled to obey,
trusting to my usual good fortune for extrication from the mess. And
notwithstanding Beatrice's threats, which I knew were perfectly
sincere, notwithstanding all my apprehensions of the bondage I was
perfectly certain was in store for me as her husband (apprehensions,
I may observe, since fully realized), I was possessed by some
strange infatuation for Beatrice which made me anxious above all
things not to offend her.
What could give her greater offence than to violate her under cover
of the card Mademoiselle forced her to wear?
Of course I felt naughty, but my passion was dominated by this
"Oh, Mademoiselle!" I exclaimed. "You are punishing me, not
"Nonsense!" she answered. "I have not birched Beatrice. I shall
birch you if you are such a recreant knight."
"It is immoral."
"Oh, no, Miss Julia! Love is not immoral. Perhaps, however, you do
not care for your cousin."
"I—I—I think I care for her too much."
"And pray," instantly retorted Mademoiselle, "what then about your
professions to myself?"
I was dumbfounded. I felt as though I had been struck.
In a dazed state I went without another word up to where Beatrice
reclined and knelt down between her feet. I placed my arms round her
and kissed her lips.
She murmured. I repeated the kisses. She opened her eyes in a dreamy
way and looked at me.
"Oh, it is you, Julian!" she uttered, putting her arms about me, not
sufficiently awake to know where she was. "I was dreaming. Dear boy,
you may kiss me again! I suppose they have gone to bed. Where am I?
What's this thing on my breast? Don't press it against me."
I kissed her again and she kissed me. I slipped my hand down
underneath her dress, on to her knees, and let it glide higher up.
"Oh! Oh! Oh! You must—you must kiss me there!"
"Beatrice!" exclaimed Mademoiselle.
At the sound of her voice Beatrice started up and rubbed her eyes,
leaving me still kneeling.
"Oh, I must have been dreaming!" she declared, flushing up to her
eyes. "Julia, you wretch, how dared you take advantage of me?"
"Nice dreams for a young lady! Kiss me there!" went on Mademoiselle.
"Where pray?"
"Oh, Mademoiselle!"
"And what about that card? Sit down again, Miss. Lift up your skirts
to your waist—all of them. Statuo, 'I place,' Julia, pro, 'before.'
"Why shouldn't I?" rejoined Beatrice. Desperately and with ravishing
carelessness she obeyed Mademoiselle's injunction.
"There," exclaimed Mademoiselle. "Maud, Agnes, look at your sister.
See how she absolutely gives herself up to the embraces of the first
person who invites her. Wicked, abandoned girl. Go to my room
instantly. And you, Julia, come with me. The heroine of the novel, a
prostitute indeed! I suspected there was more than you wished me to
suppose, Maud."
"Indeed, Mademoiselle," began Maud.
"Go to bed," interrupted Mademoiselle, "and you, Agnes, go too."
Beatrice, accustomed to the role of bete noire, went off without
saying anything more. Maud and Agnes bade Mademoiselle good night
and left me with her.
As soon as they had gone Mademoiselle turned to me with a certain
amount of anger in her gesture.
"Have you ever kissed Beatrice like that before," she asked,
scrutinizing me closely.
I at once remembered the night of the dance. I recollected the
whipping I had from Agnes by Beatrice's orders for whipping Beatrice
herself, my head under Beatrice's petticoats, I—
"No need to reply, I can see it in your face. And Agnes—"
"Yes," I replied, hanging my head.
"Maud of course, and myself, and Elise, and your mamma—every woman
you meet in fact."
Now this seemed unfairly hard upon me. It was their doing more than
"Go along," continued Mademoiselle, "to my room with me."
When we arrived Beatrice was standing by the fireplace.
Mademoiselle entered the room with an imperious sweep of her
"Undress yourself at once and completely," she directed Beatrice.
Beatrice immediately commenced sobbing.
Mademoiselle opened a drawer and took out her jewelled whip.
At the sight of it, the culprit, without delay but not without
protests, unloosened her bodice, her gown, her underclothing,
petticoat after petticoat, her drawers, until at last she stood in
her chemise.
"Take that off," ordered Mademoiselle.
With a deep blush of shame but no hesitation, Beatrice obeyed, thus
saving her skin.
Mademoiselle laid down the whip.
I gazed at Beatrice. She was surpassingly lovely. Her confusion
heightened her charms in a most remarkable degree. But pretty
bashfulness and alarm like that of a graceful fawn were not her only
characteristics as she stood there in her stockings and shoes but
otherwise completely naked, a condition which the contrast of the
stockings rendered more emphatic. 301
"Now, Julia," exclaimed Mademoiselle, "do not stand there as if you
were moonstruck, gazing and gazing in that idiotic manner. Upon my
word you will wear out my patience. Take off your cousin's stockings
and then undress yourself."
The contact of my hands with Beatrice's soft warm full limbs which
resembled the delicious plumpness of a scarcely ripe peach,
communicated a strong fire to my veins and caused my brain to whirl.
I was in a state of violent commotion and the tender glances which
fell upon me from Beatrice's half-closed eyes, greatly increased my
enthusiasm, making me fully aware of her own state. It was very
evident that my execution of Mademoiselle's direction was very
agreeable to Beatrice. She pressed her legs against me more than
there was any occasion for; and it is these voluntary and gratuitous
caresses which I have always found the most irresistible and
When her stockings we're off, Mademoiselle made Beatrice stand upon
a low cane stool, which served as an admirable pedestal.
"Now, Julia," said Mademoiselle, from the chair where she reclined
in easy comfort, "follow suit. You will then have an opportunity of
comparing yourselves and of observing your points of difference.
What a pity Maud is not here to model you both. By-the-bye, first
hang that card again round Beatrice's neck!"
With a deep sigh and flush I slowly divested myself of my clothing
and in a few moments stood before Beatrice and Mademoiselle
absolutely naked, and feeling so guilty and ashamed that I covered
my face with my hands. Beatrice's nakedness and Mademoiselle's full
toilette, her low dress, accentuated my sense of my own state, and
my consciousness of it, to a bewildering degree.
I am quite sure as I recall the scene that the whole spice of it lay
in the difference of sex.
It was the sense of that difference which overwhelmed us both and so
delighted Mademoiselle. With my feminine garments I felt I had put
off all the nonsense about hermaphroditism—for nonsense I at that
time felt it to be-though, now today, after my experience with Lord
Alfred Ridlington, I stoutly denied to myself that it was nonsense;
and as I now gazed at myself in the glass, and passed my hands over
my body as I stood ready, in petticoat and body camisole, to do my
tea gown, and proceed to Mademoiselle's boudoir, an indignant
assertion of my hermaphroditic nature if not of absolute feminacy
rose to my lips.
But to return to that evening.
When Mademoiselle had regarded us thoughtfully and amusedly with a
somewhat triumphant air for several minutes, she bade me walk up to
Beatrice and let her examine me.
Beatrice descended from her pedestal for the purpose and passed her
hands over my plump body. I could not keep my hands off hers and we
found ourselves locked in each other's arms.
Mademoiselle at length told Beatrice to lead me into the inner room
where I had spent the three nights after my escapade with Maud.
There was a crimson silk coverlet over the bed and on it she made
Beatrice recline. How lovely, how desirable, she looked!
"Now, Julia, kneel down. Beg for her embrace, ask her price. What do
you value a night by her side at?"
"Beatrice," I said, in a trembling whisper, "may—may I spend the
night with you here, in your arms, in bed with you?"
The last part of the suggestion appeared to me insulting.
Beatrice moved ravishingly. She had not the ordinary means of
defence which women possess when clothed; and I could see how my
question and the ardent longing expressed more by my eyes and looks
than my words, agitated her form; and, to my great relief, under the
influence of the rosy little god Bacchus or for some other reason,
she entered into the joke.
"First," she said, "I must make the illusion complete."
And she threw away the card.
I am convinced of the rapacity of all women.
Beatrice did not scout the notion; on the contrary she took it most
"And what," she said, "are you willing to give me if I do?"
"Oh Beatrice!" I cried, hiding my face close to her lovely form,
"all I have—love."
"Love!" she retorted, scornfully. "I can have love for the asking. I
shall not give it for nothing."
"Quite right, Beatrice; make him pay," said Mademoiselle.
"Yes," Beatrice rejoined, "what will you pay?"
Mademoiselle laughed outright.
"Five—five—guineas," I stammered.
Beatrice's eyes brightened as an idea seemed to strike her.
"Very well," she answered, "give them to me and I will give you what
you want all night long. And I shall take what I desire. Give them
to me now."
I looked at Mademoiselle. "Tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow, nonsense!" exclaimed Beatrice. "You won't buy repentance
at any price then. Now, before you feel you have any need of
"Beatrice," I exclaimed, reproachfully.
"Oh, that's all very well. Five guineas, what are five guineas, five
hundred thousand guineas?" and Beatrice looked significantly at me.
I understood. This damsel would want a fine settlement.
Mademoiselle laughed delightedly again.
"Your money is in a drawer of my escritoire, in the next room; the
right-hand top one. Go and get your guineas."
I returned in a moment with them, and shamefacedly handed them to
She counted them singly and put them under her pillow, and then,
throwing herself back, she opened her arms and said with a winning
smile: "Come."
I sprang on to the bed and locked her in my embrace.
If the contact of her flesh which before I had touched only with my
hands had set me on fire, I was now, as my body pressed against
hers, ablaze with pleasure. I kissed her and she kissed me back. At
last I made certain advances. What did I care for Mademoiselle's
presence then!
To my astonishment Beatrice said: "No! I promised you what you
desired, and I shall take what I want. Do you think that for five
guineas you are to have what you seem on the point of taking?"
I knelt up, puzzled and disappointed.
Beatrice put her hands on my shoulders and pushed my head down to
her middle, making me turn round as she did so. She caught my head
with her thighs.
"There," she exclaimed, "that is what you want," as she rubbed
herself against me, "and here," taking hold of Mons. Priapus who was
now near her face, "is my toy. You shall sleep like that."
"It is not what I meant at all," I gasped.
"It is what I meant though," replied Beatrice, "and you shall stay
so all night because I want this thing and will not be done out of
"Capital," exclaimed Mademoiselle. "Good night. Mind you keep to
your bargain, Beatrice."
"I certainly shall," exclaimed Beatrice.
"There, Julia, you beast," she added as soon as Mademoiselle had
gone, giving me a sound smack, and then another, and another,
"there, I have outwitted her hand on you, and I have got you to
myself anyhow. How could you consent to play such a part and with me
too? You shall pay for it hereafter. Now kiss me at once! You know
how. It is not the first time and I shall perhaps, just once, act
Agnes' part with this thing."
She did so as I kissed her.
When we had rested she made me get underneath the bed clothes and
dived into them herself, placing me in the same position again. What
a night it was! I, as the hours-Hark! I hear Mademoiselle's voice;
she is 306
wondering what I am dawdling over. I must be off, and with a sigh I
broke off my broodings about that night, put on my most elegant tea
gown in frantic haste and rushed off to her boudoir.
"Julia," exclaimed Mademoiselle, as at last I entered her room in
some hurry and confusion, "what on earth have you been doing all
this time? Surely it cannot have taken so long to change your frock!
There was no one with you, was there—Beatrice, or Maud, or Agnes?"
she enquired with an uncertain and menacing air and a look which
scanned me searchingly. "No?" she went on, relieved, and unbending
her brows as she heard my denial. "Then what on earth can you have
been doing? You knew I was waiting for you: the tea is cold long
ago. I have a good mind to make you drink it as it is for a penance;
but, I suppose, today you must be indulged; and so," going to the
kettle, "I will make you some fresh tea. You must attribute this
complaisance to the sympathy between our feminine natures. As a girl
myself I can understand what you have been through."
I gave Mademoiselle a grateful look in recognition of her taking, in
this good-natured way, my having kept her waiting so long, while the
suggestion of a similarity between her eminently feminine nature and
my own, caused a wave of feeling to pass over me not at all
unpleasant in its effects, occasioning me a sweet sense of confusion
and shame at the suggested positive allegation of my womanhood and
the attendant irresistible conviction that beneath my lady's attire
existed a veritable girl.
I felt ashamed of Mons. Priapus of whose existence I had become
bewilderingly aware from the force of her words which excited very
curious sensations, and I proceeded, impelled more by civility than
by any other pronounced motive to make the best excuses I could.
"While I was changing my frock, Mademoiselle," I said, slowly
watching her as I spoke, "various recollections rushed upon my mind
which so absorbed me that I fear I dwelt longer upon them than I
ought to have done; and, indeed, I was not aware how quickly the
time was passing."
"Ah!" exclaimed Mademoiselle, with a little gesture of delight and a
very intelligent glance. "I can easily understand and excuse you. No
doubt you were dreaming of your first lover. Come, sit down here
beside me"; and with a tone expressing much interest and sympathy,
"tell me all about it, my dear."
Mademoiselle's manner was tender and delicately affectionate. It
conveyed to me that she would consider my maiden bashfulness, if I
could any longer consider myself a maid, or that, at least, she
would not shock me by too rude an assertion of the change.
She treated me, indeed, as though I were a girl who had undergone
some radical physical alteration, tacitly assuring me that she would
make due allowances for its effects on my being.
Now this was very embarrassing to me. I had not become aware of any
alteration in my anatomy, or, indeed, of any revolution in my ideas.
What Lord Alfred Ridlington had done, had, in fact, been
disappointing, or I was disappointed that he had not done more.
In what had taken place I had had no active part. I had been passive
only, I had not received or actively acknowledged the receipt of
anything. In fact I had felt acutely the want of the anatomical
apparatus necessary to conceive. He had given me various sensations,
resulting, as I knew, in nothing; for when he had so opportunely
left me what he had given me was disposed of by me.
And he had done no more to me than what Mademoiselle had done on the
first of June, than what Elise had done on the first dry day that I
was under her; than what my mamma had done in her bedroom at the
hotel when she had screwed that flexible tube into the ivory bulb
which had been inserted into me during our journey up to town; but,
of course, having all this done by a man to me in the character of a
girl, had a queer, perplexing, and very exciting effect on my
temperament. He had wooed me in the most approved fashion and had
sought and obtained all that as a girl I had to give.
"I see," said Mademoiselle, "you should have had a honeymoon with
your lover. You desire seclusion and quiet—an opportunity to compose
yourself, to recover from the first shock of intimate acquaintance
with a man!" (I shuddered and blushed.) "But come, Julia, there are
no secrets between you and myself. Will you not confide in me? Has
Naiveté, a delicious simplicity, and artlessness always
characterized me. I therefore answered candidly.
"Oh, Mademoiselle! I was not dreaming of Lord Alfred Ridlington, I
was thinking of Beatrice."
"Of Beatrice!" ejaculated Mademoiselle. "Of Beatrice!" and I know
her thoughts ran upon all sorts of things in connection with that
"Mon Dieu! What are you dreaming of Beatrice for? Look at those
cushions, look at that ottoman. They tell a tale, I want to hear
about that!"
I blushed again and looked at her. There was nothing for it but to
give her a full narration and I summoned up my energies for the
I sat down beside my governess under the absolute conviction that I
was a girl like herself and I abandoned myself to the feeling while
I hugged my petticoats about me as friendly things, the exponents of
the truth regarding my sex. I felt very naughty and very happy. The
happiness was due to the charming influence of my governess upon me
and to the close proximity into which I felt drawn to her.
"Sometime ago," I said, looking into Mademoiselle's eyes, "I always
wanted to be a boy for you, and now it seems so delightful to be the
same as you are—a girl like yourself!"
"Well," said Mademoiselle, after a few seconds' pause during which
we both followed out our thoughts, "Well?" and she moved her legs
underneath her voluminous skirts in a peculiar manner. "Has that
thing been cut off then?"
"No; only you assure me that I am a girl."
"Yes; certainly I do. It is punished by your being made to feel so."
And she turned and looked into my eyes with an expression which
searched the depths of my being and covered me with shame.
Mons. Priapus at once grew and all other feelings gave place to an
ardent longing to be embraced and lost in that ample bosom, engulfed
and annihilated by those firm round strong thighs.
"Oh, Mademoiselle!" I cried, my cheeks flushing.
Mademoiselle laughed.
"So you think, after all, you will want a girl to console you
sometimes, Julian?"
"Julian!" I exclaimed.
"You see," she exclaimed, "you have the advantage or disadvantage of
being both masculine and feminine, both Julian and Julia. You have a
dual part to perform in life. You have to satisfy men and women. I
wonder which you will consider the pleasanter task?"
And she again moved, tightening her skirts across her shapely limbs.
"Sometimes you will want a lover, sometimes a mistress. That is why
you were dreaming about Beatrice," with a slight pout. "But I," she
continued, "am determined by developing your feminine proclivities,
to tame and counteract your formerly too aggressive masculine
characteristics. You will," and she spoke more sternly and looked
severely upon me, "always be under the petticoat. Now do you like
what the petticoat exposes you to as a consequence of wearing it?"
I sat silent for some minutes, gazing at Mademoiselle, wondering,
thinking, perplexed; very conscious of my pre-eminently feminine tea
gown, headdress and general bedizening of the slender ankles
belonging to long legs encased in stockings undoubtedly a woman's,
and of the little feet shod in shoes also indubitably made for the
gentler sex. And yet under all Mademoiselle's remarks lay a quiet
tacit assumption that I was masculine. Her assertion of my double
sex was made with an air that convinced me of its insincerity.
A feeling of indignation and of intense repugnance to my situation
and garb began to reassert itself and when I thought of Lord Alfred
Ridlington I grew hot and trembled. I think I almost loathed myself
and certainly endeavoured to recall a chapter in Genesis, purposing
to examine it.
"What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah? Was I in any way related to
it or connected with its doings? Had it anything to do with a man
being dressed in a woman's clothes, with hermaphroditism?" I must
confess I felt very uncomfortable and began to kick my petticoats
Mademoiselle ate her bonbons, and sipped her tea, and looked from
time to time curiously at me.
How did I like what wearing the petticoat exposed me to?
If I was really a girl, or partly a girl, or a girl behind, and a
boy in front, I suppose it was all very well that I should wear a
petticoat and be treated as a female.
