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Eskimo Nell When a man rows old, & his balls grow cold And the tip of his prick turns blue, It bends in the middle like a 1 string fiddle He can tell you a tale or two. So pull up a chair, and stand me a drink And a tale to you I'll tell Of Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete, And a harlot called Eskimo Nell. When Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete Go forth in search of fun It's Dead-eye Dick that slings the prick And Mexican Pete the gun. When Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete Are sore, depressed and sad It's always a cunt that bears the brunt But the shooting ain't so bad. Now Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete Live down by Dead Man's Creek And such was their luck they'd had no fuck For nigh on half a week. Just a moose or two and a caribou, And a bison cow or so, And for Dead-eye Dick with his kingly prick This fucking was mighty slow. So do or dare this horny pair Set forth for the Rio Grande, Dead-eye Dick with his mighty prick And Pete with his gun in his hand. And as they blazed their noisy trail No man their path withstood, And many a bride, her husband's pride A pregnant widow stood. They reached the strand of the Rio Grande At the height of a blazing noon, And to slack their thirst and do their worst They sought Black Mike's Saloon. And as they pushed the great doors wide Both prick and gun flashed free. According to sex, you bleeding wrecks, You drink or fuck with me." They'd heard of Dead-eye Dick, From Maine to Panama So with scarcely worse than a muttered cur Those dagos sought the bar. The girls too knew his playful ways Down on the Rio Grande, And forty whores pulled down their drawer At Dead-eye Dick's command. They saw the fingers of Mexican Pete Itch on the trigger grip And they didn't wait, at fearful rate Those whores began to strip. Now Dead-eye Dick was breathing quick With lecherous snorts and grunts So forty arses were bared to view And likewise forty cunts. Now forty cunts and forty arses If you can use your wits, And if you're slick at arithmetic, Makes exactly eighty tits. Now eighty tits are a gladsome sight For a man with a raging stand It may be rare in Berkeley Square But not on the Rio Grande. Now Dead-eye Dick had fucked a few On the last preceding night, This he had done just to show his fun And to wet his appetite. His phallic limb was in fucking trim, As he backed and took a run He made a dart at the nearest tart And scored a hole in one. He bore her to the sandy floor And there he fucked her fine And though she grinned It put the wind up the other thirty-nine. When Dead-eye Dick lets loose his prick He's got no time to spare, For speed & length combined with strength He fairly singes hair. He made a dart at the next spare tart, When into that harlot's hell Strode a gentle maid who was unafraid, And her name it was Eskimo Nell. By this time Dick had got his prick Well into number two When Eskimo Nell let out a yell, She bawled to him, "Hey you." He gave a flick of his muscular prick And the girl flew over his head, And he wheeled about with an angry shout. His face and his prick were red. She glanced our hero up and down, His looks she seemed to decry, With utter scorn she glimpsed the horn That rose from his hairy thigh. She blew the smoke from her cigarette Over his steaming knob So utterly beat was Mexican Pete He failed to do his job. It was Eskimo Nell who broke the spell In accents clear and cool, "You cunt struck shrimp of a Yankee pimp. You call that thing a tool?" "If this here town can't take that down," She sneered to those cowering whores, "There's one little cunt can do the stunt, It's Eskimo Nell's, not yours." She stripped her garments one by one With an air of conscious pride And as she stood in her womanhood They saw the great divide. She seated herself on a table top Where someone had left his glass, With a twitch of her tits she crushed it to bits Between the cheeks of her arse. She flexed her knees with supple ease, And spread her legs apart, With a friendly nod to the mangy sod She gave him the cue to start. But Dead-eye Dick knew a trick or two, He meant to take his time, And a girl like this was fucking bliss So he played the pantomime. He flexed his arse hole to and fro And made his balls inflate Until they looked like granite knobs Up on a garden gate. He blew his anus inside out, His balls increased in size, His mighty prick grew twice as thick Till it almost reached his eyes. He polished it up with alcohol, And made it steaming hot To finish the job he sprinkled the knob With a cayenne pepperpot. Then neither did he take a run Nor did he take a leap, Nor did he stoop, but took a swoop And a steady forward creep. With piercing eye he took a sight Along his mighty tool, And the steady grin as he pushed it in Was calculatedly cool. Have you seen the giant pistons On the mighty C.P.R. With the driving force of a thousand horse. Well, you know what pistons are. Or you think you do. But you've yet to learn The ins and outs of the trick Of the work that's done on a non-stop run By a guy like Dead-eye Dick. But Eskimo Nell was no infidel, As good as whole harem With the strength of ten in her abdomen And the rock of ages between. Amid stops she could