Thud Pilot

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Thud Pilot  

The Phantom was not the only jet fighter with a piece of the action in that fracas--although, you'd never know it by listening to a bunch of Phantom pilots. There was the F-105 Thunderchief most of us called it a Thud; but, never with an ounce of disrespect. There's enough pure, raw courage in one Thud pilot to make heroes out of an entire bomber squadron. I've watched those F-105 drivers baby that monstrous bucket of bolts into places the Devil himself wouldn't go. [snipped]

I'm a Thud pilot, I love my plane
It is my body, I am its brain

My Thunderchief loves me, and I love her, too
But I get the creeps, with only one seat
And one engine, too

She's faster than lightnin' it says on her dials
To get a Thud airborne takes only two miles
She's packed with transistors, black boxes, diodes

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............... for the rest of the lyrics ..............

Copyright © 1969 Dick Jonas. All rights reserved.
Words and music: Dick Jonas; Enchantment Music/BMI

Copyright © 2001-2020 by The Jack Horntip CollectionConditions of Use.