Maledicta Vol. 11

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Volume 11

Maledicta Is Back! - Reinhold Aman
J'accuse! An Open Letter to Janet Reno - Reinhold Aman
You're Ugly, Your Dick Is Small, and Everybody Fucks Your Mother! The Stand-Up Comedian's Response to the Heckler - Andrew Conway
Door Whore and Other New Mexico Restaurant Slang - Benjamin Radford
Honky Chutzpah
The Sanitized Ending of William Faulkner's The Wild Palms Or, Fifty Years of No Shit
Charles Chappell
Mozart's Bizarre Verbal Behavior: A Case of Tourette Syndrome?
Rasmus Fog
Debunking Kennedy's "I Am a Jelly-Filled Doughnut"
Reinhold Aman
A Provençal Estribot
Joseph S. Salemi
Canonical Strictures against Swearing and Blaspheming
Joseph S. Salemi
Tok Nogut: An Introduction to Malediction in Papua New Guinea
Thomas H. Slone
What -ist Are You? A Guide to Common Prejudices
Reinhold Aman
Obscenity and Vulgarity in African Oral Folklore
J. Olowo Ojoade
Ham and Quim
Mario E. Teruggi
Nomen Est Omen
Reinhold Aman
Do You Like Aural? British Phone Sex Ads
Neil Crawford
Some Sorority and Fraternity Nicknames
Michael K. Smith and Gail Reaves
Swearing as a Function of Gender in the Language of Midwestern American College
Students: Who Does It More, What Do They Say, When and Where Do They
Do It, and Why Do They Do It?
Thomas E. Murray
Morphing, Early American Style
Parliament of Fowls on Dog River
Arthur McLean
Edited by Reinhold Aman




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