take the stream Like the flush of a watercloset, And she gripped his cock like a Yale Lock On the National Safe Deposit. But Dead-eye Dick could not come quick, He meant to conserve his powers, If he'd a mind he'd grind and grind For a couple of solid hours. Nell lay for a while with a subtle smile, The grip of her cunt grew keener, Squeezing her thigh she sucked him dry With the ease of a vacuum cleaner. She performed this trick in a way so slick As to set in complete defiance The basic cause and primary laws That govern sexual science. She calmly rode through the phallic code Which for years had stood the test, And the ancient rules of the classic schools In a second or two went West. And so my friends we come to the end Of copulation's classic The effect on Dick was sudden and quick And akin to an anesthetic. He fell to the floor, and knew no more His passions extinct and dead And he did not shout as his prick fell out Though 'twas stripped right down to a thread Then Mexican Pete jumped to his feet To avenge his pal's affront, With jarring jolt of his blue-nosed Colt He rammed it up her cunt. He rammed it up to the trigger grip And fired three times three But to his surprise she closed her eyes And smiled in ecstasy. She jumped to her feet with a smile so sweet "Bully", she said, "for you. Though I had guessed that was the best That you two poor cocks could do." "When next, my friend, that you intend To sally forth for fun Buy Dead-eye Dick a sugar stick And yourself an elephant gun. "I'm going back to the frozen North, Where the pricks are hard and strong. Back to the land of the frozen stand Where the nights are six months long. "It's hard as tin when they put it in In the land where spunk is spunk Not a trickling stream of lukewarm cream But a solid frozen chunk. "Back to the land where they understand What it means to fornicate, Where even the dead sleep two in a bed And the babies masturbate. "Back to the land of the grinding gland, Where the walrus plays with his prong, Where the polar bear wanks off in his lair That's where they'll sing this song. "They'll tell this tale on the Arctic Trail Where the nights are sixty below, Where it's so damn cold that the Johnnies are sold Wrapped up in a ball of snow. "In the valley of death with baited breath That's where they'll sing it too, Where the skeletons rattle in sexual battle, And the rotting corpses screw. "Back to the land where men are men, Terra Bellicum, And there I'll spend my worthy end For the North is calling: 'Come.'" So Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete Slunk out of the Rio Grande, Dead-eye Dick with his useless prick And Pete with no gun in his hand. .
When a man rows old, & his balls grow cold And the tip of his prick turns blue, It bends in the middle like a 1 string fiddle He can tell you a tale or two. So pull up a chair, and stand me a drink And a tale to you I'll tell Of Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete, And a harlot called Eskimo Nell. When Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete Go forth in search of fun It's Dead-eye Dick that slings the prick And Mexican Pete the gun. When Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete Are sore, depressed and sad It's always a cunt that bears the brunt But the shooting ain't so bad. Now Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete Live down by Dead Man's Creek And such was their luck they'd had no fuck For nigh on half a week. Just a moose or two and a caribou, And a bison cow or so, And for Dead-eye Dick with his kingly prick This fucking was mighty slow. So do or dare this horny pair Set forth for the Rio Grande, Dead-eye Dick with his mighty prick And Pete with his gun in his hand. And as they blazed their noisy trail No man their path withstood, And many a bride, her husband's pride A pregnant widow stood. They reached the strand of the Rio Grande At the height of a blazing noon, And to slack their thirst and do their worst They sought Black Mike's Saloon. And as they pushed the great doors wide Both prick and gun flashed free. According to sex, you bleeding wrecks, You drink or fuck with me." They'd heard of Dead-eye Dick, From Maine to Panama So with scarcely worse than a muttered cur Those dagos sought the bar. The girls too knew his playful ways Down on the Rio Grande, And forty whores pulled down their drawer At Dead-eye Dick's command. They saw the fingers of Mexican Pete Itch on the trigger grip And they didn't wait, at fearful rate Those whores began to strip. Now Dead-eye Dick was breathing quick With lecherous snorts and grunts So forty arses were bared to view And likewise forty cunts. Now forty cunts and forty arses If you can use your wits, And if you're slick at arithmetic, Makes exactly eighty tits. Now eighty tits are a gladsome sight For a man with a raging stand It may be rare in Berkeley Square But not on the Rio Grande. Now Dead-eye Dick had fucked a few On the last preceding night, This he had done just to show his fun And to wet his appetite. His phallic limb was in fucking trim, As he backed and took a run He made a dart at the nearest tart And scored a hole in one. He bore her to the sandy floor And there he fucked her fine And though she grinned It put the wind up the other thirty-nine. When Dead-eye Dick lets loose his