"I do declare, Julia," said Mademoiselle, disturbing my reverie, her
patience at length worn out, "I do declare that I do not know what
has come over you. Instead of the excited condition, the rapture,
the enthusiasm, the abandon of the bride, the recklessness of one
whose dearest wishes have been crowned with complete satisfaction, I
find you morose, listless, dreamy, pale one minute, rosy the next,
silent, not a
word will you speak, there you sit munching your toast, and now
looking at me, now at your clothes, now at those statues, then at
those cushions—what is the matter? Why are you so distrait? What do
you want? Whom are you dreaming of? Perhaps," she continued
maliciously, and again moving in a manner which plainly shew her to
be under the influence of very pleasant feelings, "perhaps you will
reply that as a woman I should know, that your attention, your
thoughts, are all of them concentrated inwardly upon the material he
has supplied you with to enable you to make and reproduce an exact
image of himself. Is it so? I can excuse you, if my conjecture is
correct, and, indeed, shall feel bound to apologise for attempting
to disturb your cogitations. A maiden suddenly converted into a
woman, suddenly confronted with the necessity of answering the
requirements of love by producing a child, may well desire to be
left alone in order to collect and direct her whole energies to the
This would have been all very well if what Lord Alfred had given me
had not travelled the same road as what Elise and Mamma and
Mademoiselle had given me. There was nothing to work upon. If there
had been I should have received it before, not behind. I was quite
sure no one could make a child behind; not even the Venus Callipyge
But how in a single-minded manner to discuss my difficulties with
Mademoiselle, who stated one thing and implied another, who was
evidently insincere and probably laughing at me, was quite another
It was no use hoping to discuss it with Beatrice, for she was blind
to all possibility of my being at all feminine. Of course Lord
Alfred Ridlington would only think me insane if I hinted my doubts
to him. And besides I was aghast with terror at the notion of
suggesting to him the possibility of my imagining he had behaved to
a male as he had behaved to me.
.So that there was nothing for it but to apply to Mademoiselle, and,
indeed, this was probably the reason she had me there with her. She
wanted to possess both my confidence and myself; so that, in spite
of myself, I might be her absolute slave, body and soul.
Another question was latent in my mind, and that was the extent to
which Lord Alfred Ridlington was Mademoiselle's fellow-conspirator
or tool. However, it was necessary to rouse myself, for
Mademoiselle's patience was evidently wearing threadbare.
As I considered my own frame of mind and really morose disposition,
I wondered at myself. The influences and experiences I was under,
and had undergone, were indeed calculated to produce a condition
very different from this taciturn, cross-grained mood.
Mademoiselle was as alluring, as delicious, as ever. My chagrin may
have been caused by erotic exhaustion. I was sensible of a nervous
or cerebral fatigue and needed repose.
"Come, come, Julia!" cried Mademoiselle, impatiently. "You have
sulked long enough. Answer the question I asked you long ago. You
are in petticoats. How do you like what they expose you to?"
"You mean being made love to and treated like a girl?"
"Yes," rejoined Mademoiselle with a too frank smile. It was a
smile—I saw it plainly—of laughter, of amusement, of ridicule, not
of sympathy or of tenderness. "Yes; of having your secret charms
invaded by the rude hand and weapon of a man; of his making himself
acquainted with your nakedness and acquainting you with his own
emotions at the same time that he learns your own most secret
feelings. Do you like being a girl?"
"No, I do not."
"And pray, why?"
"Because I feel I can be more."
"Yes. I was the wrong side up. Lord Alfred Ridlington may have
enjoyed possession of me but I never seemed to possess him; and I do
not think I shall have a baby. I had to run away almost directly. My
womb retained nothing; there is nothing to germinate. I did not
possess him as I possessed you and Mamma. I do not believe," with a
burst of ingenuous candour, "that I am a girl or even half a girl."
"What nonsense!" exclaimed Mademoiselle, a little testily. "What did
he do?"
"Well, I was amusing myself with that superb copy of Mademoiselle de
Maupin, when he came in and began to make love to me."
I blushed. Mademoiselle watched me closely.
"He took me in his arms, put me underneath him, removing my skirts,
and pushed himself into my womb; and in a paroxysm of passion it
happened, and it happened to me in front. I do not love him.
Whatever my feelings at the moment I have ever since felt vexed,
irritable, annoyed, and I do not want to see him again."
"You are a strangely inconsistent young woman—but I shall insist on
your taking all the consequences of your garments. You will have to
be Lord Alfred's mistress while he is here, so you had better not be
refractory, or I shall make your beautiful back again acquainted
with the birch—and in the meantime now to convince you of your sex I
shall put something up behind."
"Oh, Mademoiselle!" I exclaimed. "Oh, pray, do not!" I stood up and
clasped my hands, as I thought of the terrible suggestion. "Oh,
pray, pray, do not! I will not be refractory, I will be as good a
girl as possible."
"I cannot allow any nonsense of this sort," exclaimed Mademoiselle
severely. "A little conviction will be good for your mind and will
induce you to take more kindly to your lover and his embraces. I see
you are not sufficiently broken in. I am glad I chose Lord Alfred
Ridlington to discipline you instead of his wife whom I first
promised you. You must have your feminine character indelibly
impressed upon your mind—and upon your body. Come here."
"Oh! Whatever are you going to do to me, Mademoiselle? Oh, don't
hurt me! I love my petticoats—I love being a girl—I will be as kind
to Lord Alfred as ever he can desire."
"Come here, Miss, and let me tie your hands," said my inexorable
governess, taking a long ribbon from a basket and placing it round
my wrists, which she tied in front. Then, going to a candlestick on
the mantelpiece, she took the candle thence. It had not been
"Now," she directed, "lie across that ottoman on your face and let
me see this beautiful bottom of yours again."
She pressed her arm upon my back and as I reluctantly yielded to the
position she indicated, I half turned round and with bated breath
enquired what she was going to do with the candle.
"You are not going to burn, to singe me?"
"Oh, no!" with a smile. "I am going to convince you of the passage
by putting this candle into it."
"I shan't allow you. I won't. You shan't," I shouted struggling
vainly to free my hands, and half in tears.
Mademoiselle laughed. "I shall punish you all the longer for your
obstinacy," she rejoined, forcing me down on my face.
I felt much surprised at the strength she possessed and exercised.
She held me down across the ottoman, one hand pressed on my shoulder
while she ruthlessly turned up my tea gown and petticoats with the
other. I kicked and struggled and consequently received a stinging
slap as soon the skirts were sufficiently removed to expose me to
"There," she cried, as I tingled, "lie still or I will beat you
until you do. I shall not permit this absurd nonsense, these
crotchets. You shall just do as I bid you and be at the mercy of
whomsoever I choose to subject you to without any questioning or
reasoning on your part. I will have implicit obedience."
She opened my drawers at the back. The exposed behind completely
upset my equanimity. She not only carefully exposed my bottom but
the colder air upon my nakedness made me thrillingly sensible.
Placing her elbow on the small of my back to keep me down, she
separated my cheeks until she found what Lord Alfred had sought and
To my inexpressible consternation, I felt something, against the
opening—a very persistent, very insinuating force, the thin edge of
which all the voluntary and involuntary contraction of my muscles
was unable to withstand. I sighed and groaned, but could not escape.
The instrument entered. Another push and I became conscious of an
expansion. I was helpless to prevent the entrance into me of a
larger mass which was pushed until I thought I was impaled on a
stake and which seemed to penetrate my very nature.
"Now deny that you are a girl!" exclaimed my governess drawing the
thing almost out again causing me excruciating sensations; and then,
when it was almost entirely withdrawn, reinserting it.
"Oh, oh, oh, Mademoiselle!"
"You naughty girl!" moving the candle to-and-fro.
"Oh, I will never be so silly again!" I cried, abandoning myself,
perforce, to the like to-and-fro movement. "Oh, oh!"
Mademoiselle continued.
I gasped.
"Oh, Mademoiselle! Will not that do? I am convinced I am a girl."
And I tore at the ribbon which bound my hands.
"No, I shall push the argument home. Was Lord Alfred like this?"
"Yes, but—not so big, not—so—strong!"
"Indeed!" exclaimed Mademoiselle, never relaxing her infliction.
And then she slid her hand round my waist, and over my clothes and
caught me in front.
"A boy, too!" she declared.
"Oh, oh!" I ejaculated, at the fresh influx of feelings she now
"Prove that to me!" she ordered.
I held my breath and my tongue, to overcome, to do otherwise.
The proof was soon given her and I felt absolutely exhausted.
But she continued to hold me.
"I shall behave better than he did. I shall not withdraw yet as you
have given me so much trouble. Just a little more."
"Oh, Mademoiselle!" I cried, almost in tears, and clenching my
For quite five minutes she continued. Before she had finished I felt
a very strange internal commotion. I buried my face in the cushion
and submitted helplessly, hopelessly, quite reckless as to the
consequences. It seemed an age, but at length it was over.
"A girl warranted not to have a baby!" remarked Mademoiselle as she
at length moved away and allowed me to get up.
"It gives me diarrhoea," I foolishly observed as I got up in a very
sheepish fashion. "No, nonsense, Julia!"
"Oh, I must leave the room, Mademoiselle!" I asserted. "Well, it is
high time to dress and you may go, but mind you behave yourself
tonight. I think I have smoothed things for you."
I returned to my dressing room to get ready for dinner and to
prepare to meet my lover again; not without certain qualms, which
Mademoiselle had taken effectual means to quell.
I felt that, willy-nilly, I must give myself up to him; and the
consequence of her lesson was that I would not scruple further about
the matter. Anything was preferable to being punished by her with
that candle.
We assembled in the drawing room. I in a very low dress, which Elise
had helped me to do. I had on one of my strictest corsets, laced
"severely," and I was chiefly occupied with the hope that I should
My shoes were cut low, my legs were encased in openwork stockings,
and the heels of the shoes I wore were fearfully high.
I had roses in my hair, and a cluster of them at my breast. I was
perfumed with eau de Cologne, my face was delicately rouged, and I
endeavoured to comport myself like a young married woman and to meet
my lover or husband for the once with aplomb.
He looked very well indeed, and I believe the girls envied me.
Beatrice's face was a study; but just as I could not rid myself of
the notion that I myself was acting, so an unholy and tantalising
fancy kept bothering me that Lord Alfred Ridlington was doing the
Many symptoms appeared to me to confirm my suspicions.
Notwithstanding all Mademoiselle's assertions and doings, I believed
myself fundamentally masculine, and I began to think Lord Alfred
Ridlington feminine.
However, the evening passed pretty much like that famous one which I
spent for the first time in girl's dress when he had taken me to the
conservatory, and my sensations were the same.
Lord Alfred took me into dinner and sat next to me. During it, and
afterwards, he devoted himself to me, full of those little
attentions so delightful to a girl. And upon this occasion we were
quite en famille, there were no other men or guests.
At length, after a merry and exciting evening, I determined to
exercise my prerogative and retire.
I kissed Mademoiselle as usual; and then, with a blush, I bade my
lover good night. Prompted by some mischievous spirit, I said, as I
did so: "You will not stay long in the smoking room, Alfred—you will
come soon, won't you?" And I looked affectionately into his eyes. He
gazed at me in return, first at my face and then at my gown and
pretty ankles, which were disclosed by the way in which I had been
schooled to hold up my dress when moving.
"Yes, dear," he replied, "at once if you like."
"Oh, no!" I answered, as a hot blush rose to my cheeks. "Give me
time to get into bed." And I smiled at him.
As I left the room Beatrice also got up and wishing Mademoiselle
good night, followed me.
She overtook me on the staircase.
"Julian, you wretch!" she exclaimed, with great disdain. "How can
you behave like this? Don't you know you are engaged to me? Don't
you know you are a boy, not a girl, and Lord Alfred—Lord Alfred
indeed! Don't you know what he is!"
I very nearly dropped my candle.
"Don't you know?" continued Beatrice, with infinite scorn. "You are
no more a girl than I am a boy, and he is no more a man than you are
a girl!"
"No!" I at length answered, summoning up all the courage I
possessed; and turning round, I looked her full and defiantly in the
face. "I do not."
Beatrice flushed angrily.
"Go along to your room—do not let us have a scene here. Go to your
room, and I will follow you."
Mercy upon us! I wished to be alone. Lord Alfred Ridlington, then
Mademoiselle and her candle, now Beatrice and after her goodness
alone knows what. However, I too felt we could not have a row there
and therefore slowly ascended the stairs to my room.
"You think, I suppose," continued Beatrice, "that because you wear
all this borrowed plumage you are a girl."
And she set about enumerating it.
"Because you have girl's shoes on, and a lady's stockings right up
your legs, and drawers, and a chemise, and corset, and petticoats,
you imagine that makes you a girl."
Beatrice's flush had left her by the time we reached the bedroom and
she had grown stern and pale while with her flaming eyes she glared
upon me.
She so frightened me that I could only ejaculate: "Oh, Beatrice!"
"Oh, Julian!" she retorted, setting down her candle. Then she placed
her arms and hands on my shoulders and forced me down on to the
There was no room for doubting her sex. A girl, a very lovely girl,
and now a very angry girl. I trembled.
She looked at me and then without another word slapped my face.
"Don't you know the difference between a boy and a girl yet? Have
you not been often enough underneath my petticoats, and my hand
often enough under yours? How can you be a girl with this thing?"
And so saying she slipped her hand up my legs which fell apart
I gasped and shuddered under the violence of the assault.
"It is not my doing; how can I help myself?" I enquired coldly.
"Easily; you positively take a delight in belting your sex which is
no longer yours to give away. Do you think I have not noticed all
your tomfoolery with 'Lord' Alfred? I won't let you sleep with her."
"With her?"
"Yes, her."
"My goodness!" I observed. If he was she, the idea of sleeping with
her was not, I must confess, altogether objectionable.
Beatrice saw she had made a blunder and I suppose this prompted the
series of severe pinches she then gave me, the effect of which was
to cause me to fall helplessly back upon the couch and to scatter
all my ideas to the winds. She soon worked me into a condition of
extreme excitement.
"There," she said, "how can you imagine yourself a girl now? Do you
not long for me?"
"Yes," I replied, and in truth I did.
"Then lie flat down—on your back."
She whisked her skirts across my face and mine up to my middle. I
very soon felt my mistress upon me.
"Now prove to me that you are a boy and I will satisfy you as to
what I am."
Of course it had to be as she wished and it was so.
"Now get up," removing her exquisite leg from across me, "now get
up, and undress and get into bed and imagine yourself a girl again
if you dare. And try to be honest tomorrow!"
She took up her candle to go and I offered to kiss her, receiving
another sounding and stinging slap upon my cheek in return.
"Very well!" I exclaimed, testily.
"Very well!" retorted Beatrice, at once stopping. "What do you mean?
How dare you address me in such a tone?"
I looked at her but said nothing; I felt too indignant.
"Very well; just you wait one minute." Then she returned after a
moment's absence with Mademoiselle's riding-whip. "Lie across the
bed—on your face."
And notwithstanding my struggles, she forced me down, turned up my
petticoats, held me with one arm, and inflicted some half dozen
vicious stripes across my legs, over my drawers—a very poor
protection, for the whip bit through them, and besides, their
construction left an ample portion of my frame bare.
"Now," she said, recovering her breath, "it is very well!"
Before I had done writhing, she had left the room. As soon as I
recovered I proceeded slowly to undress. I felt it could not be long
now before Lord Alfred would join me and I wished to be in bed when
he did come. As the shock and the pain gradually wore off I noticed
my charms as they were one by one uncovered, and at last, diving
into the heavily laced and frilled girl's nightdress which was
placed for me, I jumped into bed. How delicious, how comfortable it
Silently, but angrily, resolving upon revenge on Beatrice, I
ensconced myself at its further side. Its width and two large
pillows pleasantly
suggested what was to come. The long nightdress down to my feet, the
lace ruffles at my wrists, the richly ornamented and bedizened fichu
down my bosom, the cut of the garment fitting closely to my figure,
impressed me with a deep sense of my girlishness.
I did not lie very comfortably upon my back because Beatrice's
flogging had waled my thighs and had made them sore; but I lost the
sense of discomfort in the sweet dreams promised by the night in
store for me. The first I should have ever spent alone in bed with a
man! The dim light, the warmth and luxury of my entourage, filled me
with voluptuous enthusiasm and my mind with erotic notions and
figures. I let my legs fall widely asunder. I little by little drew
up the garment in front, the touch of my own fingers upon my legs
strangely thrilling me.
I pictured to myself that it would be there Lord Alfred would lie;
that his cold soft hand would make itself at home in that shrine,
and prove but the precursor of the whole man himself, whom I should
envelop with my being—then suddenly the thought struck me that I
should have to lie not so—on my back—but on my face, and this
disappointed me extremely.
I was still under the influence of the discontent this reflection
had set up in my mind when Lord Alfred entered in his rich dressing
"Julia," he presently said softly, his eyes sparkling and his voice
resonant with a tone of deep complacency, "you shall not escape so
easily now. Look here!" said the wicked man with deliciously cynical
shamelessness and a recklessness which I enjoyed because it took my
breath away. I looked and saw at the top of his legs—which,
by-the-bye, I observed were plumper, rounder, and whiter than my
own—and at the bottom of his exquisitely undulating abdomen an
engine, fierce and formidable, exactly shaped as what I had in front
of me but much larger. He wagged it with glee, menacing me with it
so that I tingled from head to foot and hid my face in the
"Oh, no! No!" I cried.
"Yes," he rejoined with electrifying determination, "this is the
great High Priest of Love who will take no refusal but insist upon
entrance. He will unite you and myself."
"Oh, Alfred!" I cried.
"Come, my darling. You have instinctively assumed quite the proper
To my astonishment I was lying upon my face.
"Come, surrender to the tyrant!"
"Get into bed, Alfred!"
"No, Julia, you must submit naked this time."
Must submit naked! I did not feel at all inclined to abandon the
pleasant warmth of my couch. I should have very much preferred his
getting into it.
"Why, Alfred!" I said. "It has got no hair about it like mine,
and—and—why have you those ribbons about your waist?"
"Oh! You see, Julia, Lady Alfred makes me work so hard, as you know
from Mademoiselle, who has told you what she is, that the poor
fellow has to be supported. These are patent American suspensory
bandages. I am obliged to wear them; and the reason that he has no
hair about him is that it has been all shaved off."
"Shaved off?"
"Yes," he rejoined quite coolly, repeating reflectively and sadly a
minute or so later the same words, "shaved off."
