Songs of Pi Beta Phi

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Below is a two page untitled collection of Pi Beta Phi songs found in a 1946 copyright Pi Beta Phi songbook.  There were four pages of carbon copy and the original two pages of typescript in the collection. If you wish to verify the text below, please download the PDF of the scanned pages.


Speed thee my arrow,
Swift as the flying dove,
Haste thee to her a~farj
fell kar ij love.

Speed thee, ay arrow true,
My bon-ny white-wing*d dart,
Be thou my messenger
Stright to her heart.

mt pi phi girl

Hy PI Phi girl, t loveayow deed I do,

My PI Phi girl|

To the wear-era of the wine and blue

I'm loy-al and I'm truei

It seems to me that you're the best of

all fra-ter-nl-tles,

And I love you, yes in-deed I do—o—©—o*

My PI Phi girl— I 1©*» you...*


Remember the Pi Phi Arrow
The wine and the silver blue,
|«jy&lty and friendship ever
«.re waiting here for you.
Forget all the lappa a pleadings
The gleam of Tbet&'s kite,
When you chose the PI Phi »rrow
You'll know that you've chosen right.

You'll ne'er rsgret.

(The WS Anchor, will be too

The Theta kite will fly too

The Key of lappa, no locks

will open
But to your heart comes the
arrow of PI Phi )


Picture a girl, so young and fair,
Picture a girl with beauty r&re.
Pin a gold arrow on her heart,
«nd you'll have made a work of art.

Frame her in shades of wine and blue,
She*s sure to thrill the heart of you.
She's Just my Pi Phi Symphony
& ohallange to you and to me.

(hum and repeat chorus


Pi Phi lights a~new
The flame of friendship true
The Joy of having known you
Will last our whole life through.


PI Beta Phi to thee,
Our blest fra~ter-nl-ty,
We wave thy col-ors brave on high,
And fling them out a-cross the sky.
Now we our voices raise                         .' \ -

In an-them loud of praise;                      \V

Long let them ring,
Thewhile we sing--
Of dear Pi Beta Phi*


Pi Be-ta Phi took from the sky,
A bit of silver blue;
Now this is mine, With deep-est wine
of sweet car-n^-tion too./...

Each ray of sun-light and each drop of rain,

Seem to me like the gold and the pearls of my ar-row,

Until I die, Pi Beta Phi,...
My heart be-longs to you.....


XT Twr" !iwri he xri»,

If her col-ors are wine and blufl,

If her eyes—seem to shine like the arrow she wears

Waiter- ing for some-one like you,

Then your dreams can start-—

With the m^gic that dreams lm-part,..

For at last—You111 be cer-tain and sure that shefs

YOUR PIPhi Sweetheart.

(repeat and hum with solo)


The deep secret places of each Pi Phifs heart
Are pierced with ar-row gleams;

As the years come and go they may kA4p us a-part,
Yet the chain binds our hopes and our dreams.
The tears of a Pi Phi are pearls in the gold;
Soft sym-bols of love too great to be told;

Hope runs as quick and as warm as the wine;
Faith steals her blue from the heav-ins di-vine;
Strong long en-dur-ing,

And the blending of souls in-to har-mo-ny,
Is a Pi phi Sym-pho-ny.....





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