Below is the raw OCR for some miscellaneous songs collect by General Bowen.
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 (To the Tune of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again") When ARVN Comes Marching Home Again, hoorah, hoorah There'll be a lot of corruption then hoorah, hoorah The Nyugenfs are in and the HO's are out The peasants they will curse and shout and we111 all exchange P!s when the ARVN comes marching home When RF!s give up the ghost again, oh woe, oh woe The PF*s they will also go, oh woe, oh woe The PSDF's will tumble and shake The hamlet chiefs will also quake As eyes wonder, HWho the next will be" Perhaps the Russians or the Chinese will take control Perhap3 the generals in Saigon will play the role {' It!s you and me and DIEN BI3N PHU Perplexily watching the Saigon Zoo and THIEU or KI or MINfi or who When ARVN Gomes Marching Home««## (Sung to "God Bless America") Buddha bless Sai-go-on Buddha bless old HUE Bless Can-Tho Bless Dalat And the Man in palace today From old I Corps to the Delta to the Highlands Filled with !,yards,f Buddha bless them all And guard especially our own guards
c DMANG (Sung to Swanee) Danang How I love ya Hov I love ya My Dear Old Danang The Folks down south in Saigon don!t know The Folks up north in Hanoi no, no (I'm with ya) Danang, Pm a singing Ifm a plugging For all of I Corps VE!re soon to see results WE1re soon to bust our guts in helping you to help yourself Gang, Danang is the place 1 want to save in old I Corps The Folks up north, won't leave us alone So we cannot give up and go home SAIGON CITY SUE Tune: Sioux City Sue I met a gal in old Saigon I asked her what was new She said I think this morning They hold another coup I don!t know who they couped this time I surely don't know who The only thing I know for sure We has a little coup! 121
THE YELLOW ROSE OF SAIGON She's the Yellow Robe of Saigon And I think she banned the twist But she's a real cute, little dolly She1 s one I think I've missed You can talk about the President And about his brother Nhu But don't talk about my Yellow Rose If you know what's good for you. She's angry at the Buddhists And she hates the New York Times Because they always rib her And accuse her of awful crimes What's a little joke about cook-outs Or imported gaseline Why, that's mostly exaggeration She's really not that mean. Yes my little Rose of Saigon Is just a poor little refugee * Why she fled from Ho and Hanoi To make joke for you and me She's snowed General Maxwell Taylor And Ambassador Nolting too Got bright green light from JFK And three billion dollars too. So my Yellow Rose of Saigon Stays off of Tu Do street She doesn't go much for loving But at intrigue can't be beat I look for many changes When she meets with Mr. Lodge Cause its said that he's a sucker For eastern camouflage, (C0fJT»D ON NECT PAGE) 158
Yes my Little Rose of Saigon Is a veteran through and through She's careful with her money In case there is a Coup She's got to salvage something From this political enterprise Before the VC loose their fight And America gets wise. Now my Yellow Rose of Saigon Has left for the USA To be a UN observer In the good old fashion way You can-talk about the President And about her husband Nhu But don't talk about my Yellow Rose If you know what's good for you. WE ARE WINNING We are winning, this we know General Harkins tells us so/ Though in the Delta things are tough And in the highlands very rough, But the VC soon, will go, Mr. Cabot tells us so, If you doubt them, who are you McNamara says so too. 170
THE LONGEST YEAR There are boys of Special Forces There are lads from USOM too And the guys who fly the choppers And of course there1 s me and you. REFRAIN The longest year, the longest year You know damn well was spent right here, The longest year, the longest time That I have ever spent! It's gone on a whole lot longer Than we thought in '62. We'd-be home a whole lot sooner If it weren't for Madame Nhu„ REFRAIN We were working in liaison, Told them everything we do, And they put it in the papers Said that we had planned a coup, REFRAIN If they weren't out burning Buddhists Gr scaling pagoda walls They were finding ways to screw us 'Cause they had us by the neck, REFRAIN If you ever come to Saigon, Follow my instructions, kid - Buy a ticket onto Bangkok, You'll be very glad you did! (CONT*D HF NEXT PkGG!) 162