"Why—how—because—because—you like shaving?" I enquired, perforce
smiling at his lugubrious air.
"Oh, no!" he returned, with a laugh. "But just before I came here,
Lady Alfred had reason to be displeased with me—I was really very
tired at the time—and she shaved it all off."
I felt completely puzzled.
"May I feel him?" I asked, moving across the bed and putting on my
He let me do so. My manipulation of the engine did not seem to
affect him or it in the least. I looked up into his face. He then
began to affect throbs of passion. My observation was quite acute
enough to convey to my mind that it was acting or affectation on his
"I really don't know what it is," I observed, discomfited and
He did not appear to me altogether comfortable.
"Lie across the bed and I will show you," he reiterated.
The situation had made me feel naughty, and I was disposed to
acquiesce; but I remembered, when he turned up my night robe, he
would be sure to see the wales of Beatrice's whip. How could I
account for them? They might suggest certain things to him and he
might, besides, mention them to Mademoiselle and then there would be
a row and more wales, undoubtedly.
However, I knew he would have his own way in the end, and that, then
seeking a reason for my obduracy, he would be led to attach undue
weight at the marks which he would be sure to regard as the motive.
Delay, it appeared, would be a mistake, so I exclaimed.
"Oh, Alfred!" and hid my face.
"What a coy girl it is!" he cried, amused and delighted.
Pushing away the bedclothes, he uncovered me, and drew my right leg
across the mattress away from its sister leg.
Then he got between them both and embraced me. Removing a hand and
arm, he inserted the implement and I noticed he kept his hand upon
My throes were very violent as he fell upon me, and before I went
off in front, where his other hand had got to, he made the thing
inject a quantity of warm fluid.
Then I got up. "Get into bed, Alfred," I directed, my suspicions
fully aroused. "I shall tear that thing off when I return."
I hurried on a dressing gown and departed, knowing from experience
the inconvenience I should suffer.
On my return I got into bed.
"Now," I said, "I shall play the part of a masterful wife! You shall
be underneath, my boy!"
In the struggle the thing slipped; there was between it and him a
total disconnection.
"Alfred," I exclaimed, "you are an impostor! I shall make you feel
and receive the expression of what I feel."
I found an opening in front like Mademoiselle's; I pushed what I
possessed into it. It was hairy like Mademoiselle's, but the hairs
were so fair, so like the colour of the skin, that I could scarcely
have detected them even if they had not been covered as they must
have been.
I was extremely excited. Beatrice's reproaches rushed upon my mind.
The unusual circumstances of being master also stimulated me.
Notwithstanding protestations and observations, I pinned her down. I
was really the stronger.
"Now I shall fuck you!" I cried.
She was silent, evidently meditating vengeance.
I did fuck her very violently.
"Lord Alfred," I then said, "you are a woman."
I tore open her nightshirt and played with her breasts—of course
they were a woman's.
I saw it all now.
"What business have you to wear trousers?" I asked.
"How dare you wear petticoats?" she retorted with a bitter smile.
This dumbfounded me.
Lady Alfred jumped up at the first chance. She was Wild. "I shall
call Mademoiselle," she said, and not heeding me, "he" hastily threw
on a dressing gown and left the room.
Presently the door opened, and she re-entered; and immediately
behind her came the stately form of my governess, carrying in her
hand, to my great dismay, a long, lithe birch.
"So," said Mademoiselle, "you have turned a man into a woman, Julia,
and insulted your lover."
"And he," I cried, defiantly, "has proved to me that I am a man
after all."
I trembled and had grown very pale.
"I will argue with this," answered Mademoiselle, shaking her weapon.
Lady Alfred drew me, now incapable of resistance, from the bed, and
put me on the couch. Then she dragged me across the end of it and
held me down. Between them they got my nightdress up to my
shoulders, and Mademoiselle then birched me until I was beside
"There," she exclaimed at last, "now, Lord Alfred, I shall leave her
to you. She has had a lesson she will remember."
I was too much overcome to object to the misuse of the pronoun.
I spent that night with Lady Alfred Ridlington, and she made me work
very hard. She played the part of a husband, and I was made to lie
on my back while she worked her wicked will.
Exhausted, towards daybreak we both fell asleep, and I dreamt that
Lady Alfred Ridlington had metamorphosed me into a girl and had made
my male attributes her own. I awoke to find her leg across me.
A long time seemed to pass before the matutinal refreshment came, as
it did come at last, in the shape of chocolate.
"You are to be a girl and I a man still," she said, "because you
must wear petticoats. I shall tame you. I know how you behaved to
your governess just as she knows how you behaved to the nursery
maid. You shall not pry underneath women's garments for nothing. You
shall not make the indecent advances and the insulting propositions
you made to your governess without punishment and therefore you will
please understand you are a girl. Now turn over!"
The order was accompanied by the exercise of some physical
persuasion, which, weakened as I was I did not know how to
counteract or resist. The persuasion was indeed force; and from
white feminine arms I could not withstand it.
It was terrible, though, to be outraged thus by a woman.
"You shall be made to be a girl to punish your naughtiness. I quite
agree with Mademoiselle. It is the most effective punishment."
And so, before I got down to the breakfast room, I had to endure
again, what I considered the last degree of degradation, three or
four times.
My discovery certainly alleviated its severity, and the strangeness
of the sensations gave me a certain animal gratification; but I knew
that Lady Alfred Ridlington had no right to know me anywhere but in
If she would only wear petticoats, I thought, if she would be my
mistress instead of my master, how much more I should enjoy it, or
rather how much less difficult the yoke of iron would be to bear. My
peculiar and constitutional susceptibility made it easy, perhaps
pleasant, to me to endure all things from a woman.
This charm, this romance was dissipated to the winds, because Lady
Alfred Ridlington would wear trousers, while I, the male, was made
to wear women's clothing.
I was so fond of women that I did not always object to being in
their garments, but I hated the domination of the masculine emblems,
although covering a divine female form by whom the sway was
exercised. Had Lady Alfred taken my trousers away and worn them
herself while she compelled me to wear her drawers, the matter would
have been different. And it would have been so, too, if she had
really been Lord Alfred.
All the glamour of my being actually a girl had vanished at a blow.
I almost wept as I thought I could no longer dream I was one—and one
with a lover. Lord Alfred Ridlington no longer interested me for he
was a fraud. He was his own wife. What a rude shattering shock to
all my delicious dreams in the conservatory, to my anxiety to get a
baby between us.
I felt overwhelmed with chagrin and despite, when I dwelt upon all
the feminine airs and graces into enduing myself with which I had
been cajoled by this imposture. And yet, after all, my tyrant was a
woman. What a complexion, what a skin, what limbs she possessed!
What knowledge of physical sensations, what physical ecstasy she
could cause! How entrancing she would look in petticoats.
I wondered she had the hardihood, now that I knew the secret, to
appear that morning without them. Mademoiselle knew it. Perhaps 332
Lady Alfred was not aware that Beatrice was in it too. Without
nicely weighing the consequences it struck me how gloriously I could
revenge myself by letting the secret out at breakfast before the
girls if an opportunity should occur. She would be overwhelmed with
shame and confusion. Unless she was a brazen harridan, she must have
sufficient womanliness and modesty left to be abashed and horrified
when she was discovered to be a lady so wanting in proper feeling as
to dress herself in men's clothes.
I did not in my indignation consider, as it would have been much
better for me if I had, that I was in her power and in
Mademoiselle's, and that they could turn the tables on me cruelly,
and that they certainly would, if I so exposed my tormentor.
The three girls looked fresh and brisk in the bright morning light
in their dainty maidenly frocks. They did not compliment me upon my
appearance, Agnes remarking that I looked "quite haggard, and had
black circles about my eyes," and proceeding in her kittenish way to
tease me.
Beatrice remarked that "most brides looked so after the first
night," an observation which made my hands itch to smack her face.
Maud gave me an intelligent glance in which there was some desire
and some sympathy. She whisked her skirts about her lower half, and
so managed them as to make the form of her exquisite limbs very
apparent beneath them, but faithful to the haughty indifference that
characterized her, she said nothing.
Mademoiselle was more languishing than usual and her air conveyed
that she possessed some secret source of amusement.
Lady Alfred Ridlington entered the room last and astonished me with
her perfect self-possession. I regarded her with contempt as a fraud
just as I suppose Beatrice regarded me.
I now carefully observed Lady Ridlington's round thighs, breasts,
and form, and wondered however I or anyone else could ever have been
duped into the belief that she was what her clothes denoted. But
suggestion of a fact often goes so far as to make one discredit the
evidence of one's own senses in respect of it.
She spoke quite gaily, quite en preux cavalier, to Mademoiselle, who
responded in a similar tone of gallantry.
I was much entertained at Lady Alfred's perfect acting, and
debonnaire, careless manner. Even before my eyes, which she soon
perceived fixed upon her, she did not quail in the least, but in her
own glance there was a latent threat and a cold stare as much as to
say, "I have not done with you yet."
I did not concern myself much at the time with this, for my
attention was occupied afresh with the idea how delicious she would
be in her own raiment.
I was brooding thus when she asked whether Mademoiselle did not ever
find the need of a tutor with such very masterful young ladies.
Beatrice shrugged her shoulders impatiently at this while a curve of
intense contempt settled upon her beautifully moulded lips. Maud and
Agnes looked up astonished. Maud, with slight disgust and
impatience, Agnes, with open-eyed and innocent wonder.
Mademoiselle's eyes sparkled and glittered with the various frolics
and high jinks the proposal suggested and I saw the colour come to
her face as she bit her lip to repress the spirit of mischief which
seemed to well up. The same idea, however, must have struck her as
well as myself.
Lady Alfred looked young enough to be Agnes' little brother. Whether
she was in reality older than Mademoiselle, who was not yet
twenty-four, had been puzzling me all breakfast time.
Dressed as she was, she looked a baby boy—a chubby, smiling,
careless, good-natured, overgrown baby. She was perpetually laughing
and smiling.
When a woman's age perplexes me, I invariably endeavour to make her
laugh heartily. The colour of the gums about the teeth, the teeth
themselves, and, above all, the manner in which the skin wrinkles,
at once enable me to make a shrewd guess at her age. An old woman
who looks young when her face is in repose, will, when she laughs,
immediately disclose lines, whilst her skin will have a more or less
parchmenty appearance, however scientifically she has used her
Now Lady Alfred Ridlington was perpetually laughing, and her skin
was as fresh as a child's—yet about the eyes there was a look of old
worldliness which betokened a knowledge of life; and noticing
closely Mademoiselle's demeanour towards her I came to the
conclusion that she had lived a fast life but was some eight or nine
months younger than my governess.
At times her eyes shone with a fierce white flame such as I had
noticed in Mademoiselle's eyes when her erotism was violently
excited, such as all women possess in some degree under like
circumstances—Mademoiselle in a greater degree than most, and Lady
Alfred in excess even of her.
At such times all laughter and smiles would leave her countenance,
her face would lose its roundness, the cheeks become drawn, the
mouth firmly shut, the whole soul concentrated in the baleful fires
of her eyes.
Mademoiselle moved her legs under the table, and I knew, at once,
she had excited other emotions in her.
"Sometimes, I confess, I should like to have the assistance of a
master, but he would need years to give weight to his authority,"
she presently said—
"And I," rejoined Lady Alfred with mock disappointment, "cannot
pretend to them."
Now was my opportunity. I felt the danger of my folly but impelled
by a boldness I cannot account for. I slowly lifted my eyes to Lady
Alfred, and said very quietly: "Nor to the sex either, Lady Alfred."
Maud jumped almost off her chair. Agnes changed colour, and awaited
events with quiet astonishment, incredulous at what I think she
dreamt was a new form of joke.
Beatrice gave me an applauding look for my courage. And Mademoiselle
plainly did not know whether to be vexed or amused.
Lady Alfred was furious. She jumped up. "How dare you, Sir! Miss, I
mean!" she shouted in a transport.
"At any rate, you will feel my sex. Mademoiselle," she added, "you
must let me break him in."
"You shall hear them their lessons, and whip them all round if you
like, Alfred. But you, Julia, go to your room—or stay, go to mine at
"I think it disgraceful," remarked Beatrice, with real anger.
"Suppose Uncle—"
At this Mademoiselle lost her temper—she glared at Beatrice and rang
the bell. "Send Elise!" she ordered.
"Elise, take Miss Beatrice, strip her, and dress her in a shirt,
boys' drawers, and trousers, and bring her to the schoolroom at half
past ten. In the meantime, Alfred, you come with me. You other two,"
she added, looking at Maud and Agnes, "go to the schoolroom and set
yourselves to work."
As I walked up in high dudgeon, I noticed the questioning and rather
frightened look Lady Alfred gave Mademoiselle and her own quiet
complacent air which indicated nothing to the unskilled, but which,
I very well knew, meant danger all round.
I left Beatrice and Elise struggling and protesting together and
before I had gained the door heard a succession of sharp sounds,
followed by a sob or two, which told me Beatrice was having her face
smacked, probably by Mademoiselle, while Elise held her hands.
Foolish girl to resist.
My breath came and went more quickly than I cared to acknowledge to
myself, but I was wise in my generation, and bent before the storm I
had raised, and went at once to Mademoiselle's room.
The rustle of her garments was audible in the corridor before I
expected it, and I shuddered at the sound. There was that horrid
black oak bench before my eyes. How I hated it!
Mademoiselle came into the room with Lady Alfred Ridlington and took
no notice of me, so fully occupied was she. She led her in
reluctantly, white and flushed by turns, and protesting
energetically, "No, no!" to something Mademoiselle was plainly bent
I was very glad, as may be supposed, to take a back seat, and to
fall into the background; and such was Mademoiselle's preoccupation
that I doubted whether she was aware of my presence.
"You are a very naughty little boy, Alfred!" she was saying.
I opened my eyes at her tones of uncompromising severity and
determination. I could scarcely contain myself. My head whirled. I
thought I should burst my corset. I held my breath, transfixed with
a strange ecstasy at Mademoiselle's fury.
"You are a very naughty little boy!" she reiterated, in tones which
defied all contradiction of anything they might articulate. "A very
naughty boy, Alfred! Tutor indeed! No doubt you would like to hear
my pupils' lessons; no doubt you would like to have the punishing of
young ladies; to turn them down on their faces, you young scoundrel,
turn up their petticoats, see their pretty legs and drawers, uncover
their soft warm bottoms, and flog them till they screamed and yelled
for mercy. You would examine them; you would make them display their
hidden charms, you indecent young rascal" (she jerked and shook
her); "you would gloat over what you saw. Very well—"
"Oh, Mademoiselle! Indeed—indeed I—" And she seemed terrified.
Mademoiselle appeared, to my astonishment, thoroughly in earnest,
and Lady Alfred thoroughly and really afraid.
"Very well," went on Mademoiselle, ignoring the interruption and not
permitting her to say what she wanted, "you may thank your stars you
have a governess who can manage you, and stamp out such improper
ideas. You shall be deprived of your trousers—here—now—exposed
before me and this young lady" (turning to me) "and have your own
impudent bottom well and soundly birched, and I trust it will do you
Mademoiselle went to a chest of drawers, opened the second drawer,
and took out a fresh green, well-budded birch, which she swished in
the air under Lady Alfred's nose.
"You shall be birched astride of that bench," said she, pointing to
it; "and if you have any hope of concealing anything, say good-bye
to that hope at once."
"Oh, Mademoiselle, it is not fair! I won't be whipped, and before
"Would you prefer it in the schoolroom, before them all?"
"Oh—I—no, certainly not! Oh, Mademoiselle, forgive me! It was a
wicked idea—"
I could hardly believe my ears. Was this Lady Ridlington, after all?
My perplexity almost demented me.
"Take down your trousers, Alfred, at once—take them off—strip to
your shirt. Fair or unfair, you are to be birched."
She flew to Mademoiselle and kissed her hands. For a moment she
permitted the kisses; and then, giving her a pat with the back of
one of her hands upon her mouth, withdrew them both.
"Undress!" she ordered. "Julia, put the bench in the middle of the
room and the bolster upon it."
I did what I was told to but trembled so much and gasped to such an
extent that I had hardly strength to move it.
"Now, Julia!" as I fumbled.
Mademoiselle fixed her eyes on me and perceived my condition in
consequence of which she gave me a stinging cut with the birch
across my shoulders which bit fearfully, although over my dress. I
gave a little shriek, but I had no longer any difficulty in
executing her orders. I placed the bench in position, and the
bolster upon it.
Lady Alfred was still fumbling with her buttons, furtively glancing
at Mademoiselle every now and then, to see whether there was the
slightest appearance or sign of a disposition to relent. I had been
in the same predicament myself and was devoutly thankful I was not
so now.
"Come, come!" cried Mademoiselle, tapping the ground impatiently
with her foot. "I cannot stay here all day to punish your bottom,
Alfred. Be quick, off with your coat and waistcoat! Now the trousers
and drawers, too—yes, everything, to your shirt, you bold, good-for-
nothing boy! You'd much sooner see a girl in your plight and have a
prospect of examining her bottom, and of whipping it, than of having
to expose your own and to be whipped. Be quick, or I shall make you
kiss Julia's bottom!"
"Mademoiselle!" she exclaimed, standing erect and aghast.
"Yes, I will. Be quick!"
The trousers and drawers were soon pulled down.
I saw a pair of plump, round, white legs and pretty round ankles,
and white exquisitely shaped feet.
"Now stand across the bench. Julia, strap his ankles together."
I obeyed.
"Julia, hand me some pins."
I did so.
Mademoiselle put down the birch. Taking the tail of the shirt, she
pinned it up to Lady Alfred's shoulders, and then did the same in
I looked eagerly at the young, but fully developed, fresh girlish
form before me with the soft silky down in front at the navel. I
noticed and gloated over the large well-formed hips, and the soft,
white, shrinking little bottom. How could Mademoiselle find it in
her heart to punish such a tender beautiful little back?
There was no implement in front now. Lady Alfred was a girl, and a
beautiful one. The reason she was so anxious I should be absent was
because she knew I was a boy. This was all plain to me now. My
contemplations and cogitations were brusquely cut short by
Mademoiselle's ordering me to put a strap round her waist and the
bench, and to fix her together underneath it.
Then she stroked her bottom and talked to her; passing her hand
through between her legs, she tickled what she knew how to find,
agitating Lady Alfred's frame convulsively.
