The MIG-21

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The MiG-21  

Then, there's the MIG-21. Man, what an airplane! Beautiful. Graceful. And fast. The guys who fly them are fighter pilots, too.  That oughtta tell you something right away. The Wolfpack 's got a lot of respect for MiG-21s. . .

Now, a MiG-21 is a great airplane so the Phantom pilots say
And I don't think we can doubt their word — they go up there every day
Long and sleek and fast and high, it's a dang mighty fine machine
You can take the word of an F-4 jock, a MiG-21 is mean

But so is a Phantom; ugly,but big and powerful
— and faster than greased lightnin'

There's a lot to be said for the guys who fly the MiG-21s up North
And I don't reckon they make very much, but every dime they're paid, they're worth
I mean, how much guts does it take to jump a force of 24 Thuds
That's covered by a CAP of F-4Ds and eight MiG-hungry studs

Yep, those MiG drivers are pretty sharp; but not very smart;
I mean, they gotta be outta their ever-lovin' mind to tangle with a Phantom

Take it from a guy that's been up North and had at a MiG or two
That's a good way to end your tour right now, I'm here and I'm telling you
He's at 10 o'clock high and going to eight and next at your deep six
And your eyeballs are going like mad; little man, you're in a fix

.................... Buy the songbook ..................
............... for the rest of the lyrics ..............

Copyright © 1969 Dick Jonas. All rights reserved.
Words and music: Dick Jonas; Enchantment Music/BMI

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