GHOST ADVISORS BY AND BY Some Yanks went out advising Down in Southern Vietnam. But the people they advised Didn't give a good Goddamn! The President and his family Were seating out a coup, And theT blamed the whole nschamozzlen On the likes of me and you! CHORUS Yipee aye yea! Yipee aye yea! Ghost advisors by and by Some Buddhists did a "slow burn11, Up in Hue and in Saigon* And you couldn't "watch the birdiestf Without dodging plastic bombs. The students, they got angry The government closed the schools And the "Times of Vietnam11 Called U. S. a bunch of fools} CHORUS These advisors were notorious For countering insurgency. They collected "Lessons Learned" For the Chief of "QUO VAN MY"\ They gathered tons of data, From the field in Vietnam (But down in Venezuela, It won1! be worth a damn!). CHORUS They worked for COMUSMACV And for the Chief of MAAG, Who told Bob McNamara That the war was "in the bag" That the Viet Cong were beaten In this brave "Diem-ocracy" (They didn't tell the insurgents: The omnipotent VCs!). (CONT»D ON NEXT PAGE) 164
Yes, in the steaming jungles And the plains of mud and rice, Infested with niosquitoes, Viet Cong and body lice, There went the good advisors And some "Greenie Beanies too, To save the little country For the likes of Madame Nhu! CHORUS They advised the Civil Guard And the valiant SDC They advised the Vietnamese In the land, air and sea And when the fights were over When the "body-count11 was in Our side lost a hundred And the VCs only ten! CHORUS They built Strategic Hamlets And they dispensed USOM aid. . They convinced the Montagnards That they really had it made! They defoliated jungles, And herbicided rice, As long as Mr. Ambassador Could afford the going price! CHORUS Then they headed for the airfield, Out at good old TAN SON NHUT, With boarding passes in their hands and CIBs to boot! "Little soldiers of misfortune" And, "Tools of the CIA" They waited for jet planes To touch them broad runway! (CONT'D ON NEXT rAGKN 165
CHORUS Now buddy, listen to them And hear what they've got to say They're gonna board that aircraft So don't get in their way They1!! "ZAP, you with their cross-bowe And their home-made rifles too Cause there ain!t seats enough on the aircraft For the likes of me and you. FINAL CHORUS Yipee-aye-yeah! Yipee-aye-yeah Ghost advisors by and by! 166
THE BALLAD OF CORDS (Designed to be sung to the tune of "Puff, the Magic Dragon11, or "The Wabash Cannon balln --if the latter, "The Ballad of the Co Van My" should precede "The Ballad of CORDS" You've heard about our warriors, in uniforms of green There's damned near half a million of our troops who!ve made the scene There's the Big Red One and the First Air Cav, and all those other hordes. But you've seldom heard a single word about the crea- ture known as CORDS Now CORDS, the world's nith wonder wonder, was born in merry May With a mightly roar of thunder on a sultry Saigon day And CORDS was nursed on nuoc mam and teethed on TNT Cause this poor bastard's parents were called OCO and MACV Komer and Westmoreland loved that rascal CORDS and knew they had to teach him to weld plowshares onto swords Now both CORDS' noble parents had fought for minds and hearts But CORDS set out to fight the war with view graph slides and charts Yes OCO had its RD teams and MACV the brigade But CORDS rushed into battle with its briefers on parade Uncle McNamara comes out from time to time To inspect the growing baby in the torrid tropic clime He listens to the briefings and reviews the cadre groups And if RD is lagging he just sends more combat troops The troops provide security so CORDS can pacify And require Saigon's bureaucracy to expand and multiply (CONT'D ON NEXT PAC^) 167