How dare she pretend to be a boy? How dare she wear trousers? She
(Mademoiselle) would whip her follies out of her, cure her of
immodesty and indecency.
And Mademoiselle immediately suited the action to the word in her
finished style: scientific, methodical, deliberate, and cruel.
She punished Lady Alfred's bottom most soundly until it bled. I was
made to stand at the foot and could see all.
Lady Alfred took the castigation with surprising courage until
Mademoiselle came to the last dozen, which as usual she inflicted
lengthwise. The ends of the fresh birch curled about the insides of
Lady Alfred's legs like vicious live things and all her fortitude
vanished as if by magic.
She abandoned herself perforce to the agony; rolled and twisted,
wrenched her wrists in the straps, and stiffened and relaxed her
pretty, beautifully shaped legs.
Presently, unable to contain herself, she screamed again and again.
Mademoiselle appeared to be beside herself, her eyes positively
flamed. Her transport terrified me. She seemed sensible of nothing
but the writhing form beneath her. The last three cuts were
delivered on the very centre of the very organ.
At the first she yielded, at the third and last she appeared to
faint. Mademoiselle threw down the birch and sank into an armchair.
"Julia," she cried, "come here"; and she pointed between her widely
and indecently outstretched legs. I flew to her and my head was soon
lost in her drapery, and, clasped tightly by her limbs, was pressed
against her navel.
The mouth was moist and the moustache was wet. I found the excited
and enlarged organ with my tongue and tickled it. Soon the welcome
spasm overtook her and with a sigh the humid expression of her
feelings was shot into my mouth. She seemed greatly solaced, but
kept me there, and a second time I repeated the task.
After a few minutes she arose. She was greatly relieved, but my
paroxysm of passion was rendered more acute. And it was not by any
means diminished by the sight before me.
There lay Lady Alfred Ridlington in a posture of the most abject
humiliation, quietly sobbing now that she had come to herself, but
her hands bound together underneath the bench, unable to use them to
wipe her eyes, her legs separated by the rude bench which passed
through the hallowed sanctuary they supported.
And there were her bottom and her rich thighs all well-waled, cut,
and discoloured by the birch. In places the wales were latticed and
they tended to the insides of her legs in an ominous fashion. On her
bottom were spots of now congealed blood.
Lady Alfred turned her head from side to side upon the sofa. She had
given her legs several jerks and had similarly signified her wish
for the release of her hands. Her arms were concealed by the shirt
sleeves as was also her back by that incongruous garment; but I saw
enough of its graceful shape, white, elegant, and delicately curved,
to make me long to see all. I thought of the picture in Maud's
bedroom. I love the vue de dos of a woman.
What a strange whim on her part to wear trousers! to pretend to be a
man! to have the pretence carried to the length of being punished
a boy! It was quite plain that it was this that gave the whole
business its peculiar zest. What a mania!
Blase, all legitimate ordinary sensations used up, she was obliged,
in quest of novel sensations, to have recourse to this distortion
and perversion of ideas and of all the functions of her body. What
sort of beings would she give birth to? In what way would this love
madness affect her offspring? A study of the hereditary instincts
imparted to it and of their ramifications and results, would be
worthy of Ibsen.
"Well, Alfred," at length asked Mademoiselle, arranging her hair,
which her exertions had slightly disarranged, "I think you have been
properly punished this time. Will you acknowledge your fault?"
I knew that my petticoats in front were quite wet, and I dreaded
lest Mademoiselle should notice the little mound something made
I think if the strap round her waist had not been so tight as to
make it impossible, Lady Alfred would have moved up and down. I
could perceive from her drooping eyelids and general appearance that
she was in an extremely erotic condition.
"Shall I let Julia unfasten you?"
"Yes, please."
"No, not just yet. You had better lie there a little longer."
And Mademoiselle looked at her, then walked over to her and gave her
bottom a few well-applied smacks with her firm, cold hand.
"Oh, oh, Mademoiselle!" cried Lady Alfred, violently jerking herself
all over. "Oh, don't! I can't bear more punishment."
Mademoiselle immediately after the slaps let her hand slip through.
"How wet it is!" she observed, as she tickled it.
"Oh, oh!" exclaimed Lady Alfred in very different tones.
What a longing, what an intense yearning, the interjection conveyed!
Then Mademoiselle reseated herself in her chair.
"Now, Julia," she said; her severe tone made me turn white directly,
and feel on the point of fainting. "Now, Julia, what am I to do to
you for your impudence to Lady Alfred; how dare you make the remark
you did? What induced you, was it Beatrice?"
"No, Mademoiselle! It was not—it was my—my petticoats."
"Your petticoats?"
"Yes, I am not a girl, and being treated just as if I was one,
disgusted me, and made me so indignant, that I determined at the
first opportunity to show up the hollow mockery."
"You had better let him come to Ridlington Court with me. I will
teach him. Hollow mockery indeed! He is not half broken in."
"Julia, come here. Stand with your back in front of me—closer."
Mademoiselle put her left arm round my waist, and her right arm and
hand underneath my skirts, between my legs through to the front. She
caught the privy purse with her fingers and played with my
Of course in a few seconds I could scarcely contain myself.
"Will you acknowledge the power of the petticoat now?"
"Yes, yes—oh, yes! Oh, I did not mean—not seriously—any resistance!
Oh, Mademoiselle, I will do anything you wish!"
She gave me a final and cruel squeeze of the globes, hurting me
"Remember!" she said, sternly. "Now go," she bade me, trembling all
over and half doubled up, "and unstrap Lady Alfred. It is your turn
now, Miss."
"You won't flog me again?"
"Wait and see!" cried Mademoiselle, enjoying my discomfiture, and
delighting in tantalising me.
I unstrapped Lady Alfred.
No sooner had she arisen than she tottered over to a chair.
"Take her some wine, Julia."
I obeyed.
"Make him strip, Mademoiselle, to his chemise," said Lady Alfred.
Again I felt all the colour fly from my face.
But Mademoiselle nodded, and with a sigh I undressed. The chemise
covered me.
"I must have him, Mademoiselle."
"Very well."
Lady Alfred led me to the bench and fixed me down on my back. She
drew down my arms and strapped my wrists together behind me and
underneath it. Then she fixed my ankles in the same mode and drew up
my chemise to my throat; displaying my nakedness in a shocking
"What a splendid one it is!" she remarked to Mademoiselle. "What
full testicles! We really must find a tight glove for it!" And she
lifted her leg across me and inserted me into her hot, fiery organ.
"There, now I have the devil in hell!" And she lay down upon me, her
burning breath playing about my lips which were parched by her
scorching mouth.
The strap round my waist, although not tight, prevented my moving
and so also did my posture; but Lady Alfred was not hampered in this
manner and she pounded me vigorously, sucking the life out of my
affair which was closely bitten and held by her vulva over which she
appeared to possess as much control as over her lips.
Her arms enveloped me, her tongue was in my mouth, her weight
oppressed me, my implement was lost to sight, up to the hilt, in her
plump body. She gazed amorously into my eyes.
"Now, Julian," she said, "as soon as you like!"
Mademoiselle could not refrain from twisting and moving in her
chair, crossing and uncrossing her legs. Her presence filled me with
In the glass behind I could see my own legs twisted down and
fastened below the bench and Lady Alfred's bottom oppressing me.
Various reminiscences flashed through my mind. I recollected the
boudoir—the flogging I had just witnessed.
I felt the seminal receptacles fill, and a preliminary thrill shot
all over me; and then with a gasp came the convulsion.
I sank back; and Lady Alfred, delighted, sank upon me.
I recovered.
"Now, Julia, again!"
"Oh, I can't!"
"You must! Remember the petticoat! You must be tamed!"
The reference to the petticoat stimulated me.
I clenched my teeth. Lady Alfred aided me vigorously.
In a few moments, the prolongation of which appeared to give her
intense satisfaction, a second spasm was produced.
Still Lady Alfred did not rise.
"Won't that do, Alice?" asked Mademoiselle, who I suppose found the
temptation too much.
Alice! How I thrilled at the feminine name! "No, it won't!" she
returned. "He must do it again or be birched until he does. If he
comes to Ridlington Court with me I will keep him always naked and
he shall live between my legs. Besides, I determined to exhaust his
impudence. I have the origin of it in my possession now and I will
teach him to taunt me with my sex! I will teach him who really
rules. I will make him understand, and admit, and feel that man is
but woman's slave, soul, passions, and all that he possesses."
"I really can't—I should like to—but I feel already
"Have you another birch there, Mademoiselle?"
My being underneath her made it much harder work for me, but the
reference to the birch made me show I would really try though it
should be my death.
Alice, seeing this, put her hand underneath Mons. Priapus,
underneath his bag, upon the thick muscle that runs between the
legs. She squeezed and rubbed it vigorously.
"I shall put a stiff hairbrush under you, if you give me any
trouble," she informed me rising on her elbow but still holding my
diminished organ inside her.
"A very good idea," cried Mademoiselle. "Here is one!"
Those moist, curved, cherry-coloured lips, the little head, with its
closely cropped hair, the laughing, sparkling eyes, the tones, and
the touch, and the embrace, all affected me very deliciously.
Alice must have been an expert in metaphysics. The suggestion of the
brush thrilled me through and through and caused a growth which
quickly delighted her. But she knew that the imagination would
affect me more than the reality, which, by setting up a counter
irritation, might possibly have altogether defeated her wishes.
She declined the brush, as she looked steadily at me; and I was
glad, for her clemency had its due effect.
She replaced her arms about me, and renewed the pressure of her dear
form, though really the muscles of my generative organs ached.
Then she talked of the birch, and Mademoiselle wriggled in her chair
whilst she flashed glances at me.
The whole time Alice continued a process of very forcible suction;
and the impression I was under was that she was drawing my life into
her own body and desired the last spark of it.
Finding her efforts not sufficiently stimulating to please her and
the response to them too slow—for I must have shown distress in
ways—she smiled and stood up over me, not moving her legs or the
lower part of her body, with which she still retained me.
"Now, Julian, I will be good to you," she said, tenderly.
And she proceeded to remove that horrid shirt and vest and stood
over me in all the glorious nakedness of her radiant beauty—a
perfect woman.
"I will give you fresh inspiration. Look!"
I did look at her swelling breasts, like snow; at their scarlet
nipples, like two strawberries in its midst; at her arms, so
exquisitely shaped; and whilst I gazed, she moved up and down upon
me and smiled.
"You know all my beauty, Julian, and"—again throwing herself upon
me—"you possess it."
She pushed away the chemise and her velvety breasts, soft like
cushions filled with down, rested on my own breast, her legs,
against mine, our moist flesh was mixed. I felt that, exhausted or
not, I must perform the function and give her myself.
With many efforts, many contortions, many throes, I accomplished her
desire, which had become mine, too; and then lay absolutely limp,
lank, and done for, beneath her.
For some minutes we rested, I cannot say in each other's arms, for
mine were fixed behind me, but in the closest possible proximity.
"Good boy," she said, as she kissed me. "It shall not be whipped
this time."
"He has achieved an Herculean feat, I shall unstrap him myself,"
cried Mademoiselle. "And tied down as he was, it must have been
specially 349
difficult. Drink this bumper, Julian, to your mistress' health. I
must take care of your health, too. You had better sleep for a
couple of hours.
Here is my own nightdress," said Mademoiselle, taking it out of its
scented case. "Put it on" (she threw it over my head). "Jump into my
bed. You won't try to persuade me to follow you into it just now, I
am sure."
I was glad to get into bed. Both Alice and Mademoiselle kissed me,
and before I could recollect anything more, I had fallen asleep.
It was almost luncheon time when I awoke in the darkened room and I
had not been awake many minutes before Mademoiselle and Alice came
in. Alice was dressed in a suit of pyjamas, and Mademoiselle looked
rosy and flushed, love sick like a bride, but without the calm
satisfied look in her eyes which your properly used bride may be
always supposed to possess. Indeed, her eyes were restless and
wandered, but she bore other indescribable symptoms of having lately
experienced the greatest possible physical and sensual enjoyment
without, however, any psychological gratification. Of course, I
could not tell how they had spent the morning. I guessed they had
not been to the schoolroom, and indeed afterwards discovered that to
be the fact. They had been in Mademoiselle's boudoir, and Alice,
with her masculine artificial implement, had been playing the lover
to Mademoiselle's heart's content.
"Now, Alfred," said Mademoiselle to Alice, "just dress yourself in
trousers again. Julia is in the secret, and I have a shrewd
suspicion that Beatrice is too. But even if they all were you should
be compelled to wear trousers to punish your pruriency; just as
Julia must wear petticoats."
Alice put on the underskirt and linen one, and was fumbling with the
drawers, when Mademoiselle declared she must indulge in another look
at her pretty bottom.
"Come," she said, seating herself in her great armchair and
gathering up her skirts, making a lap between her shapely legs, "lie
down here a moment in my lap." Alice, becoming red, walked over to
Mademoiselle, and she proceeded to play with her as a cat does with
a mouse. She turned up her skirt, examined and stroked her, and
then, as if some sudden impulse carried her away, gave her with her
arm tight about her waist a sound spanking.
"You have had your punishment for wearing trousers this morning and
I have just reminded you of the birching I felt it my duty to give
you. This afternoon you shall have your fun."
"You have amusement all day long, Mademoiselle. Have you ever been
birched?" she asked, looking into her face with a delightfully saucy
air. "If not, I propose that Julia and I give you a licking just to
show you what it is like."
Mademoiselle certainly changed colour.
The idea of birching her asphyxiated me.
"Ah, ha!" shouted Alice. "I believe you would like it. I believe you
would agree with me that after all, the birch is the next best thing
to the masculine rod itself!"
"Alfred," answered Mademoiselle, now really rosy, "behave yourself."
I could see she had touched her; but if she was annoyed, amusement
at Alice's triumphant air and tones afforded her a ready cover for
its concealment.
Mademoiselle got up in a moment or two.
"I will not be tantalised for nothing," she said. "Lie on your back
on the bench, as Julia did. I shall make you kiss my bottom, for
your impudence."
Alice demurred, but quite uselessly. Mademoiselle was aroused and
inexorable. She had to put herself in position, and I envied the
squeezing she got, evidently only from her back.
Her countenance had changed when she got up.
"I do not like kissing you behind."
"Then hold your impudent tongue, or, next time this occurs you will
not be allowed to get up until you have inserted it where it will
indeed be punished!"
I was glad to see Alice taken down a peg or two, and to find
Mademoiselle able to hold her own, as indeed, at all times and in
all places she always did with a wit and self-possession peculiarly
In the afternoon, Maud, Beatrice, and Agnes were in the schoolroom
where I went from luncheon which Mademoiselle had had served to
herself, Alice, and me in a private room. Agnes instantly hailed
questions upon me.
"What did she do to you, Julia? We thought we should never see you
again. Where were you whipped? Let me look. What were you made to
undergo and is Lord Alfred really a man? We waited and waited and
waited and when Mademoiselle did not appear and twelve o'clock came,
Elise took Bee away, and locked her up in some black hole. She is
blinking like an owl at the light—that's why; but how tired you
look, Julia? And I am sure Beatrice has had no lunch."
"Indeed I had, Agnes!"
"Oh, only the potato parings, and what was left on the servants'
Beatrice flew at Agnes, who, with a burst of laughter, made off.
"I wish you two would not play the fool," said Maud deprecatingly.
"You will only let us all in for it if you do."
Beatrice did look queer in her youth's clothes—an Eton jacket and
trousers. What a bottom she had!
She carefully averted her eyes from mine which she was determined
not to meet. Her hair had been rolled up and she looked shamefaced
to the last degree.
"Isn't she a great, big, rollicking tomboy?" enquired Agnes with
intense glee and stealing up behind her.
Agnes, in the excess of her spirits, brought her hand smack down
upon the redundant hemisphere which protruded at the base of
Beatrice's jacket.
Beatrice turned round furious and Agnes would have received condign
punishment from her had she not seen Mademoiselle standing stern and
silent at the door. They were nicely caught in the very act.
"Upon my word," remarked Mademoiselle. "Lord Alfred, the very moment
we open the schoolroom door the need of a tutor becomes apparent. I
will leave you to deal with this."
"Certainly, Mademoiselle; only too happy."
Agnes had seated herself at the table and looked very crestfallen.
There was a rocking horse in the room—a great big one.
"Master Beatrice," ordered Alice, "mount that horse. We will deal
with you presently, Agnes."
"Oh, I can't-I won't!"
"Have you a cane, Mademoiselle?"
"To be sure."
"Now, Master Beatrice, consider this little fellow. He will sting
more"—swishing it through the air—"than your sister's hand."
The saddle was an old one, with a big knob in front and it was high
at the place Beatrice would be wedged in between, and I knew where
she would feel the pressure, especially if anyone was so ill-natured
as to rock the animal.
Mademoiselle had seated herself comfortably in her armchair, and
calmly awaited the progress of events.
The sight and swish of the cane appeared quite sufficient motive to
She mounted reluctantly and immediately put one hand on the saddle
to relieve the pressure on the sensitive regions of her body.
"Julia," said Alice, "take her handkerchief and tie her hands behind
"Oh, no!" exclaimed Beatrice piteously, becoming white, red, blue,
and green all at once. "Oh! The saddle hurts me."
"You do not suppose I desired you to get up there for your own
amusement, do you? Do as I tell you, Julia."
So I was compelled to tie her hands as directed. She was almost in
tears. When I had tied her hands Alice put her foot on the rocker
and set the animal in violent motion.
Beatrice exclaimed loudly, turned very red, expostulated,
threatened, and implored by turns. She was compelled to make the
most ridiculous efforts to avoid falling off. That necessity made
her squeeze the beast with her legs.
The rough usage they met with and which the nerves and regions
between encountered made her positively glow with shame.
The combat in her countenance between shame, vexation, and
sensuality was ludicrous to behold.
Mademoiselle laughed till the tears ran down her face and until her
sides must have ached.
Alice bade me keep the horse going. I had had my turn of punishment
in the morning and could now thoroughly enjoy the events of the
afternoon free from all apprehension on my own score.
I rocked the horse with my foot as if it were on the pedal of a
wheel, holding my handkerchief in one hand and my gown up daintily
with the other.
