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ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΦΥΤΕΙΑ [Anthropophyteia]: Jahrbuch für folkloristische Erhebungen und Forschungen, zur Entwicklungs-geschichte der geschlechtlichen Moral. 1904-1913. Friedrich S. KRAUSS, ed. Leipzig. 10 vols., 4to, with 9 supplementary volumes of "Beiwerke." Outstanding yearbook of erotic folklore (in continuation of Krauss's yearbook of folklore, Am Urquell, "From the Fountainhead"), with contributions on all languages except English. Publication prohibited after volume 10 by German government, on complaint by the folklore bibliographer Johannes Bolte, but continued with the "Beiwerke" until stopped again by the Nazis, twenty years later, for the Krauss-Satow volumes on Japanese erotic life. Compare: Kryptádia and Maledicta.