We once had several agencies to seek our common goals They had a common mission although each had different roles Then we unified the agencies, for RD was moving slow and civilians in the field marched forth neathe the flag of OCO But OCO died in labor when CORDS was born in May And CORDS is blessed with the MACV crest until the dying day, THE STREETS OF SAIGON As I walked down the Streets of Saigon As I walked down Le Loi one day I spied an ex-president all dressed in white linen All wrapped in white linen and cold as the clay. "I can see by your uniform that you're an advisor11. These words he said as I slowly walked by* nCome ait down beside me and bear my sad story, "I'm shot in the head and I'm sure to die. " ,fIt was once I ruled widely, once I ruled strongly" "And loved my sister or so they did say" MBut I kept my brother and so ruled wrongly" "For those Buddhists gone burning I know I must pay. " "Have sixteen dancers to carry my coffin "Have the girls down at the Tu Do sing a love song "Take me down Xa Loi, there lay the sod over me "Now that USIS has scorned me "I know Fve done wrong, " "Oh blow the piper slowly and beat the drums loudly "Play a slow twist as you carry my pail "Put Dalat roses all over nay coffin "To soften the tears of the press as they fail. "
REFRAIN The longest year, the longest year Was spent in Viet Nam right here The longest year, the longest time That I have ever spent! STRATEGIC HAMLET SONG Give me wire, lots of wire, under starry skies above, please fence me ina Wrap it round, wrap it round, wrap it all the way around, please fence me in I I!ve got the house and the fields, and the pump protected, felt secure till the CG defected! Give me more aid and I'll feel protected, please fence me in! Give me lemonade, bandaid, USOM aid, everything U.S. made. I asked for fertilizer, pig pens, bulgar wheat, and haven!t got it yet. So I!ll bark at the moon until they burn my fences. Stay in my hamlet till I lose my senses. Bury my shotgun cause Ifve got no defences, please fence rne in! 163
ALREEVADERCHER SAIGON Alreevadercher, Saigon We hope you win your war I'm looking for a job in Bangkok, I'm looking for a job in Hong Kong Ifm looking for a sinecure in Singapore. The Viet Cong steal our weapons The Viet Cong hold them tight Now theyfre raiding our strategic hamlets Now they're raiding our strategic hamlets Wonder where the BaO An and the Dan Ve are tonight The Bao An steal our chickens The Dan Ve steal our rice And the Hamlet Chief is selling bulgar With the GVN acting so vulgar Is it any wonder that the V. C, seem so nice. Where are the Special Forces They're not on our frontier They are beating up the nuns and bonzes They are beating up the nuns and bonzes That's the reason for the shooting that you can hear! They send us lots of Colonels With chickens on their necks They are working in coordination They are working in coordination They are making plans to win the war on top the Rex. ALREEVADERCHER, Saigon We hope you win your war I'm looking for a job in Bangkok, I'm looking for a job in Hong Kong I'm looking for a sinecure in Singapore. 188
I'VE STAYED TOO LONG (Tune: I Wonder Why) We don't need MAAG advisors We just take tranquilizers We've been here long enough to know. We don't need supervisors We don't need fertilizers We just need to get away from here. We've been down in the Delta Where we've sure had to swelta We just need to get away from here. We can really hardly wait To get through that airport gate We're not chicken, we're just all through. I hear VC, but there's no one there I find leaflets underneath my chair I've got hash marks on my underwear I've stayed too long, I've stayed too long. I count hamlets in my dreams at night Too much nuouc mam's spoiled my appetite I'm just one great big mosquito bite I guess I've lost the fight I've stayed too long. SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES They asked me how I knew my true love was true, I of course replied something here inside cannot be denied, They said some day you'll find all who love are blind but I smiled and said when your hearty on fire smoke gets in your eyes. So I chaffed and as I gaily laughed to think they could doubt my love yet today my love has flown away I am without my love. Now laughing friends deride tears I cannot hide When a lovely flame dies you must realize SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES. 19?
