I have an incomplete transcription of the tiny ledger
book/diary. Please see the
PDF if you want to read
the entire contents.
A Social Lass, A Glass, A Ass (poem/toast)
John Harrolson (song)
A New Gold Field (bawdy joke)
A Letter closed with the white of an egg..
It's Up to You Girls (a poem about asses)

social lass. a glass a ass.
a social lass and a social glass
go mighty well together
but a social lass with a social ass.
to my mind is much better
so here's to the lass the glass and the ass,
may we find the three together,
Drink of the glass feel of the
and make the lass feel better

it is quite generally know that
the Confederate government was
troubled to considerable extent in
procuring salt-peter and nitre from
which to make gun powder, so it became
necessary that the following
advertisement be published in the
Selma Alabama Times in Oct.
The ladies of Selma are requested
to preserve the chamber-lye
collected on their premises for the
purpose of making nitre,
a barrel will be sent around daily
to collect, it for the Nitre and
Mining Bereau
John Hanesen
A Confederate officer. Who was
a great wag and somewhat of a
poet commented on this as
John Harroeson - John Haselson you are a funny creature
You have added a funny feature,
You've have us think that every man was borned to be a fighter
and the ladies bless the little dears should save their piss for nitre
John Harrolson - John Harrolson
Where did you get the notion,
to send your barrel around the town to gather up the lotion
We thought the girls had work enough in making shirts and kisses
But you have put the pretty dears to patriotic pissing.

John Harrolson John Harrolson
do prey invent a neater,
and somewhat more modest way of making your salt-peter
for tis a dreadful idea, gunpowdery and cranky,
That every time a lady lifts her skirt she shoots a bloody
It happened that the above lines got into the hands of a Federal office who knew a good thing when he saw it and bleaued [?] in pushing it along so he wrote what he called a federal view of it.
