Satan's Angels

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Son of Satan's Angels 

You can't make a fighter pilot believe that there's a better way than his of getting a job done. It's not that he's bull-headed or obstinate or anything like that; he just believes in himself. That's the way he feels about every subject from the best way to mix a drink to how to run the war. I can hear it now along the bar in the O'Club at good ol' Ubon Rachitani. . .

I'm a Son of Satan's Angels and I fly the F-4D
All the way from the Hanoi Railroad Bridge to the DMZ
I'm one of old Hoot Gibson's boys and mean as I can be
I'm a Son of Satan's Angels and I fly the F-4D

There ain't a triple-A gunner up there that's anywhere near my class
'Cause I'm as mad as I can be and I'm in for one more pass
He hosed me down one time too much and that one is his last
I look back at where he was; hey, man, ain't that a gas!

I'm a Son of Satan's Angels and I fly the F-4D
All the way from the Hanoi Railroad Bridge to the DMZ
I'm one of old Hoot Gibson's boys and mean as I can be
I'm a Son of Satan's Angels and I fly the F-4D

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............... for the rest of the lyrics ..............

Copyright © 1969 Dick Jonas. All rights reserved.
Words and music: Dick Jonas; Enchantment Music/BMI

Copyright © 2001-2020 by The Jack Horntip CollectionConditions of Use.