Beatrice's oh's and ah's continued at each fresh jolt, and I could
not avoid smiling and occasionally causing her a slight jerk by
pressing the rocker down before the swing one way had been
accomplished, upon which occasions I saw an angry red spot steal
into her cheeks.
Indeed, before very long, I heard her suggesting:
"Gently, Julia! You may stop. No one will notice." And again: "Won't
you catch it for—?"
With a smile I cut that short. It only required a little harder
pressure of my foot than usual and the breath was jolted out of
Beatrice's body and she found frantic efforts necessary to retain
her equilibrium.
Alice then sat down and ordered Agnes to stand before her. She did
so not very readily, obeying evidently only because she could not
help herself.
"Do you know, Miss, the punishment a young lady deserves, who
behaves herself during lesson time in so disorderly a fashion?"
"What is that to you?" said Agnes, pertly. "You are not my
"Insubordination, in addition. Very well, Miss, you will have your
bottom soundly birched."
Agnes flushed. "I won't!" she said.
"I think," said Maud, "it is a shame a man should use my sister so!
I wonder, Mademoiselle—"
"Hold your tongue, codger."
I was afraid Beatrice would contribute her pipe next and so pressed
my foot down strongly and suddenly. My pulses leapt and bounded;
and, amid all my delight that these girls were going to catch it, I
did not forget to rock Beatrice's horse with sufficient speed to
keep her fully occupied with her own affairs.
How angrily Maud flushed at the word "codger"! That was what she had
been named when made to work as a scullery maid. It shut her up
I was overjoyed at the thrilling prospect before me. These girls
would catch it and the best of it was they would have to suffer the
shamefulness of being punished by one whom they plainly considered a
man while he was not really so. How deliciously they would be done!
They would have the salacious delight of displaying all their hidden
charms to one they regarded as a man and then be bereft of their
obscene enjoyment by being afterwards informed that the supposed man
was, after all, but a woman like themselves.
What a disappointment it would be to them! For I know well that
young ladies like being put to shame, having their nakedness
exposed, and intensely enjoy anything that causes them an acute
sense of immorality.
"What!" exclaimed Alice. "Here is flat mutiny. Maud, what business
is it of yours to interfere with discipline? Get up, and stand
beside your sister, Miss."
Maud looked very angry and threw down her pencil in a pet, but she
went and stood by Agnes all the same.
"Now," remarked Lady Alfred, "I do not know which of you two young
ladies is the worse, so I shall punish both your bottoms; and as the
crime is really so serious, you must each have a dozen in front in
addition. You must strip to your chemises. Maud, help Agnes, and
you, Agnes, help Maud."
Long habits of obedience, the presence of Mademoiselle, the
hopelessness of more resistance, I suppose, led them to acquiesce
and obey. Rebellion would have been quelled at once by the
assistance which Elise and the servants would have readily rendered,
if summoned. And summoned we all knew they would be, upon the
slightest provocation. They loved to see their young mistresses
whipped and it would intensify their pleasure to see them flogged by
a man.
Maud's and Agnes' frocks were soon off, their petticoats and corsets
followed. They sat down and took off their stockings and shoes and
They were a beautiful pair of girls. Agnes' innocent blushes and
cast-down looks were bewitching and almost compensated for the want
of ripeness in her form as compared with Maud's.
"Before being punished you must lie on that couch and be examined."
"Oh, Mademoiselle!" exclaimed both the girls together, flushing
scarlet, appealing to their governess against this fresh ignominy.
"You must obey, or you will find my whip about you, you refractory
hussies!" was the only satisfaction they obtained from her.
"Oh!" they exclaimed. "By a man!"
Mademoiselle bit her lip.
"You will like it all the better for that."
Beatrice was going to say something, but an extra jerk shut her up.
I could scarcely forbear from laughter at the control I possessed
over her owing to my office of rocker. I knew I should have to pay
for it hereafter.
"Agnes, come here! Lie down flat on your back, your head towards
me," ordered her tutor.
Lady Alfred pulled her down and her chemise up, examined and passed
her hand over her thighs, abdomen, and navel, and tickled,
notwithstanding her choking exclamations, her clitoris. Then she
rolled her over, and separated her legs as she looked at her pretty
white bottom, and, placing her finger on the button between its
cheeks, told Agnes she would insert it the next time she made
punishment necessary.
"Monster!" said Maud. "Beast!"
Lady Alfred looked up, but said nothing.
Maud's turn followed. She was exposed and examined in the same way.
When she had been rolled over, Lady Alfred enquired whether she had
not called her a monster when she informed Agnes how she would be
punished next time.
"Yes," said Maud defiantly.
"That candle, please, Mademoiselle—thank you."
"Very well, I shall insert this. That will teach you to control your
tongue, I hope."
Maud threw herself about, screamed, kicked, cried, protested. Lady
Alfred was much the stronger and got the candle well in; Maud
yelled—she pushed it up and down.
It was quite plain she felt the punishment physically, as acutely as
the degradation hurt her pride and self-respect. When it was over,
she appeared to loathe herself, and to be unable to hold up her
head. It was indeed a terribly humiliating ordeal for the proud
immaculate Maud to have to undergo at the hands of one she deemed a
She cried quietly, altogether cowed as though indelibly stigmatised
with disgrace. This is not the least of the effects of this horrid
In the schoolroom there was a long, narrow, but firm and heavy,
four-legged table. It stood across the window.
Lady Alfred took two big sofa cushions and placed one at each end.
Then, catching Agnes by the ear, she marched her to one end of the
table, doubled her down across the cushions, folded her arms
underneath her breast, and put a broad strap round her shoulders and
the table, so as to prevent her getting up.
She next drew up her chemise at the back and afterwards in front,
and wrinkled it up above her bosom round her neck. She then
separated her legs by attaching one to each of the legs of the table
which were quite three feet and a half asunder. A pretty picture
Agnes looked. I became almost too much interested to continue my
Lady Alfred proceeded to fasten Maud in precisely the same way at
the opposite end of the same table. Of course her head and Agnes'
were thus close together.
It was plain though, she could not whip them both at once.
Stay, she was evidently going to try. She asked Mademoiselle for two
birches, and holding one in each hand, standing at the middle of the
table with her back to the window, she attempted to give alternate
strokes with each hand to the culprits. She soon discovered she
could not thus give them with enough force, and also that her
position prevented her watching the effects of the punishment. So
she made Agnes howl first. She did yell, and well she might; her
bottom was soon crimson. She howled in Maud's ear to that damsel's
disgust, but she, knowing that it would be her turn in a moment,
endeavoured to put up with it without making any perceptible
protest. I do not think Agnes had ever had such a flogging before. I
thought it would cure her for a long time of her kittenish tricks.
When Lady Alfred whipped in she seemed to become delirious.
Having punished Agnes, who was weeping bitterly, she next turned her
attention to Maud and flogged her in the same thorough manner. She
too yelled while Agnes was crying quietly; and with good reason she
yelled. Her beautiful bottom was soon cut.
I wonder whether it was any consolation to her and Agnes to yell in
such close proximity to each other.
The next step was to fasten the damsels face upwards. Lady Alfred
did not spare their thighs in front, when she had done so, nor their
pussies; as I contemplated Maud's affair, I recollected and thought
of that memorable afternoon in her studio. Maud felt this mode of
punishment most. Her contortions were terrible to witness.
Afterwards, they had to thank Lady Alfred for having taken the
trouble of punishing them.
The bell was rung, Mademoiselle sent for the two housemaids with a
clothes basket, and ordered them to take away all the clothes which
Maud and Agnes had taken off, while these two young ladies were then
made to stand in front of two large mirrors with their chemises
pinned up about their throats. 361
"Now, Master Beatrice, it is your turn. As an Eton boy you must be
so well accustomed to the birch that a cane will be a nice change
for you; and as you are horsed already, we need not disturb you.
Lean forward over your steed and put your arms round his neck.
Julia, undo his hands. Now I am sorry, but I must take down your
Saying which, Lady Alfred encircled Beatrice's waist and took them
The horse was so high that a fall would have seriously hurt
Beatrice. She was, however, only fixed by her hands being tied
together under the horse's head, her arms being round its neck.
Her boy's drawers followed her trousers, the tail of her shirt was
tucked up, and her pretty bottom exposed fully to view.
Swish, swish, swish! And the cane whistled through the air biting
her bottom, and leaving angry red wales.
Beatrice writhed and choked. Her posture protected her feminine
apparatus, luckily for her. The punishment was painful and
ignominious, but nothing so severe as what Maud and Agnes had to
Beatrice cried and looked remarkably beautiful and alluring in her
sorrow. Her distress made her so unusually attractive, that, in
spite of her boy's clothes, I really trusted I might find an
opportunity for consoling her.
So ended Lady Alfred Ridlington's afternoon amusement—one she had
really earned by her sufferings of that morning. Mademoiselle's
strong arm had made her undergo, I am sure, quite as much pain as
she had inflicted.
The two girls were forced to do their lessons in their chemises, and
had afterwards to walk in them along the passages to their rooms.
Beatrice, after her caning, got down from her horse in order that
she might be compelled to show her really pretty legs to advantage.
She was deprived of her trousers; and her shirt, shorter of course
than a chemise, only served to make the display more remarkable,
especially as it was open at the sides.
So the three girls spent the afternoon in undress.
It was resolved, in the course of that evening, partly to my
consternation, partly to my delight, that I was next day to
accompany Lady Alfred Ridlington home to Ridlington Court, in order
to be thoroughly subjected to a woman who was utterly unscrupulous,
and to undergo that discipline which Lady Alfred Ridlington
convinced Mademoiselle was impossible at Downlands Hall amidst my
I knew that she was a volcano of sexual passion, and I well
remembered her assertion that, if she became possessed of me, I
should spend the greater part of my time between her legs. To this,
notwithstanding what I had experienced in the morning, I did not
object. It was the other features of the programme that troubled me.
It appeared that the real Lord Alfred was an old fogey twice his
wife's age, who, for reasons best known to himself, had married a
frisky girl; and she, of course, was overjoyed at the proposal of
having a youth at her beck and call for some ten days or a
She explained that her husband's niece, whom she called Ellen, acted
as her principal maid, and she told Mademoiselle I should have to
act as her assistant. She said that Ellen was a sprightly,
vivacious, charming girl, and would take charge of me when she
herself was otherwise engaged, and that there was not the slightest
danger of discovery.
Mademoiselle consented, after some hesitation, to a ten days' visit.
Elise was directed to put away for me such apparel as would suit the
role I was to play.
We dined together as we had lunched. Fortunately the three girls
were in disgrace and consequently easily disposed of.
The question then arose as to where I was to sleep that night. I had
a secret wish that I might spend it with Mademoiselle and I flatter
myself there was a corresponding desire on Mademoiselle's part; but
hospitality towards her guest induced her to give me up to Alice,
whose airs of proprietorship were at once exasperating and
I hoped, fatigued as I was, she would let me sleep that night.
Otherwise I felt certain I should cut a poor figure upon the morrow.
All she did that night was to introduce me to my mistress of the
next ten days, as agreed. Her mode of doing so may be guessed. It
was merely to make me kiss her where I believe ladies always prefer
to be kissed if they could only be induced to own it.
Mademoiselle had said something about a nettle petticoat on the
morrow or a thistle or two hung round my waist; but Alice had
declared that it would spoil our drive and the first day.
We breakfasted early. Mademoiselle kissed me and bade me be a good
child and hoped she would have a good account of me, saying, that,
when I returned, I should in all probability find my mamma there,
meaning Gertrude Stormont; and finally, gave me a slight slap on my
cheek to remember her by. I did not see any of my cousins.
I was dressed in a plain black gown, fitting closely to my figure,
and Lady Alfred Ridlington was in a tailor-made costume, which did
not in my opinion become her mignon style; though she could not be
described as short, she was not tall, and the severity of the gown,
&c, did not suit her voluptuous character.
Of course she drove herself. All the luggage had been sent on in a
couple of carts. And about eleven, on a beautiful, bright,
exhilarating morning, we started, Alice managing her prancing bays
with great address, I seated beside her.
Ridlington Court was between sixteen and twenty miles distant. A
groom had been sent for in the morning and the individual's presence
at the back embarrassed me.
To Alice's surprise, my high spirits seemed to be blown away by the
morning breeze. I confess that my remarks were monosyllabic, that I
was awkward and preoccupied. I understood that I was to be in a sort
of menial position as her maid, and already felt the bonds rivetted
upon me.
I admit that I did not like the idea, but there were many
counterpoising considerations. In what intimacy with this charming
woman I should spend the time! Had she not declared it would be
passed principally between her own legs? What, after all, did the
rest matter?
And Ellen—I wondered what she would be like; whether she would be a
termagant. Her husband's niece! How could a Duke's granddaughter be
lady's maid to her uncle's wife? But then, I recollected, she might
be the niece of a sister-in-law in uncertain circumstances.
Here, however, was Ridlington Court at last, a very substantial
reality, and I was glad to sweep up its spacious avenue under the
old elms, the sycamores, and limes, in the carriage of its mistress.
She was not sufficiently romantic to suit the scene, but possibly
her very want of sentimentality and her breezy, matter-of-fact air,
and the absence of womanliness she affected, formed an inspiriting
The undulating glades of the park dotted with clumps of oak, and
here and there with single great trees in the shade of which the
fallow deer browsed and lay, presented a charming picture of rural
peace and plenty.
At some distance I saw the sea spread out like a cool sheet of
silver in the sunshine, its surface occasionally ruffled by the
movement and scream of the water hens and other waterfowl.
The house itself was large, low, and appeared to cover an immense
expanse of ground, but it had no architectural pretensions of any
sort. It looked comfortable but ugly, in fact like a great overgrown
farmhouse with too many windows. In the pleasure grounds some
fountains and statues alone redeemed its character. I noticed with a
qualm the presence of a few silver birches, peculiarly a lady's
tree—but a rare one in these parts.
When we arrived we went straight up to Lady Alfred Ridlington's
apartments and into her bedroom.
As she took off her things, I was introduced to Ellen.
The manservants in the hall, the silvery haired butler, the three or
four stately footmen, and my Lord's man in plain clothes, who gave
Alice a message from her husband as she passed up the stairs with
me, gave me a totally different impression from that which I had
received upon my entry to Downlands, where, in the house, there were
no menservants at all.
The men looked at me and I felt uncomfortable, but soon found myself
lifted out of the life of the house, and entirely confined to
milady's portion of it. In fact, my very existence there might have
been, and except for my passage through the hall probably was,
unknown to everyone in the establishment except to its mistress and
to Ellen.
Ellen was a gipsy like girl with very dark eyes and smooth
blue-black hair, thin, and of dark complexion, observant but
reticent, with hot temper and very little good humour. Her laugh was
cold and not hearty, and I dreaded her.
She possessed an utterly unsympathetic nature, and while no one
could be more punctilious or attentive in her duties, she remained
always closely wrapt in herself. There was an inner Ellen, to which
no one penetrated or seemed to care to penetrate. I concluded she
had been crossed or disappointed in love. Her nature had evidently
originally a warm-hearted and affectionate one, which some hard
black frost had congealed into thick-set ice that nothing could
break up.
Now, although I wore a very plain black dress, my underclothing was
of the richest descriptions.
When I had been introduced to Ellen, Alice made me lift up my
skirts, to shew her my heavily laced drawers; there were triple rows
of lace round the knees, and a long frill of it up the back of the
Ellen had glanced at me in a very equivocal fashion when she first
saw me. When I coyly displayed my garments to her, and attitudinised
with first one shapely leg and then the other, her eyes became
thoughtful and flashed.
"You must let me see better for myself," she said, leading me to a
sofa upon which she threw me backwards. Her hand very soon set her
doubts at rest. "So he is a boy," she exclaimed to Lady Alice who
was nonchalantly arranging her hair at the glass.
The manner in which she had felt me was so cold and passionless that
it had not aroused the least excitement.
"Yes," answered Alice, "he is a boy to be broken in to petticoats.
He is to attend to me, to be my maid during his visit, and under
you—under your orders."
"I understand," answered Ellen grimly, giving me a stern look which
made me feel very uncomfortable.
Alice presently went down to lunch and left me with Ellen. I helped
her to unpack Lady Alfred's things and she gave me various dresses
to brush and boots and shoes to clean. She showed me our workroom,
where, she told me, we should also have our meals—a very plainly
furnished apartment, but with a pleasant view across the park.
Our bedroom was a good-sized one, with two small beds in it. She
had, besides, a small sitting room of her own, in which were some
books, and flowers, and canaries, who plainly, from the glance she
gave them, were the pets that possessed all the softness which yet
lingered about her.
I did not at all like being ordered about as I was, but very quickly
discovered that Ellen would stand no nonsense.
The thought of the two beds in the same room also filled me with
"I cannot allow you to wear such drawers. Come with me into my
bedroom. I shall take them off; they are a great deal too fine for a
maid. In fact, at present, I shall not permit you to wear any
drawers at all; and I do not approve of this dress, it makes you
look too dignified and stately for your place. You must wear a
frock, with a low neck and no sleeves; and I think, too, that as you
appear anything but respectful and submissive, it will be just as
well at once to correct and improve your disposition. My lady had
not told you that I am Scots in great measure, and a firm believer,
consequently, in corporal punishment. I can see plainly that severe
chastisement periodically administered will greatly benefit you.".
"Oh, Ellen!" I exclaimed, turning all manner of colours.
She walked to her room bidding me follow her; and when I had
entered, she shut the door behind me.
"Take off your drawers and hand them to me, if you please," she
ordered, dryly and peremptorily.
I looked at her, I looked up, and I looked down, and she steadily
looked at me, not repeating her command, but waiting for its
execution and evidently wondering how long I was going to keep her
Some magnetic force impelled me. To my astonishment I found my arms
under my skirts, loosening the bands of my beautiful baby drawers of
which I was proud and very reluctant to part with.
"Bring them here," said Ellen.
And I obeyed.
"Thank you. Now take off your dress, your petticoat bodice, and your
petticoats, and be quicker about it."
I again looked at her involuntarily; I suppose with the view of
ascertaining what possibility there existed of successfully
rebelling. Ellen very calmly and determinedly returned the gaze.
Neither of us spoke.
I proceeded to divest myself of my dress, &c, as directed, and stood
in my corset, chemise, and stockings before my mistress.
"You will not require those things again; fold them and put them
away in this drawer." She went to a walnut chest of drawers and
opening one, left it open, and said: "Put your clothes in there."