TWELVE DAYS IN RANCH HAND (Tune: Twelve Days of Christmas) On my first day in Ranch Hand, my foreman gave to me, A province he said to plumb tree, . . . second day... Two smoking engines. * . . . . third day. . . Three Goddamn lifts. . . . .. fourth day. .. Four runs through A shau. .. . . . fifth day.. . Five weeks at DaNang. . . • .. sixth day.. . Six slopes a1 sleeping. . . . . . seventh day. .. Seven Purple Hearts. .. . . . eighth day,.. Eight ship formation, . . . . . ninth day. .. Nine nozzles leaking. . . . . . tenth day. . . Ten clicks of rubber* . . . . . eleventh day. .. Eleven hist'by . 50fs. . . . . . twelfth day., . Twelve days to go. • . SPRAY ON, SPRAY ON HARVEST RICE (Tune: Shine on Harvest Moon) Spray on, spray on harvest .rice, go get that crop! People say that this is escalation, and it's really got to stop. Bertrand Russell says that this is not for you. So spray an, spray on harveBt rice, for Abie and Thieu, I'M A YOUNG RANCH HAND (Tune: Cowboy's I-ament or Streets of Laredo) I'm a young Ranch Hand, a rowdy young Ranch Hand I spray all the flowers until they do die. I spray in the valleys, I spray in the mountains I spray and I spray as long as I fly. I spray up at Hoi An, I spray in the Delta I spray the whole country to help the G. I. I spray it with blue and I spray it with orange Get my purple provider as I say good-bye. 212
WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE? Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing? Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago? Where have all the flowers gone? Sprayed by Ranch Hands every one. When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where have all the Ranch Hands gone-, long time passing? Where have all the Ranch Hands gone, long time ago? Where have all the Ranch Hands gone? Sprayed by . 50fs every one. When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where have all the . 50's gone, long time passing? Where have all the . 5Qfs gone, long time ago? Where have all the . 50fs gone? Sprayed by (fighter1 s call sign) every one. When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where have all the (fighter's call sign) gone, long time passing? Where have all the ( lf ) gone, long time ago? Where have all the ( M ) gone? Drunk with Ranch Hands every one. When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? BATTLE HYMN OF THE RANCH HANDS My eyes have seen the Ranch Hands as they start a spray on pass Dropping to low altitude as . 50fs come through the glass Theyfve got one hand on the throttle And the other on a bottle Of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Glory, Glory what a hell of a way to spray Glory, Glory what a hell of a way to spray Glory, Glory what a hell of a way to spray. And 1 hope to do it again another day. 213
BLOWING IN THE WIND How many hectares can a Ranch Hand spray, before it all blows away? And how much rubber can a Ranch Hand kill, before Unci© Sain has to nay? CHORUS The answer my friends is blowing in the wind, The answer is blowing in the wind. How many smokes can a Ranch Hand throw, before the fighters can strike? Ai.«d how m&ny hits can a Ranch Hand take, pretending it!s something he likes? CHORUS How much Mateus can a Ranch Hand drink, at the Da Nang Ranch-in? &Mi how many clubs can a Ranch Hand wreck, on only a bottle of gin? CHORUS JyOTH TEW SONG Ih Ziggy, Ziggy, fat little piggy, Blue Boar,, The F-4 is a fat whore without a bomb door* T -a engines to go, to see Uncle Ho, And a tanker to feed her when dry. Suck, suck, suck, J-!'.-/ MIC?gy, MIGgy, I'm a little piggy, Blue Boar, Vv! \i your belly up, you're a sitting duck, Oh shit! I missed* ITs back through the £iakf with you, on my back, Ard a seat that is covered with crap* Crap, crap, crap, See the missies come, you're a lousy bum, SAM site* !M«-..;e the burners light, we don't want to fight, Knock, Knock* Bat shit! II drop all the bombs, on North Vietnam, W> re going home empty tonight, Dump, Dump, Dump 214