prick He's got no time to spare, For speed & length combined with strength He fairly singes hair. He made a dart at the next spare tart, When into that harlot's hell Strode a gentle maid who was unafraid, And her name it was Eskimo Nell. By this time Dick had got his prick Well into number two When Eskimo Nell let out a yell, She bawled to him, "Hey you." He gave a flick of his muscular prick And the girl flew over his head, And he wheeled about with an angry shout. His face and his prick were red. She glanced our hero up and down, His looks she seemed to decry, With utter scorn she glimpsed the horn That rose from his hairy thigh. She blew the smoke from her cigarette Over his steaming knob So utterly beat was Mexican Pete He failed to do his job. It was Eskimo Nell who broke the spell In accents clear and cool, "You cunt struck shrimp of a Yankee pimp. You call that thing a tool?" "If this here town can't take that down," She sneered to those cowering whores, "There's one little cunt can do the stunt, It's Eskimo Nell's, not yours." She stripped her garments one by one With an air of conscious pride And as she stood in her womanhood They saw the great divide. She seated herself on a table top Where someone had left his glass, With a twitch of her tits she crushed it to bits Between the cheeks of her arse. She flexed her knees with supple ease, And spread her legs apart, With a friendly nod to the mangy sod She gave him the cue to start. But Dead-eye Dick knew a trick or two, He meant to take his time, And a girl like this was fucking bliss So he played the pantomime. He flexed his arse hole to and fro And made his balls inflate Until they looked like granite knobs Up on a garden gate. He blew his anus inside out, His balls increased in size, His mighty prick grew twice as thick Till it almost reached his eyes. He polished it up with alcohol, And made it steaming hot To finish the job he sprinkled the knob With a cayenne pepperpot. Then neither did he take a run Nor did he take a leap, Nor did he stoop, but took a swoop And a steady forward creep. With piercing eye he took a sight Along his mighty tool, And the steady grin as he pushed it in Was calculatedly cool. Have you seen the giant pistons On the mighty C.P.R. With the driving force of a thousand horse. Well, you know what pistons are. Or you think you do. But you've yet to learn The ins and outs of the trick Of the work that's done on a non-stop run By a guy like Dead-eye Dick. But Eskimo Nell was no infidel, As good as whole harem With the strength of ten in her abdomen And the rock of ages between. Amid stops she could take the stream Like the flush of a watercloset, And she gripped his cock like a Yale Lock On the National Safe Deposit. But Dead-eye Dick could not come quick, He meant to conserve his powers, If he'd a mind he'd grind and grind For a couple of solid hours. Nell lay for a while with a subtle smile, The grip of her cunt grew keener, Squeezing her thigh she sucked him dry With the ease of a vacuum cleaner. She performed this trick in a way so slick As to set in complete defiance The basic cause and primary laws That govern sexual science. She calmly rode through the phallic code Which for years had stood the test, And the ancient rules of the classic schools In a second or two went West. And so my friends we come to the end Of copulation's classic The effect on Dick was sudden and quick And akin to an anesthetic. He fell to the floor, and knew no more His passions extinct and dead And he did not shout as his prick fell out Though 'twas stripped right down to a thread Then Mexican Pete jumped to his feet To avenge his pal's affront, With jarring jolt of his blue-nosed Colt He rammed it up her cunt. He rammed it up to the trigger grip And fired three times three But to his surprise she closed her eyes And smiled in ecstasy. She jumped to her feet with a smile so sweet "Bully", she said, "for you. Though I had guessed that was the best That you two poor cocks could do." "When next, my friend, that you intend To sally forth for fun Buy Dead-eye Dick a sugar stick And yourself an elephant gun. "I'm going back to the frozen North, Where the pricks are hard and strong. Back to the land of the frozen stand Where the nights are six months long. "It's hard as tin when they put it in In the land where spunk is spunk Not a trickling stream of lukewarm cream But a solid frozen chunk. "Back to the land where they understand What it means to fornicate, Where even the dead sleep two in a bed And the babies masturbate. "Back to the land of the grinding gland, Where the walrus plays with his prong, Where the polar bear wanks off in his lair That's where they'll sing this song. "They'll tell this tale on the Arctic Trail Where the nights are sixty below, Where it's so damn cold that the Johnnies are sold Wrapped up in a ball of snow. "In the valley of death with baited breath That's where they'll sing it too, Where the skeletons rattle in sexual battle, And the rotting corpses screw. "Back to the land where men are men, Terra Bellicum, And there I'll spend my worthy end For the North is calling: 'Come.'" So Dead-eye Dick and Mexican Pete Slunk out of the Rio Grande, Dead-eye Dick with his useless prick And Pete with no gun in his hand.
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