Under the power of her eye, I, with reluctance, in spite of myself,
put my dress and petticoats in.
"Now shut the drawer."
I pushed it with my knees.
"Now you will inform me how you have been accustomed to be punished.
Have you had a governess or a tutor?"
"A governess," I stammered out, hanging my head.
I am sure it was not my imagination that Ellen's form dilated at
this reply. A keener light came into her eyes and a more set look
into her countenance.
"I am glad to hear it. And pray, has she punished you?"
"In various ways."
"Has she whipped your bottom?" asked Ellen, looking full at me.
"Yes, she has."
"With a birch, I suppose?"
"Across her knee?"
"No, on a bench, or across an ottoman."
"A fine thing for a big boy like you to be whipped by a girl,"
exclaimed Ellen scornfully, "and your bottom too!"
I blushed.
She walked to a drawer in an old-fashioned escritoire, opened it,
and took out a black leather strap, four or five inches broad and
thirty inches long; its end was sliced into a number of thin strips
about six inches long.
"Have you ever seen anything like this before?"
"Yes, I have," I answered, very pale.
"What is it?"
"It is a tawse."
"Yes, it is, and there is nothing I enjoy so much as using it. Every
morning and every evening as long as you are here, I shall beat you
severely with this," she said resolutely.
"Oh, Ellen, not today!"
"Yes, we may as well begin directly—at once."
"You will not be severe—oh, please!"
"I shall beat you until I am absolutely satisfied, until you are
reduced to the most abject, the most grovelling subjection, until
you beg and implore, and pray for pardon."
Ellen then walked up to me. Why it was that I could not resist her,
I do not know, but I could not. She put me face downwards on a low,
broad ottoman, evidently the top of a box for dresses; lifting the
skirt of her dress, she held my head between her thighs outside her
petticoats, but under her gown, and fastened my hands behind me.
Then she lifted my chemise as much as the corset permitted and I
could feel her contemplating my legs. I was already sobbing; her
grip was ruthless, escape from it was hopeless. She then lifted her
arm, continued to lash my bottom and thighs with blows, and
commenced to lash me with her heavy leather tawse.
The pain was frightful. I writhed and struggled. She let go my head,
pushing me down with her blows well-delivered from the shoulder.
She appeared to be possessed by some demon, to be in a frenzy. Mute
with agony I rolled on to the floor, where, spurning me with her
pointed shoes, she continued to rain blows upon me.
At last I shrieked and prayed and begged for pardon and mercy, as if
my very life depended on it. My supplications appeared to give her
intense gratification.
"Will you acknowledge me as your mistress? Will you acknowledge that
you are the absolute slave of the petticoat? Will you worship the
ground on which I tread? Will you—will you—will you?" she demanded,
in a fury.
"Yes, oh, yes! Oh, Ellen! I beg, I implore! Oh, oh, stop! Oh, I
will! Oh, I acknowledge I am absolutely subdued, absolutely
conquered, absolutely your slave!"
"Then kiss my feet; take off my shoes and kiss them."
I obeyed and she placed them roughly on my mouth as I lay on the
floor beside myself with pain.
"You must come with me to my lady's boudoir now."
"Like this?" I exclaimed.
"Yes," she answered.
Lady Alfred was dozing in a light summer toilette over a novel. A
short frock disclosed her pretty ankles in pink silk stockings, so
short indeed, that I could see up to her knees.
She looked pleased and amused at my appearance.
"I have been obliged to deprive him of his dress, drawers, and
petticoats already and have just beaten him, milady, soundly."
"Very good, Ellen, let me see. Lie across my lap, Sir. You can leave
him with me till tea time."
"He has had no lunch."
"Then he can go without. Lie across my lap. Upon my word, she has
beaten you! What a pretty bottom! How red, black, and blue! Is it
very tender?" asked Lady Alfred touching it and exciting herself
voluptuously. "Ah, here is something to tell me all about it!" she
exclaimed, grasping me in front.
And then rising, she seated herself in a broad, low armchair, the
back of which made a very obtuse angle with the seat.
"Lie between my legs. Put it in. Now, Julian, how do you like having
your bottom flogged by a girl—by my maid?"
The suggested idea, the position, soon enabled me to express to
Alice several times how I appreciated my bondage and its cruel
As she said, I was the greater part of the ten days between her
legs. Naturally, I became tired, fatigued, perhaps I should say,
exhausted; but upon those occasions Ellen was requisitioned to lash
me with her tawse until I fully satisfied her mistress; and I had
some periods of rest when her social duties took Lady Alfred away.
One evening she went to a ball, or, to speak more correctly, to a
dinner party, a dance.
I had to sit up to undress her; and when she came in about two
o'clock in the morning in all the pride and splendour of her beauty
and dress, it appeared that nothing would satisfy her. The champagne
at supper was the wrong brand; the chicken was overdone, the salad
was not
fresh, and whoever heard of a salad at two in the morning. She
abused the butler who came up with the tray and the man who carried
it; she berated Ellen and she smacked my face.
Ellen took things very quietly while Lady Alfred was fretting and
fuming and not knowing what she wanted.
Ellen asked whether she should punish me as I had been very lazy and
indolent all the evening.
"Certainly," cried Lady Alfred, "the very thing."
So Ellen took me across her lap.
Lady Alfred then discovered a remedy for her perturbation of
feeling. The spanking was no good. She made Ellen go for a birch and
stripped me naked and then flogged me mercilessly. It restored her
to a good humour. When I was in ribbons held by Ellen, and Lady
Alfred had gloated over me to her heart's content, she put me
underneath her on the sofa.
I tickled her a few moments with my tongue, exciting her to the
highest pitch.
In a transport she removed her leg from across me. "He must come to
my bed; and Ellen, you must come too."
She took hold of me, not by the ear, but by my instrument, which she
seized very tightly with her right hand, making me jump with the
vigour of the grasp.
"Come with me!" she ordered. "Ellen, put out the lights and follow."
Absolutely naked, with a flat silver candlestick in her hand, she
marched me off to her bedroom, in all the glory of her evening
her face flushed, her eyes wild, her hair loosened, and tugging
every now and then like a Maenad at my testicles.
When we reached the bedroom Alice threw me on the bed and bade me
wait. She tore off her clothes and flew to me.
Turning down the bedclothes she forced my head between her legs,
and, putting my feet on the pillow, drew my virile organ to her
mouth with her hands upon it. She bit and pulled it as though bent
upon making a meal of it.
I returned the compliment, catching her own fury. It was soon as
impossible for me to restrain myself as it was for her. I returned
her what she gave me, but I was exhausted before she was.
She made Ellen get into the same bed. When she had satisfied herself
somewhat, and in the full glare of the lights, she made Ellen have
me, while she kept her own hand upon my engine, seeming to derive
intense satisfaction from the emotions, the throbs, the convulsions,
she occasioned and felt.
At last, exhausted and drowsy, she told Ellen to get out of bed and
turn down the lamps and made me sleep between her and her maid.
It must have been nearly eleven when we awoke. I woke first, but,
not daring to move, I could only contemplate my two fair tormentors,
naked on each side of me, in all the abandon of slumber.
Then Ellen awoke, and pinched and pulled and slapped me. She got up,
threw on a dressing gown, and left the room.
"Where is Ellen?" asked Alice, presently awaking, and fondling me.
"She got up about half an hour ago."
"Ring," said Alice; "or stay, Julian, just once before you ring,"
and she played with me, looked at me in the most ravishing manner,
and asked: "Can you once, Julian, can you? You must put this fellow
into me—into this wet, burning, insatiable flesh of mine. I must
have your flesh."
I had been dosed with champagne the evening before and I was anxious
to get up for a certain purpose.
As Alice clung to me I craved a moment's excuse.
"No, I shall not let you," she retorted with charming
"You must put him in there, whatever happens, at once."
A few moments later there was a knock at the door and Ellen entered
with the chocolate.
The windows were opened; we took loose garments and breakfasted.
Afterwards, Alice amused herself by making me try on all sorts of
stockings and petticoats, drawers and chemises, and finally deciding
on a bizarre, fantastic, but pre-eminently feminine costume, made me
dress her as I wore it.
First, I had to bathe her, and then to rub her delicate flesh, as
she lay on an eiderdown of crimson silk, all with my hands.
When Lady Alfred was dressed and had gone, the inexorable Ellen came
to give me the matutinal beating which I bore as best I could.
Afterwards, dressed in plain clothes and in coarser linen than I
liked, there were Alice's shoes to clean, her dress to brush, her
things to put away, and the thousand-and-one little duties of a maid
to perform.
So the ten days passed. And she returned me to Downlands Hall
considerably tamed and very much effeminatised.
I was driven back in a high dog cart to Downlands Hall, on a fine
breezy morning, and there in the approach to the house stood
Gertrude Stormont, my mamma, my Vivien, her hair as golden as ever,
her form as lithe and supple.
I stopped the cart, jumped out, told the man to drive on to the
house, and ran up to my mamma, both hands outstretched. She came to
meet me, and clasped them both.
"Julian!" she said, in her low tones, velvety and sweet.
"Oh, Mamma, Mamma," I cried, "at last! Oh, I am so glad! How long
have you been here?"
"Only since the day before yesterday. And are you still a boy and as
naughty as ever? Come, let us stroll through the woods. We shall get
back for lunch at half-past two."
We made our way through the park, till we came to a mossy bank in a
sequestered glade. Gertrude threw her parasol down and seated
"Sit beside me and tell me all."
I readily obeyed and caught her in my arms. The violence of my
kisses brought a crimson glow to her face; and before I knew what I
was about I had slipped my hands up underneath her petticoats.
"Julian, how dare you?" she exclaimed, with entrancing anger, and
yet I knew she liked it. "No, no, no; not here."
"Yes, here, now, in the open air. I will commit incest. I will have
my mamma, without another word. I will violate and outrage her. I
will tell her all in that way."
"Julian," she said, with charming mock severity, "I fear the nettle
petticoat, the thistles, the birching, the ride, have all been
forgotten. Well, if it must, it shall!" as I continued to tickle
her. "How he has grown!" she exclaimed, feeling him. "But I think it
is very wrong, and what will Mademoiselle say at your outraging her
guest in the green fields in this manner?"
But I only replied by pushing her down, kissing her lips so
vehemently as to choke her protests, and removing her garments. I
advanced into the interior of the paradise before me.
As soon as she felt the cold air upon her uncovered limbs, the whole
situation struck her so forcibly that she was carried away by an
excess of voluptuousness, and becoming utterly reckless, twined her
limbs about my body.
"Oh, oh, Julian! You bold boy! But I will punish you afterwards.
Now, Sir!"—moving up and down—"Oh, oh! Now—tell me all," and she
fell still further back. "Oh, you dear boy! Oh! Oh! Oh!"
"Again!" I cried, a few moments later.
"Lady Alfred's discipline does not seem to have done you much good.
I expected home such a demure, such a subdued, such a prudish Julia,
and—oh, oh!"
"Oh, Gertrude, my own!"
"You darling boy! You are wicked, though."
And she smiled at me with her love-laden eyes.
We talked freely, unconstrainedly, and at ease, and in peace, which
is more than most youths and maidens, when alone in each other's
company, can say, and we did so as we had had the philosophy and the
courage to satisfy nature first. 379
How she laughed at my experiences! How she rejoiced in my discovery
of Lady Alfred's sex! How she gloated over the description detailed
minutely, which she obliged me to give her, of the attempt made to
make me believe myself a girl! What sly references she made about
that ivory plug!
"And you are still in petticoats. Oh, Julian!"
"Mamma, I came into the world under them. And it is my belief I
shall have to wear them until I leave it. How any man can escape
them is to me a mystery."
"Indeed," she said, "but Mademoiselle has news for you. Shall I tell
you? You are not Julian Robinson any longer. You—you petticoated
thing!—are now Lord Viscount Lady-wood. Your father has at length
accepted an earldom. The general election was too much for him. He
would not, he said, associate in the House of Commons with men he
could not admit to his own servants' hall."
"Mamma!" I exclaimed, overcome by my new dignity.
"And Mademoiselle is determined to keep you in petticoats just the
same. She declares you will feel them all the more. And what is more
I believe the first thing Mademoiselle will do will be to make you
take off your drawers to be birched by her, to prevent your head
being turned."
"Oh, Gertrude!"
"And speaking of drawers," continued she, turning me over, "I shall
take possession of them now."
Half serious and half in fun, she dipped her hands underneath my
skirts, and despite my half-hearted resistance, took them off. She
passed her hands over my sore legs and bottom, for Ellen had not 380
omitted the tawse even on that morning, being determined to give me
something which would make me remember her for a few days.
I cringed and shuddered.
"It is so sore still?" asked Gertrude, with a winning wile. "Women
do nothing but beat you, and you do nothing but beat them with this
rod of yours. But we must be going. I wonder if there are any
nettles about here?"
"Oh, yes! That is all very fine. You expect to escape, but I know
that unless I carry out my sentence myself, it will be unexecuted."
And she looked about. "There are some, I declare."
Drawing her gloves on, she got up and went and picked two bunches of
strong, rank, stinging nettles.
I also got up and made off as best I could.
She followed me. The chase was not long for she knew how to run in
petticoats; hers indeed were shorter than mine, and my black dress
had a train and her frock had not.
I tripped and fell and she was upon me in a moment. She drew a tape
from her pocket.
At once the fact that she had a design in meeting me flashed upon my
Oh, Woman! Woman! What a crafty, dissimulating creature you are.
I remembered hearing of a young lady who had gone down to Richmond
with a man to tea. She carried a bag and when they found 381
they could not return to town in due time and must needs sleep at
the hotel the bag was found to contain a nightdress! How lucky!
I could not resist Mamma. She possessed too much influence over my
being. She tied the nettles with her tape, which she fixed under my
clothes round my waist, one bunch behind, the other in front, and
then she made me rise and walk. I walked after a fashion—a most
ridiculous one—which made Gertrude scream with delighted laughter.
The expression of my face she declared was beyond anything—at every
step I was mercilessly stung.
"Now, Julian, now, Lord Ladywood, pray, walk decently," and she
would give me a push with her parasol. "Come along, we shall be
late! Come—your Lordship has had too much champagne—you seem
intoxicated! Come, do walk properly! Give me your arm."
"How extraordinarily you walk, Julian," exclaimed Mademoiselle in
her serio-comic way as, a few minutes after, we met her in the hall,
looking in a puzzled manner first at me and then at Gertrude. "What
piece of folly have you been perpetrating now? Whatever can Lady
Alfred have done to you?" she remarked very gravely. "She surely has
not—no, it is impossible—why cannot you walk? You are not ruptured,
are you?"
Gertrude screamed with laughter and clapped her hands.
"Oh, Mademoiselle, I met this young lady, and we found some nettles,
and she defied me. I felt bound in honour not to let her defy me,
She lifted my skirts and shew my stung legs and the nettles.
"I deprived him of his drawers. If young men will openly defy a girl
and then wander alone where nettles grow—they may find their
defiance cost them dearly."
"Upon my word, Gertrude, you are too bad—you will have to extinguish
the fire you have lighted. The irritation will make him wild for
"I think I should be so without it," I exclaimed, throwing an
anxious look at Gertrude.
"Well," said Mademoiselle, "the luncheon bell has rung. Are you
going upstairs first?"
"Yes," I exclaimed.
"Are you?" said Gertrude, coyly. "Not without my leave."
"Then take him," rejoined Mademoiselle, "and remember, no more
fooling. I shall expect you both down in five minutes or you will
have an account to settle with me."
How happily and merrily the days passed.
Gertrude used to insist, cruel girl, on birching me, and then taking
me to ride with her.
I must not omit to state that Mademoiselle read me my father's
letter with great solemnity and formality, and folding it up, added:
"But you will remember that I intend to keep you in petticoats all
the same, Lord Lady-wood, so now kiss my hand; and recollect that
nothing will emancipate you."
As I grew older, and as the year waxed and waned, as Lammas came,
and we went to the Norfolk Broads for change, when we returned and
the year died in winter, I loved Mademoiselle more and more.
It had taken a long time to awaken to more than a transient
vibration any responsive chord on her part, but now at last a secret
sympathy was established between us.
I loved her in her autumn boating costume made of flannel, which by
its simple form set off and displayed her well-knit, robust figure
to great advantage.
I loved her in her winter costumes, when she drove with fleet horses
through the snow, galloping along the frost-bound roads in her
sleigh. And how well she looked in her skating dresses, the contours
of her graceful form outlined by the resistance of the air, by her
passage through it, her skates increasing her height, her short
skirts displaying her ankles, and the exercise itself compelling her
to use her legs as if they were legs—a thing women are remarkably
slow to do, considering the killing effect these limbs of theirs
And then the spring came—the spring, when one feels a new life
welling up.
The fact of my being Lord Ladywood made her more exigent, and
anything like insubordination or impudence she put down at once,
usually by a good sound birching, and by compelling me afterwards to
apologise for my disobedience by putting me under, and making me
kiss the lower parts of her beautiful body.
Sometimes, in the passages, I would catch Agnes or Maud, and take
liberties with them; and of course they birched and whipped me in
the schoolroom just as often as I did them.
I loved to feel their pretty legs. Pretty frightened fawns! How they
shuddered and reddened at a rude, invading hand upon their soft,
naked flesh, and yet how they liked it! Maud especially. Agnes was
not old enough to take more pleasure in this sort of frolic than any
child ordinarily does in being tickled.
Of course I was kept in petticoats the whole time. The influence did
not diminish by use. It was strange that it did not lost its force,
and grow stale by custom.
One May afternoon, we read the "Golden Legend." When I reached these
I have heard it said, that at Eastertide,
When buds are swelling on every side,
And the sap begins to move in the vine,
Then, in all cellars far and wide,
The oldest as well as the newest win
Begins to stir itself, and ferment
With a kind of revolt and discontent
At being so long in darkness pent,
And fain would burst from its sombre tun
To bask on the hill-side in the sun.
a panorama of my year of gynecocracy passed before my vision, and I
recalled with soft, voluptuous delight my "psychological lesson"—my
night with Mademoiselle.
I was sensible of my blood beginning to stir itself and ferment with
a kind of revolt at not having yet been infused into my sweet
governess' organisation.
