R-Certificate Song Book Vol. 2 (1969)Home |
Brent MacDonald and Willie Norman In keeping with our tradition of presenting to you the best possible selections of "Bawdry", utilizing the most sophisticated recording techniques available we have achieved a standard which we consider to be a new high — if the empty beer bottles in the studio are any indication. We have, on this album featured the all time great of Bawdry, "Eskimo Nell" which is attributed, so we are told, to Robert Service, with later additions by such literary luminaries as George Bernard Shaw and Noel Coward. In its original form, "Eskimo Nell" is a recitation and as such has no musical score. After many long sessions (in as many bars as possible) we arrived at what we consider to be an appropriate melody and arrangement. When asked why we tackled this particular lyrical masterpiece we can only parallel our motives to those of Sir Edmund Hilary in his conquest of Everest — it was there. The 'R' Certificate Record Co, since the departure of one of its members has taken into the fold, one, Willie Norman whose musical expertise is beyond reproach. With the addition to the pot of some more of Australia's top musicians, the 'R' Certificate Songbook Vol 2 is a musical stew to titillate the palate of the most discerning listener. Once again, many thanks must go to those who contributed their time and talents. To our engineer (and phantom flautist) John who missed his dinner every nite (and to his wife who didn't divorce him), to Joe McLaughlin for his incredible piano, to Julie Oliver for not laughing half-way through her lines, to Graham Davies for his trombone solo, to Dick Miller for turning up in a hurry and doing a great job, to Mike Anderson for not only bringing his whole drum kit but playing it as well; to Hamish Hughes for being himself (whoever that is) and to Marc Leon whose guitar solos saved me from ruining the record by doing them myself. SIDE (1) ESKIMO NELL. 9:58 It is our fond hope that, in this era of Women's
Liberation, this
presentation may enable Ms. Eskimo Nell to achieve well deserved
recognition as one of the true heroines of the Women's Liberation
Unfortunately the drawers themselves have been lost to
posterity, but
at least this song has survived to keep fresh the memory of these
legendary undergarments. 'NEATH THE SHADE OF THE OLD APPLE TREE. 0:51 A whimsical ode to the windfalls to be discovered under old apple trees. SIDE (2) GRANDFATHERS COCK. 3:49 A very old song about a very old man with a very big ...
. But perhaps
you should just listen to the record. There is probably a moral in here
somewhere about the wisdom of lending things to one's neighbours. THE LATRINE SONG. 3:38 Based melodically on a song that was very popular earlier
this century,
this version first appeared during the 2nd World War and enjoyed a
new burst of popularity in mess rooms and camps throughout the
English speaking world. Delightfully rendered by our resident
W.C. Attendants. THE KINGS CROSS HARLOTS BALL. 2:11 An extremely boastful set of lyrics, set to a very well known melody and given a traditionally 'Rorty' dixieland treatment. Not having been present at the actual function, we can't really deny the events recounted in this song did happen, but ". . . lined a hundred sheilas up against the wall ..." well, I ask you!!! LIFE PRESENTS A DISMAL PICTURE. 3:35 An epic of pessimism and misery. This selection conjures up some amazing pictures of the members of an obviously remarkable family (Including the most peculiar pair presenting the ditty). A MORE VULGAR MIND. 2:00 It is indeed fortunate that this L.P. has been produced
by people
such as we, possessed of discriminating, refined minds — it is easy
to see what could have happened had someone with a more vulgar
mind undertaken the task. BRENT MacDONALD: Electric and Acoustic
Guitars and Vocals. T Shirt from Mr.Tee Shirts
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