I looked up as I read the lines, and I knew there was a tell-tale
tremor in my voice. Mademoiselle glanced up too, and our eyes met.
After dinner, Agnes, Beatrice, and myself squabbled in the twilight,
in the drawing room; and I believe Mademoiselle, who had been on the
lookout all the evening for something to seize on as an excuse, was
glad of it. With unusual promptitude she was down upon me at once.
I had so far forgotten myself as to slap Agnes' face. Agnes, and her
kittenish, apish ways, were especially tantalising.
"Bring me the punishment book at once, Julia," as soon as she heard
and saw the sharp little blow on Agnes' peachlike cheek. She spoke
sternly. "I cannot permit this insubordination. You are well aware
how I insist upon constant respect and abject submission to the
petticoat, even if you are wronged by it."
I looked ashamed, but said nothing.
I knew when she sent me for the book, that I should lose my evening,
and was much chagrined in consequence.
"As you have slapped Agnes' face, she shall birch your bottom at ten
o'clock in the schoolroom. You will then be sent to my room, where I
shall take certain measures with you, which will, perhaps, make you
regret your want of respect. In the meantime," she said, tearing out
a slip from the punishment book and folding it, "you are to take
this to Elise."
I trembled as I took the paper, and walked out of the room.
I went to my room and rang the bell twice, which would give Elise to
understand both that the signal was for her, and that she was
required to inflict chastisement.
I was aware that the servants would be going to supper about this
time, and that Elise would be very angry at being called away. I
debated with myself whether it would be safe to wait even ten
minutes. I, however, only succeeded in satisfying myself that
Mademoiselle's 386
sharp ears would be waiting to hear the bell for Elise, and that any
delay would involve me into fresh trouble.
So I rang and Elise came.
"Well, Miss Julia, what is it now?" she asked in a fury. "And I was
just going to my supper. What have you been doing now?"
I grew white and held out my paper for an answer. Elise opened and
read it.
"And so," said the lynx-eyed Elise, gazing gravely at me, "you are
to be birched by Miss Agnes and then to spend the night with
Mademoiselle as you did last year just at this time. What have you
"Oh! They were squabbling, and I smacked that pert Agnes' face."
"And so she is to birch your bottom." Elise looked at me and smacked
my face. "That's for bringing me away from my supper."
The smart made me lose my temper with the pretty maid.
"How dare you?" I cried. "That's not in the bill!"
"What do I care for that?" she retorted, and grasping me violently,
she pulled me down across her lap, turned up my petticoats, and as
she expressed it, warmed my bottom for me.
"That's not in the bill either," remarked Elise, as, satisfied at
last, she allowed me to get up, half sobbing and wholly burning;
"but it's a nice hors d'oeuvre to what Miss Agnes will do to you
this evening."
Elise then took me to the schoolroom where she placed me in the
stocks—two pieces of wood, heel to heel, and in a straight line at
right angles to my person, and a lid with two apertures for the
ankles was slid over my feet and locked. Then a cruel backboard was
strapped on
over an inordinately tightly laced corset, my hands or wrists were
fixed behind to its tail, and its collar set so high that my head
was thrown right back.
"There! That is how Mademoiselle wished you to be, but I remember
last year," and Elise produced a red petticoat of my governess,
which, having fastened at the waist band, she threw over my head.
"There! So you shall remain until it is time to birch you."
I cannot express my sensations. Mons. Priapus was terribly distended
by them; and my terror at being found in this state by my governess
and cousins amounted almost to utter self-annihilation. But what
could I do?
They arrived. Elise unfastened me. I was stiff. I had thought the
time would never pass.
I was led to the scaffold, held down, and had my bottom vigorously
birched by Agnes.
Afterwards, without much time for recovery, I was led to
Mademoiselle's bedroom, and by her direction made just as on the
former occasion, but without the preliminary ordeal, to get into her
She soon came and enveloped me with her warm thighs, giving me such
a squeezing that I can remember it until now, and making me kiss her
behind as well as in front. At length we both fell asleep; I, of
course, still between her lovely legs, in close contact with her
person. What a curious sphinxlike affair women possess at the front
lower end of their dear little bodies. What folds of flesh there
are. How deliciously they unfold. What sweet moisture they exude.
How they expand!
The morning had broken long before Elise came. Although still
confined a very close prisoner between my governess' naked limbs in
close proximity to the wet fountain of her being, the disordered
bedclothes enabled me to see the daylight in the closely curtained,
dimly lighted room. I could imagine the fresh morning air outside, I
saw pencils of sunlight, and I heard the song of the thrushes and
the blackbirds, and the soft sounds of the breeze amid the trees.
How delicious and voluptuous these morning hours are!
Elise presently entered with chocolate and cakes, drew the curtains,
let in the May morning and its fragrance, and again my dear
governess made me breakfast naked with her.
Elise had been dismissed. There were no hours to dread today under
her. She could not come betwixt the cup and the lip, and tear me
from Mademoiselle, upon whose form in its gossamer night robe I
She played with me, and love sick, I responded.
"Oh, Mademoiselle!" I exclaimed, as her taper fingers excited me
beyond myself. "Listen to my madness now. Incarnate, conceive; we
these days must end. Let us have a little one of our own. It can
never be what it would have been last year. My virgin freshness has
gone, and sorrow has replaced it. But let me, at any rate, unite
myself, before I am older, with this dear ruler of mine. Let us have
a little one of our very own to remember these days by—to personify
all my devotion, all my love of you!"
"Lord Ladywood!" she exclaimed, as I made good use of my fingers.
"How dare you?"
"Love is bold by right of love," I replied.
"And how do you know I love you?"
"Oh, Mademoiselle! How can I know otherwise?"
"This is a very impudent fellow," she answered evasively, playing
with him.
"Conquer his impudence," I rejoined.
She lay back and drew me on to her.
"My love, my love!" I exclaimed.
She resigned herself to my fury, and I possessed her—not Bacchus
docens, but this time of her own goodness.
I felt myself Mademoiselle and Mademoiselle me.
She loved me; her arms twined about my shoulders. Her passion
startled me. Her legs wound round my body. She pressed me further
into her.
"With all my heart!" she declared. "You have won! I will yield all
my heart! I will embrace, will conceive, will reproduce you—if I
I lay on her bosom. I felt myself inside her and felt the workings
of her mind and body upon mine.
I was entirely engulfed, in her beautiful body. She felt the
throbbing of my member, and its agitations were all understood and
appreciated by the corresponding organ of her own feminine
I proceeded to beget a child, worthy, I hoped, of her and of myself.
There would be some immortality in the result. These days at
Downlands and Mademoiselle's sweet influence on me would not be
lost. They would live in a child. The spirit now summoned would find
a home.
Throb! Throb! Throb!
"Oh, Julia! Oh, Lord Ladywood! Oh, my love, my love, my own love!"
And Mademoiselle yielded herself up to the soft ecstasy.
Oh, that May morning! What ecstasy was mine! What rapture! What
My majority was approaching, and I was already the father of a
beautiful girl, able in its infantine prattle to say, "Mam, mam, mam,"
to its own dear mamma, my Hortense. I confided to her the secret
between Beatrice and myself. She had wished to be the mother of a
child of love, not of marriage; and she promised to announce my
engagement to my parents. They could not be astonished at it; and
Mademoiselle told me I had made the wisest choice, notwithstanding
that she felt sure Beatrice would always insist on having the upper
My parents were pleased. I do not know whether I myself was or not.
But I had quite satisfied myself that love did not necessarily mean
marriage, indeed that marriage was a social necessity, probably
excluding love.
And Beatrice's ample thighs filled me with passion. I might do much
worse than be her husband.
One result of the engagement was a termination of my residence at
Downlands Hall. It was not considered proper for me to reside before
marriage in the same house with my bride select. Until engagement
was known it did not matter. When once it was I suppose it was
imagined I should seize the earliest opportunity of lying with her,
and of plucking my rose too soon.
When our engagement was formally acknowledged, what importance it
gave Beatrice! What airs of superiority she assumed!
"I took rooms in town and then went on to my father's where Beatrice
and Maud were invited.
Agnes and Mademoiselle came for the festivities to my coming of age,
and then the engagement was announced to the world. The marriage was
celebrated at St. George's, Hanover Square.
How queer I felt in trousers again and with what envy Beatrice eyed
My happiness with Mademoiselle made me impervious to all this,
I, of course, recollect my nervousness at the breakfast. I felt like
a slave and Beatrice evidently felt like my owner.
She, indeed, slapped my face in the carriage; and, sliding her hand
down in front of me, told me that that thing was hers now forever,
to use as she chose.
I did not object to being possessed by the magnificent girl into
which she had now grown.
But what had I promised? Or, rather, what had I not promised and
sworn in the most solemn mode! We had no sooner got well away from
Victoria on the road to Dover than she made me kneel down in the
carriage and kiss and do homage to Viscountess Ladywood.
What a deluge she gave me! She had her maid in another carriage, and
she informed me that in her overall were several birches.
"And you have no corset on, Julian. This freedom I shall not permit.
I believe in commencing at once. I shall birch you at night at the
'Lord Warden,' after supper; and tomorrow, underneath your coat and
trousers, you shall wear a chemise, corset, drawers, and stockings
of mine."
"Oh, Beatrice!" I exclaimed, clasping and kissing.
"Don't you miss your petticoats?" she enquired.
"Yes," I replied.
"Well, then, get under mine."
She held me there as we rushed through Kent, whilst she pretended to
amuse herself with a novel.
Her maid was a French girl, named Sophie—an intolerable termagant.
Of course my sense of possession of a woman gave me a certain
importance. Beatrice was mine, to the exclusion of everyone else;
and as I kissed her well-developed vulva, and tickled her large
clitoris, I was proud of my possession. But this was quickly knocked
out of me.
I did not exactly care about being treated as an absolute baby, and
as such Beatrice and Sophie between them treated me.
Will it be believed, that, on our very wedding night, Beatrice
locked me up in my dressing room, while she was being put to bed?
When once there, Sophie led me into my wife's room like a lamb to
the slaughter.
As Beatrice lay in all her finery, Sophie undressed me before her,
and put me to bed naked, not without a very careful examination and
display of me. Then she undressed and got into the same bed herself.
I loudly protested, whereupon Beatrice held me, while Sophie smacked
"If you think Mademoiselle's lessons are thrown away upon me you are
greatly mistaken," said Beatrice.
"I wish to have you all to myself. You are mine," I asserted.
"You are greatly in error," rejoined Beatrice, "you are mine. Lie
down. Now I can have this fellow," she asserted, grasping him, "and
Sophie 394
will see that I do have him. Put him in! I don't want any nonsense.
Sophie will see that you do it properly."
"Certainly, Milady," answered Sophie. "Now, Milord!"
Without any compunction this French damsel got her hand under me and
inserted me into Beatrice, to whom, impelled by Sophie's hand, I
gave too soon an evidence of passion if not of affection.
"It is all your own fault," I said, beyond myself.
"Fetch a birch, Sophie," directed my wife, holding me tightly with
her arms and legs.
Sophie, with very great alacrity, skipped off for a birch.
As soon as Beatrice saw her maid re-enter the room, she stretched
out her alabaster thighs and placed me between them, grasping me
vigorously with her hands, in a manner which obliged me to catch my
breath and to cry out. Being hauled about in this violent and
masterful mode convulsed my being to its foundations, and caused me
to tremble with delight.
Without explanation, request, or hesitation, she placed me against
her, and clasping me with her powerful limbs, she said peremptorily:
"Now, Julian, get in—right in."
She wriggled and pressed against me—pushed and pushed—so did I. She
was very tight, and the accomplishment of her desire occupied some
time, and necessitated considerable effort. She flushed violently
and her pulse very much quickened. She began to look love sick, her
eyes drooped and her lips grew moist, and opening slightly, shew her
perfect teeth.
"Come—come, Julian!"
The effect of all this upon me may be imagined. It very nearly
brought about the crisis before its time as on the first occasion. I
pushed and pushed. Beatrice seconded my efforts.
"There," said my wife, at length, "there, now I have him right up to
the hilt. Oh, how delightful! Now, do not slip! Now, Julian, now let
me know how you love me—now," biting my lips and casting down her
eyes, "now... fuck me!"
The word made me jump. Beatrice was so tight and grasped me so
closely, so like a close, tight kid glove, that I felt as if I were
in a vice—and although she kept up sufficient mechanical excitement
to prevent my instrument decreasing, yet the physical destroyed the
intellectual emotion, and I knew well as I drew a deep sigh, that
there was no hope of an orgasm being accomplished like this, and
very great danger before long of my shrinking out of her.
"Oh, oh!" exclaimed Beatrice, as Sophie stood beside us, an idle
spectator, with a birch in her hand, and with a very amused and
yearning expression upon her features, and as she and I gave
ourselves up to the throes of the love struggle: "Oh, I declare, I
can feel him at the mouth of my womb! Oh, Julian! Oh, Julian!" and
she bit and pressed my lips, and breathed stentoriously. "Oh,
Julian! Now!"
I contemplated her face. I drank in the love which flamed from her
eyes. I gazed at her neck.
My wife looked at me with astonishment and contempt.
"Indeed, you deserved the petticoats," she exclaimed.
"Sophie, uncover him, whip him, birch his bottom severely, until he
satisfies my desire, dastard bridegroom that he is! You shall catch
it for this, Julian!"
Sophie pulled the bedclothes right down, discovering me naked
between my wife's legs.
"Yes, Milady, I will birch him," said the pretty girl. "To be a log
between his bride's legs, Mon Dieu! I will make him feel."
Beatrice contracted her legs and arms, holding me more tightly.
Sophie raised her rod, made it whistle through the air, and it fell
with a terribly stinging blow upon my defenceless buttocks. I felt
it lessened my chance of success. But Beatrice announced her
determination of having the punishment continued until I complied
with her requirements. The birch had been well pickled and it hurt
confoundedly; I could not, however, get away from those strong legs.
Swish, swish, swish.
Sophie calmly scanned me all the time in my nakedness. She slipped
her hand behind and played with my testicles. Swish, swish, swish,
she then recommenced; I bounded up and down; so did Beatrice. "Oh!"
I exclaimed at length, and Beatrice's eyes flashed.
"Harder, Sophie!"
Sophie, with a calm smile, continued her study of my anatomy, and
the regular administration, slow and methodical, of her stripes,
which, delivered as they were by a well-balanced and elastic birch,
were very hard to bear.
Beatrice shut her mouth, and a curious smile overspread her face. I
am sure she wondered how long I should hold out. In her glance there
was a glimpse of unexpressed admiration.
Then she said, "Harder," and, needless to narrate, Sophie gladly
"Whip well in," directed my wife.
Sophie, changing her position, delivered the strokes more between my
I began to feel an unusual glow of warmth about my buttocks and
thighs. In front, too, there was a sensation of strength caused by
the increased flow of blood, attracted by the operation of the
birch, more than by erotic images which should have caused the blood
to flow in those regions in fuller streams.
Women are, indeed, very scientific in the matter. The birch is an
admirable substitute for passion; and I suppose it is this
connection with love functions that prevents a woman from ever
referring to or hearing a reference to the birch without blushing.
"Beatrice!" I murmured.
"You good-for-nothing block! What is the matter with you?"
I clasped her soft, fleshy form—warm and flowing with life—more
closely to me. I fell upon it in the enervation of love.
Beatrice made a signal to Sophie and the rod was suspended in the
air. I wished more ardently than I can express that I had been
covered and had not had to discharge this office naked under
Sophie's keen and curious eyes; but I was not covered, I was fully
displayed before her, and I knew she watched with eager attention my
quickly accumulating passion.
Beatrice gave little calls and cries of love.
"You good boy, Julian, after all! I can feel you increasing,
swelling inside me, filling me, gratifying all my longings. You good
boy! Oh, oh, oh!"
Then the sense of being possessed by a female came to me. It struck
me where I was, and, convulsed with passion, I injected into
under all the auspices of marriage, that warm infusion, that
germinating fluid, that essence of myself, which she claimed and
demanded as my wife.
Before the spasm had completed itself, Sophie put her cool little
hand on the cord of the instrument between my legs. The shock of the
touch fanned the dying embers again into a flame.
Beatrice was thoroughly satisfied.
"I felt you regularly inside me—in my womb, Julian. Nothing can
please a woman more."
Then she kissed me and permitted me to lie beside her. Sophie put
out the lights and jumped into bed; and indeed I was asleep almost
as soon as I was conscious that she had done so, for I was quite
We spent that day at Dover and the night at the same hotel, Beatrice
enjoying the freedom with me alone so much that she was quite
content that we should stay where we were; but on the following day
we went on to Paris on our way to Switzerland.
Beatrice appeared to be absolutely insatiable. Her passions, her
love, her lust, her appetites—what shall I name the fury that
possessed her?—distanced even Lady Alfred Ridlington's.
I had wondered, too, in the old days, whether, when we were married,
she would birch me as she did in them.
My speculations were very soon set at rest. Wherever we might happen
to be, in public or in private, if I transgressed, Beatrice would
inform me: "I shall birch you tonight, when we get in, Julian!"
How foolish it made me feel and look! I am sure the threat was
understood more than once. I saw women glancing intelligently and
sympathetically at the magnificent girl-woman, who was at once my
wife and my governess.
We had been a week or ten days in Paris when Maud arrived.
The sisters met with great glee and affection. Marriage evidently
appeared to them to be emancipation, to open the door to fun and
frolics without end, to justify all manner of escapades.
"How well, how beautiful you look, Beatrice!" exclaimed Maud, with
genuine admiration. "What health you are in! Married life evidently
agrees with you. And Julian," her eyes fell softly upon me, "he,
too, is well; but I can see he is in pretty strict subjection."
"Yes," rejoined Beatrice, "I keep him well under, and it does him
good. He knows what it is to have a wife who can use the birch. I
keep him in much better order than Mademoiselle did."
"Is he very often punished?" asked Maud changing colour.
"Oh, yes! Are you not, Julian? I keep you in a very tender state. He
particularly dislikes long drives because he has to sit so much."
"Is he so naughty?" asked Maud, seriously.
"A little difficult to manage, sometimes; and, by-the-bye, Maud, you
and I have a score to settle."
"Oh, not now, Bee!"
"Oh, yes! I have not forgotten the Apollo and his disobedience. Go
to my bedroom, Julian, and stay there until I come. We have nothing
to do this afternoon, and we shall have time, before the table-d'hote,
to amuse ourselves, and to take a walk too. You, Maud, will want to
change your dress and it will be a capital opportunity for punishing
you both, especially while the novelty of your arrival is upon you
both." 401
I knew very well by this time what being sent to Beatrice's bedroom
In these matters she always took the initiative.
If after a walk in the morning she had made a particularly good
lunch and had found some wine to her taste, I was sure afterwards to
be told to go to her bedroom.
The first time or so I was bewildered. I had done nothing to
displease her and did not know why I should be sent into retirement
in disgrace. I feared it was to be whipped. That, however, was not
her object.
I heard her short skirts and her quick step rustling along the
passage; she opened the door, shut, and locked it.
I was standing foolishly by the window, rather frightened and pale.
"Now, Julian," she said, in a strange excitement, her eyes flashing,
her hair loose, her movements quick, as though she were under the
influence of intense passion, "now, Julian, strip naked, you are to
amuse me—to please—and to fuck me, twice, thrice, as often as I
please. Be quick—off with all your clothes, Sir, every stitch of
them, and come here!"
She seated herself in an armchair—her skirts above her knees, which
had fallen widely apart.
"Get down there instantly, and kiss me, bite me, tickle me with your
tongue, until I am contented."
I was soon enveloped, naked, in her garments, and when I had excited
her to the highest pitch she sprang up, placed me down upon the sofa
roughly, and threw herself upon me.
Putting a cushion under me, she soon forced me far into her burning
flesh, and produced, by her delicious violence, the spasm of love.
I never knew at what moment I might be sent to her room. After
breakfast, after dinner, after a drive or walk, if she chanced to
see a scene, a picture, a book that excited her, off I was packed;
but it was always at her whim and pleasure. There was,
unfortunately, no reciprocity in the matter; the converse did not
hold true, as I discovered to my cost.
One evening when we came in and Beatrice was changing her gown, I
was under the influence of the glow of our walk and of her pretty
figure, which I had especially noticed; and I felt particularly
attracted towards her.
I had taken off her gown and boots—an office she always made me
perform and as I gazed at her bare arms and neck in her petticoat
bodice, still kneeling at her feet, I placed my hand on her leg
under her garments, and, softly pressing it, looked up into her
"Beatrice," I said tenderly, "please, will you permit me now?
Please, will you have me? Oh, I want you so much!"
"The idea!" she cried; and an angry flush at once mounted to her
forehead. "The idea! What impudence! What next?"
And without another word she smacked my face until my head sang, and
then pulled my ears.
"How dare you suggest such a thing to a lady? Don't you know you
must wait until you are asked? If you don't know, you shall learn."
She got up and rang for Sophie.
When that damsel entered the room, Beatrice told her that I had
attempted to assault her indecently and had adventured to make
improper overtures to her.
Sophie looked very serious indeed and said I must be severely
punished for my uncontrollable passion.
"What shall we do?" asked my lady. "If Milady pleases, I have a
"A what?" asked Beatrice.
"A little instrument to put here behind," explained the soubrette,
touching me as she held me.
"Capital! That will teach him! Do it now, Sophie, before me."
"I will go and get it," she answered.
"How do you like what is in store for you?" asked Beatrice, stately,
handsome, and smiling at my predicament.
"Oh, how hard you are to me, Beatrice! How you will disgrace me
before you, and by this maid, too!"
"Before you want to put things into me you should consider whether
it would be agreeable."
"I did ask."
"Yes, it is not for you to ask. It is for me. A quoi bon etre femme?
You are my toy; not I yours."
Sophie returned with a box, which she shew to Beatrice, who, taking
it, lifted out a great phallus.
"It is charged," observed Sophie.
I danced about the room.
Sophie came after me. "Come, Sir; come, Milord, I must take down
your trousers, you must be complaisant, you must be good—you must
suffer! Such impudence to Milady! Oh! You will find how a lady
punishes; how she can make you feel here—behind. You like to have
this in your jesse—in your what you call bottom. No? Oh, yes, you
will! It will do you good ever so. Anyhow, you must!"
Sophie took me by the shoulders to the bed and fastened the affair
outside her dress round her waist below her corset, and her gravity
and the instrument made between them cut such a ludicrous figure
that Beatrice laughed until the tears coursed down her cheeks.
Sophie, with a grim smile, unfastened and took down my trousers and
drawers and pushing me down on my face very roughly, inserted her
godemiche, whilst Beatrice walked over to the other side of the bed
and held me down by the shoulders.
Sophie then commenced a series of strong thrusts at me which hurt
badly and which overwhelmed me with shame and confusion. I groaned
and resisted but the lively French girl was too much for me;
slipping her hand round me to the front she grasped what she
declared to my lady was the source of all my trouble. I, at once,
spasmodically moved up and down and her persistent steady pressure
quickly accomplished her purpose.
She moved the mock penis to-and-fro as Mademoiselle had done the
candle. At length, at a nod from Beatrice, she gave it a squeeze and
I felt myself deluged internally with a warm flood, shot into me in
"There!" said Sophie. "There, Milord!"
I groaned, lay still, and hid my face.
"He is too ashamed," said Sophie. "He hides his face-he must face
his shame! Hold up your head, Milord!!"
Beatrice put her hand under my chin.
"Shall I do it again, while he lies in your lap?" asked Sophie.
Beatrice had been so much excited and was now in such a state of
erotism that she at once jumped at the idea.
I protested vigorously and uselessly. My protests merely emphasized
my degradation.
Beatrice returned to her armchair. I was placed between her legs.
Mons. Priapus was inserted into my wife and Sophie's phallus into my
rear. Beatrice was more tremendously excited than she had ever been
I never again ventured to make overtures of this sort to my wife.
But I was very frequently sent to her room. Other lady visitors or
fellow travellers, with that rapid feminine perception which amounts
to intuition, promptly understood my case, and congratulated
Beatrice upon my strict subjection to the petticoat. But to return
to Maud and myself.
There was nothing for it but to obey Bee's order and we all three
went to the bedroom, Maud covered with blushes.
Beatrice made me undress. I made some kind of protest—uselessly, of
"You have done it before to Maud, why this ridiculous affectation?"
Maud blushed.
"May I help him, Bee?"
"To be sure; and he shall help you."
"How queer it is," said Maud, "to take off a man's trousers! You
know he had a petticoat at Downlands that day."
"What difference can that make?" said Beatrice.
"Oh, it does!" said Maud, red and hot all over, as she took off my
clothes, slipping off my shirt and vest.
"Do you want him? I intend to make you ask for him, Maud."
"Oh, Bee!" she said.
"Yes, you know I do. Now, you'll please undress. Help her, Julian."
Of course I readily did so. She would keep me in countenance; and
besides, had she not stripped me?
She made some resistance and seemed more than once upon the point of
tears. When her petticoats had been removed and I was unlacing her
corset and about to take off her shoes and stockings, she said to
Beatrice: "I suppose you think it does not matter my being made to
have him, because—"
"Rubbish!" returned Beatrice quickly. "You know you have had him
already. I have heard the history of that stained bed quilt."
"Beatrice, it is too bad, your stripping me like this," said Maud,
trembling, as the corset was unfastened and the other articles
quickly followed.
Beatrice only smiled.
Maud's last garment—her chemise—was very soon slipped off over her
head, and there we both stood naked before Beatrice, who, being
herself dressed, made us the more sensible of our nakedness.
"You need not die, need not languish, Julian," remarked Beatrice.
"You have had her once and shall again. When I took you it was
understood that you were to be transferable."
"Oh, Beatrice—your husband!" exclaimed Maud.
"What of that? Now, Maud, do you not want him?"
She looked at me before she answered.
"Won't you ask him?" suggested Maud.
"Ask him!" replied Beatrice, with great disdain. "Certainly not. Why
on earth ask him? He is not his own, he is mine."
"Oh, indeed!" said Maud. "Yes, of course he is."
"Now, Maud, you knew what there was between Julian and me at
"Why, he had only been four or five days in the place! You don't
mean to tell me you were engaged then!" cried Maud, forgetting in
the heat of the discussion both her own and my nakedness.
"You knew," went on Beatrice, "what there was between Julian and me.
You knew there was love; and you took him, and," looking at Maud's
middle, "had him; and now you'll just ask for him!"
"Oh, Bee! But I don't care if I do! I am glad to have him on any
Maud made no more ado about it. With entrancing ravishing coyness,
very love sick and glancing at me, she requested Beatrice to permit
her husband to fuck her.
Beatrice insisted both upon this naughty word and upon my being
described as her husband. The feelings evoked in me may be surmised.
I became wild.
Maud, on Beatrice's assenting, took me by the wrist and led me to
the bed. She lay down, and drew me upon her white breasts and
ravishing form. We clasped each other with our arms. I kissed her
with enthusiasm. I complied with her desire.
Beatrice witnessed it.
"How dare you commit adultery under your wife's own eyes?" she asked
me angrily when she had given our passion a few moments in which to
I was stupefied. Had she not ordered me to do so?
She, however, fastened my feet to the iron foot of the bedstead,
soles uppermost, and whipped them cruelly for my committing
"Oh, Beatrice! Oh, how severe you are! Has he not had enough?" said
"No!" shouted Beatrice. "He can't drive much because of the
condition of his bottom; and he won't be able to walk much now
because of the state of his feet. Before my own eyes to—to—fuck you,
my sister!"
Lash, lash! Lash!
Beatrice worked herself into a perfect fury. When she had finished
beating me she tore her clothes off. I must acknowledge I was
weeping bitterly. 409
Maud looked at me with great concern, she saw what Beatrice
wanted—what I had just done to her. No doubt she wondered whether I
could satisfy my wife.
Beatrice lay down upon me in a perfect hurricane of passion, but I
was equal to the occasion, and to her delight fucked her violently.
She then put me on the bed face up and stood across me, while,
stooping over me and bending down, she inserted my member into her
pretty mouth.
"You have excited me to such an extent, that I must taste him—I must
eat him."
She tickled me violently with her tongue, while, with both her hands
on my testicles, she manipulated them.
I glued my mouth to her sweet clitoris and our inflammation produced
a spontaneous return to the natural posture, save that Beatrice was
The honeymoon was quite too delightful while it lasted and it
extended over a considerably longer period than a moon.
We returned to England in the autumn and went to a house which had
been purchased for us on the southern slope of Compden Hill—a
good-sized building, standing in about eleven acres of ground.
Beatrice had had a voice in its choice.
I had not known that these three girls were heiresses, but so they
were, and they had a couple of a hundred thousand pounds a piece, so
that Beatrice, in determining that I should marry her, had not done
me any wrong pecuniarily. We were not embarrassed, like some
unfortunates, in our domestic arrangements, and we had a properly
mounted establishment.
I am not going to enter into my political and social life. Later on
I stood at a by-election, and have been ever since in the House,
where I have ascertained that I am by no means remarkable for being
under my wife's thumb. Most of the legislators who are married, that
is, most of those whom I know anything of, are the same, and possess
what may be conventionally described as a "mortal dread" of their
better halves. I am not going to enter into all this. My history is
a secret one, and is concerned with our vie intime.
Maud remained with Beatrice for more reasons than one—the two girls
were fond of me, and Beatrice, I suppose, would have been lonely
alone, and Maud had to look out for her Duke or Marquis, or her
country gentleman with his thousands of acres, or her brewer, or
whatever eligible person she could find. It was well understood, to
my horror, that her marriage was not necessarily to be sanctified by
love; it was to receive only the blessing of Mammon.
The answer to my expostulations was one to which I had no rejoinder.
"Oh, what does it matter, Julian? I shall always have you to console
It was a matter of surprise to me that the consolations I had
administered to Maud, and the duties I had discharged towards
Beatrice, had not altered the figure of either of those ladies in
the very least. I pondered upon this. And after our return, when the
honeymoon and its fooleries ceased to a large extent by Beatrice's
commands, I found I was still expected to go to her room, whenever
she pleased, and to Maud's whenever she liked.
I thought I would employ my heavy House of Commons manner in trying
to make Beatrice understand the necessity of our having an heir, and
the danger Maud ran in these days of fierce competition in the
matrimonial and other markets, if it should chance to be discovered,
as it certainly would be, that a little stranger arrived via Maud
instead of via Beatrice, or that Maud had such wonderful subtle
sympathy for the sister that she, without any ostensible wherefore
in the shape of a man of her own, should produce a little stranger,
"You are an owl!" said Beatrice. "Go to my boudoir."
I went to her boudoir, although, upon my word, I wanted to go to my
In our travels we had passed twice through Paris, going and
returning. In Paris, Beatrice bought a thickish quarto album, with a
limp cover, and she made me collect all the photographs, prints,
sketches and drawings that were obtainable, in which were depicted,
with a rudeness and nudity which would have extended the reputation
of Pietro Aretino himself, the subjugation of the creature man to
his sovereign mistress; and she arranged and stuck them all in her
It was a collection rich and rare. One coloured drawing represented
a youth, in girl's clothes, tied to a whipping post, and being
flogged by his pretty mistress, whilst her maid held up his
garments. Mons. Priapus
appeared as large as life, with a very red head. It would be endless
to describe them all; this favourite one is typical of the rest.
I was always compelled to wear underneath my clothes Beatrice's
underclothing, long stockings and drawers, and a tight corset. I was
not permitted a valet. Beatrice's maid, Sophie, attended to my
toilette. This attire and this maid had a very subjugating effect,
but the effeminacy they invested me with, made me a complete dandy,
and I was the envy of many men whose wives were always twitting them
at being outshone by me.
The division-lists in the papers were a perpetual nuisance to me.
Beatrice always knew how I voted, and I had to vote as her ladyship
Once I failed to do so—only once, and she discovered it at
breakfast. That morning I had a particular engagement with my
broker, but I was not allowed to keep it. I may mention I am never
permitted to leave the house without her leave, but on that morning
she was deaf to all explanations, entreaties, or expostulations, and
she certainly looked most uncommonly beautiful.
"You disobeyed!" she exclaimed, with a look of thunder, and in
corresponding tones. "You disobeyed me! I do not care for Government
whips, or for any other whips; and I wonder that you should. I
should have expected you would care only for my birch. Go to my
bedroom at once and wait till I come."
Maud looked triumphant.
"I have promised to go to Old Bread Street, where I have a most
particular appointment with Messrs.—, and I am to see the Manager of
the Bank—."
"Go to my bedroom, do you hear?" she repeated, stamping her pretty
foot, the personification of pretty anger and of righteous
in her elegant morning gown, with roses at her throat. "You may well
look sheepish! I will make your bottom smart for you! Go!"
I went. I have described so many whippings, that I will not narrate
what occurred when she came.
Beatrice, I may mention, had a regular supply of birch obtained by
her through someone who once upon a time advertised in the Saint
James's Gazette. I think they came from Aberystwyth. More cruel,
more cutting, more stinging birches I never felt. They made me howl,
and she always pickled them first in her own urine.
Maud and my lady then went out to shop in their Victoria.
When they returned, she lashed me with her riding whip, making me
dance and scream with anguish.
"Oh, Beatrice!" exclaimed Maud, unable to sit still.
"Do what you like, Maud."
Maud took hold of me, sobbing and protesting as I was, put me on the
sofa underneath her, and administered some certainly very sweet
Beatrice frequently handed over my punishment to Maud; and Maud, on
the other hand, never scrupled to have me whipped by making a
request to Beatrice, whenever she had a complaint to make, or for
any occult reason of her own she wished to have me birched. Women
are very inventive.
One last instance of my subjection. I was ordered to go to
Beatrice's boudoir. I went.
When she came I was deprived of my trousers, waistcoat, and coat. My
petticoat-bodice even was removed, and my shirt, too.
She pointed to the ground in front of a low chair and I sat down on
the floor. Taking up the album of which I have given a description,
she whisked her skirts over my head, and sat down.
I-found she had removed her drawers; and while she amused herself, I
had to kiss her. For quite two hours she insisted upon being pleased
and amused thus. This is her construction of conjugal rights, and
the bondage is the most severe imaginable: there is no escape.
I saw Mademoiselle and Julia, my daughter, shortly after our return.
I am very proud of Julia, and so is her mother. She is a beautiful
and as fine a child as children of love usually are, and I have
settled ten thousand pounds upon her, which I did with huge
satisfaction, feeling that I thereby gave society and its
hypocrisies a nice slap in the face.
Mademoiselle did not condole with me though. She said she considered
my discipline very wholesome, and when I expressed a hope that I
should be some day emancipated and freed from the petticoat, with
Beatrice's assent she put me in the corner for three hours with my
hands tied behind me, my trousers down, and her red flannel
petticoat over my head. At the end of the three hours Beatrice
smacked me like a baby across her knee before Mademoiselle.
By this time I am resigned.
Ma femme est un animal
Qui tous les jours, bien ou mal
Et se deshabille.
The petticoat, as administered by Mademoiselle and then by Beatrice,
after all is said and done, I consider extremely beneficial.
A woman can make a man. In the first place she has the monopoly of
the making, for she alone can conceive and give birth to him, and in
the next place she can make him by discipline, by instilling her
common sense into him, and by keeping him rigidly under her thumb. I
do not believe that I should be what I am but for this education.
I confess—whether I shall be pitied for it or not—that I love my
bondage and I love my tyrant. She has developed me intellectually
and physically.
The physical compensations are so many and so great. There is a
wonderful luxuriousness and sensuality in being made to bow down
before a woman, and to perform her behests, which is not experienced
when one takes the initiative one's self.
My lady's stockings and drawers upon me give me, whenever I am
reminded that I wear them, an electrifying thrill through and
through. And as for the management of affairs, well, they are much
better managed by my wife than they could be by me.
Still there is something in me which assures me that man was made
for more than the petticoat. This world is woman's earth, and it is
petticoated all over. Theirs is the dominion, turn and twist the
as you will. Therefore, I conclude there must be some other world
where men will have a ruling part to play.
Still, I trust even there, it will not be without woman, her
influence, and the great mystery of sex.
Is this the reason why it is written that into a certain kingdom the
effeminate will not be admitted?
I wish the word defined. What is effeminate? Effeminacy cannot be
the product of wholesome discipline.
"Julian, writing still!" It is Beatrice's voice. "Go to my bedroom
at once, Sir!" I tremble and go. I must.
Julian Robinson, Viscount Ladywood